Ascendants Of Ancients Sovereign Part 59

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Athena shook her head. "I'll follow you anywhere, as promised, but I won't ask my family to."

"You don't need to ask anyone to do anything, honey. I'll talk to them. I'm sure they'll want to come. I've got everything under control. Have I ever let you down?"

"Of course, not. I trust you." She led George into their bedroom.

After a good while, George lay back, exhausted. He pulled Athena close and allowed his mind to wander. If Sam believes my deception, war won't extend as far east as City View, he thought. Although I don't want Lethwitch to see war either, my face will draw attention around here. I know Athena would rather stay, but I think it's impossible to live here.

He scratched the top of his head. Maybe I'll talk to Lasidious about it and see what he thinks. I better not leave the house until I know more.

It was just before the Peak of Bailem when George's mind settled down enough that he was able to fall asleep. Kepler and his brothers were hidden in the Enchanted Forest, and he was not scheduled to meet with them until dusk the following Peak.

The City of Brandor The Next Morning BJ wanted to find a spot on the western coast of the peninsula to light the pyre to celebrate Helga's pa.s.sing. His heart was heavy. He had loved Helga more than any other.

BJ was about to leave with Helga's body on the back of Sam's royal wagon when the king and queen approached. Sam and Shalee were scheduled to leave for Cottle. They had promised to attend the Pa.s.sing Ceremonies of the men who had perished on Scorpion Island, and they had tried to convince BJ to wait until they returned to light Helga's pyre, but the advisor refused to comply. He insisted that he had no choice but to light Helga's fire immediately.

"BJ, would you like me to stay behind?" Shalee asked.

BJ shook his head. "No. I want to be alone."

When the queen tried to object, Sam touched her on the forearm. "Just let him go. It'll be good for him to get this off his chest. He needs to begin the healing process as quickly as possible so he can be ready."

A confused look appeared on Shalee's face. "Ready for what?"

The king looked at BJ. "You need to move beyond Helga's pa.s.sing as quickly as you can. I need you to have a clear head. I know I sound callous right now, but you know we've got to do what's best for this kingdom, and as my advisor, you need to be ready for anything."

BJ did not respond. The disdain on his face said everything he wanted to curse at Sam. His actions were filled with hostility as he climbed up onto the wagon and s.n.a.t.c.hed the reins. "Yaw!"

After watching the wagon until it was out of sight, Shalee wiped the tears from her face and nestled into Sam's chest. "Do you think he'll be alright?" she sobbed. "I know how he feels. I'm sick to death about all this."

Sam nodded, "He's a tough, old guy. He'll be alright."

As BJ pa.s.sed through the city gates, he kept the hood of his cloak over his head to hide the tears that would not stop rolling down his face. The wagon held Helga's coffin on one side and the wood for her pyre on the other. This was the second series of moments in which BJ had to say goodbye to a woman he had cared for. The problem was, with Helga, his heart was destroyed, and he was lost. His previous relations.h.i.+p did not have the pa.s.sion they had shared. His sorrow was unbearable, and he would travel for as long as it took to find the perfect spot that complemented his lost love's beauty.

When BJ finally jumped down from the wagon, he made his final a.s.sessment. The sand of the beach was white and clean. The waves rolled onto the sh.o.r.e, adding a sense of peace that BJ knew Helga would have enjoyed. The trees sat back from the sh.o.r.eline, creating an alcove of privacy, and within this alcove, there were two boulders that sat close to one another-the perfect place to light her fire.

As he lifted the wood off the wagon, BJ's heart became heavier with each step. Never had he felt so overcome with sadness. He longed for his love to return and claim that an evil jest had been played. It consumed his thoughts as he stacked the wood the way that Helga deserved. He would not settle for anything less than perfection, but he was losing more of himself with the adjustment of each piece, and his heart was falling into a pit that he would struggle to crawl out of.

When the moment came to move Helga's coffin, BJ read from a scroll that Shalee had created. The magic released and gave him the strength to carry the coffin from the wagon to the pile and set it in position. He made sure it was centered, adjusting it on a hundred different occasions before he achieved the perfect placement.

With dusk approaching, BJ looked toward the sunset as it cast a beautiful array of color into the darkening sky. This would be the last series of moments that he could share with Helga. The urge to hold her for one last moment as the sun descended behind the horizon pulled at him.

He rushed to the wagon to grab an iron bar. He used it to break open the lock that secured the lid of the coffin. He lifted the latch, not knowing that his love lay torn apart inside.

Unsure if this was the right thing to do, BJ paused as he dropped the latch back in place. Perhaps it's best to leave her alone, he thought. But how can I pa.s.s on the opportunity to show her my love?

It was not long before BJ convinced himself that Helga would have enjoyed the idea of being held one last moment before he lit her fire. He lifted the lid and looked inside expecting to find Helga's peaceful face, but what he found was his worst nightmare. Seeing Helga's mutilated pieces, his expression turned from one full of pa.s.sion to one of horror and excruciating agony.

BJ took a step back from the coffin. He fell off the stack and onto the beach. He crawled to his feet and then ran as fast as he could to get away from the nightmare. He collapsed into the waves, lifted his head to the heavens and screamed, cursing the G.o.ds for stealing his happiness, cursing Sam for allowing Helga to go into the face of danger, cursing Shalee for not being there when Helga needed her most. And finally, he cursed himself for letting his love go on a fool's quest.

A long series of moments pa.s.sed before BJ stood to retrieve his dagger. He lit a torch and grabbed a container of oil. He poured the liquid over the wood beneath the coffin, but only enough to allow the fire to grow slowly. He then cleared a place next to Helga and lay down inside the coffin next to her mutilated pieces.

With the torch in his left hand, he plunged his dagger into his stomach with his right and then lifted the blade as much as he could toward his sternum. After dropping the torch onto the wood below, BJ closed his eyes and waited for the open wound to end his life, but the flames spread much quicker than he had antic.i.p.ated. In his grief stricken and confused state, BJ had used too much oil.

BJ's eyes had not yet closed forever before the intense heat consumed the coffin. His horrific screams filled the night before his soul left for the Book of Immortality's pages.

George Meets the Minotaur King George spent four and a half Peaks putting his plans in motion, and Kepler was instrumental in their execution. George realized the moments to bring war to the Serpent King's kingdom were few.

George had used his power to strengthen Kepler's body, and he rode the demon for most of that 4 Peaks. The jaguar's brothers had tagged along. They poked fun as Kepler complained about the saddle the mage had created. Yet despite his brothers' taunting, Kepler was accepting of his role.

As they approached the rolling pastures where the Minotaur King grazed, George put up a wall of force to protect the group as they rode into the area. As expected, the group's intrusion was not welcomed. The part-bull, part-human subjects of the Minotaur King bellowed curses as the intruders pa.s.sed.

George had never seen so many of these creatures. Their large, bull heads, attached to human torsos and human arms, were ma.s.sive. Their bottom halves were ma.s.sive cow-like legs that rippled as their weight s.h.i.+fted. They stood upright and walked like any normal man, but they still grazed. It was odd to watch them reach down near their hooves, tear the gra.s.s from the earth with their hands and then place it near their mouths, only to scoop the gra.s.s in with their large tongues to consume it.

As they drew closer to the king, the beasts became aggressive and attacked. They bounced off George's magic s.h.i.+eld like a child's ball off a brick wall. The mage laughed as the beasts picked themselves up off the ground, dazed from the collision.

Kepler stopped in front of the Minotaur King.

After watching his strongest subjects fail to break through George's magic, the king addressed the mage. "Pro tay mes galomay."

Kepler translated. "George, he wants to know if you're a G.o.d. I think he's asking because they can't touch you."

George looked at the king and smiled. "Tell him I am."

Kepler looked over his shoulder at George. "Are you serious?"

"Sure. Why not? He doesn't know any different."

Kepler rolled his eyes, and then the jaguar turned his head toward the Minotaur. "Ages meslopa portray la mor. Eswa go sloma."

George patted Kepler on his shoulder. "Tell him my name and ask him his."

Kepler did as instructed. "He said his name, if I'm translating it right, is Horace."

"Horace?" George chided. "What the h.e.l.l? Was his mother p.i.s.sed when she named him?"

Kepler growled. "This isn't the proper series of moments to jest. A little tact would be best for this situation."

"Blah, blah, blah. I get it. Tell Horace it would be wise to send his scouts to watch for Brandor's army. Tell him Brandor is going to kill all beasts who live under a monarchy. Tell him the Scorpion King has already pa.s.sed, and it's only a matter of moments until he's next. Tell him Brandor's next target will be the Serpent King's city, and tell him I can show him some of Brandor's handiwork."

Kepler rolled his eyes and thought, Tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him. What an idiot. The demon spoke with the Minotaur King.

George smiled within as the beast bellowed.

Kepler turned to translate. "He's angry, George. He hates Brandor's new king. He feels their champion was cheated out of his victory, and he wants revenge."

George tilted his head. "I saw that fight. I don't know why he feels like he was cheated, but this is perfect. You couldn't ask for a bigger silver platter than that."

Kepler's eyes flashed as he twisted his head to look over his shoulder at the mage. "Silver platter? What does a plate have to do with this negotiation? Have you become dense?"

"Bah! It's just an expression. Just tell the king I can take him to the Scorpion King's island and show him the carnage."

Kepler translated. "He said he's willing to go."

"Great. Then tell him to close his eyes."

Once done, the mage teleported the group to the location of the Scorpion King's body. When they appeared, they were next to the pedestal. George commanded the darkness to dissipate and then pointed to the giant arthropod's remains.

The Minotaur roared, and then he walked up and out of the cave to take a look around the rest of the island. George was quick to direct Horace to the southern sh.o.r.e. He smiled. The Minotaur's anger swelled as he surveyed the gruesome scene.

"Kep, ask Horace if he knows anything about the water mist mares."

Again, Kepler did as instructed. "He says they're powerful."

"Then tell the king that the mares have been terminated ... thanks to Brandor. Tell him I can prove it."

The jaguar translated. "Horace says, if Brandor can defeat the spirits, their army is too dominant. He wants to know what can be done about it. He says his legions aren't strong enough to defeat Brandor."

"His army doesn't need to be strong enough," George responded. "Tell him that I don't want him to attack Brandor right away. He'll need to wait until they attack the Serpent King's lair. Make sure he understands I have reinforcements coming."

For the next fair series of moments, Kepler explained the plan as George revealed his overall strategy. Once the jaguar was finished, Horace bellowed a question.

Kepler turned to translate. "He wants to know why the barbarians would fight with the Minotaur."

"Tell him that Senchae doesn't want Brandor to dominate the territories of Southern Grayham just like Horace doesn't. Once the war is over, they'll take what's theirs and return to the north. Senchae only wants to weaken Brandor ... not exterminate its populace. He simply wants to keep them from killing the beasts who govern their kind through the power of a crown. Senchae believes the beasts of this world are necessary for the survival of all kingdoms."

Kepler translated. "He agrees with your logic, George. He's also glad because war provides his kind the chance to avenge the death of their champion."

"Then it's settled. Make sure Horace knows the bears will also be fighting with them. Tell him I'll bring the Bear King to see him. They can devise a plan and work together."

The Minotaur King nodded and bellowed a final statement.

Kepler translated, "He is comfortable with your plan, George. Brandor will fall to its knees."

Sam's Throne Room The Next Morning Sam's heart was heavy. His emotions were getting the best of him as he stormed through the castle. No one had ever seen their king act this way. As a result, the n.o.bles and the castle servants were walking on as they entered the throne room to deliver gifts.

Earlier, Sam had learned that BJ's hunting knife was found at the center of a pile of ash and bone. From the looks of it, his advisor had committed suicide. The scouts had said BJ's knife was found on the beach where he had lit the pyre for Helga's pa.s.sing, and it was only because the king's wagon was close by that the connection was made.

Sam barged into his throne room with the general in tow. The n.o.bles of Brandor and their families were placing the gifts meant for the fallen men of the 11th legion around his throne to symbolize their respect. They bowed as their king stomped up the steps and took his seat.

"What do you mean, General?" Sam barked. "Why would George hide the pieces of the Crystal Moon in the serpent's lair?"

Michael's response was without delay. "I don't know, Sire. I only just received this word. There was an attack. One of our officers has come from the city of Champions to deliver a message. He's waiting in the hall."

"Then, bring him in, d.a.m.n it! Why is he out there? He can't talk to me from the hall!"

Sam dropped his head into the palms of his hands as he waited for Joshua to enter. His thoughts ran wild. How could you be so d.a.m.n selfish, BJ? You just c.r.a.pped on everyone who loved you ... and Helga's memory. If you were alive, I'd kill you myself. d.a.m.n it!

The n.o.bles gave way as Joshua entered and moved to stand at the base of the steps leading up to the throne. Sweat rolled down Joshua's brow as he took a knee.

Eventually, Sam looked up and shouted. "Well? Are you going to talk, or are you going to stand there and look stupid all Peak?"

Joshua lifted his head. "I'm sorry, My King."

Michael held up his hand to silence Joshua and then leaned over to whisper in Sam's ear.

Another level of anger appeared on Sam's face. "The general tells me you heard a drunk bragging that he had two pieces of the Crystal Moon. I was told you heard he was going to hide them. Is that right?"

" Yes, Sire," Joshua responded.

Sam took a deep breath. His face hardened further. "Joshua, tell me why a group of my officers was not able to stop this man? Why didn't you bring him to me? Were you drunk also? Why were you in a tavern in the first place?"

After hearing the king's tone, Joshua swallowed. "We were celebrating our friend's last Peak as a single man, Sire. The man who entered the tavern traveled with the demon-cat, Kepler. There were two other cats that looked just like Kepler. They were ma.s.sive, My Lord. We tried to stop the man, but he wielded magic like I've never seen. He turned our friend to stone, and we weren't strong enough to stop his beasts. They slaughtered everyone. I was lucky to have survived. I give praise to Mosley for my escape."

Sam leaned forward. "I'm sure Lord Mosley appreciated your prayers, but it's my forgiveness you should be seeking."

Joshua lowered his head. "Sire, forgive me. I serve this kingdom with honor. My family would sacrifice all they are for your crown. There was no way to capture this man, or it would've been done."

Sam believed that Joshua's testimony confirmed it was George, but why would he act so carelessly? Once again, Sam's voice was cold. "Why would this man say such things, Joshua? Does it make sense for him to divulge critical information?"

Sweat dripped from Joshua's nose as he lifted his head. "My King, I swear to you, the man was drunk when he boasted his intent. When he came into the tavern, he was happy. He even bought us all drinks. Many moments went by, and then his cats entered. We tried to stop them, but the man's demons pinned us against a wall. The man told us he knew you from a place called Earth. He called you words that I've never heard before, and they sounded brash."

"And what were these words, Captain?"

"Your Grace, I don't know that I care to say them in the presence of women."

Sam leaned forward and looked Joshua in the eye. "You've found me on a Peak when I don't care about your feelings. Tell me now, or I'll end you!" Sam pulled Kael from his sheath and commanded the blade's flame. "I would hate to place this blade into a tight orifice. I've heard it doesn't feel good."

Again, Joshua swallowed. "Yes, Sire. The man said you had garesh for brains. He said you were a spoiled b.i.t.c.h. He called you weak and pathetic. He said he was smarter than you, and you could stick all the languages you speak up your ... well, I think he meant your backside, Sire. Shall I continue? He used many other, much stronger sounding words."

Sam leaned back in his chair and laughed. "I bet he did, Joshua. I bet he did! That sounds like the man I know."

Everyone in the throne room looked at each other. They would have been embarra.s.sed by the things Joshua had said, but their king just laughed it off.

After a bit, Sam stood and motioned for Michael to come forward. "What do we know of the barbarians? When we were in the cave, George said he was running things in the north. Has there been any movement of their army?"

"Sire, we should be getting word from our scouts within Peaks. I dispatched them after we left the island. They should report 4 Peaks from now. I've also sent additional scouts every 2 Peaks to ensure we stay informed. If the first group of scouts doesn't know anything, the others are sure to discover something. If the barbarians are preparing an a.s.sault, we'll know it."

Sam formulated a plan. "I want the first five legions to stay here and protect Brandor. I want the other five, and what's left of the 11th, to a.s.semble at the city of Champions. If the information the scouts deliver suggests George is hiding the crystals, we will attack Seth's kingdom. If it's not accurate, we will head north and attack Bloodvain. I'm not about to wait here for something to happen. You have 7 Peaks to fulfill my commands, General. Don't fail me, or I'll find someone else to lead the army!"

Michael did not allow the king's tone to affect his confidence. "Sire, what of the blade the used to kill King Aaron? I've asked you before, but you've failed to respond. The blade was barbarian, and the was clearly fulfilling a contract created by barbarians. Should we not forego the search for the crystals to avenge the king's murder?"

Sam moved to stand in front of Michael. He spoke so that everyone could hear. The general could smell the ale on the king's breath. "The pieces of the crystal are more important than one man's pa.s.sing, General. The quakes across the kingdom are growing stronger. Would you have me sacrifice everyone for the sake of revenge?" The king did not wait to hear Michael's reaction. Instead, he stormed out of the room. "Get out of my way!"

Sam knew it was possible for Michael to fulfill his commands, but now he needed to transition his mind to matters of equal importance. He wanted to make sure that Shalee was okay. He knew the queen's grief would be compounded because of BJ's selfishness. Helga's loss was bad enough, but now BJ? he thought. Poor Shalee. There's no magic for grief.

Since they had arrived on Grayham, they had seen far too much death. Grieving for someone they cared so much about was going to be almost unbearable. He would take his queen, and together, they would go to the location where BJ pa.s.sed. He was sure their friends would want them to stand over their ashes and say goodbye.

The Hills of the Bear Clan 2 Peaks of Bailem Later George rode Kepler into the caves of the Bear King with the demon's brothers on either side. As before, they made a strong impression. The conversation was similar to the one with the Minotaur King and included a trip to Scorpion Island. When Groth saw the Scorpion King's body, he, too, became angered. The kodiak exited the cave and walked along the southern sh.o.r.e, speechless as he studied the remnants of the ma.s.sacre. George was also quick to point out that Brandor had killed the water mist mares.

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Ascendants Of Ancients Sovereign Part 59 summary

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