Concealed. Part 12

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What was it about this man that made her feel so alive?

"Luke was trying to make me feel better." She was surprised to feel a stirring of anger toward Wade, but she did. The image of Tara kissing him flashed into her mind. So much so, she wanted to check for lipstick on his cheek.

"You want to talk about the other day?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said dismissively as she stared over his shoulder refusing to meet his eye.

"Sure you do. If you didn't, you wouldn't be so angry with me right now."

With a shrug she said, "I have my secrets, and you have yours. Why don't we leave it at that?"

"You don't care you saw someone kissing me?"

"Not particularly." What a lie. Probably one of the biggest she'd ever told, but there it was. For a second she thought Wade would call her on it, but he stayed quiet and tried to control his temper.

"I was coming to the diner to see you. To talk to you." When Sydney rolled her eyes, he dropped his voice to a whisper. "I didn't want to kiss her. I don't want anything to do with her."

Something about his confession broke through her jealousy and comforted her. He did care about her, and most importantly, about what she thought about him.

"Why not?" Sydney bit her lip, knowing she was baiting him but unable to stop herself. It wasn't fair to either of them, since she was leaving in a few hours, but he didn't know that yet. This could be the last time she laid eyes on Wade and she was tempted to make this encounter something to remember. And fortunately, Wade seemed inclined to oblige.

Without another word between them, he pressed her against the cold tile wall as he kissed her, the heat from his body deliciously enveloping her. His tongue stroked hers aggressively as he took control, and Sydney was happy to yield to him. She wanted someone else to be in charge for a change. She was tired of being the one to take care of everything. In this moment, she gave herself to him completely in the only way she could: with her kiss.

If she could have, she would have stayed locked together with him, forever.

"You're under my skin, Sydney," he murmured against her lips. "I think about you all the time. It's crazy what you do to me." She could feel the rock hard evidence of that grinding against her hip as his hand crept under her s.h.i.+rt. Thoughts of rolling around in her bed with this man electrified her. "You're the only woman I want." She clung to him and returned his attention with an aggressive side that she didn't know she possessed.

Together, they made the rest of the world melt away and all Sydney could think about was Wade and how wonderful he made her feel. Their kiss had a tempo that would grow to a frenzied pace, then ebb into gentle pecks that were just as arousing before starting to build again. Their hands explored one another, the thought of someone walking in on them exciting Sydney even more. Soon her head was spinning and she broke away, gasping for air.

"What are we doing?" she asked, her chest heaving as she looked into his eyes. He was struggling for control, the fire still burning behind his eyes.

"I have no idea. I never lose control like this, ever." He ran his hands up and down her arms when she s.h.i.+vered. Her emotions were all over the place, so she lowered her head to his chest, hiding her face.


He held her for a while and didn't say a word. The silence gave her time to think and remember that this was it. This was her goodbye. Her bags were packed, she was leaving Elton. After tonight she'd never see him again. She reached up on her tiptoes and gave him a gentle peck on the lips. "You're an amazing man, Wade Jenkins. One I could easily see myself falling for." The confession was the least she could do. She couldn't even think about walking away without leaving some part of herself with him.

"I have something to ask you."

Here it comes, Sydney thought. Her bubble of happiness was going to be shattered all because of a question. One that she wouldn't be able to answer no matter how much she wanted to.

"How's Faith?"

Had he pushed and interrogated her, she would have gone on the offensive, but the way he spoke with kindness and somehow knew where her heart was, never ceased to amaze her.

"She's fine. Back at school." Sydney's words trailed off. "Oh my G.o.d, look at the time!" With lightning speed she grabbed her purse and keys and ran for the back door. She was almost ten minutes late to pick Faith up. Add in the drive time and she was going to get there twenty minutes later than she should have. She was fumbling with her phone to call the school as she shoved her way past Wade. "I have to get her."

"Sydney," Wade's sharp command had no effect on her as she threw open the door and ran to her car. She knew she looked like a lunatic but she'd never been late. Images of Faith sitting alone on the sidewalk flooded her head, the repercussions of her being left alone enough to make her vomit.

With trembling hands, she tried to jam her key into the lock with little success. She paused long enough to take a deep breath and gently slide the key into the door, springing it to life. Once she was behind the wheel she braved a look in Wade's direction. He was storming toward her car, with a frown on his face. There wasn't time for an argument, so she started the car only to hear a faint clicking noise that repeated every time she turned the key.

"No, no, no," she whispered hitting the steering wheel as she tried the ignition again and again but it remained silent. Irrational panic overtook her at the thought of not being able to get to Faith.

"Get out of the car." Wade loomed outside her window with an irritated scowl. "Your alternator is dead." When she refused to budge and futilely turned the key again, Wade wrenched open the door and stuck his face right next to hers. "You might not want to trust me with your secrets, but I can d.a.m.n well drive you to school to pick up your daughter. Now let's go before you snap your key in half. Faith is waiting."

She focused all her fury on Wade. It was all because of him that she had been distracted. Again. He made her lose track of time with his kisses and attention. She shoved him in the chest to get him out of her way then slammed her door shut. Sydney didn't acknowledge him at all as she stormed toward his cruiser and climbed inside. When he didn't hurry, she laid on his horn which caused the windows of the diner to fill with curious faces.

Without a word, Wade climbed into the seat beside her and, unlike her car, his roared to life. Rocks kicked up behind his vehicle as he sped out of the parking lot and onto the road. At least five minutes pa.s.sed before either of them spoke.

"I'm sorry." The words slipped out as Sydney watched the mailboxes fly past her window one by one. She hated that he saw her so desperate.

"She's fine." Wade glanced over at her, but his cold expression didn't change.

"That's not the point," Sydney snapped.

"And since you won't tell me what the point is, I'll just shut up and drive." Even as furious as he was, he still tossed his phone over to her.

"Thanks," Sydney said softly and quickly dialed the school. She was relieved to hear Faith was in the office, waiting for her. The had just called the diner and Pete told them she was on her way so Faith was helping make some copies for the following day at school.

A day Faith wouldn't ever get to see because they'd be long gone, if only her stupid car would start.

Could this day get any worse?

She pushed that thought from her mind as the school came into view. Wade had made it there in record time. If Sydney wasn't so mad, she would have kissed him. But kissing him was what had put them in this situation. He had barely stopped the car when she hopped out the door and took off running for the office.

"Ms. Ross." Faith's teacher met her in the hallway outside the office where other parents were retrieving their children. "Faith's inside with Miss Anna."

The secretary gave her a warm smile as she walked through the door. Faith was neatly arranging a stack of pink papers on the worktable.

"Mommy! Look what I made."

"She's a great helper." Miss Anna smiled and gave Faith a warm hug. Tears burned in her eyes and Sydney had to look away. Elton was a very special place, full of special people that she couldn't bear to leave. But she had to.

"Hi, Wade!" Faith surprised Sydney by grabbing his hand and pulling him into a hug. "Did you come with Mommy to pick me up?"

The scowl that had been on his face minutes ago was replaced by a radiant smile. One that was so genuine it made Sydney's heart thunder against her chest. "You bet I did."

"Good, because I missed you."

He gently tugged on one of her pigtails. "I missed you too, princess." When she threw open her arms, he scooped her up and slung her backpack over his shoulder. "Let's get you home."

The sight of them together was too sweet for words. The big, brooding Wade was tamed by the curly-haired little girl. To say she had him wrapped around her finger wasn't an exaggeration. Sydney followed behind them, entranced. While Faith chatted on and on about school, Wade smiled and nodded asking questions as if it was the most interesting thing he'd heard all day. His kindness overwhelmed Sydney. Even though he was furious with her and she was beyond irritated with him, he still went out of his way to be kind to Faith.

"Thanks," Sydney said as she reached past him to buckle her daughter into the backseat. When she stepped back, Wade was still standing there, watching her with a strange look on his face.

"You don't have to keep thanking me. I want to help. Why is that so hard for you to believe, Sydney?"

"I have trouble trusting people."

Wade gave a sarcastic laugh. "I never would have guessed." He opened her door but caught her arm when she tried to slip inside. "We need to talk."

"I know." Sydney didn't dare look at him, afraid of what he might see in her eyes.

"Good, because this time you're not hiding from me. Now let's get you two home."

AT THE HOUSE, FAITH disappeared inside, anxious to get back to her latest building project. Armed with another roll of tape and some construction paper she grabbed an apple and headed upstairs, leaving Sydney alone with Wade. He didn't waste any time starting the interrogation.

"I need to know a few things."

Sydney steeled herself for the questions, excuses at the ready when it came time to answer. "Like what?"

"You moved here almost six months ago. And before that you were working for a dry cleaner in Indianapolis and a supermarket outside of Nashville."

There was no harm in answering those, so she shrugged. "Yeah, so?"

"And where did you work before that?"

Her stomach rolled and turned sour. He knew. The pricey identification she'd paid for hadn't been good enough to fool Wade. Without giving anything away, she narrowed her gaze. "Why do you want to know?"

He made himself at home at the kitchen table while she nervously paced back and forth. "Because you don't seem to have a past beyond eighteen months ago, Sydney. Did you know that?"

"That's ridiculous."

"Your employment history, rental history, bank statements all end." When she made no effort to explain, he continued. "I'm guessing that's when you bought the new social security number? The license is very well done. It must have cost you a pretty penny."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Dammit, Sydney. Why won't you talk to me?" Now he was the one on his feet and pacing but he looked more like a tiger ready to pounce. Sydney leaned against the counter, watching him. "You can trust me. I could help you. I know you're running from someone. If you'd just tell me who it is, I could help." When she didn't budge, he went in for the kill. "That little girl up there deserves to be safe. If there's danger..."

"If there's any danger, I'll take care of it just like I've been doing since she was a newborn!" Sydney hissed, not wanting to raise her voice and have Faith hear any of this.

"Let me help you," he said as he extended his hands out at his sides, offering himself to her. Completely. All she had to do was reach out and accept.

But she couldn't.

"I. Don't. Need. Help." Her shoulder b.u.mped against his chest as she pushed her way past him, desperate to put s.p.a.ce between them so she could pull off this charade and let him get on with his life. "Faith is my daughter, not yours." There was such pain in his eyes as she spewed the hateful words at him, probably reminding him of Tara in that moment.

He folded his arms across his chest but said nothing. His body language screaming with fury, but Sydney didn't let up. She couldn't.

"If she needs anything, I'll take care of it. We don't need your help, and I sure don't remember asking you to play white knight and save us. This whole situation is none of your business." She jerked her chin toward the door. "I think you need to leave."

Wade's anger hit her like a tidal wave. It poured off him and filled the tiny kitchen. She could see the muscles in his jaw clenching as he struggled to keep his mouth shut. It took everything in her not to cry.

Just wait a minute, Sydney, she told herself. Give him another minute to let it all sink in and he will leave. It's better for both of you if you break it off like this. He deserves better and you need to take care of Faith. You can't do that by staying here.

Without a word he grabbed his keys and stormed out the door, ripping Sydney's heart further from her chest with each step he took. What she wouldn't have given to have tried to make a life here, with him.

Then the tears started to fall.

"Where's Wade going?" Faith popped her head around the corner, with some papers in her hand.

Sydney quickly ran her fingers under her eyes. "He, um, had to go to work."

"He probably had a bad guy to catch." The little girl held out the papers to Sydney. "Here, these were in my backpack. Miss Anna said the envelope's for you. Someone left it in the office." The weekly newsletter and latest fundraiser information she laid on the table, trying to get her mind off of Wade and how angry he must be at her. And in a few more minutes she was going to have Faith furious at her too when she told her they were leaving.

But it was all for the best, she told herself as she slipped her finger under the flap of the envelope. Inside there was a single piece of paper. Her heart stopped and terror filled her body. She read it twice and felt the bile rise up the back of her throat.

I'm coming for her.

The words filled her with terror. He'd been at her school. He was here in Elton and coming for them. There was no time for Sydney to think. Without a working car, she was trapped. Still clutching the note in her hand, she acted on pure instinct and ran out the door as fast as her feet would carry her. She heard a shrill screeching noise and realized it was coming for her but she didn't stop. There was only one thing she could do to protect herself and Faith.

She threw herself into the road.

Right in front of Wade's moving car.

He slammed on the brakes, the edge of his b.u.mper brus.h.i.+ng against her leg, but she was too terrified to worry about nearly being hit by a car. Faith was in danger and she swore she'd never let that happen.

He jumped out of the car and ran over to her, demanding to know what she was doing. When he saw the tears pouring down her face he opened his arms to her, and this time she ran to him and held onto him for dear life. She started crying harder when she felt him gently stroking her hair, whispering that he was there and everything would be all right.

It was time to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

THERE WAS SOMETHING THAT Sydney found extremely soothing about running her hands through soapy water as she washed the dinner dishes. And tonight, she needed all the calm she could get. After her hysterical episode in the middle of the street, Wade had carried her back inside and told Faith she was crying because she saw a spider and got scared. He pretended to smash something in the corner to complete the charade so Faith wouldn't be upset. Then he proceeded to make himself at home, cooked them dinner, helped Faith with her homework, and was currently reading her a book before bed.

All of that without asking her a single question.

He was amazing.

Sydney tried to enjoy it while she could. She knew when he came downstairs he was going to expect her to start talking and tell him everything, and she was prepared. She only hoped that the kindness he was showing them would continue once he knew the truth about what a horrible person she was. The plan to leave Elton was temporarily on hold. If this conversation with Wade didn't go well, Sydney had already gathered up their emergency pack with cash, ID's, and essential paperwork. Her knife was inside, as well as a gun that she hated carrying but, to protect Faith, she found she'd do anything. Even steal a car if that's the only way they could get out of town. She was putting away the last of the dishes when she heard his heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

"She's all tucked in," he said taking two mugs out of the cabinet and pouring coffee into them. He looked relaxed while Sydney felt like she was going to throw up.

"She adores you." The words came out as a squeak as she wiped the last of the dishwater from her hands, guilt swamping her. "Listen, I'm so sorry for what I said before about her not being yours, that was awful of me and I didn't mean to hurt you... like she did."

He didn't acknowledge that she knew about his past, he simply nodded and sat down at the table across from her. "Why did you run into the street to stop me?"

Was she really going to do this?

Her heart pounded as she looked into his eyes, eyes that were calm and strong and promised to listen to every word she shared. Unfortunately they gave her no indication as to what his reaction would be, and that was the part that terrified her. So before she shared anything, she needed some guarantees from him. Promises that, once he made, she knew he'd keep. Because that's the kind of man he was.

"The things I'm going to tell you aren't pretty. They're actually quite ugly. The hardest part in all of this is that they will change the way you look at me. But I can deal with that, if I know Faith is safe. She's my number one priority. Having said that, I need you to make me a promise."


"No matter what I tell you, you have to make sure Faith is protected. If, after you hear everything, you think she shouldn't be with me, I'm asking you to personally guarantee her safety. She's not going into the system with Child Protective Services or anything like that. She's not going to anyone you don't hand pick. Heavens, she adores you. Keep her, for all I care, just don't let her get hurt after all of this." Desperation and fear choked her. She fisted her hands to keep him from seeing how badly they were shaking as she waited for his word.

"You have my word, I'll keep her safe."

Sydney relaxed and let out the breath that she had been holding. He would keep his word, and she knew he'd never send Faith back to that man. No matter what happened to her, Faith was going to be all right. Knowing that gave her the courage to begin.

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Concealed. Part 12 summary

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