McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 18

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Not knowing which way to turn, I head right to the busy part of downtown knowing I'll be safer there although what I really want is to be alone to wallow in my misery.

I know Jacky has a thing for anyone named McKenzie, but I always thought Sebastian wasn't interested in her. Oh, I know he'd taken her out once, but he'd convinced me it was his brother's doing and that he wasn't actively involved in the groping session outside his building that I'd witnessed. Had he been telling me the truth? Ramon thought so.

"Hey, get back," someone shouts, nearly yanking my arm from its socket.

I turn around to tell the person to go to h.e.l.l, but he points forward, just as an eighteen-wheeler flies past.

He saved me from getting killed. I'm so upset I haven't been watching where I'm going and stepped out into the road.

"Thank you," whispers out between my lips, as I turn and try and push through the people waiting to cross, I realize I'm outside 'La Brioche' a French bakery I have a liking for. Or rather I have a liking for the almond croissants, which they make.

Mopping my tears up again, I try to pull myself together, at least long enough to order a latte and croissant because I think it would be safer if I sat for a while before I really do walk in front of a moving vehicle.

With the treats ordered, but with my stomach not wanting to know about them, I take a seat over in the corner so I can hide my face.

Sipping my latte, I ignore the croissant for now because I'm sure my stomach will revolt if I eat anything. My tears keep flowing as I try to work out what to do. I know Gary's still out there, so the last thing I need is to go out on my own because he will find me, of that I'm sure.

As I sniffle into my coffee I can't quite get over the niggling feeling that something isn't right. Sebastian has done nothing but show me how much he loves me, so would he really hurt me like this? I also heard the shower behind a closed door and come to think about it, I noticed a stack of papers on his hall table along with Jacky's purse. Had she gone to Sebastian's apartment to get his signature and found him in the shower?

Why the f.u.c.k did I run? I'm an idiot. I don't normally run from confrontations, unless they have something to do with Gary. So why did I run from this one? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Drying my tears with a new determination, I wrap the croissant in a napkin, shoving it in my bag with the loot I'd forgotten about before walking out of the bakery.

Das.h.i.+ng back down the street towards Sebastian's apartment, I would be lying if I said I'm not apprehensive as to what I'll find, but I need to know for sure because something's telling me to give him a chance. To let him explain.

Hearing my cell ringing in my bag, I pull it free looking at the screen. Ramon.

"Hey." I stand outside Sebastian's building because he's told me once or twice that cell coverage in the lobby and elevators is nonexistent.

"She set you up, Carla. Where are you?"

I can hear the stress in his voice, but I can't pull any words together.

"Carla. Dammit. Gary is still out there. You shouldn't be walking around alone, no matter what you think Sebastian's doing. You should have called me. I'd have come and picked you up, and beat the c.r.a.p out of my brother for being a d.i.c.k."

"I'm sorry. I really wasn't thinking and I've more or less realized it might not have been how it looked, so I've come back to his apartment. In fact, I'm standing outside right now."

I can hear his sigh of relief down the phone. "I'm on my way there, so let him know I should be there in about ten minutes, okay?"

"Yeah." We hang up as I push through the doors and notice the security guard has done a disappearing act.

Pressing the call b.u.t.ton for the elevator, I glance around again, but still no sign of the guard. I shrug and step inside, watching the doors close while wondering what the h.e.l.l to say to Sebastian. Yeah, I should have trusted him, but he shouldn't have been showering with 'her' in his apartment at the same time.

If she won't leave him alone then she's going to have me to deal with in the future, because he's mine. Right now I'm so p.i.s.sed with myself for running instead of fighting. I was just too shocked at the time to think straight.

Walking out of the elevator and towards Sebastian's apartment, I freeze when I hear gla.s.s breaking from inside. Then shouting. Gary.

I don't think, I put the key in the lock and quietly make my way inside, leaving the door partially open for Ramon, who I hope gets here real quick.

"Stop p.i.s.sing me off. I'm not afraid to use this gun. I've used it before, but until my b.i.t.c.h of an ex gets here, you're safe. I want her to watch you suffer, until she gives up where her brother is."

Oh G.o.d.

"She doesn't know where her brother is, you f.u.c.ker."

Gary roars just before I hear something else breaking on the floor.

With my shoes left at the door, I slide along the wall, closer and closer to the living room not really sure what the h.e.l.l I'm going to do, but one thing is for sure, he isn't going to lay a finger on Sebastian.

Chapter 42.

Sebastian This b.a.s.t.a.r.d is going down the minute I get the opportunity. Not just for what he did to Carla, but because he needs stopping. We can't spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders for this motherf.u.c.ker.

"Why?" He continues to watch me as though I haven't said a word. "Why are you doing this? What's Carla ever done to you? Other than trust you."

"I know you're s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g her. She's good isn't she?"

I'm seriously going to kill this f.u.c.ker. My temper has already reached its limit.

Gary stands, slowly walking towards me without moving the gun from my face.

My hands go into fists as I clench my jaw with him now standing within a few feet of me.

"She told her brother about my drug habit, then he went and told his cop friend. It's d.a.m.n convenient that Noah's dropped from the face of the earth now isn't it?"

He hits me on the side of my head with the b.u.t.t of the gun, which knocks across the sofa.

Grabbing my head, my hand comes away covered in blood. The pain is incredible and I'm struggling to stay focused. Blinking a few times, my vision still wavers, but my heart nearly jumps out from my chest when I spot Carla peeping around the corner leading to the hall.

I need to sit more upright. He can't know she's there. Or is this, the chance I need. A distraction to be able to attack.

Finally getting myself upright, without taking my eyes from him, I pull my s.h.i.+rt free and use it to try and stem the flow of blood from my head. Breathing through the nausea, I get ready to jump him because the minute he knows I'm distracted he's going to turn. It's human nature.

Keeping my eyes on his, I glance to his right seeing Carla again, but f.u.c.k he doesn't react.

Gary steps further away from me. "So she's arrived," he smirks. "Unless you want me to shoot him, I suggest you get your sweet little a.s.s in here."

"Carla run," I roar as Gary loses it and comes at me, which is the opportunity I've been waiting for.

He keeps the gun pointing at me, but as he goes to use his fist, I jump up from the sofa and take him down.

I shout, "Carla, get out of here."

I grab his wrist, with the hand holding the gun. As we're struggling with the gun, it goes off and all I can hear is Carla screaming.

"CARLA...are you hit?"

Gary's still struggling underneath me. I need to get him subdued so I can go to Carla. I feel sick with fright, more so now she's stopped screaming and is silent.



Gary finally loses his grip on the gun, which I manage to send across the floor before I start punching the f.u.c.ker, even when he stops moving I keep on going. I can't stop. He hurt my woman. He may have shot her now.

It's this thought that finally stops my fists, the need to get to her, to make sure she's okay. Then I hear Ramon talking to someone.

I look towards the entrance to the living room and see Carla kneeling on the floor with Ramon checking her out before he moves towards me, but stopping at the gun, he reaches for it.

"Don't touch the gun," I try to get to my feet, "evidence."

He dashes over to help me the rest of the way up. After he looks at the b.a.s.t.a.r.d on the floor he looks at me and raises his eyebrow. "You need to get that bleeding stopped."

"Soon." I'm overwhelmed with the need to get to Carla.

Seeing her standing up against the wall rea.s.sures me she isn't as bad as I originally thought.

"The cops are on their way. Are you okay?" Ramon asks, but I shake him off me.

I stagger to where Carla is, with my head throbbing and my knees feeling as though they're about to give way. The side of my head is still bleeding with blood trickling down into my eye, which I try swiping away, but more follows.


"Stay where you are," I quickly shout, "there's gla.s.s everywhere and you've no shoes on."

Reaching her, I crush her in my arms, holding her as tight as I can. "Please tell me you weren't hit?"

She shakes her head, wrapping herself around me just as tight before bursting into tears. h.e.l.l, my tears are mixing with the blood.

"I'm sorry," she says m.u.f.fled into my chest. "I should have trusted you. I just saw her and didn't stop to think, until I nearly stepped in front of an eighteen-wheeler."

What the f.u.c.k?

"Explain. Eighteen-wheeler." I take hold of her face and make her look at me while using my thumbs to try and stem the flow of her tears.

"It doesn't matter. I'm okay, but you're not." She takes my hand and leads me to my bedroom with Ramon stopping us on the way there.

"Um. You two planning on leaving me alone with the bad guy?" he smirks.

"Thanks Ramon."

The bedroom door is already open so we enter and I sit on the side of the bed where Carla pushes me down. I watch her walk into the bathroom to retrieve the medical kit I point to.

"You don't have much in here." She roots through, but is hiding her face from me. "Carla. Come here." She shakes her head and ignores the hand I'm holding out. "Woman. I love you and only you. Please look at me."

Lifting her head slowly, she meets my eyes looking heartbroken.

"Oh baby." I stand slightly and reach over, catching her wrist in my hand before pulling her down onto my lap. "I'm okay. A bit dizzy, but I'm fine. I nearly freaked when I spotted you standing in the hall." I lean in resting my forehead against hers, until I remember the blood. "Can you put a band aid on, so we can go back to Ramon's and I'm not letting you go all night."


Reaching for the medical kit again, she places it on the bed beside me, so I root through pa.s.sing her the antiseptic wipes, which she uses to start cleaning me up and, yeah, it stings like a motherf.u.c.ker.

"Nearly finished. It's still bleeding some. You might need st.i.tches."

"h.e.l.l no." I see her startled expression. "I mean. I'll survive with you nursing me." I grin. There's no way I'm admitting to being a p.u.s.s.y and scared of needles.

"Hmm." She places strips over the cut and starts tidying up.

"What does, hmm, mean?" I reach for a clean s.h.i.+rt and pull it over my head with my muscles aching. Not only was I tense, but it's been a h.e.l.l of a long time since I've taken anyone down, apart from one of my brothers, which would be a light move as opposed to what had to happen in there.

"You're not by any chance scared of needles...are you?" She bursts out laughing.

"Of course not."

"Yeah, he is," Ramon gives his two cents worth as he walks into the bedroom.

"Did you want anything in particular?"

"Thanks would be nice, and the cops are here. They've taken him away, but they want to talk to you both." Ramon informs us on his way back to the living room.

"s.h.i.+t." I sit back on the bed before looking at Carla. "I just wanted to take you away from here...and explain properly about Jacky."

"Shush." She covers my mouth with her fingers. "I know all about Jacky. I'd already realized something was off with my earlier visit, so I'd turned around and made my way back outside your apartment building when Ramon phoned me and explained. I should have trusted you to begin with. I'm sorry."

I follow a lone tear as it trickles down her face before answering her, "Baby. None of today is your fault. When Jacky arrived I was only in a towel, so I left her out in the hall while I went to shower. I locked the bedroom door, not trusting her. I wasn't gone long, although I did try and prolong having to face her. When I opened the door she was wrapped in my gym towel. Her dress was underneath."

She nods her head looking sad. "I know you weren't being unfaithful. I didn't think and by the time I did Gary was already here. I'm so glad I came back."

I wrap my arms around her waist, burying my face in her stomach inhaling her. She always smells delicious of some light flowery fragrance. Something I can't get enough of.

"Let's forget about it. What matters is that we're together and Gary is locked away, hopefully for a long time. Let's go and get the statements over with so we can leave."

Chapter 43.

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McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 18 summary

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