We Didn't See It Coming Part 27

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Aniyah made a call back to her contact. "What's going on? There's no one here."

"Be patient. He's on his way. This is a big deal. So don't mess this up. This could be the start of a booming business for you."

Aniyah giggled as she kicked off her red pumps. "I'll have that sucker's tongue hanging out of his mouth. He'll be begging me to be his forever."

She hung up and made her way over to a radio and flicked it on. She went into the bathroom and removed her dress, ready to greet her client in a red sheer bra and panty set.

The footsteps of someone entering the room alerted her that her client had arrived. Aniyah opened the door to see a man with a shaved head and a thick mustache on his face. His weight was that of a linebacker. Something about his face looked very familiar to her.

"You finally made it," she said, puzzled, but in hopes his eyes burned from looking at her curves.

Aniyah stared into his eyes. Right away she recalled the hazel eyes. "Danny!" she screamed as she reached for her purse on the desk, forgetting about her dress and shoes. She tried to rush past him to the door, but his huge framed blocked her.

"It's been a long time."

Danny s.n.a.t.c.hed her belongings out of her hand, attempting to throw them back on the desk, but they landed on the floor instead.

Aniyah's eyes watered. "Please let me leave."

"When I say so."

Squeezing her in his arms, Danny landed a kissed on her lips. Aniyah tried to push him off but he was too strong. He pulled her by the arm and shoved her onto the bed. "You're here to give me services. Handle your business."

"I thought you were someone with some d.a.m.n money."

Danny pulled a roll of bills out of his pocket. "Does this look like tissue paper to you?"

"Who did you con out of their money?" Aniyah asked as she tried to get up, but he still held her down. She struggled with him as he reached to pull her panties off.

Danny punched her in the face. Her left cheek stung from the blow.

"You still don't understand you're supposed to please the client," he said.

Aniyah begged, "Don't do this, Danny. You replaced me with another girl. Why are you bothering me?"

"I hired you for the night. Haven't you learned yet to never cancel a client in the middle of working with him?"

"I changed my mind."

"Too late." He laughed as he unfastened his belt buckle and removed his pants.

"I thought you meant good back then. You made me leave my home to go to Georgia with you just to use me."

"I didn't make you do a d.a.m.n thing you didn't want to. You know you love you some Danny." He laughed louder.

He lay down on her. Aniyah punched him in the back numerous times. Danny had enough of her so he grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked it. She screamed, so he forced his tongue in her mouth to silence her.

Aniyah bit him on the lip. He felt the pain and he slugged her across the face again. She cried in pain.

Danny s.n.a.t.c.hed off her bra and squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s until she felt excruciating pain.

"It hurts!"

"Shut the h.e.l.l up and I'll stop."

Aniyah quieted down as tears drowned her face. Danny released her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He spread her legs apart and entered her.

"You used to love it," he whispered in her ear as he worked his muscle inside her.

Aniyah wondered how his six-pack had turned into a potbelly. Danny began to suck on her neck.

She wondered if the money in his pocket was meant to pay her for her deeds. Aniyah decided to play him for a sucker, please him, empty his money roll, and then pa.s.s him off to one of her new young girls when she hired them to work for her escort business.

Pressing her lips hard against his, she worked her body right along with his.

"I knew you wouldn't give this good loving up."

"You're right. You're the client. I aim to please," Aniyah said as she counted the dollars in her head that he would pay her.

As much as Aniyah tried to not enjoy it, she felt the pa.s.sion she had for Danny all over again.

She rested on the pillow, sweat rolling down her neck as she watched Danny get out of bed. He picked up his underwear and put them on, followed by his pants.

"I'm out of here," Danny said as he tossed his s.h.i.+rt on.

Aniyah sat up on the bed. "Where's my money?"

"Money! Girl, you get nothing from me. I'm not paying for something that already belongs to me."

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, give me my money," she shouted as she ran over to him and beat on his chest.

Danny lifted her up as if she were a pencil. He slammed her against the wall. Aniyah trembled.

"I know you don't need money. I've read about the fortune you came into. You owe me commission on that money. I'll be in touch in a few days. Just get ready because I'll be moving into the big house with you. I have to clean up some unfinished business in Georgia. I'll be back as soon as I can. So make room for me."

Danny put her down. Aniyah stayed put as she stood against the wall like a statue. She wanted to get out of the room alive.

Danny smothered her lips with a kiss and disappeared out of the room.

Aniyah hurried and put on her clothes. She called her contact and yelled, "Thanks for that bulls.h.i.+t client." She hung up right away.

Back to another bar she went, drowning her sorrows with rum. She sniffed the smell of Danny's cologne coming from her neck so she took a napkin off the counter and wiped her neck off.

She carried on a conversation with a man sitting at the bar with her. He flashed a few hundred dollars in her face. After too many drinks, she took the strange man to the estate with her.

Chapter 27.

Milandra and Noelle entertained their male friends with a game of Yahtzee while Kenley watched them play. In the middle of the game Milandra got out of her seat. "Let's go," she ordered.

"Where?" Noelle asked.

"To the estate," Milandra said.

"Let's just play the game," Noelle said.

"It's not a good idea for you and your sisters to go over there," Nolan said, putting his two cents in.

"We need to show this Rosie girl we're no pushover sisters," Milandra said as she sat back down to rejoin the game.

Kenley agreed. "I have a few words for her."

"Just because we carry ourselves as graceful ladies doesn't mean we're weak," Milandra acknowledged.

"The girl is crazy. You see what she did to her own aunt. She'll think nothing of bringing harm to us," Noelle said.

"She can't tackle the three of us," Kenley said.

"I agree with Nolan, let it go. Let the police handle it," Sid said.

Milandra backed down. Kenley, bored from their game playing, went upstairs to her room to watch television.

An hour later, her sisters escorted their male friends to the door.

Nolan placed a peck on Milandra's cheek, but Noelle wasn't ashamed to give Sid a kiss on the lips in front of her sister. They waved goodbye to them and went back in the house.

"We've met some wonderful gentlemen," Noelle said.

"Yes, they are so attentive to us. They are such great friends," Milandra said.

"I don't know about you, but I'm in love with Sid. I think you love Nolan, but are too scared to show it. You don't want to admit we've found love from the common man."

"They are not men Father would approve of us marrying."

"Milandra, Father wasn't planning on accepting any man for us-rich or poor," Noelle said as she started to unb.u.t.ton her blouse to get ready for bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for bed."

"Call for a car; we're going to the estate."

"I thought we agreed we weren't going over there. She's probably already been picked up by the police."

"You recalled she wasn't home earlier. They might wait to pick her up tomorrow."

"I don't think they work that way. I'm sure the police are still waiting at the estate for her."

"Please, let's just go and see because if she's there, I want to confront her. I can't go to bed without venting my thoughts to her. Go on; call for a ride. I'll get Kenley," Milandra said.

Noelle made arrangements for a limo to come right away. Milandra went upstairs and brought Kenley back down with her. They locked the house and went to the estate.

No signs of a police car were on the property. Word was left at the security desk to call them when Aniyah arrived home. The house was dark with no sign of life in it. Milandra rang the bell several times but got no answer.

Kenley suggested she go through the secret pa.s.sage. She hurried and made it into the main floor of the house to open the front door for her sisters. Aniyah hadn't come home yet. The women sat in the kitchen until they heard her come in. Kenley secretly took a knife out of the drawer and kept it by her side.

Aniyah walked into the house staggering. She and her male friend were all over each other. She steadily kissed him, not hearing the sisters walk into the foyer where they were.

Her male friend noticed them and jumped. "We have company," he said as he adjusted his pants.

Aniyah turned to them. "What the h.e.l.l are you broads doing in my house?"

The sisters smelled the odor of liquor.

"Correction, wh.o.r.e," Kenley said, "this is the home of a Houston, which you're not."

"Go upstairs and wait for me," Aniyah ordered her guest.

Kenley stepped in front of the staircase. "Go home!"

"I suggest you do, Sir," Milandra said. "No need for you to get in any trouble for a s.l.u.t."

"All you tramps get out of my house!" Aniyah yelled.

The stranger saw this was about to escalate into a catfight that might involve the intervention of law enforcement. He was on parole and wanted no part of that.

"Call me-" He patted Aniyah on the behind. "-when things cool down." He dashed out the door.

"Is this about me not letting you in here earlier? So you go running to get your sisters to back you up?" Aniyah asked as she focused on Kenley. "They don't scare me. So get out," she yelled as she held open the door.

Milandra walked up closer to Aniyah. She yelled, "You're despicable. To let my father believe that you were his child and make him do the honorable thing by leaving you in his will is pretty low, I must say."

"How many times do I have to repeat myself-I'm his daughter!" Aniyah shouted.

"The h.e.l.l you are," Noelle said.

Kenley laughed. "Tessa! Does that name mean anything to you?"

Aniyah tried to make her way up the stairs but Kenley blocked her by stretching her arms out.

"Girl, you want to get your little a.s.s whipped? Get out of my way," Aniyah said as she put her finger in Kenley's face.

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We Didn't See It Coming Part 27 summary

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