The Bodyguard's Return Part 11

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"I'll just get you a pillow and some blankets," she said as they moved into the living room. She disappeared down the hallway and returned a moment later with the bedding in her arms. "Are you sure you don't mind staying here?" Her brow wrinkled with worry.

"It's fine," he rea.s.sured her. "I wouldn't have offered if I minded." He took the bedding from her arms. "Now, you'd better get some sleep."

She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. The imprint of her lips shot heat straight to his heart. He backed away from her, confused by his reaction, vaguely irritated by a quick whip of desire that swept through him.

"Goodnight, Joshua." She walked to the stairway but before she took a step up she turned back to look at him. "The thing with Lauren, at least you know you managed to inspire tremendous pa.s.sion in somebody. That's something I don't expect to do in my lifetime." She didn't wait for his reply, but instead climbed the stairs.

He watched her until she disappeared from his sight, then he unfolded the blankets and made his bed for the night on the sofa. Whatever he'd inspired in Lauren, he didn't believe it had anything to do with real pa.s.sion. It had everything to do with sick obsession.

As he placed his gun on the coffee table in easy reach, he thought of what she'd said about his being sorry he'd gotten involved.

The truth was he felt more alive, more vital than he had since he'd left Cotter Creek almost one and a half years before. The problem was he didn't know if it was the woman or the potential danger that had his blood pumping and his adrenaline flowing.

Chapter 10.

"Don't forget the security code if you get home before me this afternoon," Winnie said over breakfast Monday morning. "I'm having my hair and nails done today."

Winnie had arranged for a security system to be installed the day before, insisting that she should have done it years ago when her husband had first pa.s.sed away and left her all alone.

Savannah had to confess, the new alarm system definitely gave her a sense of security that had been stripped from her with the attack. "I won't be home until later this evening. First thing this morning Joshua and I are heading to City Hall to see Lillian. We want to find out who owns the property of the ranchers who died. Then, I have an early dinner date with Sheila Wadsworth."

Winnie wrinkled her nose. "Now that's a woman who doesn't know the meaning of subtle."

Savannah laughed, thinking of Sheila's penchant for glitter and sequins. "She certainly hasn't been subtle about wanting me to interview her for my column."

"Sheila will do almost anything for attention or money," Winnie said. "She's been like that all her life. Rumor has it that she met her husband when she joined some dating service. Of course, I try not to listen to rumor." Winnie smiled slyly.

Once again Savannah laughed and carried her breakfast dishes to the sink. "This town runs on gossip. It's the favorite pasttime of everyone."

Winnie's smile increased. "And I know the latest piece of gossip that's making the rounds."

Savannah rinsed off her dishes, placed them in the dishwasher, then turned and looked at her landlady. "And what would that be?"

"Everyone is talking about how quickly you managed to snap up the most eligible bachelor in town."

"I didn't snap him up. We're just working together, that's all," Savannah exclaimed, her cheeks warming with a blush.

Winnie raised an eyebrow. "You two might just be working together, but that doesn't account for the sparks that fly in the air whenever the two of you are in the same room."

"Nonsense," Savannah scoffed as she felt her blush deepen, spilling heat into her cheeks. "There is absolutely nothing personal going on between Joshua and me."

Except she hadn't been able to forget what it felt like to be held in his arms, to be kissed with his lips, to feel his body taking hers. "And speaking of Joshua, he should be here anytime. I'm going to run upstairs and grab my purse and notebook."

Alone in her room, she sat on the edge of the bed and thought about what Winnie had said. If there were any sparks in the air between her and Joshua it was only because of the physical attraction she felt for him and nothing else.

It had been almost impossible for her to fall asleep night knowing he was downstairs on the sofa. She'd wanted nothing more than to go downstairs and get him and bring him into her bed.

She'd wanted his strong, warm arms holding her through the remainder of the night. Her desire was so intense it had frightened her. She told herself it was because of the trauma she'd suffered, but she suspected it was something deeper and more profound than that.

He'd left the next morning after the alarm system had been installed and they had only spoken on the phone once during the day to set up a time for him to pick her up this morning.

Despite that she had known him less than two weeks, in spite of the fact that they'd made love only once, he was getting beneath her defenses, making her wish for things she'd never wished for before.

"Savannah Marie, get a hold of yourself," she said aloud. She had sworn to Joshua that she wasn't going to get all mushy and romantic where he was concerned and she was determined to keep her word.

She grabbed her purse and notebook and left the bedroom. She'd just hit the bottom of the stairs when the doorbell rang.

It was Joshua. She tried to ignore the expanse of her heart at the sight of him. Clad in a pair of jeans, with a blue and gray sports s.h.i.+rt and dark gray sports coat, he threatened to take her breath away.

"All set?" he asked.

She nodded. "Winnie, we're leaving," she yelled toward the kitchen.

Within minutes Savannah and Joshua were in his truck and headed toward City Hall. She drew a deep breath, enjoying the scent of him, that wonderful blend of suns.h.i.+ne and clean male.

"What happens if we don't see anything suspicious about the sale of those properties?" she asked.

"Then I guess you just have to suffer through an interview with Sheila and write a column about her." He flashed a quick glance at her, his eyes lit with humor.

She smiled. "I guess that's not the worst thing in the world. So, what did you do on your day off yesterday?"

"I moved."

She looked at him in surprise. "You moved? Where?"

"There's a little two-bedroom cottage down the lane from the big house. It used to be used by a variety of ranch managers, but for the past several years Zack lived there. Since he and Katie got married, the place has been empty."

"Is there a reason for the move?" She couldn't imagine leaving the love and support that brimmed to the top at the West ranch for isolation in a cabin.

He hesitated a long moment before answering. "I just got used to being alone in New York and prefer to be by myself."

She didn't believe him. There was something more to it than that. It surprised her how much she wanted to know everything about him, all his thoughts, his worries, his dreams.

She told herself it was only because she was a reporter and he was an intriguing man from a powerful family, but she knew she was only fooling herself. She was beginning to care about Joshua West, and that scared the h.e.l.l out of her.

Maybe she was just feeling unusually emotional because of the attack and it was only natural she'd turn to Joshua for comfort and support. She had n.o.body else to turn to.

A wave of loneliness suddenly overtook her. She had parents who had never really bonded with her, a friend who had either committed suicide or been murdered and a man who had slept with her but had made it clear he wanted nothing more from her than a booty call. If she thought about it for too long she'd get downright depressed.

"It's not like you to be so quiet," he observed, breaking into her somber thoughts.

"Are you implying that I normally talk your ear off?"

He grinned. "Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm saying." He pulled into a parking place in front of the brick one-story city hall. He cut the engine, then turned to face her, the smile gone. "Are you okay? Did you sleep all right last night?"

"I slept fine," she a.s.sured him. "It's amazing how much a little thing like a state-of-the-art alarm system can do for your peace of mind." She unfastened her seat belt. "And now let's go inside and see how many cages we can rattle today."

She'd just stepped out of the truck when a male voice called her name. She whirled around to see Larry Davidson hurrying toward her. She smiled at the rugged cowhand who wore his black hat at a jaunty angle.

"Hi, Larry. How's life treating you?"

"Not bad." He shot a glance at Joshua.

"Do you two know each other?" She looked from Joshua to Larry.

"Haven't had the pleasure," Larry said and held out a hand.

The men made their introductions, then Larry faced Savannah once again. "Could I talk to you alone for a moment?" he asked.

"I'll wait right over there," Joshua said and walked several feet away.

Larry swept his hat off his head, revealing a head of unruly dark blond hair. He worried the brim of his hat between his thick callused fingers. "I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to have dinner with me sometime."

Savannah took a step back from him, surprised by the invitation. Perhaps if she hadn't met Joshua she might have considered accepting his offer. But it didn't seem right to sleep with one man and have dinner with another. Besides, there was absolutely no sparks where Larry was concerned.

"Thanks, Larry, but right now I'm really busy with work." He looked crestfallen. "Maybe you could check back with me in a couple of weeks," she added, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"I'll do that," he said and plopped his hat back on his head, then turned and headed down the sidewalk.

Savannah rejoined Joshua, who stood near the front door of the city hall building. He scowled. "How do you know that guy?"

"One of the first people I profiled when I started my column was Mayor Sharp. Larry works on the Mayor's ranch, and while I was out there he showed me around the place."

"What did he want?" The scowl showed no sign of lifting.

"He wanted to ask me out to dinner," she said, then added, "not that it's any of your business."

"I hope you turned him down. He's definitely not your type."

She looked at him in surprise. "And just what is my type?"

The scowl finally vanished, replaced by a knowing glint in his eyes. "He has to be strong, otherwise you'd ride ripshod all over him. And he has to have money." His gaze slowly slid down the length of her. "Because you are definitely a high maintenance kind of woman."

"I have my own money, thank you very much," she replied.

"Oh, and he'll have to be the silent type because the odds are good he'll rarely get a word in edgewise."

"Ha, ha, I bet you think you're funny." She grabbed him by the arm and steered him toward the door. "Come on, let's see if you can exude some of that Joshua charm on Lillian so she won't take all day getting the records we want to see."

Cotter Creek City Hall was a study in opulence for a Midwest cow town. The floor was imported gray marble with pale pink veins, more befitting a plush hotel than a government building.

Several years ago Aaron Sharp had pushed for major renovations for City Hall, resulting in mahogany counters, gleaming bra.s.s fixtures and the latest in computer technology.

One thing that hadn't changed was Lillian. She sat at a desk behind the counter, the same place she had sat five days a week for the past ten years.

She got up from her desk as they came in, a smile of welcome on her wrinkled face. "You must not be here to pay taxes because you don't look mad."

"Actually, we're here for some information," Savannah said. "We'd like to find out who owns some of the property in the area."

"Should be easy enough," Lillian said. She took the list of properties that Savannah had prepared. "It's going to take me a few minutes."

"We'll wait," Joshua said.

As Lillian returned to her desk and her computer, Savannah tried to still her racing heart. She was anxious to find out what information Lillian might be able to give them, but she suspected her quick heartbeat might also be because as crazy as it sounded, Joshua had acted like a jealous suitor for a moment.

She glanced over to where he stood leaning against the counter. Don't be ridiculous, Savannah Marie. A man who looks like Joshua might sleep with you because you're convenient, but when it comes time for him to settle down, it won't be with a woman like you.

"Shut up, Mother," Savannah muttered.

"Excuse me?" Joshua eyed her curiously.

"Nothing, I was just talking to myself."

He grinned, that easy, lazy smile that never failed to warm her. "It's nice to know you don't need anyone else around to fulfill your need for meaningless chatter."

She might have been offended by his words if it hadn't been for a soft, indulgent light that filled the green of his eyes.

"I spent most of my childhood talking to myself," she said lightly. "I'm used to it."

His smile faltered and instead he gazed at her for a long, somber moment. "I'm sorry about that."

There was something soft, something gentle in his voice that pierced through the protective barrier she kept so firmly around her heart. For just a moment as she looked into his eyes hope buoyed inside her, a fragile hope that she was afraid to hang onto. She feared that if she grasped it too tightly, she'd be shattered when she discovered her mother had been right about her after all.

"This is odd," Lillian said as she handed Joshua the information they'd been seeking. "All of those properties are listed to two men who have the same address in Boston. Isn't that odd?" Lillian looked from Joshua to Savannah.

"It's more than odd," Joshua said as he exchanged a meaningful glance with Savannah. "Come on, we've got more work to do."

"I was right, wasn't I, Joshua?" Savannah said as they left City Hall. "This is proof, isn't it?" Her cheeks flushed becomingly. "I knew I wasn't crazy. I might be a lot of things, but I'm not crazy." She followed him down the sidewalk. "Where are we going? What happens now?"

"We're going to see if we can find out who these two men are and why they have the same Boston address. Dalton should be in the office and with his help maybe we can get some answers before your dinner date with Sheila."

A hard knot pressed inside his chest. Savannah had been right. There was something evil happening in the town he loved. Somebody was buying up all the land, land that had belonged to men who had died in what now seemed like d.a.m.ned suspicious accidents.

He'd worried that somehow Lauren had found him and set her sights on Savannah. He'd believed that the attacks on her had been from the woman he'd left behind in New York City. Now he wasn't so sure.

If this was as big as he thought it might be, then it might just be big enough for Savannah's questions to be making somebody very nervous. He fought an impulse to reach out and take her hand in his, as if to a.s.sure himself that at least for the moment she was safe.

The Wild West Protective Services wooden sign creaked on its hinges in the midmorning breeze as he and Savannah approached the front door.

Inside Dalton sat at the desk, looking bored and with a computer game pulled up in front of him. "Hey, what's up?" He greeted them and closed down the game.

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The Bodyguard's Return Part 11 summary

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