Don't Scream Part 54

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This time, theres no inclination to linger, to savor.

This time, theres only an urgent desire to accomplish the task that has been repeatedly envisioned through the years.

Envisioned so many times that when the knife is brought down in one tremendous, sweeping arc, it strikes its target with admirable precision.


The well-honed blade sinks into her heart as if catapulted by Cupids bow itself.

Her body convulses reflexively as a red stain spreads across her s.h.i.+rt, and her eyelids flutter for a moment, but her eyes never open.

Look at me, you b.i.t.c.h! Look at me!

Who said that?

I did.

The words were hurtled unexpectedly, almost seeming to come from somebody elses lips, but theres n.o.body else in the room.

n.o.body other than Fiona, dying swiftly, silently, on her own designer couch, without knowing why it has to be this way.

Without realizing that shes no longer in control of anything at all No, I am.

And I want her to know that.

Look at me! Open your eyes, dammit! Look at me!

But she doesnt open her eyes, not even when shes violently grabbed by the shoulders and shaken.

Shes gone.

She doesnt know.

Sh.e.l.l never know.

Her body is hurtled to the floor like a rag doll, kicked hard, with little satisfaction. The hilt is pulled, with some effort, from deep in her chest.

The blade gouges into one of her eye sockets and then the other, brutally twisting, turning, digging.

Seeing the b.l.o.o.d.y pulp oozing in its wake brings some pleasure but not nearly enough.

I wanted her to see.

I wanted her to be afraid.

I wanted her to know.

But its too late for any of that.

Like the others, Fiona Fitzgerald has paid the ultimate price for what she did.

Unlike the others, she didnt suffer enough. She didnt experience those exquisite moments of sheer, helpless terror, when you know youre going to die, and theres not a thing you can do about it.

But theres one more sister whose grim fate still awaits. Sh.e.l.l just have to make up for this unsatisfying experience.

A hard shoe swings back and jabs Fionas crumpled form with another hard kick.

Dont worry. By the time Im through with Brynn, sh.e.l.l have suffered enough for both of you.

Oh I almost forgot.

What kind of birthday party would it be without the song?

Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday, dear Fiona Happy Birthday to you.

Garth Do you have a minute?

He looks up from the rake he was about to lift from its nail on the wall of the backyard shed.

Brynn is standing in the doorway wearing her typical daily uniform: jeans, sneakers, and a sweats.h.i.+rt, her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

But she looks more haggard than usual, Garth notices. In fact, she has ever since she suffered that bout with the stomach flu.

At least he and the kids didnt get it. That would be the last thing he needs right now, facing a towering stack of essay tests to grade in addition to everything else he has to get done around here today, especially in the yard.

At least Brynn hasnt been bugging him about the broken towel bar in the bathroom anymore, but hes aware that its there. Just as hes aware that the fallen leaves are ankle-deep on their property and blowing into the neighbors frequently raked and blown lawns.

If he hadnt been aware of that fact on his own, he would be now. He was confronted on the driveway yesterday by meticulous homeowner Andrew Chase.

Ill get to it tomorrow, Garth promised.

It would be better if you got to it today. Theres going to be a lot of wind tonight.

Garth tried to appease him by saying hed do his best, but that he was on his way to the campus library.

On a night? the neighbor asked dubiously.

You sound just like my wife, Garth cracked, and didnt get a return smile.

Now, seeing Brynn looking so glum, and obviously needing to talk, Garth sighs and removes his hands from the rake.

Whats up? He does his best to sound patient and keep his mind off the waiting leaves and essay tests.

I have to tell you something, and you might not be thrilled about it.


Why will I not be thrilled?

Because I know sometimes having the kids around is distracting for you, and one more One more? His heart stops.

Fiona asked if Ashley could stay here for a couple of days. And I said yeswithout checking with you. And I have to pick her up in an hour, so I mean, its not like you even have a choice.

Relieved, Garth shrugs. Is that all?

So its okay with you?

Yeah, sure. Why not. He pulls the rake off the wall, and adds with a laugh as she turns back toward the house, You looked so upset that I thought you were going to say you were pregnant or something.

I think this sunrise hike was the best thing we ever did, Ashley tells her father contentedly, watching him load the remains of their picnic breakfast into the back of his Jeep alongside her flowered duffel and backpack.

I agree. Although it would have been even better if you had seen the actual sunrise, he says with a laugh.

Next time Ill go to bed earlier, Ashley promises.

You were in bed by nine.

Ill go to bed at seven thirty so I wont sleep through the sunrise.

She was just so tired and it was so dark when Daddy woke her up this morning for their hike. She barely remembers getting dressed and into the Jeep.

Come on, Ash, wake up, he kept saying. He even gave her a few sips of his Red Bull. But as they drove up into the mountains, she kept falling back asleep anyway.

She awakened to find herself in the front seat of the Jeep, parked on a majestic overlook. The sun was already well above the horizon, s.h.i.+ning brightly on the brilliant foliage.

Its about time, Sleepyhead, Daddy said with a laugh.

Then they hiked up to the waterfall, and ate the strawberry m.u.f.fins Daddy had made last night, and they drank more Red Bull.

Dont tell your mother, Daddy warned her, and of course Ashley promised not to.

Now, as they climb into the Jeep for the trip back down the mountain, he looks over at her. So you had fun.


Did you think any more about what we talked about before?

She knows what he means, but she asks, What do you mean?

Coming to live with me?

Oh. Yeah, Ive thought about it And?

And I want to, but What about Mom? Will she even let me?

If you tell the judge that you want to live with me, thats what will happen.


So they would have to go to court over it.

Do I have to decide right now? she asks her father.

No, sweetie, you dont. And you dont have to decide anything at all, if you want to keep things the way they are. I just want to make sure youre happy.

I know.

The thing is Shes not happy with the way things are.

She just doesnt know if shes brave enough to do what it would take to change them.

Okay, guys, got everything? Brynn asks her sons as they step out the front door.

Theyre on their way over to Fionas, where she promised to intercept Pat with Ashley. Youd think it was going to be a ten-hour, rather than ten-minute, round trip, judging by all the stuff the boys are bringing.

Caleb has a Step Into Reading book and a snack. Jeremy has a snack, two red Matchbox cars, and his favorite blanket.

Wait! I forgot my lucky hat! Caleb is poised to run back inside, but Brynn stops him with a hand on his shoulder.

Why dont you leave that here?

Why dont you leavethem here? Garth suggests, coming around from the side yard, rake in hand.

Thats all right, youre busy.

Its okay, you can leave them.

Nah, Ill take them with me.

Why? They can help me with the leaves.

All theyll want to do is jump in them and make a mess. Well be right back. Ashley will be glad to see them.And I promised Fiona Id bring them, dammit, so stop making this more difficult than it has to be.

Okay, see you soon. Garth shrugs and goes back to his raking.

As Brynn straps the boys into the car, she watches him out of the corner of her eye, remembering what he had said earlier.

I thought you were going to say you were pregnant or something.

She should have just told him about the baby then and there. Didnt he give her the perfect opening?

Well, notperfect .

There is no perfect opening. Shes been trying to come up with one all weekend, to no avail.

As she drives the network of familiar streets, Caleb reads haltingly aloud from his book, pausing every so often whenever he gets stuck.

Each time it happens, Brynn prompts him with the correct word.

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Don't Scream Part 54 summary

You're reading Don't Scream. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Wendy Corsi Staub. Already has 514 views.

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