Concealed. Part 23

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But the one person she needed more than any of them wasn't there.

"This morning I had another person pet.i.tion for custody of Faith." The words froze Sydney in her chair. Throughout this whole ordeal of returning to Montana, the one thing Sydney had working in her favor was that Ronald and Amanda had no living relatives who were interested in adopting Faith. All their immediate family had pa.s.sed away and the relatives social services could find were very distant cousins who wanted nothing to do with a child of Ronald's. But now, hearing that, Sydney felt the bile rising up the back of her throat.

Blood relatives would trump an outsider's pet.i.tion in a court of law.

"He had been quietly going through the process of being cleared by family services. I know you were hoping for custody, Miss Ross, but this person has no criminal record, they have not been implicated in the kidnapping of Faith and he is an upstanding member of the community as countless people have testified."

Sydney's heart sank with each positive quality the judge was rattling off about this applicant. It was over. She'd lost Faith.

"Therefore, it is my decision to grant full custody of the minor, Faith Jenny Was.h.i.+ngton, to Mr. Wade Arthur Jenkins on this, the twenty first of October." He rapped the gavel down on his desk when the room erupted in chatter.

With eyes as big as saucers, Sydney turned to Wade who was grinning as proudly as she'd ever seen. Cara was weeping behind her and Agnes patted him on the shoulder in congratulation. "You sly fox, Wade. Well done."

"Y-You applied for custody?" Wade nodded his head slowly, letting her take it all in. "Why?"

"It was your idea, remember? Months ago, you made me promise not to let her end up in someone else's care. Your exact words were 'keep her for yourself,' so I did." He would have custody of Faith. It was a done deal. But what about her? Had she just lost both of them?

"Your honor!" Sydney sprang to her feet and once again silencing the courtroom with her outburst. The judge looked over the top of his at her with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, Miss Jackson?"

"Wade and I are...involved. Dating. Serious about one another." She took a deep breath and tried to stop making a fool of herself in front of the man who would decide her fate. "I love him."

The corner of the judge's mouth turned up in a grin. "I can see that."

"But if he has custody of Faith, does that mean I have to give up both of them? Because I don't know what I'd do..."

"I don't think you understand my ruling, Miss Jackson. Mr. Jenkins has full custody of the child now. As her custodial parent it's up to him to decide who the child is able to be around. If he deems you a suitable person in the child's life," he shrugged his wide shoulders and sat back in his padded chair, "then who am I to say who can and cannot be a part of this sweet girl's life?"

Sydney's heart sprang back to life. "S-So I can see her?" The woman from Children's Services led a smiling Faith into the courtroom.

"I think he wants you to do more than see her." The judge motioned back towards Wade who had slipped out of his chair and was beside her, down on one knee with a gorgeous sparkling ring in his outstretched hand.

"Oh, my." Sydney's eyes filled with tears as her hand fluttered over her heart.

"Sydney Ross-Jackson, will you do me the honor of marrying me and spending the rest of your life with me and our beautiful daughter?"

"Say yes, Mommy!" Faith squealed in excitement as she ran over and wrapped her arms around Sydney's waist, jumping up and down. "Do it, do it!"

"I love you so much," Sydney said looking into Wade's eyes which were filled with love and adoration. "Yes, I'll marry you."

Wade put the ring on her finger and scooped her up into his arms, pouring all his love and joy into a single kiss. The courtroom erupted into cheers. Everyone from their friends, to the courthouse staff, and even the judge clapped and offered their congratulations as they filed out of the room, giving Wade and Sydney some privacy.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She already knew the answer, it was written all over his face. He was thrilled with the idea of being a father and a husband.

"You and Faith are the two most precious things in my life. I love you both."

Sydney threw her arms around his neck and held onto the man she loved. She never would have guessed what fate had in store when she climbed into her car all those years ago, but she made it through the heartache, and along the way, finally found where she belonged. She laced her fingers with Wade's and led him toward the door.

"Let's go home."


I am beyond thankful for the amazing people in my life who have helped me along the way. Thanks to Patty who takes a peek to tell me if I'm on the right track. To Niki and Heather who both put up with my inability to correctly place a comma to save my life. I thank you both for your editing skills, your ability to help me avoid my nemesis, the semicolon, and above all else, for your honesty.

None of this would be possible without my dear friend Barb who has been with me since the very beginning of it all. She is the voice of reason yet cracks the whip when necessary. She constantly inspires and helps me with the things I stink at like cover design, web layout, and formatting. This wouldn't be nearly as much fun without you, Barb, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Last, but never least, to my wonderful family who makes me laugh and continues to inspire me in ways they never even imagined. I love you and our crazy cats more than I can say.


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Concealed. Part 23 summary

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