Private Lives Part 54

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'I always did. I still do.'

She brushed his comment away.

'I'm not here to discuss that again.'

He shrugged.

'So, is it true about you and Sam Charles?'

Anna fought to keep her expression neutral.

'What do you mean?'

'Oh, just something I heard from a girl on the gossip desk at the Globe Globe.'

She could tell the information had needled him.

'Just gossip,' she said innocently. 'And you can tell your friend that if she prints that, I'll have her in court faster than you can say "record damages".'

There was a tap at the door and a slim Asian man stepped in.

'Anna, Amir,' said Andy. 'Amir, Anna. Anna's the top a.r.s.e-kicking media lawyer in the country, Amir's the best investigative journalist. You are now a team.'

Amir smiled and shook Anna's hand.

'Glad to have you on board,' he said, sitting down.

'Okay, Anna,' said Andy. 'Do you want to tell Amir what you've just been telling me?'


Jessica sat on the balcony of her Malibu beach house and stuck her spoon into a gallon tub of Ben and Jerry's. She'd spent the last hour on Google, finding out everything she could about Brooke Geller, and felt she deserved a little pick-me-up. Brooke was like a Girl Scout, she thought miserably. No one had a bad word to say about her. Clever, pretty, a 'beautiful soul', she'd been an all-state athlete and come top of her acting cla.s.s at the Orba Festen Drama School, which had a reputation for producing serious acting talent and edgy playwrights. She'd done some pretty s.h.i.+tty pilots, sure, but had managed to get good reviews for her characters. Jessica was sure that there would be something hidden away a secret pregnancy, an early 'artistic' photo shoot, a drugged-up mother but who was interested in winkling that out at the moment? Right now, Brooke was s.h.i.+rley Temple. Jessica put the ice cream down on the table. Four mouthfuls in and she was already feeling sick. Maybe it was the meds she was on.

Jessica knew she'd been d.a.m.n lucky to escape serious injury in the car accident. It had only been the airbag that had stopped her going through the windscreen. Apparently if the other guy had hit her a fraction of a second earlier, her legs would have been crushed like flower stems. As it was, he'd caught her front end which had spun the Aston around a few times, ending up perched on the central reservation. Jessica had been in shock, but she had still had the presence of mind to grab her phone. Her first call had been to Sylvia. Despite the fact that she had fired her in Maui, her publicist was the only person she had wanted to speak to after the crash, pleading with the older woman to help her. And what a marvellous job Sylvia had done too, wiping the car crash from history. Not one hint that anything untoward had happened had appeared in any newspaper or tabloid. Even better, she had somehow managed to come to some agreement with the emergency services and the driver of the other car. According to Sylvia, the poor sap didn't even know who she was and thought it was all his fault, so there was zero chance of him trying to sue her. Of course Sylvia had got her pound of flesh she was back on Team Jess, and getting an extra three thousand dollars a month in her retainer. Still, she was earning her keep. Maybe Sam should have employed Sylvia, thought Jessica. Then none of us would be in this mess.

She picked up a tumbler and downed the painkillers she was taking for whiplash and bruising. In the background, the intercom was buzzing. She crossed the room to press it.

'Hey, gorgeous, it's Jim. Jim Parker.'

Not exactly the first person she wanted to see after a spell in Cedar Sinai, but she had been intrigued when he had called saying he had a proposition for her.

Jim walked in holding a slim leather briefcase in one hand and a white cardboard box in the other, giving out the delicious aroma of Chinese food.

'What's that?' Jess said, wrinkling her nose.


She shook her head.'

I've eaten.'

'Yeah, right,' said Jim, setting the box down on the kitchen counter. 'A handful of shrimps and asparagus?'

'Actually I've just been working my way through a tub of Ben and Jerry's.'

'That's my girl,' said Jim. 'You don't get a body that good without letting go every now and then.'

He looked at her, his face serious.

'How are you, by the way? After the accident, I mean.'

She shouldn't have been surprised. Jim Parker was one of the most connected men in the industry; of course he would know about the crash. Sylvia had probably called him up with the news, to be filed away against some future favour. It was how Hollywood worked. Jess waved a hand; she wasn't going to bother pretending.

'I was lucky, I guess.'

'Well you look amazing,' said Jim.

Jessica almost laughed out loud. She'd made no effort at all for Jim's arrival; wearing J Brand jeans, a skinny-rib T-s.h.i.+rt and no bra, she looked as if she was off to Whole Foods. What would he have said if she'd dressed up? she wondered.

Jim was unpacking the food: honey soy spare ribs, salt and pepper squid, yellow bean duck. She wanted to eat, it all smelled so good, but now that Jim knew about the ice cream, she couldn't indulge again.

'You go ahead, Jim,' she said, opening the fridge and pulling out some white wine. 'A little something to go with it?' she asked.

'Sure, let's live dangerously.'

Jim perched on a breakfast stool and popped a couple of pork dumplings into his mouth while Jessica poured out two large of the Sancerre. It will probably react with the meds, she thought, but what the h.e.l.l. If you couldn't mix things up after a near-death experience, when could you?

She sipped her wine and watched Jim eat. He was a handsome man, the sort of bone structure that could have got him a gig on a daytime soap if he'd chosen a different career. He was wearing a sheer black polo s.h.i.+rt and grey slacks, but she could tell he was super-toned under there. Ten years earlier she'd have jumped at a man like Jim: s.e.xy, powerful. In fact she had had jumped at many men like Jim. She'd worked out early on who could help her and who was just bulls.h.i.+tting, who it was worth giving up a little p.u.s.s.y for. She had never felt any qualms about it. She had never really enjoyed s.e.x, but she was well aware of the power she had in her body and was happy to use whatever leverage was required. jumped at many men like Jim. She'd worked out early on who could help her and who was just bulls.h.i.+tting, who it was worth giving up a little p.u.s.s.y for. She had never felt any qualms about it. She had never really enjoyed s.e.x, but she was well aware of the power she had in her body and was happy to use whatever leverage was required.

'So have you heard from Sam?' asked Jim, wiping his mouth on a napkin.

Jessica had almost forgotten that the last time Jim had been here was to remove the last of Sam's possessions. That all seemed so long ago.

She shook her head.

'He knows better than that.'

'Don't be so hard on him, honey,' said Jim. 'Sure, he acted like a p.r.i.c.k I mean, who would risk losing someone like you? but I think he's hurting. You must have seen he's gone a little AWOL?'

She had read about Sam losing the Dreamscape contract and his crazy theatre production in Edinburgh. It did look as if he'd gone off the rails. But she wasn't sure if that was grief or just symptomatic of whatever crisis that had made him jump into bed with that hooker in the first place.

'You know, I think you two should get back together,' said Jim softly.

'Get real! Like that could ever happen.'

'I'm serious,' he said. 'Think about it. Everything that's gone wrong in your career has happened since you split: all that c.r.a.p in the press about "Tragic Jess", "Loser in Love". You and Sam were happy together.'

Jessica felt a lump in her throat and swallowed hard. It was true, they had been happy, hadn't they? They'd certainly been the golden couple of Hollywood, but since then it had all gone downhill. She shook the thought away.

'Is that what you think of me, Jim?' she said, turning towards him. 'I'm a loser in love?'

'I think you're an incredibly beautiful woman. But I think you deserve better than what's happening right now.'

She glanced away from him, feeling a sob rise inside her.

'Don't blame yourself,' said Jim, stroking his fingers down the curve of her neck. 'None of this is your fault.'

There was a long, electric pause.

She turned back and gazed into his blue eyes, wanting someone to tell her it was all going to be okay, wanting someone to make it all better again. The mood in the room had changed suddenly, the air p.r.i.c.kling with a s.e.xual charge she'd not felt in years. Their eyes locked and she knew he was feeling it too. She touched his thigh and he took her fingers. Her mood changed from misery to defiance as she stepped off her stool and moved towards him.

It was instantly clear where this meeting was heading.

'Are you sure?' he said haltingly.

'Absolutely sure,' she whispered, melting towards him.

He pressed his hard, gym-toned body against her and kissed her neck, slipping his hands down from her shoulders to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

'Not here,' she said, taking his hand. 'The bedroom.'

He practically carried her on to the bed, falling on top of her, his mouth finding hers in a searing kiss. Impatiently she lifted her T-s.h.i.+rt over her head as his nimble fingers unzipped her jeans and pushed them down over her lean hips, taking her tiny thong with them.

'You're beautiful,' he moaned, planting kisses all down her hard stomach, running his thumb up and down her wet l.a.b.i.a, then twisting two fingers inside her.

'Yes!' she cried, pus.h.i.+ng her hips towards him, groaning as his mouth moved down to pleasure her.

With strong hands he turned her around, bending her over the bed. She heard the clank as he unbuckled his trousers, a fumble as he put on a condom, then pushed his hard c.o.c.k against the curve of her a.s.s, skin against skin. He gathered up her hair so that he could plant greedy kisses on the nape of her neck, then, losing patience, roughly parted her legs and sank into her with one thrust.

'Yesss ...' she hissed, stretching out, her hands gripping the sheets as he rocked back and forth inside her. It felt so good, she thought, her breath catching as his c.o.c.k reached some sweet spot she hadn't even known was there. s.e.x had always been a commodity for Jessica, a means to an end, but this ... this was something else.

He grabbed her hips and pushed her up on to her hands and knees as he pumped from behind, deeper, faster now. His hands cupped her b.u.t.tocks and she smiled, knowing that a full-body micro-dermabrasion the day before meant her a.s.s looked like a peach.

'That's it, please keep going, please,' she gasped. The ripples of pleasure were building, building, contracting into her stomach like a tight coil and then releasing back out around her body in electric waves of pleasure. She let out a deep cry, as much of surprise as desire, then collapsed on to the sheets, relis.h.i.+ng his weight, his strong arms around her, two perfect post-coital bodies uniting as one.

Finally catching her breath, Jessica stretched over to her bedside cabinet and pulled out a menthol cigarette. Her battle to quit had been a losing one, and with Jim Parker naked beside her, she needed one more than ever.

'We shouldn't have done that.' She smiled, taking a long drag and blowing a smoke ring towards the ceiling.

'Oh yes we should,' he laughed. 'I've wanted to do it for five years. But then I always knew we would.'

She propped her head on her elbow. 'You arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d,' she murmured.

He took the cigarette from her and had a drag.

'It's why I'm so good at my job. And it's not arrogance, it's self-belief. There's a difference. You're an amazing woman, Jess,' he said, running a finger along her thigh. 'That's why I hate to see your career going the way it's going.'

The lazy smile faded from her face.

'What are you talking about?'

Jim pushed himself back up on a pillow.

'Jess, I think we both know there have been a few wrong turns this summer.'

'Wrong turns? You'll remember it was your slimeball client who did the dirty on me.'

'Sure, but you haven't exactly made strong moves since then. What about the naked HQ HQ shoot?' shoot?'

'How do you know about that?' she asked, startled. 'It's not out for two months.'

'Jose Silveira isn't the most discreet man in the world.'

She could feel her heart beginning to hammer.

'And why the h.e.l.l did you let the All Woman All Woman execs bring in another female lead?' Jim continued. 'If I had been your agent, you can be G.o.dd.a.m.n sure it would never have happened.' execs bring in another female lead?' Jim continued. 'If I had been your agent, you can be G.o.dd.a.m.n sure it would never have happened.'

She stubbed out the cigarette and got off the bed.

's.h.i.+t,' she muttered, pacing across to the window. 'Does everyone know every detail of my life?'

'Hey, don't blame yourself, kiddo. You just need better representation, someone who can actually deliver what's best for you.'

For years Jess had felt a strong loyalty to Harry Monk, the legendary agent who had plucked her from the other starry-eyed hopefuls stepping off the bus in LA and guided her to superstardom. The bond had surprised her ruthless instinct, but deep down she had always been grateful to Harry. Yet Jim's words now struck a chord. Jessica knew she should simply not be in this position, and she could only hold her team to be responsible.

'Better representation? Like who?' she asked cautiously.

'Like me.'

She barked out a laugh.

'You're kidding. What about Sam?'

'What about him? Lots of couples have the same representation. You can build your brand as a couple. Look at the Beckhams; you can barely tell where one starts and the other ends.'

'We're not a couple any more, Jim. Or haven't you noticed?'

Jim paused for a moment.

'And was that the right decision?' he asked.

She turned back towards him, fury on her face.

'He cheated on me! What the h.e.l.l do you expect me to do?'

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Private Lives Part 54 summary

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