We Didn't See It Coming Part 24

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Noelle looked forward to him picking her up every time she had to go somewhere. There was something about Sid that made her forget about Baron. She wondered if it was because he showed her so much attention.

Sid filled two crystal with ice and poured tea into them. He added a small salad to their plates. He brought her favorite salad dressing-Italian. They also had potato chips to munch on.

"Lunch is delicious," she said as she took a sip of the tea. Her eyes sparkled as she glared into his eyes.

"My pleasure."

Sid watched as Noelle ate her food; she thought he looked cute in his work cap.

"Do you ever take that hat off?"

The limo driver realized that he still had his black work cap on. He took it off to show off his freshly cut hair. "I wear it so much I forget it's on my head."

Noelle smiled. "You look good without it."

Sid felt that she was flirting with him, so he flirted back. "Anyone ever told you that you have sweet-looking lips?"

Noelle touched her lips and blushed. She lowered her head as her cheeks turned rosy. "Never."

"I think you do."

"Well, all I can say is thanks."

When they finished eating, Sid gathered up the picnic items. Noelle tried to help.

"Stay seated. I'll clean this up." He hurried to gather everything while Noelle watched as he put the items into the limo.

Sid sat back down next to her. "It's so pretty on your family's land."

"Yes, I always loved the crystal blue waters. You can see it from everywhere," Noelle said, but became excited and stood up. "Look!" She pointed to a group of ducks flapping their wings in a small pond.

Sid jumped up to get a clear view of the ducks. But he became distracted when he spotted a group of sailboats. "I've got an idea," he said excitedly. "We can go for a ride out on the boat. I drove your father many times out on the lake in his boat when he just wanted to sit back and relax."

"Father must have really liked you. I never knew him to let anyone sail for him." Noelle smiled, feeling a connection with Sid through her father.

"How about it? I can take you for a spin out on the lake."

Noelle agreed. It had been a long time since she had taken a boat ride. "I don't know where Father's keys are."

Sid smiled. "It's a secret, but he gave me a key. He told me I could take it out; all I had to do was ask him beforehand, but I never did. I didn't want to take advantage of him. I enjoyed when we went out on the boat together. Mr. Houston took me fis.h.i.+ng with him several times."

Noelle felt good hearing something positive about her father. She saw that Sid enjoyed her father's company.

"We'll go out on the boat later. I have a few runs to make for Mr. Chavis, then I'll be back."

They packed up and left.

Sid made his way back just as it got dark. He drove up in front of the Houston Villa. Noelle came out.

"Are you ready for the boat ride?"

"You want to go out now?" she asked.

"If you're scared to go out on the water at night, we can wait and go during the day."

"I'm not, but I thought maybe you'd be too tired from work. We can do it another time."

Sid wanted her company. "The water is what I need. Let's go," he said, knowing the soothing water was where he felt he could be at ease and open with her.

"Give me a minute to change," she said, still in her dress.

Noelle changed into a white shorts set; Sid sported a khaki shorts set. Her eyes wandered to the bulge in his pants and, immediately, she felt a warm, tingling sensation between her legs. Suddenly, Sid grabbed her by the hand, distracting her from the s.e.xual tension that was mounting inside her.

They chatted as they drove to the boat. Once they arrived, he fired up the engine and sailed away as the stars twinkled in the sky. Noelle thought that it was so romantic, and she hoped that Sid felt the same way that she did.

"It's lovely out here at night."

"The deep orange moon among the stars is breathtaking," Noelle said as she looked up at the sky.

"Are you thirsty? There are drinks in the fridge."

Noelle went and got a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. She saw it was fully stocked with drinks, fruits, and cold cuts.

She went back to confront him. "I think this is what took you so long to come back. You were preparing the boat for our sail."

"Oh yeah?" He smiled. "We even have good old bologna sandwiches and chips."

"What am I going to do with you?" she asked as she felt loved and protected by Sid's caring ways.

"All I ask is for your company whenever you can spare time."

Sid drove over to a far end of the lake where there were no homes. He docked the boat and turned on some soft music. He reached out and asked, "Miss Houston, would you care to dance?"

Noelle, without hesitation, went to him. Sid put his arms around her and they danced until the music stopped. He looked into her eyes. Noelle looked back at him. She was attracted to him, and she wasn't going to be the way she was with Baron-sitting around waiting to see when he was going to make a move.

She put her arms around Sid. "Please, don't push me away again."

"Not this time. I feel we have gotten to know each other in our own way."

Noelle smiled as she locked lips with him. His lips felt soothing to her and she thrust her tongue into his mouth.

Sid took what she had to give him and in return, tongued her back.

Noelle stepped back. She pulled her top over her head, messing up her hair. She sported a white, laced bra.

Unhooking her bra from behind, she exposed a set of b.r.e.a.s.t.s the size of coconuts. He admired the abundance.

Noelle pulled down her shorts to expose her white, lace panties, then she reached up and removed his s.h.i.+rt.

He touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she unclothed him.

Noelle ran her fingers down his chest, a chest rippled with muscles. She pulled him by the hand to follow her off the boat.

Sid drooled over her curvy hips as they made their way over to an oak tree.

They felt the warm night air against their bodies.

Noelle turned around, swung her arms around him, and kissed him again with all her might. "Love me," she whispered. "Show me what making love is all about."

"This is your first time?"

"I'm afraid so," she said embarra.s.sed. "But I'm ready as ever to become a true woman."

She slipped her panties off; Sid followed, stepping out of his boxers. His erect, protruding manhood caught her attention. Noelle got down on the ground, resting her back on the green gra.s.s.

Sid got down on his knees and crawled on top of her, letting his groin rub against her.

Noelle longed to have a man touched her forbidden zone. Moisture built up between her legs and she reached for his manhood, nervous, yet, longing for him to enter her.

"Hold up, baby." Sid ran and got a condom out of the boat. He came back and put it on.

"I know you know what this is."

"Of course I do. Men use it to keep a girl from getting pregnant."

"Yeah, that's one reason."

Sid lay back on top of her and pushed his hardened groin inside her. He stroked her gently, letting her first time be of comfort.

Noelle let out a loud moaned that echoed into the midnight air.

He kissed her with pa.s.sion and licked her like she was a lollipop.

She felt tingling sensations in her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Sid pressed all the way down on her. He held her arms above her head.

Noelle kept her lips locked to his to keep from screaming. The pleasure of his body outweighed the pain.

Sid knew how to drive and she enjoyed the ride. Their body heat created pools of moisture from their intense pa.s.sion. Noelle came for the first time. Her body felt rejuvenated. All her worries dissipated into the night air. He kissed her on the nipple and lay next to her.

"How was it for you?" he asked, hoping that she was floating like a boat on smooth flowing waters.

"I can't explain in words. But I do know I want you to take me again before we leave here."

"Only if you tell me I'm the only man you'll let have you."

She gazed lovingly, longingly into his eyes. Her heart palpitated. "You have my promise."

Sid let out a sigh of relief, happy that she felt a connection to him greater than a friend. He reached over, kissed her, and took a broken stick lying on the gra.s.s and gently tickled her. She was turned on again.

Noelle cried into the night as Sid tossed the stick away and gave her his own stick.

"I didn't know what I've been missing."

"That's okay; I'll help you catch up on lost time," he said willingly, in hopes that he would be good enough to be a longtime partner with the Houston girl. It was not her fortune that he was attracted to; her beauty, innocence, and s.e.xual being turned him on.

Sid drove himself into her with all his power. Noelle screamed his name, "Sid!"

In return, he screamed her name, "Noelle!" They released their ecstasy and rested on the gra.s.s. "We can stay here as long as you want," he said as he held her.

"I wish we could stay here forever. It's so peaceful here."

"Who knows, maybe you and I will become one. Man and wife one day," he said wishfully.

Noelle smiled. "I believe our future is meant to be together."

They kissed and talked a little while. Sid drove the boat back to the Houston Estate. He took her home and again kissed her goodnight. "See you tomorrow. I love you," he blurted.

"I love you, too," Noelle said joyfully, realizing since she couldn't have Baron, he was the type of man she had waited for all her life.

Noelle got out of the limo and watched him drive off. She ran into the house and took a shower. She cleansed her body, but hated she had to wash away the fresh smell of Sid's body odor from her flesh. Sadness came over her because she wondered, would her mother have been accepting of her newfound love? Father would, no doubt, disown me. Her mind wondered back to Sid and a smile quickly returned to her face. It was the pa.s.sionate love that she had encountered that gave her a sense of peace.

Chapter 24.

Kenley made her way over to the Houston Estate for the day. She hoped that Aniyah would let her in, but if Aniyah didn't, she would go to Plan B-the secret pa.s.sage.

The driver helped take her shopping bags, which were filled with decorations, out of the limo. She was as ready as ever to get things prepared for her sixteenth birthday celebration.

They carried the bags to the front door. She rang the bell several times before Aniyah finally came and opened it.

"Oh h.e.l.l no, not you again," Aniyah called as she blocked the doorway.

"I need to get these things into the house."

Aniyah noticed the shopping bags in their hands. "Take your stuff and get out of here."

"I'm planning my sweet sixteen pool party. I'm having it here. It's traditional in my family. These are some of the things I need for my party."

"Get real; you're not having a bunch of spoiled, rich brats up in here."

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We Didn't See It Coming Part 24 summary

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