They Found Him Dead Part 14

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Hannasyde went out before him into the hall and bent to pick up his hat from the chair on which he had laid it. As he did so, he was startled by the sound of an eldritch shriek proceeding from the direction of the front drive. He jerked himself upright; but Sir Adrian, wholly unperturbed, merely raised his eyebrows and murmured: "My son, I fancy."

Mr. Harte's voice, raised to a pitch of delirious excitement, floated clearly to Hannasyde's ears.

"Mum!" screamed Mr. Harte.

Sir Adrian stood perfectly still for a moment. Hannasyde thought he seemed to stiffen. Then he said tranquilly: "And apparently my wife also."


Sir Adrian walked forward to the door, which stood open, and stepped unhurriedly out into the porch.

From a taxi piled with luggage, which seemed to consist mostly of battered tin trunks and canvas holdalls, a weather-beaten-looking lady of medium height and stocky build had alighted and was fervently embracing young Mr. Harte. Her hat, a battered felt, was set rakishly over a crop of thick grey hair; she wore a coat and skirt of light tweed which needed pressing, heavy brogue shoes, and a handkerchief-scarf knotted round her neck.

"This is most unexpected, my dear," remarked Sir Adrian, advancing towards her.

Lady Harte released Timothy and greeted her husband in a brisk, cheerful voice. "Hullo, Adrian!

My dear man, you're thinner than ever!" She kissed him vigorously and turned immediately to direct the activities of the taxi driver and a young footman. For several minutes her attention was fully occupied, and the air seemed to resound with her incisive commands.

"Keep the large trunk the right way up, and be careful how you handle the knapsack. I shan't want the holdall: you'd better store it somewhere for me. No, wait a moment! I think I packed the python's skin in it. Leave it in the hall: I'll unpack it there. Had the luck to stumble on a full-sized python my first day out on safari, Adrian. Beautiful skin, and not much damaged. First shot I fired with the new Grand and Lang too. S.S.G. shot, of course. I'm thinking of having it stuffed to make a standard for a lamp. No, don't bring that packing case into the house: I shan't want it. One or two rather good heads, Adrian, including a sable. I meant to send them to be mounted when I was in town, but I've had so much to think of I forgot. Where's Jim?"

"I think he has gone out in his speedboat," replied Sir Adrian. "What has brought you back so unexpectedly, Norma?"

"I'll tell you all about that in a minute," responded his wife. "I must see this stuff disposed of first. I see I seem to have brought my canvas bath with me. That was a mistake, of course. I meant to have left it in town. It had better be put in the garage, or somewhere. Yes, and the canteen: I shan't want that. I've been in such a rush ever since I landed that I've had no time to sort things out yet.

However, it doesn't matter: there's plenty of room here to store everything."

"Mummy, when did you get back?" demanded Timothy. "Do you know Cousin Silas and Cousin Clement have been murdered? Do you know I was actually here when it all happened, Mum?

Oh, Mum, do listen!"

"I am listening, my pet. Don't pick that topee case up by the handle: it's broken. Yes, Timothy, I know: thrilling for you, darling! You shall tell me all about it presently."

By this time the footman had been reinforced by the arrival of Pritchard. Lady Harte, announcing that she could safely leave everything to him, thrust a hand through her husband's arm and marched him into the house, saying: "Well, it's nice to see you again, Adrian. Of course, I haven't looked at a paper for weeks; but I got all the news in town. They have been going it down here! Poor old Clement!" She became aware of Hannasyde's silent presence and demanded an instant introduction. Upon hearing that he was a member of the C.I.D. she shook him vigorously by the hand, said she was glad to see him, and promised herself a chat with him as soon as she had settled down.

Hannasyde responded to this by saying that he would very much appreciate an interview with her, whereupon she replied: "If you want to interview me, there's no time like the present. I never believe in putting off until tomorrow what can be done today. In fact, you'll find me very businesslike. First, I must take my hat off and have a wash; then--"

Hannasyde tried to tell her that he had no wish to intrude upon her so unreasonably soon after her reunion with her family, but she interrupted him, saying with great decision: "Nonsense, my good man! There's no silly sentimentality about me. Sit down and make yourself at home! I shan't keep you waiting long. I want to get to the bottom of this business."

Hannasyde, who felt that an explanation of her sudden and unheralded return to England was called for, thanked her and retired, at Sir Adrian's suggestion, to the library.

In about twenty minutes' time both Lady Harte and Sir Adrian joined him, Lady Harte having discarded the battered felt and the handkerchief-scarf and dragged a comb through her short, crisp grey locks. Sir Adrian said: "Is there any objection to my presence, Superintendent?"

"None at all, sir. Lady Harte will, I am sure, understand that, taking into consideration her relations.h.i.+p with the present owner of this property, it is my duty to ask her one or two questions."

"Perfectly!" said Norma, striding up to the table and selecting a cigarette from a box on it. "Don't beat about the bush with me! I'm not afraid of plain speaking! You won't offend me. Got a light, Adrian?"

Sir Adrian struck a match for her. She lit her cigarette, threw up her head slightly to inhale a deep breath of smoke, and took up a stance by the table, her stoutly shod feet well apart, and her hands thrust into the pockets of her tailor-made jacket. Her grey eyes, sharp between lids slightly puckered as though from being constantly in the glare of a tropical sun, met Hannasyde's without flinching. "Now, Superintendent: what is it?"

"I should like to know, please, when you landed in England," said Hannasyde.

"Nothing easier. August ninth. I came by plane. I don't think I shall go anywhere by sea again, by the way, Adrian," she added over her shoulder.

"On August ninth?" repeated Hannasyde. "The day before Mr. Clement Kane's death, in fact?"

She nodded. He glanced towards Sir Adrian and saw that he was looking at his wife with a kind of patient expectancy not unmixed with amus.e.m.e.nt.

"My dear Norma," said Sir Adrian, "I feel sure you had some excellent reason for returning so hurriedly, but do tell us what it was!"

"Really, Adrian, you're hopeless!" she said roundly. "You must have seen the news of George d.i.c.kson's illness in the papers! Now, don't look vague, my dear soul! You know perfectly well we've been expecting it for months."

"George d.i.c.kson?" said Sir Adrian. "I don't think I know--"

"Member for East Madingley!" said Norma impatiently.


"Yes, he's applying for the Chiltern Hundreds. I got the news-hideously overdue, of course-by runner. I was on safari at the time. I broke camp, and marched back to Kyongo Bwarra, got the lorry there, and had a pretty stiff trip of it to the airport."

"Good G.o.d!" said Sir Adrian in accents of deep foreboding.

His wife, paying no heed to this e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, began to stalk up and down the room, occasionally smoking her cigarette, but more often waving it in the air to ill.u.s.trate her points. "I may have a fight, but I don't mind that. I'm used to overcoming difficulties. Roughing it in the wilds teaches one that, at least. Besides, the Socialist candidate's a bad speaker. Makes a poor impression on the platform. I'm confident I shall get in. I've been up there already, of course; seen our agent, the local committee--"

"My wife," explained Sir Adrian to the superintendent, "intends standing for Parliament."

"Certainly I do!" said Norma. "I feel it's my duty, and thank G.o.d I've never been one to s.h.i.+rk that!"

"Quite, Lady Harte. Do I understand that upon landing in England, you went north immediately to East Madingley?"

"Immediately? No, certainly not. I had a great deal of business to attend to in town, and several people to see. I left for my const.i.tuency the following evening. In fact, I've been in the devil's own rush ever since I got the cable in the Congo."

"I'm sure you have," said Sir Adrian. "That would account for your not having warned me of your arrival."

"Rubbish, Adrian! Don't be so forgetful. You must have had my cable." He shook his head, smiling. "Well, that's most extraordinary," she said. "I'm pretty sure I sent you one. I know I sent cables to Jevons and Sir Archibald. However, it's possible that in the hurry I may have forgotten. It doesn't really matter. I knew you'd be in Scotland, anyway."

"May I ask where you went when you landed in England, Lady Harte?"

"Ask me anything you like!" said Norma with a lavish gesture. "I went all over the place, seeing first this person and then that. First, of course, I had to hand my guns in and attend to all that nonsense; then I saw Sir Archibald for a few minutes, rushed off to buy a pair of gloves--"

"Did you spend the night at home, Lady Harte?"

"No, I only went home to dump my luggage. Most of the servants are on holiday. There's only the butler and his wife there, and I can't stand furniture m.u.f.fled in Holland covers. I just collected my car from the garage, and went down to Putney, and parked myself with an old servant of mine who lets rooms."

This seemed to Hannasyde an odd procedure. Lady Harte noticed his look of incredulity and gave a laugh. "My dear man, you needn't look so surprised! Why shouldn't I spend the night with my own son's old nanny? I get better attention with her than at any hotel, let me tell you!"

"I quite understand," said Hannasyde. "A devoted old servant would--"

"Devoted! She's practically one of the family. She took my eldest boy from the month, and my younger one too!"

"I see," said Hannasyde. "And you stayed with her until you went to East Madingley?"

"Of course I did!"

"All the following day, in fact?"

Lady Harte looked exasperated. "Yes! If you mean, was I in her house all day, certainly not!

You don't seem to realise that I had a lot to do when I got back. I was in London, shopping, all the morning, dashed back to Putney after lunch to repack my suitcase, dashed up to King's Cross, and just caught the 7.15 train north."

"Were you aware of Mr. Silas Kane's death, Lady Harte?"

"Yes, Nanny told me all about that. I can't say I was surprised. He'd had a weak heart for years."

"You did not make any attempt to get into touch either with your son or with anyone here?"

She gave her head a decided shake. "No time. There was nothing I could do, and it was extremely important I should present myself in my const.i.tuency without any further loss of time. I always keep my personal affairs and my public life strictly apart. It's by far the best plan."

"When did you learn of Mr. Clement Kane's murder, Lady Harte?"

"Actually, I never heard anything about it till I got back to town last night. Usually I make a point of studying The Times from cover to cover, but my mind was occupied with more pressing business. Nanny told me about it as soon as I arrived at her place, of course, so I collected my baggage from Pont Street first thing this morning and managed to catch the ten-o'clock train down to Portlaw." She threw the stub of her cigarette out of the window and added kindly: "If there's anything more you want to know, don't hesitate to ask me!"

"Thank you, Lady Harte. You will understand, I expect, that it is of importance to this case that I should know exactly where you went on August tenth."

"Was that the day Clement Kane was murdered?" inquired Norma. "Oh well, naturally you must know what my movements were! Now let me see!" She paused in her striding about the room and took another cigarette out of the box on the table. Once more her husband held a light for her, once more she inhaled the first breath with that characteristic little toss of the head. "Very difficult," she p.r.o.nounced at last. "You know what it's like when one gets back from the wilds-or perhaps you don't. I spent the day shopping. New toothbrush, and hair lotion, and that sort of thing. I expect I could make out a list if I gave my mind to it, but I'm not sure I can remember the shops I went to.

Some chemist or other in the Brompton Road, but G.o.d knows which one. I went to Harrod's, too, and various other places."

"The shops are really quite immaterial, Lady Harte. If you could tell me where you lunched it would be helpful."

"Oh, at some teashop or other! I rather think it was at a Lyons' Corner House-or, no, wait!-it might have been Stewart's. Somewhere in Piccadilly."

"Whichever restaurant it was, it was a crowded one?"

"They all are," said Norma. "If it weren't so out of the way, I should have gone to my club; but it's in Cavendish Square. Waste of time!"

"And in the afternoon?" inquired Hannasyde.

"I hadn't done all the shopping I had to, so I went back to Putney-it was, you know.

Early closing day in London." She gave a sudden laugh. "Good Lord, of course you can't prove any of this, no more can I! You're thinking that old Nanny would lie like a shot. So she would, bless her!

Well, I've done most things-experience is the most important thing in life-but I've never yet been suspected of murder. Now, don't misunderstand me! I don't mind a bit; in fact, it'll provide me with a grand piece of copy for the book I'm writing."

Hannasyde could not help smiling, but he said: "There is another question I should like you to answer, Lady Harte. Were you conversant with the terms of Matthew Kane's will?"

"Do you mean, did I know that my boy stood next to his cousin Clement in succession? My dear good man, of course I did!"

"Did you ever mention the matter to your son?"

"No, certainly not."

"You seem very sure of that?"

"Well, I am sure. I never thought there was the least likelihood of him coming into the property.

I'm not at all certain I wanted him to. I don't believe in young men rolling in wealth. I believe in them having to make their own way and fight for what they want. I've always done it. I only wish my boys had half my push. When I make up my mind to do a thing, I can't rest till it's done."

A singularly pugnacious expression came into her face as she delivered herself of this announcement, but just then Jim Kane walked quickly into the room and the expression vanished at once. "Jim, my dearest!" Norma cried and held out her arms to him.

Mr. James Kane caught her in a bear's hug. He was laughing as he kissed her. "Mother, where did you spring from? Why weren't we warned? Or were we, and did Adrian forget all about it?"

"Well, I certainly was under the impression that I sent one of you a cable," said Norma. "Not that it matters much. Darling, what a dreadful coat! It's fraying at the cuffs. You really can't go about like that!"

"Why not?" he retorted. "Look at the wicked example you set me!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter about me!" she said. "Besides, I'm perfectly respectable. Now, you must sit down and not interrupt, Jim. I'm being interviewed by the police. Darling!" The last word was murmured in an idolatrous voice quite at variance with Lady Harte's usually incisive accents.

Hannasyde watched one thin brown hand go swiftly up to pat Jim's cheek, saw the sharp eyes misty, and turned to find Sir Adrian meditatively polis.h.i.+ng his monocle.

Sir Adrian met his look with a faint smile. "Yes, Superintendent?" he said gently.

"Nothing, sir. I have asked Lady Harte all I wish to just now. I'm sure she would like to be alone with her family."

Norma said: "Very decent of you, but my motto is business first. Of course, if you've really done with me--"

"I have," Hannasyde said.

Sir Adrian escorted him out of the room, closing the door on his wife and stepson. In the hall he said: "Have you a piece of paper and a pencil, Superintendent? If you have, I will give you that address you want."

Hannasyde produced both articles. "Thank you. I was going to ask you for that. As a matter of form, I must check up on Lady Harte's story."

Sir Adrian wrote a name and an address down in a leisurely fas.h.i.+on. "Incredible, isn't it?" he said.

"I wouldn't say that."

"That shows insight, Superintendent. My wife is one of the most truthful people I have the pleasure of knowing. Here is Nanny Bryant's address for you."

"Thank you." Hannasyde folded the paper, slipped it in his notebook, and picked up his hat.

He was in time to catch the omnibus that pa.s.sed the lodge gates and was soon in Portlaw, in conference with Sergeant Hemingway and Inspector Carlton.

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They Found Him Dead Part 14 summary

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