Ward Against Death Part 10

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They reached the house, and she pressed her back to the rough granite wall, yanking Ward to her side. Eight feet above them sat one of the two windows, still aglow with light. If she were alone, she would grip the edge of the windowsill and pull herself up, but since she had Ward there, she might as well put him to use.

She leaned toward him. "Lift me up so I can get a look."

He mumbled something about being a physician, not a slave, but knelt so she could climb onto his shoulders.

Inside, lounging in a high-backed chair facing the window, sat the man. No. A woman. With hair cut as short as Ward's. Her cloak lay on the back of her chair, and she wore a red dress, so dark it looked like blood. What struck Celia as strange, above and beyond the short hair, was the row of tiny hoops in her right ear. That many earrings didn't fit any fas.h.i.+on trend Celia had ever heard of.

The woman motioned and spoke, and Celia wished she'd learned lip-reading. She gave up on trying to decipher what the woman was saying and scanned the room for the Keeper. All she could see was a leg clothed in dark green, stretched out from the other high-backed chair facing away from her.

This could be bad for her plans. If the Keeper was in good health, the meeting could last all night, which meant a long wait. She tapped Ward's shoulder, indicating she wanted down, just as the man with the green breeches stood. It wasn't the Keeper-this man was too tall-but she hadn't looked close enough before Ward dipped her below the window.

"Up. Back up," she said.


"Back up."

"But I thought-"

She dug her fingers in his scalp. He squeaked and stood.

It was Bakmeire, wearing green and gold and standing, plain as day, in the Keeper's study. He poured himself a drink from the Keeper's brandy, and said something to the strange woman. What could they possibly be talking about?

She tapped Ward's shoulder.

"Really?" he asked.

"What do you think?"

"I think I'm going to be doing deep knee bends all night." But he knelt and let her climb off his shoulders. He was stronger than he looked.

She leaned against the wall. There was no reason for Bakmeire to be in the Keeper's house. Lord Holbreck wasn't supposed to have an overt connection with anyone in the Gentilica. Unless someone had decided to break the rules. But to what end? She couldn't fathom why. And who was that woman?

The clouds sluggishly s.h.i.+fted and broke apart, bathing the garden in soft moonlight. Ward had to know something about that woman he wasn't saying. Why else would he be so adamant about her not being a physician? He wasn't that good a judge of character.

"What now?" Ward asked.

"We wait."


Did he really need her to explain the obvious? "Until they leave the study, or the sun comes up."

After a few minutes the light in the study went out. It was over faster than Celia had thought, although Bakmeire wasn't known for being long-winded.

She roused Ward who appeared to be dozing. Together, they crept along the southern wall to a pair of carved wooden doors leading into a large parlor. It was rumored Lord Holbreck's wife liked to entertain in her garden, and had widened the parlor doors opening onto the manor's grounds.

She chose a pick from her case and slipped it into the lock, found the barrel, and moved the bolt. Again, another basic lock with no traps, although she supposed the Keeper really had no need for complicated locks. As a minor n.o.ble, he didn't have enough wealth to be overly tempting, and to anyone but the Dominus-and a nosy Dominus' daughter-he was a boring, mild-mannered man who lived by a strict routine.

The parlor lay in darkness. Just enough moonlight shone through the large bay windows on either side of the double doors for Celia to distinguish pieces of furniture: chairs, divans, tables, even a harpsichord. Everything appeared bigger than life, plumper, more ornamented, so much more lavish than anything she would find in her father's house, and her father favored the finer things in life. Where had the Keeper acquired his money?

Ward stumbled into the edge of a squat table. He managed to stifle most of his cry, strangling it into a gasp. Grabbing his hand, she realized the motion was becoming a habit and not a purposeful act in her game to seduce him. She pushed that thought away and led him into the hall toward the study. She froze at the sound of m.u.f.fled voices. A deep ba.s.s and a raspy alto came from down the hall by the front door. Bakmeire. She'd recognize that ba.s.s anywhere. The other, she could only a.s.sume, was the woman. She strained to listen to their conversation, but couldn't make out the words.

Celia stepped to sneak closer but caught herself. She wasn't there to eavesdrop, no matter how much she wanted to know what they were discussing-she was there to find the Keeper's secret safe and get her father's journal. She also couldn't forget about Ward. If she didn't do as planned he'd get all nervous and likely make a lot of noise.

The front door clicked closed and the house grew quiet. She waited, listening for footsteps. Nothing. Both must have left. Good.

She motioned Ward into action and they continued down the hall to the last door on the left. The study was a small room with a modest hearth and the two round windows on either side of its chimney. Bright circles of moonlight fell on the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, which were crammed with books, scrolls, loose parchments, tiny boxes, and statuettes. To Celia's right sat a ma.s.sive oak desk littered with papers, and to her left, a sideboard with an a.s.sortment of crystal and decanters filled with liquids ranging from dark to pale.

She turned to Ward. "I want you to look and listen for anyone coming." She placed him against the edge of the bookshelf beside the door, and captured his gaze with hers. "Don't lose focus."

He opened his mouth as if to reply, but didn't say anything.

She stepped into the center of the study. If she were the Keeper, where would she hide her safe? It could be behind any of the bookshelves, and there were at least a thousand books she'd have to pull out to see if it was there. The shelves would be convenient, if a little obvious.

She crossed to the shelf behind the desk and peered at the books in the dim light to see if any of the spines looked particularly worn. There were a few, and she pulled them out to see if they revealed anything, but they were ordinary books. She flipped open one of the covers and bit her lip. The Romance of Isealamon and Greymor. Lord Holbreck didn't seem the type to enjoy Talorentian romances. Perhaps the book was his wife's.

This, however, only revealed the Keeper had unusual reading tastes; it didn't tell her anything about where his safe might be. If it was her safe...

She looked across the desk to the sideboard. She would put it there, behind the table with all that crystal. If anyone was stupid enough to break in-present company excluded-when they tried to move the table, the crystal would sing, announcing their presence.

But she was no common thief. She was the Dominus' daughter. She had high expectations to live up to. Daddy didn't buy her way into anything, and that counted for the' Guild as well. She'd earned her members.h.i.+p like every other daughter before her, and had ensured her reputation of being the best. Plain and simple.

She strode across the room to the sideboard and knelt, running her hands along the floorboards. Her fingers brushed against a slight difference in the polish and the hint of long curving tracks where the wooden legs had been dragged across the floor a few times every generation.

Success! Now, how was she going to move the sideboard? It looked too heavy to move without making noise, and that still didn't solve the problem of the crystal. She supposed she could remove everything on top.

A quick count came up with thirty and fifteen decanters. It was worth a try. It just meant this wouldn't be a quick grab and dash.

She should probably let Ward know what she was doing, but he stood holding the door to the study open just enough to peer into the dark hall, intent on his job. It would be a waste of time to go over there. Plus, he'd probably yelp when she touched him, waking the entire house.

With quick, precise movements, she picked up each piece of crystal, careful not to let it touch any of the others, and placed them in the center of the study's floor, allowing herself enough room to pull the sideboard away from the wall without fear of knocking anything over.

Once clear, the edge of the sideboard lifted easily and swung away from the bookshelf. Behind it sat a carved wooden box roughly the height of a book and the width of five or six.

She removed the key from her money pouch and reached to put it in the lock. The key glowed an ever-so-slight yellow. It was true. Proof the Gentilica of Brawenal was ancient, since the Brothers of Light made very few magic locks and keys. It spoke of the time of the Great Magi and the Age of Enlightenment, even before the Union of Princ.i.p.alities. Excluding the possibility the book and safe were stolen.

She glanced back at Ward. He was still on guard like a good boy. It didn't matter where the Keeper had gotten the box or when; all that mattered was she had the key, and the secret of all her father's thoughts-and hopefully her within. She inserted the key into the keyhole and turned. The light intensified, flaring brightly. Something clicked, the light vanished, and the door to the safe swung open.

It was dark inside.

She'd have to risk a trap and reach in blind.

"Celia," Ward hissed.

She ignored him and ran her hand along the bottom of the safe, trying to find something, anything. The box was deeper than she expected. Her fingers brushed the edge of a parchment, just out of reach.

"There's someone coming, Celia. I see a lamp."

"I'm almost done." If he could just give her a minute. But it wasn't up to Ward how long she had. She stretched, pressing her face and shoulder against the bookshelf. Her index finger brushed the parchment again, along with the spine of a soft leather book.

"Celia." His voice rose an octave.

Just one more moment.

"He's headed right here."


She dug her fingernail into the edge of the journal and slid both it and the scroll from the safe.

Ward grabbed her shoulder and yanked her to her feet. "We've got to go."

The study door opened and light from a single lamp flooded the room.

Celia squinted against the brightness, trying to determine who held it. It looked like...


"It's time to come home." He set the lamp on the floor and unsheathed his wide, curved sword.

She stuffed the parchment and journal into the back of her pants and pulled her s.h.i.+rt over it. "I don't have a home. I'm dead, remember?"

He snorted and raised his sword. If Bakmeire was here then it had to be her father who wanted her off the streets. Part of her didn't want to believe it. He was her father. Even if the Dominus' love was a little different than a normal father's, he still loved her. Didn't he?

Well, she was about to find out, and she wouldn't need the journal to shed some light on the matter. If Bakmeire's intention was to take her alive, brandis.h.i.+ng his blade wasn't the wisest of choices. She lunged past his guard and lashed out with her dagger. He swerved out of the way, bringing the pommel of his sword toward her head.

She side-stepped but wasn't fast enough. The pommel slammed against her shoulder, sending icy tingles down to her fingers and up to her ear.

She stumbled back. Bakmeire grabbed the front of her s.h.i.+rt and threw her across the room. She crashed into the Keeper's collection of crystal and decanters, and slid across the wooden floor, leaving a trail of blood.

Ward jumped at Bakmeire, but her father's man swatted the necromancer into the sideboard with a teeth-grinding crack.

Celia staggered to her feet, slipped in her own blood, but caught her balance before she fell. Thousands of miniscule cuts ignited her palms, arms, back, and rear.

"Stop and come with me," Bakmeire said.

But she couldn't stop. That would mean whoever killed her had won. Death hadn't stopped her yet; why should Bakmeire think he could? Maybe she couldn't be killed anymore.

She raced across the floor, sliding under his grasp and slas.h.i.+ng his hamstring.

He roared and grabbed his leg. Celia didn't wait. She forced herself to her feet and ran to the door, praying Ward had enough sense to follow. To her relief he did, catching her as she stumbled down the hall toward the parlor.

She shoved his hands away. "We need to get out of here."

"I agree. Are you going to be able to climb that wall?"

She ground her teeth, a painful fire growing all over her, and glared at him. "Do you think you can?"

"Of course I-"

She turned away. She didn't want an answer, and she didn't want his help. And she knew he thought she needed it from the look in his eyes. She could climb the wall and run a full-day foot race as well.

The hall dimmed, and she blinked it back into clarity.

All right, so maybe not a full day.

Ward chased Celia across the garden and over the wall, ignoring his aches from the fight. Just bruises. Thank the G.o.ddess nothing was broken. It was Celia he was concerned about. He couldn't figure out what kept her going since her s.h.i.+rt was a ragged patchwork of b.l.o.o.d.y rents. Was it pure willpower or something else? The Jam de'U? Although her movements weren't as silent or as precise as earlier that night, which would indicate some kind of a change in her physically.

What a disaster the night had become. And there was a promise it could get worse if the man from the carriage was what Ward thought: an Innecroestri. The glint of lamplight from only one ear was a sure indication of Rings of Habil, a sign the Innecroestri-or dark necromancer-was powerful enough to have successfully cast a false resurrection. Maybe Ward was wrong. Innecroestri were rare, since the Necromancer Council of Elders usually hunted them down. Besides, he'd only heard of one who was still alive, and that was a woman.

They backtracked their original path, following the high walls of the estates on the east side of the ring until they reached a servants' lane.

Celia tripped and grabbed the wall for support. Ward reached out to help her.

"Are you-?"

"I'm fine," she said, her voice husky. She pushed away from the wall and glared at him, her pale eyes bright with determination... madness... Ward couldn't tell, but with the back of her s.h.i.+rt dark and sticky, she wasn't fine.

She stepped to the sewer grate, hauled it open, and disappeared into the access pipe.

He sucked in one last breath of clean air and followed, finding her with her hands pressed against the wall, her head lowered.

"You're bleeding."

She didn't respond.

"I should probably look at it."

"In this light? Then you did lie to me. Necromancers really can see in the dark."

"I never lied to you." Ward moved to her side and wrapped an arm around her waist. "You never asked either way."

She tried to push his arm away, but he tightened his grip, digging his fingers into her waistband.

"I'm fine."

"And I'm a Worben dance girl."

Her rigid posture held for a heartbeat then melted with a sigh as she leaned against him, snaking one arm over his shoulders.

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Ward Against Death Part 10 summary

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