Forced Submission: Book 1-6 Part 13

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Releasing her neck, I rain kisses around her throat, where I just gripped her. When I'm finished, I pull myself up into a sitting position, brus.h.i.+ng my hands across her soft skin.

"I have to get out and drop off this s.h.i.+pment. I won't gag you because if you need me, I want you to be able to call out for me. I'll always come for you, Cameron. With that said, heed my warning. If you call out and risk someone taking you from me, or someone seeing you naked because you yelled out trying to leave me, you won't like the consequences. I find I lack control where you're concerned. Don't test my resolve."



Sly kisses the tip of my nose before pulling back and making eye contact with me once more. I don't know how to respond to that so I just nod my head. Once he sees what he needs, he exits the truck and locks the door behind him.

I pull at the ropes on my arms and legs, feeling no give. Luckily they're soft enough that I don't think I've done too much damage to my body from when I've pulled on them. I feel the stickiness between my legs and it's a reminder of everything he's done to me, what he's taken from me, and what I allowed to happen.

Craning my neck, I try to look out, but I can't see anything. How would I even begin to escape? I don't have any weapons, and I'm not some kind of secret knot expert. I don't even know where I am. If I was able to somehow break free, what then? The old saying better the devil you know' keeps racing through my mind. I'm terrified of what is out there, and I'm not sure I'd get myself into a better situation than the one I'm currently in.

I lie here thinking about how a normal person would react and what a sane person would do right now. I think through every scenario possible and yet all I do is lie here. I also think about all the horrible things that could go wrong right now, like someone breaking in here and seeing me and getting us both killed. Although my fear is building, I don't take any kind of action or move an inch from where Sly put me.

After a little while has pa.s.sed, I hear the truck door open and I tense. I'm stone still and terrified of what could happen. I draw a breath, ready to scream.

"It's just me, pet."

Hearing his voice shouldn't make me relax, but it does. I close my eyes and let out the breath I was holding. I was flipping through so many horrible ideas that hearing him come in is almost a relief. Knowing I belong to Sly makes me feel at ease in that moment.

He comes to the back of the cab and stands over the bed. Our bed.

"Everything went beautifully." He sits down on the side of the bed and touches my cheek. "Now we are going to make one more quick stop and then it's home." He leans down, kissing my lips, and I find myself kissing him back, almost in a thankful way.

He gets in the driver seat, and once the truck is cranked I feel us start to move. We drive for what feels like only a few minutes before he pulls over again.

Once he parks, he comes to the back again and undoes his pants, getting between my legs.

"I had to wait that whole time to f.u.c.k you, and now I need to get off again before we get home."

He slicks the head of his c.o.c.k at my entrance, lubing it up and pus.h.i.+ng in a little. I'm still covered from the last time he had me, so when he thrusts hard, his stroke is slick.

"Oh, f.u.c.k yeah. I love having a c.u.m wh.o.r.e in the truck with me for long trips like this."

I close my eyes tightly at his filthy words. Who would ever want to be called such terrible things?

"Your c.u.n.t gets so tight when I talk to you like that. You love it, don't you? You love being called my personal c.u.m s.l.u.t, I can feel it."

Shamefully, I feel my body respond. What is wrong with my body that his horrible treatment gets me soaking wet and hurting with need? I feel so achy between my legs, and it's not from his rough f.u.c.king. I need to c.u.m and I hate it.

Sly leans down and sucks my nipple to just the edge of pain, but all it does is make me wetter. I shout in response and he smiles around my nipple.

"You're so h.o.r.n.y, pet. You couldn't wait to get off until we got home either. G.o.d, what fun we're going to have. I'm going to keep you sitting on my c.o.c.k all f.u.c.king day so I can dump c.u.m in you any time I feel like it."

I bite my lip, trying not to c.u.m, holding back as hard as I can. Just as I think I have it under control, Sly reaches up and pinches my other nipple as he sucks hard again. The sensation on my sensitive nipples combined with the hard f.u.c.king he's giving my p.u.s.s.y push me over the edge.

I can't hold back my scream, and as my o.r.g.a.s.m peaks, my arms and legs lock up, just taking the pleasure he's giving me.

As I come down, I feel Sly jerk out of my body fast and move up to my chest. His c.o.c.k is huge and almost purple with need. He presses it to my chest between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He's covered in my cream, so when he pushes my t.i.ts together, he's able to slide between them without difficulty. He holds them roughly, making a tight seal for his c.o.c.k to penetrate.

"Open your f.u.c.king mouth."

I do as he says, watching the head of his c.o.c.k jut up between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, peeking out after each stroke.

"Stick your tongue out."

He's so close to the edge, he's demanding and angry. I don't want to push his limits, so I do what he says. When I stick my tongue out, the head of his c.o.c.k kisses it with each stroke. I can taste his c.u.m and some of mine on the end, and I try not to moan at the flavor. What he's doing to me now should be demeaning. I should hate him for f.u.c.king my body this way and turning me into an animal. But my body, as it's been doing since the moment I've met him, betrays me and I enjoy it.

I stick my tongue out further, wanting to taste more. Sly growls and thrusts into my t.i.ts one final time, squirting c.u.m on my face and mouth. Our eyes are locked, and as he on me, I see his inner beast loving his mark of possession.

Once he's finished, he relaxes and looks down at me, smiling. Still staring into his eyes, I stick my tongue out, licking c.u.m off my lips and swallowing it.

Sly gives me a wicked smile and moves down my body until we are face to face again. He leans down, and just before he kisses my lips, he whispers, "Mine."



Excitement courses through my whole body. I don't think Cameron knows the lengths I went to for this day. To finally bring home the woman I would be spending the rest of my life with. All the little details and planning. She would understand the reality of what's really happening here; that everything I do is for us.

I drive down the long driveway that leads to my home and pull up to the side of the house. Shutting off the truck, I turn to my little pet.

"We're home."

She eyes me worriedly, but I try to comfort her. I want her to enjoy seeing her new home for the first time. I hope she loves it as much as I do. I put so much work into building it, making it just for her and for the family she's going to give me.

"I think you'll love it," I rea.s.sure her, reaching to untie her hands and feet. I rub where the ropes dug into her, but the rope was soft and I see there's no damage. "But if there is something you don't like, we can change it. Just let me know and I'll have it done." Thinking on it for a second, I change my mind. "I mean, I'll fix it myself for you." I wasn't going to let someone else come into our home and build or change something for her. I'd do it for her myself. They'd probably see how perfect she is and try to steal her from me.

Reaching for the end of the bed, I grab the folded sheet and shake it out, wrapping it around her. She doesn't fight me or make even the smallest protest. Maybe some of her resolve is finally slipping. She's starting to understand this is her life now and there's no reason to fight it. Why should she? No one in this whole f.u.c.king world will treat her better than I will.

"I'm going to carry you, pet. This is the part of the driveway I park my truck on. It's gravel, and I don't want to hurt your little feet."

Scooping her up, my heart warms when she wraps her arms around me without me having to ask her to. I pull her closer, move to the door, and hop down out of the truck.

Her eyes dart around, looking everywhere. "It's..."

She seems to change her mind about wanting to say whatever it is, but I have to know.

"It's what?" I encourage her.


The house is perfect. It sits on over thirty acres surrounded by forested land. The house is a two-storey building with a wraparound porch on each floor.

"Then you'll fit right in, won't you, pet?"

"I've never fit in anywhere."

I can tell by the look on her face she didn't mean to say that part out loud. I don't understand how that could be possible. When I first saw her, I had to get close, had to touch her, hear her voice. How could anyone ever make her feel like an outsider?

"You'll always fit with me."

As I make my way to the front porch, she lays her head on my shoulder. When we reach the double door entryway, I place her on the ground while I pull my key out of my pocket and slide it into the lock.

Scooping her back up into my arms, I carry her inside. I should stop and show her around, but all I can think about is seeing her laid out in our bed for the first time.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I eat up the distance to our room. When I reach the foot of the bed, I just toss her on it and start peeling off my own clothes, wanting to be skin to skin with her. "Out of the sheet, pet."

My belt drops and hits the wooden floor, the sound echoing in the room. When she doesn't move, I give her a hard look that has her scurrying to untangle herself.

I strip off the rest of my clothes and I'm on her before she can react, my shoulders pus.h.i.+ng her thighs apart, and I bury my face between her legs. The smell of her and me mixed together fills my lungs, making c.u.m from my hard c.o.c.k leak onto the bed.

"You get the first o.r.g.a.s.m in our house together. I'm going to show you how good it's going to be so you'll never leave me. Ever. I'll keep you so exhausted with pleasure you won't be able to crawl away from me," I growl against her delicate skin, dropping my mouth to her p.u.s.s.y.

Her hand goes to my head, and I think she's going to try to pull me off. Instead she grabs a hold of me, not pulling me away, but not pressing me into her either. Just holding me.

I give her what she won't ask for. No games or teasing. I zero in on her c.l.i.t, sucking it into my mouth, tasting the mixture of our pleasure from our last bout of s.e.x. Her back arches off the bed and her hips jerk against my face.

Gripping her thighs, I spread her wider, opening her up completely. I lick and suck, and then she gives it to me. She screams out my name, and the sound makes me so hard and excited, I can't control my own o.r.g.a.s.m and I start c.u.mming on myself. It should be embarra.s.sing, but I don't give a f.u.c.k. She tastes so sweet, and hearing her say my name tipped me over the edge.

I continue to suck her c.l.i.t, helping her ride out the last bit of her o.r.g.a.s.m until her body lets go, relaxing onto the bed. She looks physically exhausted as she lies limp on the bed.

Crawling up her body, I bury my face in her neck and just breathe us in. Feeling her under me and knowing she's here has soothed me inside. After a few moments, I feel myself start to drift off, and then suddenly I'm wide awake.

"Is that a picture of me?"



Sitting up, I look over and see a framed picture of myself on the bedside table. In the photo I'm leaning in and smiling, the soft light highlighting my face. I feel a blush creep over me, and I reach over to grab the picture.

I hold it close, looking at it carefully, and I trace my face with one finger. "This was from the first night we video chatted."

"It was," Sly mumbles against my skin, kissing me softly. "I snapped a screenshot while you were laughing. I remember thinking how beautiful you were, and I wanted to capture the moment."

I put the picture back on the bedside table, and we cuddle into bed.

Sly kisses the side of my breast, nuzzling against me. "Did everything go as you wanted, pet?"

"It was scary, seeing you for the first time in person, and then finally doing all the things we talked about for so long."

"I agree. I was nervous meeting you in real life as well, but it was more amazing than I expected. I never thought I would have found love like this online."

He sits up and looks into my eyes, and I feel a lump in my throat. I've waited to tell him until we were face to face, so it's now or never. "I love you, Sly."

"I love you too, Cameron."

He climbs on top of me and thrusts inside, making me moan. He grabs my wrists and holds them above my head, kissing my neck and claiming me.

Last year I happened to like a post on a BDSM site that Sly was a member of. I was really nervous about group chatting and being approached by creeps, so I was cautious for a long time. I would follow Sly's page, and I felt like everything he posted said the same things I wanted and needed. It took a while, but eventually I said h.e.l.lo and he said h.e.l.lo back. We didn't get into any s.e.x talk for months. We talked about our love of books and movies, and it was silly, but it felt like I had found someone just like me.

After some time, we talked on the phone and opened up to one another about our lives and what we did, and we laughed, sharing our stories. After that we decided to go to video chat, and I realized I was falling for him. Sly knew before me, but he said he waited to make sure I was ready. And when he finally expressed the same thing, I leapt at the chance to say more. We started to share fantasies, and after a while I realized I wanted to make them a reality. With him.

I told him everything I wanted, leaving nothing out. I was ashamed and embarra.s.sed, but I knew that in order to have the relations.h.i.+p we both needed, we had to communicate. Seeing him in that coffee shop the first time, I wanted to cry and run to him, but we both needed to keep to the script. In a way, acting it out kept me calm because I knew what to expect. I had made all the plans necessary to make my life his now, and after this experience, I know I made the right decision.

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Forced Submission: Book 1-6 Part 13 summary

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