McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 16

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"Wow, Sebastian this is gorgeous. Where are we?" she asks, breaking free and spinning in a circle.

G.o.d, I love this woman.

"We're standing in the back of our home."

She stops spinning, giving me a quizzical look before it hits her what I mean.

"You're building a house here?"

I walk towards her grinning, "No baby. We're building a house here. You and me. I own this land, which is part of my parents' place so we're going to build a life here."

I kiss her lips before taking her hand again and walk towards where I've planned on our kitchen being. The heart of a home, as my mom was forever telling us.

Feeling sick, I toss the blanket down before dropping to one knee.

Carla freezes without taking her eyes from mine as I hold out the engagement ring I've had since I was twenty-two when my grandmother pa.s.sed away.

"I'm not good at speeches Carla, but I want you to know that I love you. I fell in love with you when I thought you belonged to my brother." I give her a nervous smile. "I'll always be true to you, and no matter where I travel through work, if you can't come with me, I'll always return home to you...and our children. Carla, will you marry me?"

Crying, Carla drops to her knees and throws her arms around me, kissing me all over my face, which causes me to lose my balance, sending us over with her sprawled on top of me.

She holds her hand out so I slide the ring onto her finger and kiss it. We're officially engaged. I should be terrified, but I'm not, in fact I can't wait to have her for my wife.

"I'll never forget today. I couldn't have imagined a more romantic proposal than on the grounds of our future home." Then she kisses me. A gentle sweet kiss that has my d.i.c.k hard and my blood boiling.

Carla sits up straddling me. "Make love to me Sebastian. Right here. Right now." She s.h.i.+mmies down my legs and kneels between, unfastening my belt and buckle before pulling the zipper down freeing my c.o.c.k.

She bends her gorgeous head and licks me from base to tip, swirling around the head with her tongue before taking me into her mouth and sucking.

I nearly bolt up from the ground in pleasure. She's d.a.m.n good with that suction. I take hold of handfuls of her beautiful brown locks as she continues to suck and lick me like an ice cream cone making my legs quiver and my b.a.l.l.s pull up with a fire in them, wanting to explode.

Throwing my head back, I grit my teeth, pulling her mouth from me. "Seconds, babe," I groan.

Jumping up from the ground, she s.h.i.+mmies out of her jeans and thong before straddling me, taking my quivering c.o.c.k into her hand as she lowers herself down. I groan as she moans.

"Babe, lift your top up...I need to see your b.r.e.a.s.t.s."

She doesn't need telling twice and shoves her top above her b.r.e.a.s.t.s before releasing the front clasp of her bra.

She's beautiful.

Arching back slightly, she holds on to my thighs and starts to ride me. She's so wet as my c.o.c.k glides in and out of her tight, wet c.u.n.t. I smile as I think about the word and how it her, but I know it turns her on to hear it.

Watching her ride me, I know I'm not going to be able to last. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are bouncing with momentum, her nipples hard along with my d.i.c.k.

Feeling lightening strike my b.a.l.l.s, I reach up, pinching and rolling her neglected nipples.

"Oh G.o.d, Sebastian. Help me. I'm close."

"Me too baby."

I can't hold on anymore as I lengthen and widen inside her. "I want to feel your c.u.n.t squeezing me."

"Sebastian. Ahhha" she screams.

s.h.i.+t. I grasp her hips holding her tight against me as I shoot s.e.m.e.n inside her. Coating her walls while she shudders and shakes on top of me collapsing onto my chest.

With my arms tight around her, our breathing gradually starts to even out with small aftershocks running through Carla, when I whisper, "c.u.n.t." She clenches around me.

I start to laugh. "Don't you dare tell me you don't like that word because I now have evidence it turns you on."

She groans and buries her face into my neck.

"And you know. You never did answer my proposal?"

She raises her head and frowns down at me. "Yes, I'll marry you. Yes, I'll have six babies." She grins, as my eyes get wide. "And yes, I will love nothing more than helping you to build our home here. Which room did you propose to me in? Oh my G.o.d. Which room did we just have s.e.x in?"

Roaring with laughter, I pull her down to me. "We've just christened the kitchen babe, but I think we'll have to christen the kitchen counters eventually."

"Hmm, I like the sound of that."

Chapter 37.

Carla I'm engaged. I'm engaged. If I say it often enough it might actually sink in. No matter how many times I look at my ring it makes b.u.t.terflies flutter around my stomach. Sebastian had told me last night on the way back to the apartment that the ring belonged to his grandmother, which made it all the more special and all I wanted to do was shout it from the rafters.

Sebastian's idea was to avoid his mom for a week or so before telling her we're official, but somehow I don't think that will work.

It's so frustrating having to constantly have a baby sitter because of the b.a.s.t.a.r.d after me, and consequently my brother. Gary, I hope, is going to get what's due to him because he needs stopping. My only worry is that he's going to harm Sebastian, Ramon or one of the others. I know Sebastian has told me they can look after themselves, but it still scares the c.r.a.p out of me.

Sighing, I hold my hand up again to look at my ring, the sun catching through the windows, setting the ruby alight.

If I thought for one minute that Ramon would be a help, I'd drag him to the bridal boutique a couple of blocks over, but I've shopped with Ramon once and that was enough to last me a lifetime. Oh, he's my best friend, someone to talk to, drink with, pick me up when I'm down, but shopping, h.e.l.l no.

In fact, I'm waiting for Ramon to finish his conversation on his cell before he takes me out for coffee. His idea of celebrating is Starbucks, which we're lucky enough to have next door.

He'd been stunned at first when I came home wearing an engagement ring and before he congratulated us, he acted like my big brother and read the riot act to his own brother. I wasn't too sure whether or not they'd end up fighting.

It had all ended well with Sebastian making love to me in my bed, quietly because Ramon had stayed home, as he needed his office first thing. But heck, it was his apartment, and I sure didn't want to kick him out of it full-time.

Hearing Ramon's office door open, I peer over the sofa, which I've been laying on waiting for him.

"You done?"

"Yeah. I've worked up a thirst. You ready?" he asks, collecting his keys from the counter waiting for me to join him.

Jumping up from the sofa, I pull on my sneakers and follow him out of the apartment and into the elevator.

Sebastian had to go into the office today for a meeting he'd forgotten about so that was also another reason why Ramon decided to sleep in his own bed last night.

Traveling downwards in the elevator, Ramon takes hold of my hand and plays with my ring. "So you're really going to be my sister," he grins. "You'll never have to worry about him Carla. I know he's no saint, but he always used to say he'd stop when he met the woman he wanted to wear grandmother's ring. He's done well." He kisses my hand before pulling me out when the elevator doors open.

"You want your vanilla latte?"

Pus.h.i.+ng open the door to Starbucks, I look up to the menu. Doing this when I always end up with the latte is a silly habit. "Yeah."

Ramon chuckles and goes to place our order while I sit on one of the sofas they have in the window. This Starbucks is larger than the other one, slap-bang in the shopping district, which is purely a take out.

"Here you go." Ramon puts my drink down onto the table before sitting opposite me trying to ignore the stares he's getting from three girls in the far corner.

Taking a sip of my latte, I hide my grin finding him amusing. "Do you know them?" I can't hold my laugh back anymore and have to put my drink back down before it sloshes everywhere. "Ramon," he blushes as I tease him, "they probably think you're cute."

He really is blus.h.i.+ng. I never, in a million years, thought Ramon was the blus.h.i.+ng type. He always seems self-a.s.sured, so this is a sweet. Not that I'd tell him.

Ramon sits forward on the sofa with his elbows resting on the table before finally meeting my eyes.

"I miss your brother, Carla. It's like he took a piece of me with him when he left."

This man sitting in front of me isn't missing my brother as a friend. He's missing him because he's in love with him. Reaching out, I take Ramon's hands between mine. "Are you keeping anything from me? About why he left." I kiss his knuckles.

He shakes his head. "No. I told you everything. We'd argued the week before, but everything was back to normal by the time he disappeared. Carla, the detective who I have out looking for him has followed a lead down to Florida."

I freeze then release his hands and sit back. My heart's pounding with anxiety hearing my brother might be in Florida. What's down in Florida? Or who?

"Do you know if he has any friends down there? Someone he might have met through work when he was in Canada."

Shaking my head, I turn to look out of the window trying to think. My brother had a few friends in Canada, but I don't recall him saying where they were from.

My head's spinning with all these thoughts running rampant in my head and they make me want to cry.

"If he does then he's never said." I take a sip of my latte again before looking through the window, expecting to find my brother walking back into Ramon's building. Swiping a tear away, I'm about to turn back when I feel as though I'm being watched.

Sitting up straighter on the sofa, I start really looking, taking notice of the cars, which are stationery, the women walking past ushering children along beside them or in strollers, the men in business suits or more casual clothes. Then I spot him.

"Carla, what is it?"

He can't be there. Not when there are so many people around. Surely not.

Ramon starts to stand as I do and wraps his arm around my waist. "Carla, snap out of it, and talk to me."

Swallowing, I turn to face him. "I think I saw Gary," I whisper.

He whips his head around so fast to stare out of the window I'm surprised he doesn't get whiplash.

"s.h.i.+t. Are you sure?" He grips both my arms, standing so close.

"I'm sure. It's a face I wish I could forget, but doubt I ever will."

Ramon starts pulling me towards the exit. "We need to get back upstairs, then I'll get security to show me the footage from outside to figure out if he climbed into a car or if someone else was with him." He presses the elevator call b.u.t.ton. "Hopefully it will show what he was up to before you spotted him."

I can't stop shaking, which Ramon notices and pulls me straight into his body, holding me tight. "He won't get to you this time Carla. I promise." He kisses my head. "I'll call Sebastian soon okay? He's in a meeting right now, but when he's out we'll tell him and hopefully he won't be too p.i.s.sed with me for not telling him now."

"It's okay." I agree, but selfishly want to call him, just to hear his voice or to have him here with me and his arms wrapped around me.

Chapter 38.

Sebastian Jacky is really p.i.s.sing me off. Before the meeting, I'd been in the office for maybe twenty minutes and each one of those minutes was more-or-less taken up with Jacky parading back and forth through my office door.

I've told her on more than one occasion that I wasn't interested, but she was either thick or just ignorant because sitting across from her while I dictated a couple of letters for her to type up, she'd kept crossing and uncrossing her legs showing me more than I needed to see.

During the meeting, she'd been sitting at the opposite end of the conference table from me taking notes. Every time I'd glanced in her direction she'd wrap her tongue around her pencil and lick.

What I can't figure out is why she's doing this. Jacky is an attractive woman with the a.s.sets to go with it, she also has a d.a.m.n good brain, when she decides to use it, so the fact she won't leave me alone just doesn't make sense.

c.r.a.p! Hearing my door open again, I watch her saunter across my office before sitting herself into the visitor's chair across from me.

"Why do you keep ignoring my texts?" Jacky flicks the hair on her chest behind her giving me a look at her cleavage, which is practically hanging out of her dress.

Running my fingers through my hair, I realize I'm going to have to be more direct than before regardless of whether or not I hurt her feelings and if she doesn't like it, I'll have to transfer her to a different department, or fire her, which is really going to be a last resort.

"I haven't replied to your text messages because there is nothing to say. I took you out once, thanks to my brother." Sitting back in my seat, I watch her, wondering what she's thinking a probably that I'm a d.i.c.k. d.a.m.n Ruben. "I'm in love with someone else so please stop texting me Jacky because there will never be anything more than work between us."

She still doesn't say anything. "I'm sorry if I led you on, that wasn't my intention, but we need to get back on track, so no more flirting with me, just work. Okay?"

Standing, she very slowly stalks towards me, rests her hands on my desk before leaning forwards. "You're an a.s.s." She straightens up and turns to leave. "But I can still work for you. I'm a professional if nothing else."

My eyes widen with her words, expecting more of a tongue las.h.i.+ng than her words, which were spoken too calmly. I'm just praying it isn't the calm before the storm.

She slams the door behind her as I sag in relief. I take a couple of minutes to calm down before picking my cell up and speed dial Carla who answers straightaway.

"Hey, babe. Did you go for your latte with Ramon?" She loves the Starbucks latte and if she hadn't persuaded me back to bed this morning I'd have had the time before my meeting to pop in and get her one, but as it was she'd had to wait for Ramon.

"I did. How was your meeting?" She sounds...odd.

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McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 16 summary

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