We Didn't See It Coming Part 8

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The cab driver pulled off, but peeped at her every so often. He tried to figure out what nationality she was. "So, what are you?"

Aniyah had heard those words so many times. "Black-Mexican."

"Girl, if I can make a baby girl as pretty as you, I'm going to find me a Mexican girl to have s.e.x with."

She laughed. "Go for it, but make sure you can take care of it."

"Done deal," the driver said.

The cab driver drove about twenty minutes. He pulled up to a large house in a subdivision, not secluded and gated like the Houston Estate. A wide porch accentuated the front of the house. The only light Aniyah saw lit in the house was in one room on the second floor.

"Boyfriend got a little cash, I see," the driver teased.

"Shut up and take this money." Aniyah paid the driver ten dollars; the amount shown on the meter.

"Do you need a pickup or you and your boyfriend plan to handle things all night long?"

"I'll tell you what, if he doesn't work out, who knows, I might call on you," Aniyah teased.

"I'll be the best baby daddy." He grinned, hoping things didn't work out for her.

Aniyah got out and slammed the door. She stepped onto the porch. A few chairs lined the porch. She rang the doorbell.

Baron, about to step into the shower, stepped back at the sound of the bell. Leaving the shower water running, he grabbed a royal blue bathrobe and tied it around his waist.

As Baron made his way downstairs, he wondered if his receptionist was at the door with some important doc.u.ments to sign that he may have overlooked at the office. He flicked two switches and the inside foyer and outside lights came on.

Aniyah stood in bright lights, as if the sun was rising instead of setting.

Baron opened the door. The screened door separated them. Startled, he asked, "What are you doing here? How did you find out where I lived?"

"Thanks to the telephone book." She laughed.

He looked past her. He saw no parked car. "How did you get here?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not like my sisters. I don't have free limousine services. I took a cab."

"No you didn't," he said, looking out the door to see if any neighbors had noticed the goings-on at his house. "Where's the cab, Aniyah? Get back in it and go home. Be ready for tomorrow."

"Cab is gone. No way to get home." She smiled. "Let me in." She pulled on the doork.n.o.b.

"What's the number? I'll call you another one?"

"h.e.l.l no! Let me in, or would you rather I scream rape?"

He unlocked the door reluctantly. He could see that she was ready to give her lungs some exercise.

"Thank you," she said as she entered the house. "Wow! Beautiful!"

Aniyah loved the daintiness of his home. Everything looked like the background on a soap opera.

"Girl, what do you want?"

"Tonight, I want you." She moved closer to him.

Baron backed away. He remembered the shower was still running.

"Stay right here." He ran up the stairs.

Everything is happening right on time. She kicked off her shoes and rushed up the stairs, following his lead through the master bedroom to the master bath.

Baron leaned over and turned the water off. He turned around and came face to face with her. He jumped. "Aniyah. Girl, you're adding difficulty to my life."

"I'm bringing spice to your life," she said as she shook her body.

He went to walk around her but she blocked his way. She slipped off her skirt to let it fall. Baron was faced with the natural tan of her body. Moving fast, she pulled the tie of his bathrobe. It flung open.

"I love coffee," she said as she stroked his chest.

He flung his head back as he tried to come up with an excuse as to why it was okay for him to have another s.e.xual encounter with her. The rum from the other night was no longer an excuse he could get by with.

Too weakened by her touch, he grabbed the back of her hair and brought her closer to him to feel her heartbeat. He kissed her and his lips traveled her body. Aniyah moaned. She gradually reached over into the shower and turned the water back on.

Pulling him by the hand, Aniyah led him in. She took a bottle of body wash and lathered her hands with it. In return, he did the same. Together they ma.s.saged each other's bodies with the lather. They let the sprinkling water wash the suds away.

Baron took her into his arms, kissing her. He pushed her against the wall and there he made pa.s.sionate love to her. As always, in his mind he thought, forgive me, Tessa.

Aniyah turned the water off as Baron reached for a towel. He handed it to her.

"So, when are you going to give me that made-up picture of Noelle and me?"

Instead of drying herself off, she towel dried his back. "When I become Mrs. Chavis."

"Mrs. Chavis! No marriage for me."

Aniyah took the towel and patted him in the front.

"You will." She laughed. "But first thing's first: I must find out about my fortune. I'll even share some of it with you. How do you like that?"

"I'm not worried about any fortune. I want the picture you took. Anyway, whatever Rupert left for you, the Houstons will fight you on it; especially Milandra."

Aniyah confronted him: "That is where you come in. You'll make sure they don't or everyone will find out about you and your women. They'll think we planned all this together."

"So that's what this is all about."

Baron s.n.a.t.c.hed the towel from her. He left out the bathroom and put on a pair of pajama shorts. "There's the phone, call a cab." He pointed and jumped in the bed.

Aniyah found her way in the bed and under the covers. She tickled his manhood. Baron pushed her away. She jumped on top of him. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s dangled in his face.

Aniyah would be hard to get out of his house without putting up a big fuss. He had already milked the cow so why not go for more milk? Reaching up at her, he found himself locked in her arms.

The next morning, Baron woke up while Aniyah still slept. He checked the clock, eight o'clock.

"Aniyah, wake up. We're going to be late. h.e.l.l, I'm going to be late."

"Good morning," she said as if she were his wife.

"I have to be at the office at nine o'clock. The Houstons are prompt."

"What about me? I have to be there, too. You'll drive me."

"I can't drive you. Me, drive Rupert Houston's illegitimate daughter to the reading of his will? Are you out of your mind?"

"How else will I get there?"

Baron knew about the time it took for a cab to arrive, and to take her home to get a change of clothing, she would be late for the reading. "Here's the deal: I'll drive you there under one circ.u.mstance. You have to kneel down so no one sees you. When we get to the office, you'll get out and go in first. It will appear that you were waiting on me to come in."

Aniyah grinned, for she had gotten her way again. She put back on the outfit that she had worn to the funeral. Baron got dressed.

He led her to the garage. She lay down in the backseat and off they went to his office.

Arriving, he parked in his usual parking spot. He looked around to see the limo hadn't yet brought the Houstons.

Out of the car, he opened the back pa.s.senger door on the driver's side and stood in front of the door while Aniyah crawled out. She squatted down and walked around the car, pa.s.sing two cars before she stood up again and went inside.

The attorney entered the office building a few minutes after her. "Good morning, Sara. The Houstons haven't arrived yet?"

"No, but there's an Aniyah Sanchez here," Sara said, pointing toward her. "Miss Sanchez says she's here for the reading of the will."

"Good morning, Miss Sanchez," he said as he shook her hand.

"Nice meeting you again." Aniyah smiled.

"Sara, please escort Miss Sanchez to the meeting room."

Aniyah stood up, pulling down on her skirt that had risen up to almost expose her private parts. She followed Sara down the hall.

Baron went to the left to his office. He pulled out the Houstons' file, and then Sara buzzed him.

"They are here. Do you wish for me to direct them to the meeting room?"

"No. Send them into my office," he replied.

Chapter 12.

The sisters strolled into Baron's office from the oldest to the youngest. Kenley purposely dragged far behind them. Inside her bag, she carried an iPod that she wanted to listen to and tune out all of the family's business.

Baron smelled the different fragrances that the two older sisters wore. "Come in and have a seat."

Milandra sat in the closest seat to his desk. He pulled two more chairs up for Noelle and Kenley. Not too far away was another chair for their surprise guest.

Noelle tried to be discreet in making eye contact with him, but Baron now played his business role of Attorney Chavis. He showed no signs of looking into her eyes.

This is why Noelle was falling in love with him. Baron reminded her so much of her father, so professional. He was also a man who showed so much attention to her family. He would make a great family man to his own family.

He sat behind his desk and opened the file. He clenched his hands together, leaning back in his leather executive chair.

"Something has come up," he said softly.

"Excuse me," Milandra said, leaning forward to clearly hear what he had said. "Speak up, Mr. Chavis." She saw the flushed look in his face. He kept his eyes on the file. There was trouble in the will. "Speak up," Milandra repeated.

"Please, Mr. Chavis, hurry up so I can get out of here," Kenley pleaded.

"Mr. Chavis, whatever it is, just tell us," Noelle said.

He spoke up loud and clear. "Something has come up," he repeated.

"Just tell us," Noelle said.

"It's that fourth daughter the news was talking about. It's true," he said.

"Who is she?" Kenley was excited as she rambled on at the mouth. "How old is she?" She forgot all about leaving. This was the kind of gossip she heard about from some of her friends about their fathers.

"Be quiet, Kenley. And you, Mr. Chavis, control your mouth on tabloid lies," Milandra said.

"It wasn't in the tabloids; it was on the news," Kenley corrected her.

"It's the same thing," Milandra insisted.

"I'm sorry, Milandra, it's the truth. You have a sister you knew nothing of," he said.

"I knew in my heart it was true. Maybe lots of bad things written in the paper about Father were the truth and we knew nothing about it," Kenley said.

Milandra went over and slapped her across the face. "Don't ever disrespect Father. He has given us his heart and soul!" she yelled.

Noelle pulled Milandra by the elbow, urging her to go back to her seat. Kenley sat crying.

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We Didn't See It Coming Part 8 summary

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