Dark Descendants - Raife Part 2

Dark Descendants - Raife -

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"Patience, little witch. Patience." He nipped the skin next to her knee.

His fangs extended to full length as his vampire instincts clawed to the surface. The man wanted to savor her delights, while the vampire needed her substance.

Using his hands, he parted her thighs wider as he lay between them. He glared at her ripe center, her pink folds revealing her jeweled c.l.i.t peeping from its hood. His mouth watered. Creamy honey lined the entrance to paradise, and it was all for him.

With one finger, he traced the slippery crease of her folds, ending his torment upon the straining bud. She grasped the sheets beneath her.

"Your body yearns for me to fill it, doesn't it, sweet witch?"

"Yes," she croaked, barely controlled.

"First, I must taste the nectar you've provided for my pleasure."

He slid a finger into her sheath. She cried out.

"Tell me, love. Do you wish for my c.o.c.k to touch you here?" he asked as his finger moved inside her.

"Oh, G.o.d...yes...yes..."

"And right here?" he teased as his thumb stroked her c.l.i.t while his fingers rhythmically plunged in and out.

"Yes, Raife, oh please, I need..."

"Need me to f.u.c.k your sweet cunny, Yvette?"


"Need me to fulfill your desires for the rest of eternity?"


He pulled his slick fingers from her p.u.s.s.y, then traced back along her folds to the rosette opening of her a.n.u.s. "Need me to become your mate?"

He pressed his wet fingers into the opening.

She groaned, "Yes, please. Now."

"Tell me what you want me to do to you. Tell me how to f.u.c.k you in a way to make you howl in delight at your o.r.g.a.s.m."

"Lick me, then f.u.c.k me. Oh, please..."

Before Yvette could catch her breath, Raife's lips encircled her bud. As his fingers stroked her openings, he suckled her c.l.i.t with a gentle suction.

She climaxed as his tongue beat left to right over her nubbin, and his fingers pressed and teased.

Before his lover could recover from her climax, Raife reluctantly lifted his mouth from her apex and followed his darker side. Into her thigh, he sank his teeth. Rich blood, sweet and intoxicating, rushed from her vein down his throat. She again from the sheer ecstasy of the vampiric act. She drugged him in a way he had never felt before. Her body entranced him. He was under her power--the power of budding love and fiery l.u.s.t.

He knew he'd never be the same again.

As dawn was about to break, Raife left behind Yvette, sleeping in her bed. Making love again in the early morning called to him, but the need to seek shelter proved even stronger. How he longed to have her rest by his side. His mate, his life-companion.

He couldn't just bring her over to this existence. He needed her to ask, to choose him. It was something Eva had denied him when she created him so long ago. With Yvette believing in her own eternal life, reborn each time her physical body died, it would be highly unlikely she would ever choose to become an immortal vampire.

He made his way to his tomb in St. Louis cemetery, then heard a voice from the darkness. Used to the scents of many vampires resting there, he hardly took notice. But this one, this one smelled familiar somehow.

This one bore the evil stench of Eva.

"You felt her, didn't you?"

Raife turned and saw a blonde vampire move from the shadows.

"You were made by Eva, too," Raife stated. It wasn't a question.

"Yes. She's got to be stopped. I went out looking, but all the scents from the swamp makes tracking difficult. I'm not as ancient, so my powers are limited."

"I can help. Tonight at ten o'clock, meet me at the Bell, Book and Candle shop in town. We'll plan the hunt and stop Eva once and for all."

"Why so late?"

"My mate may be able to help us. She's a witch. And, well..." Raife knew once he was with Yvette, the need to have her again would overpower him.

The vampire nodded understanding and turned to disappear into the night. He was a stranger to Raife, but not totally unknown. Raife had heard of each new creature Eva brought over. It was always an odd occurrence to meet one of her creations. Each was subjected to her strange s.e.xual longings. Luckily, this never took place until some nights after the initial turning. Perhaps, when they found Eva and the new vampire, they could save one from having to deal with Eva's appet.i.te.

Yvette strolled through the St. Louis cemetery with Claude padding behind. He was much more interested in the mice scurrying along the overgrown weeds than their conversation. Not that he actually hunted the little rodents. Claude was too civilized for such lowly duties, but he still liked to see them run away in fear.

"All these years alone, and finally, I find the one to love."

"It was fate," Claude whispered into her mind.

"Yes, but to love a is beyond my expectations."

"His immorality will give you even more power when he bonds with you."

"I feel the magic coursing through me. But how long can it last? When will he try to bring me over to his way?"

"Would becoming a vampire really be so bad? We can be together for all eternity. I'd never have to search for your reincarnated soul. I'd never have to wait alone while you are reborn." Claude was sounding more and more convincing. His own immortal life was difficult.

Yvette stepped up to Marie Laveaux's tomb and sighed. The teachings of the G.o.ddesses told her that her spiritual life was already immortal. Only becoming vampire would her physical being become immortal as well.

"What am I to do, Milady?" she whispered to the dead queen. "I longed to love all my life, and even in my prior lives, I never found such contentment and peace as I had with one night in the arms of Raife, a vampire. How can this ever work out?" A gentle breeze kissed her cheek, and Yvette recognized the magical essence of the soul of Marie Laveaux. Calming and serene, the overwhelming sense of hope filled her soul. Yvette knew love was destined for her and Raife, but their physical beings threw up barriers to everlasting happiness.

"The choice will be made for you," a soft voice caressed her ears. "Fear not, when the time comes, the heart will follow the right path."

Yvette was used to cryptic messages sent to her in her dreams, but hardly in her waking hours. As quickly as it came, the breeze died away and the voice vanished with it.

"Mistress, I believe we were just granted an extraordinary audience with a powerful being."

"Yes, Claude."

She turned to walk back to her car when a man leapt from behind one of the tombs. Struggling against his brute grip was of no use. This man held her firmly in his grasp as he pulled her back to his chest. A pointed object stuck to her left side, and when she moved, it pinched into her skin. She smelled the stench of old liquor upon his breath as he dragged her out of sight.

"Ah, missy, you're a little piece of pleasure, made for ol' Jakie. You come here all alone to ease this ache I be havin'?"

He roughly pulled her closer, and Yvette gagged at the pungent odor from his unclean body.

"No sense in strugglin', missy. We be all alone here now. Tourists won't be through for another hour. That gives us plenty of time to play." He chuckled.

Yvette fought back the bile in her throat from spewing forth. Why the h.e.l.l did she come to this area with just Claude? Just to come and visit Marie's tomb? She could've done it anytime, but this was her monthly visit to the Voodoo Queen. And now, she was about to be raped.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Claude pounced at the burly man holding her and scratched his face. The man screamed. In the confusion, he let Yvette go, but not before she felt fire burning in her skin.

Her hand grasped her side and pulled out the knife the attacker had brandished. Sticky, warm blood oozed from the wound, and she pressed her palm hard against her to try to staunch the flow.

Turning to the man, she saw him throw down the cat and curse as he noticed her wound. He s.n.a.t.c.hed the dropped knife and disappeared into the cemetery.

Yvette, suddenly weak and helpless, fell to her knees.

"Mistress, are you okay?" a worried Claude asked as he limped to her side.

"You saved me, my friend. I don't know if you can help me now."

"You're losing a lot of blood. I should find your mate."

"In the daylight? What can he do to help? I don't even think I can make it to the car."

"I can't let you just lay here and die."

After all the centuries of birth and rebirth, Yvette had finally found the love she craved. And now, it was about to slip away.

Unless, she fought.

"I refuse to die, Claude. I won't die. Not now. Not when I've found Raife."

"There are a few hours left to daylight. Perhaps if I look for him..."

"There's no need for that." She closed her eyes and opened her soul.

And she called to him.

Her voice, full of pain and sorrow, whispering in his mind, awakened him. "Raife, my love. I need you." Her plea reached him through his deep slumber in midday.

She was near, but hurt. Rage welled up to the surface as he burst from his protective tomb and searched for her. The sun's rays beat down upon his skin, and even at incredible speed, it took a toll upon his form. Burning flesh filled his nostrils as he risked his eternal life for the woman he loved.

Love. It was hard to believe he had fallen in love so quickly. One look of her eyes had entranced him enough to give up his heart, and he never questioned the instant swelling of his heart for her.

And now, she was in pain, injured, and calling for him. Fresh blood in the cemetery drew him, and within seconds, he found her. Landing at her side, he slid her body into the shade of a nearby tomb. At least he'd get some relief from the burning ache coursing through his body.

"Yvette, what happened?" he asked, lifting her blood-covered hand from her side. Warm fluid spilled from her body and she was barely conscious.

Her eyes fluttered open for a brief moment. "I came to give thanks to the great queen, but was attacked."

If her life wasn't slipping away so quickly, he would've gone out after the one who dared to touch her, but she needed him there. "You need a hospital."

She fell unconscious. He sensed her heart's erratic beat. She was dying in his arms.

Gathering her up, he waited for the sun to dip behind some clouds. Then, he raced with her to the safety of his tomb, barely aware of the cat behind them. Just before Raife slammed shut the stone door, the feline slipped inside.

His skin was afire, red with blisters rising from the short exposure. He was thankful for the cool, welcoming darkness of his resting place. Lying Yvette's limp body upon his bed, he watched in horror as she struggled to breathe once more. He had no choice. He refused to see her die, not after waiting to find her all these long centuries.

Leaning over her, he whispered, "Love, I can't lose you now. I'd go insane without you."

She gasped, "No," but it was too late.

He sank his fangs into the soft flesh of her neck. Never had anything tasted so delectable. Blood burst over his tongue and warmed him on the inside. As he drank from her, the painful blisters swiftly healed. More and more, he drained her of the little blood she had left. He had to force himself to stop before it was too late. Such a delicious feast, he could drink from her and never get enough.

Raife tore his mouth from her neck. Her breathing became extremely ragged. He raised his wrist to his fangs and bit into it, severing a large vein. His life fluid oozed from the broken vessel as he brought it to her mouth.

"Drink, live for me. Become as I. I swear you'll never want for anything again. None shall ever hurt you, my love. I am your mate, your protector."

Her tongue laved at the flowing blood and she became more ferocious in her hunger. As Yvette's lips sucked at his wrist, taking in the essence she needed, Raife tossed back his head and groaned. s.e.xual want built within, and he fumbled to release his engorged c.o.c.k from the tight containment of his jeans.

She continued to drink his blood and his pa.s.sion rose. Taking his p.e.n.i.s in hand, he pumped it to the rhythm of her suckling.

Then, she ran her tongue over his wound and gazed into his face. He glanced down at her as her fangs grew before his eyes. The red taint about her lips only excited him further.

He licked the wound at his wrist and it disappeared in a moment. She panted and writhed as she took hold of his c.o.c.k. Lowering her mouth over the purple head, she began to work her tongue and mouth about his p.e.n.i.s.

With one hand, she teased her fingernails over his sack, and he screamed. It was impossible to hold back the ecstasy, and he sprayed heated s.e.m.e.n into her receptive mouth. She took it all into her like a starving woman, licking away every trace of his pa.s.sion. When she gazed up into his face, Raife saw her hunger--s.e.xual desire and want--mixed with fatigue.

"Yvette, you need to rest now, love. You've been stabbed and transformed into..." How would she react to him turning her into a vampire without her permission?

She eased back into the softness of the bed and her eyes fluttered closed. At least she had been spared most of the pain of the turning. She had been so close to death already, there wasn't much suffering involved.

But when Yvette awoke at sunset, Raife feared there'd be a wildcat in his bed, demanding an explanation. She would've forgotten her wounds that healed. And then she'd be hungry.

He stripped off his jeans and slid under the sheets next to her. Curling her body to his, he felt right for the first time in ages. This woman, this witch was truly powerful. The magic she held over him with a simple glance was enough to bring him to his knees. Never had any woman affected his life to such a degree. And now, she was a vampire. She'd be by his side for all eternity, and he'd never let her go.

He rested his head next to hers on the soft down pillow and sighed. Breathing in her musky scent, combined with the scent of his seed and blood, aroused, yet comforted him. Running his knuckles over the gentle curve of her hip down to her thigh, he could never imagine life without her.

She was his forevermore.

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Dark Descendants - Raife Part 2 summary

You're reading Dark Descendants - Raife. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Marianne Lacroix. Already has 493 views.

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