His Dance Lessons Part 2

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Ophelia looked into his eyes a second later. "Is something wrong?"

"I am so sorry, honey, but I don't have any condoms with me. I swear to you that I am totally germ free. It's a regular procedure before signing an actor to contract."

The look on Ophelia's face told him she'd not been thinking about safe s.e.x a moment ago. He also guessed that she didn't keep condoms in her bedside drawer either. Lightly caressing the side of her face, he kissed her mouth tenderly.

Ophelia returned his kiss for a moment and then pushed him back with her hands flat to his chest. "I am clean, germ-wise. I was tested at the end of my last relations.h.i.+p. There is a paper from the test, if you want to see it.

Mac could see the bright flush rising up from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to cover her face. He chuckled softly and shook his head negatively. "I have mine in my wallet. I don't sleep around."

"Because of your parents?" Ophelia questioned.

"If I am seen and recognized out with any woman, the next day the gossip rags either have us engaged or I've dumped her because she's pregnant with my baby."

Ophelia nodded, but Mac saw that she was now smiling. "It is safe then because my doctor said my method was ninety-nine percent sure, and it is the wrong time of the month anyway, I think." Her hands reached down and curled into his belt. She pulled him forward, against her body. Her thighs lifted and circled his hips.

Mac groaned as his c.o.c.k was once again pressed against her wet flesh. The last of his doubts faded when he felt her feet crossing to pull him more intimately into contact with her p.u.s.s.y. A moment later he felt Ophelia whisper into his ear, "f.u.c.k me, now!"

"I serve at my lady's command!" he jested quietly.

Mac pressed his erection forward, just into her p.u.s.s.y. He shouted as he felt her muscles grab his c.o.c.k and begin pulling it more deeply inside her body. He thrust forward and felt her smooth flesh meld with his own. G.o.d, it was so sweet! As he pulled back, she tightened her muscles and seemed to be trying to keep him within her body. The added friction made Mac s.h.i.+ver in reaction.

Easing away from her body slightly, he moved his hand down. His fingers delved gently until he found her c.l.i.t. Mac wanted to arouse Ophelia. He wanted her to feel lost in her pa.s.sionate responses-unable to deny the depth of her emotions.

Less than a few moments later, he felt Ophelia's mouth, which had been pressed against his neck and shoulder, open and actually bite him. The same instant he could feel her muscles begin flexing around his erection. He quickly moved both his hands to her hips as they writhed about on the counter. Her hands moved to surround Mac's neck.

Pausing, he could still feel her aftershock contractions on his c.o.c.k, and he couldn't deny the sense that her tight flesh was sucking the seed from his c.o.c.k almost as though she was using her mouth and not her p.u.s.s.y. His thrusts sped up quickly. Finally he could hold back no more, and stiffening, he thrust forward and filled her body with his c.u.m. Over and over he shot streams of hot seed upwards, deeply into her body.

Finally, Mac gave one final thrust and emptied the last of his essence into her body. He lowered his head to rest on her naked shoulder and felt her hands caressing his body through his s.h.i.+rt. He cursed the fates for dragging him to Hollywood. Otherwise, he would have been back here morning, knocking on her door, and then knocking elsewhere as well.

Ophelia realized her legs were still locked around Mac's waist and she lowered them slowly. She opened her eyes and was intensely aware of Mac's soft c.o.c.k still nestled inside her body. He was keeping her plugged so none of his juices could escape their erotic prison yet. She took a deep breath and felt her sensitive nipples rub against his s.h.i.+rt. She wanted to feel his flesh against hers. Her fingers moved to his b.u.t.tons, but his fingers stopped her.

"If you do that, we won't eat and we'll possibly die of starvation, locked together physically."

Ophelia smiled and tightened her innermost muscles on his c.o.c.k. His groan was instantaneous. "What a way to go though, huh?"

Mac shook his head and pulled free of her body. The sucking, wet sound as his thick c.o.c.k plopped free of her flesh was loud and almost lewd in the silence. Ophelia flushed in embarra.s.sment. Mac smiled and pulled her skirt down and then looked at the luscious mounds displayed in front of him. His fingertips rubbed over and around her nipples, and then he shook his head reluctantly. He pulled her top back up and lowered her to the floor.

"Dinner first," he kissed her lips, and then swatted her behind. "Dessert later."

After a fun-filled dinner, they spent most of the night making love in her bed. After very little sleep, a reluctant Ophelia showered and dressed for school. Mac made her a sandwich, including an apple, and a little note, which he packed into a paper sack. After kissing her goodbye at the door, which lasted almost too long, Mac told her he would see her in a few hours at cla.s.s.

Chapter 5.

Ophelia was stretching at the barre, and working diligently to put the erotic thoughts of last night to the back of her consciousness. She didn't need to be distracted while teaching. Although sometimes she thought she could do most of the in her sleep.

Suddenly a sound from the doorway caught her attention. Looking into the mirror she saw Mac's reflection as he stood a few feet inside the studio door. As she watched, Mac crossed the wooden floor, tossing his gym bag toward the nearest corner. She spoke to him when he was a few feet from the barre.

"You're early, Mac. We've got fifteen minutes until cla.s.s starts."

Mac grinned back at her reflection. "I know. I thought I should come early and suck up to my teacher, since I missed cla.s.s yesterday."

Still looking into the mirror, Ophelia pressed her hand flat over her heart. "Oh, my goodness. Sir, did you just say you wanted to f.u.c.k your teacher?"

Mac gasped, his surprise evident on his face. He stepped up close behind Ophelia. His hands came up to grab hold of the barre, effectively trapping her in front of him. He met her eyes in the mirror as he pressed his body against hers.

"My teacher has some naughty thoughts going on in that pretty head of hers. I was thinking along the lines of an apple for my teacher. Now I discover she wants my banana."

Ophelia giggled and wiggled her bottom against Mac's erection. "Is that what that is? And I thought you were just happy to see me." She faked a frown on her face.

"Sweetheart, you have no idea how much I want to lay you down on that workout mat and show you the difference between male anatomy and a banana."

Ophelia looked away from Mac's intense blue-eyed gaze. The clock showed it was only ten minutes until cla.s.s started. "I wish you would, but we've run out of time. I've got a few eager beaver students who always seem to come early."

Mac kissed the side of her neck before moving away from her. He walked over to his gym bag and pulled a water bottle from the side pocket. Ophelia watched as he tilted his head back to swallow several gulps of water. She felt a jolt deep in her gut as she realized that he looked so s.e.xy, even drinking water. Who would have thought a man's "Adam's apple" could be so erotic? A moment later her first student entered her cla.s.s.

"Hi, Ophelia! I've been practicing that step you showed me at the end of cla.s.s yesterday."

Ophelia turned and smiled at the eager young student, dressed quite appropriately in tights and T-s.h.i.+rt. "h.e.l.lo, Greg. That is great! I'll have you come up and demonstrate it with me for the rest of the cla.s.s."

Mac turned to look at the fellow student who was so eager. The young man had the definite look on his face of puppy love. His slender body was dressed as Ophelia had suggested the first day of cla.s.s. Shaking his head, Mac removed his jacket and shoved it into the gym bag. Deciding he'd watched the young man moon over "his girl" long enough, he walked over to where Ophelia and Greg were standing.

Ophelia smiled at him when he joined them. "Mac, this is Greg. Won't be long and he'll be able to teach this cla.s.s himself."

Mac smiled, but noted the flush that came up the young man's neck. As the student stammered for a reply, Mac cut in. "That will come in handy, Ms. Landis, after I kidnap you."


He shrugged, seeing the displeasure on Ophelia's face. "I'm sure Greg understands how a man feels about his girlfriend. Right, Greg?"

Mac watched the young man react to his statement. He knew he had just been politically incorrect and certainly not a man of the new millennia. But to be honest, the only thing he cared about right now was staking his claim. He turned from Greg to look at Ophelia, not sure what she would do now. Once again she surprised him.

"Greg, why don't you go over to the door and tell everyone to divide into the groups we had yesterday?" She paused until Greg had reluctantly walked away. "And you... let's have you at the barre and begin your stretching exercises. I am sure you have lots of tight muscles."

Mac grinned in reply. "No amount of stretching will get rid of my tightest muscle." He turned and walked over to the farthest barre. He did the first exercise, ignoring the angry muscles and tendons screaming at him for being lazy the last few days. As he did the second, he couldn't help but groan a little. Glancing over to where Ophelia was standing, he caught the smile on her face the second before she turned away.

That evening Ophelia found Mac was once again seated outside her apartment door. Ophelia grinned as she saw how slowly he got up from the floor tonight as compared to yesterday.

"I'm sorry I worked you so hard today," she told him softly.

Mac grimaced as he came to his feet. "I don't want to hear any complaints regarding performance tonight."

Ophelia gasped at his blatant statement. "Hmm, sounds like you have plans for tonight."

Mac took her keys and unlocked the door to her apartment. "Not plans, my sweet, just a hopeful man begging at the feet of a beautiful woman."

Ophelia walked past him into her living room, tossing her purse onto a chair. "Aah. Well I had some plans-"

Mac came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Hmm, so you had plans, did you? My imagination is running rampant, but I owe you an apology for my caveman act in cla.s.s today."

Ophelia heard the sincerity in his voice. She had been torn as he proclaimed her "his girl." There had been intense feelings of satisfaction, pleasure and a warming deep inside her. It didn't bide well for her feminist side, but she had felt so wonderful at Mac' s look of jealousy. There was worry that she was feeling too much too soon for this man who was bound to be leaving her life before too long. She knew that her protest should have been stronger, but it hadn't been in her heart.

"I think you took poor Greg by surprise," she answered Mac as she moved her hands to cover his.

"I could see the symptoms of a crush on his face. These young men can fall hard for an older woman."

Ophelia pinched the back of his right hand. "Hey!"

Mac spun her around to face him. "You are beautiful and I promise to leave my loincloth and chest beating outside the studio from now on." His mouth came down and covered hers. His tongue quested forward, tasting her lips and savoring her tongue. After several long moments, he lifted his head. "Did your plans involve anything horizontal?"

Ophelia stepped away from Mac and started walking toward her bedroom. She glanced over her shoulder, speaking softly. "Horizontal? That's not how it looked in that book."

Mac groaned and followed quickly down the hall. In the bedroom he found that Ophelia could undress a lot quicker than he would have thought. She was seated on her bed. He wouldn't call it sitting, but rather she was reclining on her side propped up by her bent elbow. He would have sworn that the beautiful silk teddy she now wore was not what she'd put on this morning. Tossing his s.h.i.+rt aside, he crossed to stand at the foot of the bed. His eyes lowered to the sensual display of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, barely contained by the small cups of pearl-pink lace. The straps had slipped off her shoulders.

"You didn't leave this morning wearing that!"

Ophelia smiled back at him, lifting her hand to rest on her upper thigh. Mac watched as she caressed her skin with her fingertips. "I didn't? What was I wearing this morning?"

Mac was unsnapping and unzipping his jeans as fast as his fingers could manage. He stopped though to answer her question. "'Cause if you had been wearing that I wouldn't have let you out of the house without one more tumble between the sheets." Quickly he finished and slid his jeans and jockey shorts off. He tripped a little, rus.h.i.+ng to kick his sneakers and socks off as well. Ophelia chuckled but stopped as he began moving up the bed towards her.

"I might have to make you pay for that laugh at my lack of grace. And you were wearing a white sport bra and very non-s.e.xy panties."

"You know, dancing could help with that lack of coordination," Ophelia told him, as if he had not mentioned her "unmentionables." She casually pressed her index finger to her temple as she continued, "I know of a good teacher...Eek!" she screeched as Mac pushed her flat to the mattress.

"Too much talking, my love. Time for lovemaking," Mac whispered into her ear as his mouth pressed kisses to the side of her neck. He moved down toward her right breast. As he nudged the cup down, his mouth followed until he could suckle her nipple.

"Oh...oh my...aah!"

Mac liked Ophelia's soft exclamations. His fingers moved down her body to nestle between her thighs. He stopped as he felt the tiny snaps, looking up at her. "Maybe you should unsnap this thing before I damage it."

Ophelia looked up into his face, lifting one hand to push a lock of reddish brown hair off his brow. Her hand drifted down to caress the side of his face and then moved over to caress his lower lip. Mac moved his head and sucked her finger into his mouth. Her groan told him more effectively than any words that she was aroused as much as he by this verbal foreplay, which was escalation into more intimate foreplay.

"It is so pretty, honey, and you look so s.e.xy in it."

Ophelia nodded and reached down to quickly flick open the three tiny snaps. Mac's fingers immediately began caressing her soft, wet p.u.s.s.y, easing his index between the pink folds of flesh. Mac found her c.l.i.t and began to ma.s.sage it gently, carefully. His eyes traveled over her sprawled body. Her womanly pa.s.sion, along with the display of one naked breast and his hand between her thighs, aroused him even more.

"G.o.d! Ophelia! You are so s.e.xy, so beautiful. You knock men off their feet and you are completely unaware of your true power."

Ophelia shook her head side to side. "Not other men, Mac. You are the only one I want to please."

Mac removed his hand abruptly, replacing it with his hard erection. He entered her gently at first, watching her face as her body accepted his thick, hard c.o.c.k. It only took a couple of thrusts and Ophelia Mac wanted to hold out but the contractions of her muscles around his c.o.c.k soon had him thrusting quickly to his climax a few moments later.

He started to s.h.i.+ft away from her body when Ophelia reached out and held onto his upper arms. Her voice was breathless and husky as she spoke her request.

"Please...Mac! Don't leave me just yet. Stay...inside me."

Mac groaned, but he stopped moving. Talk about a phrase guaranteed to bring a response from a man-that was it! "I must be crus.h.i.+ng you, Ophelia."

Ophelia smiled and lifted her head to press her lips to his for a light, soft kiss. "What woman doesn't mind a little crush once she's gotten what she wanted?"

Chapter 6.

It didn't take long for their lives to develop into a routine. Soon the weeks pa.s.sed by quickly after those first two nights for Ophelia. They alternated nights at each other's places, until Mac convinced her to give up the small apartment and move into his larger house.

Ophelia wasn't at all sure that moving into Mac's place was the smartest action. Who knew how long they'd have together? What finally made her change her mind came about the third week they'd been hopping from place to place. She'd come home from cla.s.s with her arms full of grocery sacks.

Mac must have been waiting for her because the door swung open almost immediately as she stepped in front of it, fumbling for her keys. Instead of greeting her with a kiss, he offered to take the sacks into the kitchen for her. As he turned away, Ophelia noted that he was dressed in a very expensive suit. Quickly, her brain reminded her that he was wearing a nice tie and his hair was slicked back. All in all he looked quite devilishly attractive-rather like a businessman with a naughty secret.

In the kitchen she found that he was already putting things away. It surprised her how quickly he had come to know where she kept everything in her small kitchen. In comparison to his big kitchen...well, there was no way to really compare them. He even had a walk-in pantry and a full-time, live-in staff composed of the nicest couple, Lydia and Jack Russell. The first time she met the couple, who were in their mid-fifties, she had been charmed. Lydia had treated her with respect, followed by motherly affection as they came to know one another. And Jack had broken the ice the first time they all met by telling some very amusing stories concerning his name.

It was difficult, but Ophelia finally got the words to come out of her mouth. "You look very handsome and debonair tonight."

Mac turned and Ophelia saw the slight flush creeping up his neck. It still surprised her that he wasn't blase, or n.o.blesse oblige about compliments. She had learned that Mac had chosen not to live on the West Coast after his first successful movie. He didn't like the party scene, and he had no close friends, other than a few directors, produces or actors that he had worked with so far.

"I didn't want to just leave you a note to find when you got home tonight or put it on your machine at work," Mac told her quietly. It was the way he turned back to his task of sorting groceries that alarmed Ophelia the most. She felt a piercing pain in her chest and it suddenly became a little hard to breathe.

Dear G.o.d, she thought in horror. Is this how this all ends? Had he lost interest in her and she had had no inkling? Her voice broke slightly as she finally found the courage to ask, "What do you mean, Mac?"

It wasn't easy, but she hadn't pounced accusingly at him. With Colin, she'd gotten used to him cheating on her. She had long suspected their relations.h.i.+p had merely become a convenience to him. As long as they lived together, he could party with the younger girls in the corps de ballet and he'd explain how he couldn't leave Ophelia for them.

She s.h.i.+vered suddenly at the distasteful memory of Colin. Looking at Mac, she saw the questioning look on his face. She hoped he hadn't been able to tell anything from her facial expressions that indicated the chaotic jumble of thoughts going on inside her head at the moment. Carefully she curved her lips upwards into a smile.

"I went home after cla.s.s, honey, and found a message on my machine from my parents."

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His Dance Lessons Part 2 summary

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