McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 20

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"I knew it. I knew he'd propose real soon. Let me see how the ring looks on your finger." Pippa releases me from the hug she has me in and holds my hand up for all to see.

I look around the room at all the smiling faces of his dad, brothers and Lily as well as Lily's friend Sabrina, who actually doesn't look that good.

"Perfect," Pippa says. "Now all I have to do is find your three brothers a wife," she tells Sebastian who snickers when he looks towards his three brothers in question.

"I think Ramon should be next," Sebastian announces.

Ramon pauses mid drink, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. "I think Ruben will be next because he can't keep his eyes off...ouch," he grumbles when Ruben elbows him in the side.

"Children, that's enough. Let's move this into the living room," Elias chides.

In fact, one of the things I love about being around Sebastian's family is the interaction between the brothers. They have a habit of acting like children with the teasing, which can be so funny...and dare I say it a cute.

Walking into the living room, Lily sits beside her double stroller with her three-day-old twins inside, so of course I just have to go and check to see if they're awake.

"Don't worry," Lily says, seeing my disappointment, "they'll be awake soon and then the fun starts, so you can help with that as you're going to be their Auntie. Might as well get used to a baby."

Grinning, I reply, "Oh, I'd like." Then my eyes widen when it hits me what she actually said. "Um, I won't need to get used to a baby anytime soon."

"We'll see," Lily smirks.

I'm just about to look back to the babies when I notice Sabrina on her way through to the back with her jacket in hand. "What's going on with Sabrina?"

"I'm not too sure. I tried asking and nearly had my head bitten off. I think there's something going on with Lucien, but when I tried asking him he asked me to drop it." She shrugs her shoulders. "Personally, I think he really likes her, but doesn't feel ready to have a relations.h.i.+p because of his scars. I know they go beyond what can be seen, I just don't know how to help him."

Thinking about what Lily says makes me smile because I have a feeling he's bitten off more than he can chew with Sabrina.

"Anyway, how are you feeling Lily?" I ask as she sits back down kind of awkward.

She laughs. "Yeah, I guess you noticed I'm a bit uncomfortable... I'm not too bad really, just a bit sore down below, but it sure is worth it." She leans closer giving me a mischievous smile. "Michael's promised to kiss it better once the bleeding stopped."

"I bet."

"Hey babe." Sebastian wraps his arm around me at the same time as pa.s.sing me a gla.s.s of champagne. "What you betting on?" He kisses my forehead.

"Um, nothing." I cast a glance in Lily's direction. Catching her eye, she winks.

"I was telling Carla that Michael has promised to kiss all my aches away." Lily turns back to her babies, while Sebastian leads me towards his brothers.

"She was referring to between her legs. In case you were wondering," I whisper into his ear.

"I seriously did not need that image in my head. Now play nice." His hand slips to my b.u.t.t.

"No chance, and besides I was actually thinking about your head between my legs."

We come to a stop beside Ramon and Ruben who look as though they caught my last sentence. I feel the blush creeping up my neck as I look at them wondering if they'll comment, hoping Sebastian will say something to diffuse my embarra.s.sment, but as I look at him he seems to be enjoying the attention. Men!

"f.u.c.k me. It's been too long since I've been between a woman's thighs," Ruben comments, which soon turns to a frown when he looks to the side of me. "Mom."

Ramon snickers.

"Hmm, well at least I don't have to worry about being an unexpected grandmother."

The guys roar with laughter.

It always amazes me how Pippa only has to say a few words and her grown sons blush. I love being here with them and can't wait to be a permanent part of this family, which I guess is going to be fairly soon if Sebastian has his way, but for me, as I only intend being married once I want all the plus the perfect dress.

I also want to be married here, in the home Sebastian grew up in.

We'll see.


Carla Sitting out back at the McKenzie ranch, where it all started nearly nine months ago, who would have thought I'd be engaged to marry the delicious guy I'd been unable to look away from. The same guy who'd given me countless sleepless nights since then, and I don't just mean because I was stressing out about who he was with or what he was up to, if you get my meaning.

The guy in question is standing outside the marquee holding the alcohol while chatting to Ruben, who doesn't seem to be taking any notice with his gaze totally fixed on Rosie. He is so obvious.

Sebastian, finally giving up starts heading in my direction leaving his brother to chase after Rosie who is on her way to the barn. It wouldn't surprise me if she weren't sneaking off for a five-minute break from Ruben's orders.

Today has been beautiful with the baptism of Michael Elias Jr. and Charlotte Lucy McKenzie. The first grandchildren for Pippa and Elias, who have been showing the twins off like proud parents. The babies are three months old today and sure have grown, not to mention the fact that they have all four of their uncles wrapped around their little fingers.

"Hey s.e.xy lady." Sebastian saunters closer wearing his panty-dropping smile, the one he used on me the first time we met.

I pretend not to be affected, and reply, "Sebastian, I'm a sure thing. You don't need to practice your pick up lines on me." s.h.i.+t. Now he looks upset. "I'm only joking. You can use any line you want on me and I promise to drop my panties by the end of the evening."

His grin can't get any wider. "Now babe. That's the kind of answer I like to hear."

Wrapping my arm around him, I reach up and first kiss his ear before whispering, "If I'm wearing any that is."

Sebastian "If you're wearing any...f.u.c.k babe. Have you got any idea what those naughty words do to me?" I turn my body more into hers, letting her feel my erection, which happens the minute she opens her mouth.

"You need to behave here, because I'm not sneaking off for a quickie at your parents' place." She rubs against me a couple of times before pulling me down on to the wicker sofa my parents have out here.

Once seated she leans back, placing her legs across my lap. "Coverage," she laughs, just as Ramon and Lucien join us.

"He been keeping you awake all night?" Lucien smirks.

"Maybe," she chuckles. "What about you two?"

Ramon grins, but Lucien starts to look reserved.

"What about us two?" Lucien asks, but not before I catch him watching Sabrina chatting rather animatedly to Ruben with their hands on each other's arms, which puts a frown on Lucien's face.

"A body to keep you warm at night."

My hands are working magic on her poor feet, but if she purrs any louder we're going to start getting some strange looks. I catch Ramon watching with a grin on his face.

"So Ramon. Warm body in your bed?" she persists.

Before he can answer we hear raised voices at the side of the barn, so Carla sits up and follows our gaze just in time to see Ruben grab Rosie as she's walking away from him, and spin her round before kissing her, and I mean, kissing her. She doesn't seem to be complaining if the hands in Rubens hair are anything to go by. Unfortunately the show is over too soon with them both letting go of each other at the same time. Rosie runs off towards the cars while Ruben stands there watching her go. I'm praying he follows her, but he doesn't. Stubborn f.u.c.ker!

"I think you were right about Ruben being next. That's been a h.e.l.l of a long time in coming," Carla observes.

"Hmm, but I'm more interested right now with the catalog you were looking through with Lily." All I'd caught when Lily quickly whipped it out of Carla's hands was a scantily clad woman in a sc.r.a.p of lace.

"What about it?" she asks, with a blush working its way up her neck.

Oh this is going to be good.

"It was a Victoria Secrets catalog, if you must know. I can't exactly go away on my honeymoon with old stuff. My groom is going to be expecting me to be wearing s.e.xy pieces of material that barely covers the goods."

"f.u.c.k, I'm outta here."

"Chicken," I shout to Ramon's retreating back before turning my attention back to my girl. "You're killing me. You know that?"

Sitting up, she straddles me, wrapping her arms around my neck and wiggles around on my c.o.c.k before meeting my eyes.

"You do the same to me."

Brus.h.i.+ng her hair from her forehead, I kiss her nose. I kiss her cheeks before taking her lips. She tastes of chocolate and coffee.

"I think you better climb off me before we give the baptism guests a bit more than they bargained for." She grinds against me. "Babe," I whisper, which is getting difficult. All I want to do is drag her off somewhere private so I can get under the long, and I mean long, dress she has on.

"Besides, just think in one month, I'll be Mrs. Carla McKenzie, so we'll be legal. Actually, it has a rather nice ring to it."

"Hmm. Being legal you mean or Mrs. SEBASTIAN McKenzie?"

Rolling her eyes, she climbs off me, allowing me to stand and wrap her in my arms. "I love you, soon to be wife."

She kisses me. "I love you too, soon to be husband."

The End.



McKenzie Brothers #3.

Subject to change (Baptism).


All I wanted today was to enjoy the day, but for some reason 'little Miss. Know-it-all' is driving me crazy. Let me rephrase that. She's driving me more crazy than usual, and I d.a.m.n well blame Michael. It was, of course, Lily's idea for the waitresses to wear pink uniforms and the waiters, pale blue s.h.i.+rts, but I sure as h.e.l.l wasn't going to blame my gorgeous sister-in-law, I blame my brother, much easier target. And I'll be d.a.m.ned, but Rosie looks hot as f.u.c.king h.e.l.l in pink with her dark hair and curvy body.

In fact, she's gradually been driving me crazy since Simon, my club manager at Kenza hired her about nine months ago, just before Michael and Lily's wedding.

She has a mouth and doesn't give a d.a.m.n who she gives out to, which has gotten her into trouble a few times at Kenza. Keith, head of security, has had to intervene.

And now, not five minutes ago from me asking her to help Jayne refill the empty platters, she's disappearing towards the barn.

f.u.c.k a brick!

Turning to go after her, I collide with Lily's friend, Sabrina. "Sorry babe. Are you okay?" I reach out to steady her.

"I'm fine." She laughs. "I'm sorry too. I wasn't looking where I was going."

"I don't mind. It's not every day I get a beautiful woman falling into my arms."

And she is beautiful, which my brother Lucien has noticed. I hope he sees us right now, and gets jealous because he needs a good kick up the a.s.s or something to go after her. He's been looking at her often enough. If you want my opinion, he's an idiot and needs to get over his hang-up from the accident before someone else snaps her up.

I turn back to the woman in front of me who rolls her eyes, which makes me roar with laughter, setting her off.

"I'll see you later...Romeo."

I grin as I watch her retreat before turning back to go and find Rosie.

Rosie He's an a.s.s. Nine months of 'Rosie do this' or 'Rosie do that'. Argh! Yes, he's the big boss and I'm the 'little slave', but f.u.c.k, he really has been on my case since I started working at the Club.

I love my job at Kenza. Well most days, especially when Ruben stays out of the way, but recently every time I turn around he's there, glaring at me. He probably wishes he had an excuse to fire me, but as of yet, I've managed to keep my temper in check and done what he asks. But in honesty, I'm not sure how much longer I can work for him. Every horrid comment from him causes a sharp pain in my chest and recently I've even arrived home with tears in my eyes. As soon as the doors close behind me, I give in to them and collapse in a sobbing heap.

Why does he affect this much? Well, you see, over the past nine months I've gradually fallen in love with him and it hurts so d.a.m.n much because it is clear that he can't stand me.

He's handsome in a rough sort of way with his dark hair falling over his eyes all the time. He ended up with a crooked nose because of his love of boxing and then you have his muscular body. All solid.

I've seen him once without his s.h.i.+rt when he'd been working out back at the club, and I'd drooled. Oh, yes he reminded me of these tattooed male models all over Facebook, with one h.e.l.l of a 'V' leading into his jeans, which had some sort of tattoo inked into his skin down there, disappearing into his jeans and it was just begging to be licked. He'd caught me drooling, of course, and had spent the remainder of the evening being an a.s.s.

"Ugh." Turning to head back before I'm missed, I freeze seeing the object of my bad mood standing behind me. How long he's been standing there is any one's guess.

"What do you want?"

His eyes narrow. "I'm your boss, Rosie. Or have you forgotten?"

"How could I forget with the constant stream of orders that come out of your mouth?" I feel like stamping my foot, which I refrain from, but I stand with my hands on my hips.

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McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 20 summary

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