His Dance Lessons Part 4

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"I'll make sure to show you all the interesting ways we will make use of the whole bed. We could have champagne tonight and christen it like a maiden voyage." Mac stopped as he sped up his thrusts. Into her ear he whispered his request. "Move your hand down, sweetheart. Put your finger on your little c.l.i.t for me."

Ophelia s.h.i.+vered in reaction to his words. Despite her self-doubts and shyness, she slid her hand between her thighs. Her fingers eased within the wet, soft folds of her p.u.s.s.y. Sure, she had m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed, but never with someone else in the bed! Almost as if Mac read her mind, he spoke to her in a husky whisper.

"Never played with your c.l.i.t in front of company, my love? Use some of that luscious juice you make and smear it all over your c.l.i.t. Feel how slippery your finger is."

Ophelia was beginning to get overwhelmed by everything going on at the moment. Mac's hand was still squeezing and ma.s.saging her breast. Every so often he'd tell her how nice her t.i.ts were, with her nipples long and hard. They were very "suckable" he'd told her softly. His c.o.c.k was pus.h.i.+ng in and out of her c.u.n.t while her fingers continued to rub and ma.s.sage her c.l.i.t. Her o.r.g.a.s.m shook her to the core as it seemed to sweep over her like a tornado.

Behind her, Mac continued to ma.s.sage her breast and thrust his hips forward. Ophelia felt her c.u.n.t muscles squeezing tightly around the c.o.c.k moving up and down. When her muscles quieted to erratic quivers, she realized that Mac had not climaxed. Before she could find words to ask him anything, Mac was speaking into her ear.

"Start again, Ophelia. Pleasure your flesh again. The feel of your-" he paused while his hand deserted her breast, sliding down and around to caress her rounded a.s.s cheek.

Ophelia wiggled her bottom against Mac's groin. It only took about three of those movements to have him thrusting forward to climax inside her body. Soon, Mac returned to sleep. But she continued to lie perfectly still. Mac's c.o.c.k was still nestled between her cheeks, now softened. Ophelia knew Mac's seed was inside her, and if she moved, it would begin seeping from her body. There was no logic to her feelings, but suddenly, she felt the regret once again that she had learned to ignore since she'd been injured and had her life changed forever.

Perhaps it was the realization of just how much Mac was truly coming to mean in her life, beyond the fact of his just having been inside her body, that reminded her of the past. She knew it wasn't logical, but a part of her feared becoming connected to Mac. Could she survive losing Mac as she had lost her dancing? Alone in the dark, hearing him breathing quietly behind her, Ophelia knew that if she considered that this was more than a "s.h.i.+ps pa.s.sing in the night" kind of thing, she risked losing her heart to Mac.

Losing her promising position as the lead ballerina with the New York City Ballet had been but one of the heart wrenching life-changing events she'd been forced to accept. Until she'd returned before this current semester, there had still been hope that she could prove her orthopedic surgeons wrong. She would dance as lead once again. Her hopes had been high, fueled by the dreams she kept having. Over and over, she dreamed restlessly of dancing her most difficult role ever. Still it had quickly become clear that her muscles would never be able to stand up to the strain of professional dancing.

The defeat had hurt her beyond the physical realm. Emotionally, she was forced to face the loss of her career. Of course she could still dance, such as in teaching Luckily her brother had been a professor here in the arts department. Thanks to Phillip, and Mike Jansen, she had been forced to rely on her brother's generosity, or move in with their parents. Not that her parents didn't want her, but after coming to New York at sixteen, Ophelia was used to her independence.

Finally, in the darkness, she pushed those regrets away. The time would come when she would have to face losing Mac. For now, she pushed the fear back. Deep inside, a voice was telling her that the loss of Mac might rival her other loss. Fear made her worry that she might not bounce back from this loss. Ophelia made herself relax enough to drift back to sleep in Mac's arms.

Unfortunately, the night faded into one of the many mornings where they had overslept. Rus.h.i.+ng through her shower while Mac made some breakfast and packed her a lunch, Ophelia refused to think about getting through a morning without Mac. Instead she focused on the little things, accepting that once again she would be the last to arrive at her first dance cla.s.s of the day.

They practiced often on her portable dance floor, and she began to teach him specific Irish steps and clogging. Ophelia was sure no one in the cla.s.s suspected, but she didn't take into account the looks they pa.s.sed each other when they thought no one was watching.

Neither spoke of the future, but took each day as a gift in and of itself. Ophelia reveled in Mac's attention and lovemaking, blossoming, as she never had before. Soon, practice for the Christmas show was taking up nearly all the cla.s.s time. The show was finally completed, and the future was staring Ophelia in the face. She had been called to Dean Jansen's office the day grades were due in. She had already completed her grading forms and turned them in as she sat nervously waiting for the dean to see her.

Mike Jansen greeted Ophelia warmly, asking her to sit down and offering her something to drink. She declined and crossed her legs nervously. Mike, unaware of her nervousness, smiled across the desk at her.

"Your cla.s.s has been a great success once again, Ophelia. My secretary was showing me the request list, and your cla.s.s is at the top for most requested. I doubt it has less to do with tap dancing, and all to do with you. Have you thought about what your plans are for the future? I've been authorized by the board to offer you a two-year contract to start, here with the college."

Ophelia stared at the dean and realized belatedly that her mouth was open. "I... " she stammered, not sure what to say or do all of a sudden. Mac was to leave after the holidays for Hollywood, and then onto Ireland, for location shooting. She didn't know if his plans included her. She wanted to be with him, and wasn't sure how she could let him go. But she hated it when she thought such things because it made her sound needy. Each time she'd stiffen her spine and remind herself that she didn't need a man to complete her life.

"You don't have to decide right now, of course," Dean Jansen told her with a smile. "Take a few days and let me know before Christmas, because we'll have to get the cla.s.s schedules nailed down for next semester." He shook her hand as she left, unable to miss the dazed look on her face. He was surprised because he thought she knew he would be offering her the contract.

Ophelia drove to Mac's home in a daze. They had bought a tree, decorated it and had a few packages beneath it already. Inside, Mac's two dogs, Skeeter and Skater, beautiful golden retrievers, greeted her boisterously. He had told her that when he had received the dogs, they had had a freak cold spell and it had frozen the small lake nearby. The two puppies had tested the ice. One had skated just fine, and the other had not. The names had stuck after that.

Ophelia hung her coat up and tossed her purse onto the small table. She called out to Mac, and he answered that he was in the bedroom. She made her way through the house until she reached the master bedroom. Not seeing him, she walked on into the bathroom. Mac was standing in front of the sink, shaving.

"h.e.l.lo, sweetheart! I got a late start today. Some wild wench kept waking me up last night."

Ophelia shook her head as she perched on the counter beside the sink. "I'm a tamed wench these days." Mac's disbelieving look made her laugh. "Are you getting ready to take a shower?"

"Yeah. I started the dinner Mrs. Russell left for us," he paused to rinse the razor. "But I made sure we'd have plenty of time-"

Ophelia laughed and scooted off the counter. She kicked her shoes off and started taking her clothes off. "Then I will start the water and get it nice and warm." She walked over to the shower, opening the door. Pausing, she looked seductively over her shoulder. "Don't be too long."

Shutting the shower door, she turned on the water and adjusted the faucets. Her hair was wet and full of lather when she heard the door open. A second later she felt Mac press close behind her, his hard c.o.c.k nestling between her a.s.s cheeks. His hands began ma.s.saging her scalp and Ophelia let her hands fall to her sides. The soapsuds made their bodies slick and slippery against one another.

Mac grabbed the showerhead and lifted it free. He began rinsing the shampoo out until Ophelia's blonde hair hung darkly down her back. Picking up the soap, he rubbed it between his hands. "Turn around, honey. I'll be your bath boy tonight."

Ophelia turned slowly, watching as Mac's hands started was.h.i.+ng her arms, slipping under each to catch her armpits. She expected him to spend a long time on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but he surprised her by moving his hands down past her belly and between her thighs. Flus.h.i.+ng hotly, she turned as asked a moment later. His hands began an incredibly hot ma.s.sage of her a.s.s, slipping in between the cheeks every so often.

Taking a deep breath, she finally turned to face him. "Give me the soap," she whispered to him softly.

Grinning, Mac handed over the soap. Ophelia was aware of his hands lifting to press against each side wall. With her hands full of lather, she lifted them and pressed them flat to his chest. Using small circles, she washed her way all the way down to the top of his thighs. She didn't say a word as she slipped around his body, beneath one arm. Slowly, her hands ma.s.saged their way down over his back.

The way Mac tensed his b.u.t.t as she cupped it told her the effect she was having on him. She moved slowly, giving him the same treatment he had given her. Teasingly, she came back around him and grabbed the showerhead again. Grinning up at his tense face, Ophelia explained.

"Time to rinse all those slippery suds off now." Holding his gaze, she used the water to rinse her body off first. Pressed close to his body, she let the water hit his b.u.t.tocks for a few seconds before she let it lower. "Almost done." She reached out and pulled the very handy retractable seat down. "Please sit down and let me wash your hair."

His voice revealed his restraint. "Be quick, Ophelia."

He sat down, facing her, which wasn't quite what she'd planned. Adapting quickly, Ophelia wet his hair and then pa.s.sed the showerhead to Mac to hold. She had barely gotten his hair lathered up when she felt the water hitting her body. Glancing down she saw Mac's eyes watching her bouncing b.r.e.a.s.t.s while he held the showerhead so the water was splas.h.i.+ng against her mound.

"Someone is being a very naughty bath boy," she told him as she took the showerhead from his hands. Quickly she rinsed his hair and then replaced the showerhead to the wall holder. Mac lifted his hands to cup her jiggling bosoms as she slid it into place. "Mac!"

"Just looking for something to keep my hands busy," he answered with a grin.

Ophelia took a deep breath and then she lowered herself to her knees, between Mac' s widespread thighs. His hands dropped to the seat as her hands moved without a second's pause to grasp his hard c.o.c.k. She looked up and saw Mac close his eyes as his head tilted back and he groaned. Leaning forward, her mouth slipped over the head. Her hands slipped up and down as the warm water rained down around them.

Lifting her mouth, Ophelia began using her tongue to explore his flesh. She traced it around, and then around again, before she bent a little lower and cupped his sac. Catching the skin in her mouth, she rolled it with her tongue against her teeth. A moment later she felt Mac's hands in her hair, tugging gently until she lifted her face.

"No more," he told her quickly.

"Bed?" Ophelia asked softly.

Mac shook his head and his hands pulled her upwards. She soon was straddling his thighs, facing away from him as he joined their bodies. Ophelia was still surprised at this position, letting Mac direct her movements. Moaning, she could feel him entering her body, his hands at her waist. His hands moved up to cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from underneath.

"Oh...Mac!" Ophelia moaned softly, moving her hips and exploring the fullness she felt with his c.o.c.k buried so deeply inside her. "I feel so full! It feels so good!"

Mac moved his right hand down, until he found her c.l.i.t with his fingers. Beginning a slow ma.s.sage, he worked the sensitive flesh. His voice sounded husky as he directed her. "Move your hips, honey! Yeah, just like that-"

Ophelia couldn't keep the movements up. Her climax seemed to come out of nowhere. Her inner muscles and nerves were jerking and quivering almost a mile a minute. She moved her hands to rest on Mac's thighs, squeezing. It was several minutes later that Ophelia realized that Mac had not climaxed inside of her.

"Mac?" she whispered.

"Stand up as I do, my sweet, and then lean forward, bracing your hands on the wall." Mac carefully maintained their joining until he was leaning over her slightly bent body. He moved his hands over her body, caressing her a.s.s before lifting to cup her hanging b.r.e.a.s.t.s. They felt even fuller than usual this way, and he started to squeeze and ma.s.sage the firm globes. He soon began moving forwards and back, thrusting his c.o.c.k in and out of her tight c.u.n.t.

"That's it, baby, wiggle your a.s.s like that!"

Every move Ophelia made seemed to make him harder and make him want to come inside her hard and fast. His thrusts started coming quicker and shorter. He slid his hands to her hips, pounding against her heart-shaped a.s.s, his b.a.l.l.s slapping the wet flesh loudly. Mac tensed, knowing it was close...he pulled out of her the next moment.

His c.u.m shot forward to hit the shower wall and be washed down the drain.

Mac looked up and saw Ophelia watching him. A moment later she was pressed against him, her arms wrapped around his neck. "Come on, sweetheart. We need to dry off before we become prunes."

In the bathroom, Ophelia wrapped a towel around her head after she'd knotted another towel over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She watched Mac drying off, and moved over to sit on the closed toilet seat.

"Dean Jansen offered me a contract today," she finally blurted out, after stewing about how to broach the subject for over two minutes.

Mac frowned as he looked at her. "Contract? For how long?"

"Two years. He says my cla.s.s is the most requested in the department right now. A big hit, I guess."

Mac smiled. "No surprise to me, one of your former students, of course. What did you tell him?"

Ophelia couldn't read anything from his words or facial expressions. "I have a few days to think it over. I don't really know... " She stopped abruptly as tears unexpectedly welled up in her eyes. She hated being this emotional, but lately it was driving her crazy. She sniffed, which alerted Mac to her distress.

"Aaww, honey, what's wrong?" he asked as he came over to squat beside the toilet.

"I don't have my apartment to go back to..." She sniffed again and took the handkerchief he pa.s.sed her. "And you are leaving soon..."

Mac stood and pulled Ophelia to her feet. "Come here, sweetheart," he told her softly. He led her over to the large, plush bed in the bedroom. "I guess I just a.s.sumed you would be coming with me. Stupid of me I know, now that I think about it. But if you want to teach, while I'm on location, of course you will stay in the house here. Once we are back in the states and filming at the studio, I'll fly home for weekends."

Ophelia sniffed. "Not stupid. I should have said something... To be honest, Mac, I don't know what to do."

Mac nodded. "Well, I was going to discuss this after Christmas, but now is just as good a time as any. I've been talking to Steven," Mac told her softly, referring to the film' s director and co-producer with him. "He wants to hire you to help on the film."

Ophelia frowned, fearing a handout, in spite of the surge of excitement she felt. "Hire me to do what, though? Get coffee and donuts for everyone?"

Mac laughed. "No, silly. We want you to be one of the ch.o.r.eographers. a.s.sistant, of course. The main ch.o.r.eographer was signed months ago."

Ophelia smiled slowly. "This is too good to be true, Mac."

"Well, it is the movie business," Mac told her gently. "Tinsel town, where wishes and dreams come true. My wish is to be with you. If you want to accept, then we can be together for the next five or six months while I work on the film. If you prefer to teach, then we'll have a long distance relations.h.i.+p until the shooting is done."

Ophelia sat quietly, looking at the man she had fallen hopelessly in love with. Up to this point, neither of them had been talking about "happy ever after." But she wasn't ready to be separated from him, even for a short period of time. Her career, such as it was now, should be her priority, but her feelings for Mac had made her realize that the lonely life she had had for so many years as a professional dancer could no longer satisfy her. She smiled at Mac.

"I think that sounds like a d.a.m.ned good idea. I'll let Mike know tomorrow."

Mac kissed her lightly. "Tell Mike that you might be free for next semester, or maybe some short two week here and there, if you want. I don't want you to give up everything for me, which would not be fair to you. But I do want us to be together. That will probably mean sometimes I will pa.s.s on a film, and that is okay. We'll work it out."

Ophelia threw her arms around Mac and hugged as hard as she possibly could. As they toppled backwards on the bed, she was feeling like the golden girl in an old Hollywood movie that is suddenly discovered and has everything she could wish for!

Chapter 8.

Ophelia awoke slowly, still suffering from jet lag. They had arrived in Ireland late yesterday, followed by a short flight on a private jet. Once they had checked into the hotel, she had fallen instantly asleep. Mac had awakened her once, to make slow, languorous love to her, and then again, still quite early, to tell her he had some meetings to go to, but she was free for the day. She had fallen back to sleep instantly. She spent the morning doing nothing but getting cleaned up and puttering around the room. She went downstairs to the restaurant at the hotel for lunch.

Seated by herself, she enjoyed leisurely toying with her salad before she finally decided on an entree to eat. While she waited for her food, Ophelia remembered how sweet and tender Mac had been as he awakened her earlier. Her skin had felt chilled at first, followed by the realization that one breast was covered by warmth while the nipple of her other breast was being sucked and teased. Slowly lifting her eyelids, she had looked down at Mac's soft, reddish brown hair and then threaded her fingers through it.

Mac had lifted his mouth finally from her nipple and smiled up at her. "Oh, I didn't mean to wake you-"

Ophelia laughed and shook her head in disbelief. "Right."

"I thought I'd just play with two of my three favorite toys, just in case you didn't wake up."

Unable to keep her lips from curving upwards, she had asked him the obvious question. "You were planning on attending to the third?"

Mac's hand on her p.u.s.s.y was the answer she wanted. His skilled and clever fingers soon had Ophelia moaning softly and s.h.i.+fting her hips to increase contact with his flesh. "Slow down," he whispered in her ear. And then he had negated his words by moving above her and thrusting into her eager body. Ophelia realized that he had already slipped a condom on as he began moving in and out of her tight, slick flesh.

Ever since that first time in her kitchen, they had been very careful to use condoms. Now, sitting in the booth, idly stirring her iced tea, Ophelia wished that once again she could feel his c.u.m inside her body. She had felt so... wanton with his c.u.m slowly leaking out and down onto her inner thighs. But she had not wanted to go into detail about why condoms weren't necessary, once they had shared personal health histories. Several times she had tried to tell Mac- The waiter set her food on the table and removed the remnants of the salad. Before she could start on the delicious food, she was approached by one of the a.s.sistants she had met last night. She was told that in the confusion of her coming along, they had forgotten to get insurance on her. She had an appointment at one with a doctor the studio had contracted. The limousine service they were using would pick her up and take her to and from the appointment.

Seeing she only had thirty minutes until the limo was due, she ate her lunch and headed back upstairs. Quickly Ophelia changed her clothes into a nice dress, with stockings and high heels, and was back downstairs as the limo pulled up.

Inside the doctor's office, she was greeted warmly. She didn't have long to wait, and soon she was being processed. After specimens were obtained, she found herself in a room, wearing a gown only, waiting for a doctor to appear. She supposed it was standard for them to insure people, because if they were injured, all kinds of bills could pile up, not to mention delays, which would be costly to the studio. She was sitting on the edge of the table, idly swinging her legs back and forth when the door swung open to admit a devilishly attractive black-haired doctor. He smiled and offered his hand in greeting.

"h.e.l.lo, Ms. Landis. I'm Dr. Kevin Finnegan. I'm still waiting on a few lab tests to come back, but I thought we could get this part over with." He talked with her briefly about her medical history. He next spent several minutes checking the scars, which were now very faint, on her leg and abdomen. He didn't pry into how she obtained the scars and was satisfied with her explanation of an accident. He told her he would need to complete the usual gynecological exam as soon as his nurse came back. It wasn't more than a moment later the door opened once again.

The young nurse handed some papers to the doctor and smiled at Ophelia. Ophelia watched while the doctor perused the laboratory results and the nurse began getting things set up for her pelvic exam, which she usually hated. She was having trepidations now, never having had such a young doctor before.

Dr. Finnegan was the epitome of professionalism so far, which helped to allay her fears. He murmured something to the nurse who nodded. Ophelia was then helped into position, and the doctor quickly and silently conducted his exam. As soon as he was done, he helped her to sit up. He asked her to please dress and the nurse would then show her into his office.

Ophelia dressed, but all the time wondered if this was standard procedure. Usually it was a quick "all's fine and dandy and we'll call you with the results." She was escorted into the doctor's office and left alone. It was not a long wait, but definitely a nervous one. Ophelia was soon joined by the doctor, who smiled at her as he took the seat behind the desk.

"Well, Ms. Landis, you seem to be in very fit shape. It appears everything is working as it should, and your blood tests were all within normal limits. But there was one thing..."

Ophelia felt her breath catch painfully. A doctor had told her that once before, two years earlier after she had been attacked and beaten by a mugger. The injuries were more severe than originally thought, they had told her, and it would take a very long time for her muscles to heal, both in her abdomen and her leg. Her broken bone would heal, but there was some doubt that she would not be able to keep up with the rigorous demands that were required of the prima ballerina of the famous New York City ballet company. Ophelia had felt her world fade to black. All she had ever done was ballet. Her life was the ballet. How could she live without it?

Dr. Finnegan's voice drew her back to the present. "You seemed vague about your last menses, and it appears we now know the reason why. You, Ms. Landis, are pregnant. I'm surprised you had no idea or inkling though."

Ophelia stared at the doctor. He was kidding. He had to be. She shook her head at him. "I think you have mixed my test up with someone else's. I can't be pregnant."

Kevin smiled at the beautiful woman. She seemed so sure that she was right he told her quickly, "They always run the test twice to be sure." After several seconds, he added, "And the pelvic exam visually confirmed the test. I feel compelled to tell you that we don't do abortions at any stage."

Ophelia looked even more stunned after he said that. She shook her head. Several moments later she finally found her voice. "How far... "

Kevin smiled. "From the numbers and some measurements, it appears you are between four to five months. You aren't showing from what I can tell, but your BCG levels indicate that far along."

Ophelia thought back and realized it was in September that she and Mac began sleeping together, so it must have happened that time in the kitchen. And then it dawned on her she was going to have to tell Mac about the baby. She cursed out loud, which surprised the doctor.

"I am so sorry. I guess I am pretty stunned by it all." Embarra.s.sed, Ophelia apologized quickly.

Kevin nodded. "I have literature for you that my nurse is putting together right now, and you can get it on your way out. I'd like you to come back in about three weeks. I understand you are over here for a month or so, correct?" As Ophelia nodded, he went on. "Good. I'd like to do an ultrasound before you fly back home and check the dates and measurements. Nothing to worry about, I a.s.sure you, just standard procedure. If you'd prefer, I could set you up to see an obstetrician."

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His Dance Lessons Part 4 summary

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