A Fiery Peace In A Cold War Part 11

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Maj. Gen. Ben Funk, USAF (Ret.) Trevor Gardner, Jr.

Dr. Ivan Getting Lt. Col. Charles Getz III, USAF (Ret.) Dr. Stanley Goldberg Col. Leroy Good, USAF (Ret.) Michael Gorn Sidney Graybeal Col. Sidney Greene, USAF (Ret.) R. Cargill Hall Col. Edward Hall, USAF (Ret.) Edith Shawcross (Mrs. Edward) Hall Sheila Hall Dr. Richard Hallion Col. Joseph Hamilton, USAF (Ret.) Air Marshal Sir Reginald Harland, RAF (Ret.) William Harwood Col. Vernon Hastings, USAF (Ret.) Lt. Gen. Richard Henry, USAF (Ret.) Maj. Gen. John Hepfer, USAF (Ret.) Richard Holbrooke Prof. David Holloway Sir Michael Howard Col. Charles Hughes, USAF (Ret.) Ethel "Peg" Jacobson Col. Richard Jacobson, USAF (Ret.) Gen. John Jumper, USAF Col. Francis Kane, USAF (Ret.) Spurgeon Keeny, Jr.

Lt. Col. Michael Kelly, USAF Chief Master Sergeant Raymond Kelsay, USAF (Ret.) Brig. Gen. William King, Jr., USAF (Ret.) Arnold Kramish W. Anthony Lake Col. William Large, Jr., USAF (Ret.) Lt. Col. John Leber, USAF (Ret.) Col. Richard Leghorn, USAF (Ret.) Brig. Gen. William Leonhard, USAF (Ret.) Julian Levine Gen. Lance Lord, USAF Col. James Manatt, USAF (Ret.) Col. Charles Mathison, USAF (Ret.) Lt. Gen. Forrest McCartney, USAF (Ret.) Felix McKnight Group Captain Peter McMillan, RAF (Ret.) Dr. Ruben Mettler Dr. Aubrey Michelwait Dodie Schriever (Mrs. Theodore) Moeller Col. Theodore Moeller, USAF (Ret.) Gen. Thomas Moorman, USAF Joseph Moriarty Robert Muchmore Gen. Richard Myers, USAF Jacob Neufeld Paul Nitze Robert Norris Col. Robert O'Brien, USAF (Ret.) Col. Frederic Oder, USAF (Ret.) Col. Peter Palmos, USAF (Ret.) Col. Prentice Peabody, USAF (Ret.) Thomas Pownall Donald Prichard Dr. Simon Ramo Robert Reck Maj. James Rosolanka, USAF Col. Rob Roy, USAF (Ret.) Lt. Col. Peter Schenk, USAF (Ret.) Gen. Bernard Schriever, USAF (Ret.) Col. Gerhard Schriever, USAF (Ret.) Joni James (Mrs. Bernard) Schriever Dr. Glenn Seaborg Col. Ray Soper, USAF (Ret.) Senior Master Sergeant Peter Standish, USAF (Ret.) Sue Taskin Dr. Edward Teller Lt. Gen. Charles Terhune, USAF (Ret.) Dr. Adolph Thiel Francoise (Mrs. Stanislaw) Ulam Nicholas Vonneuman, Esq.

Lt. Col. Jamie Walker Wallace, USAF (Ret.) Paul Warnke, Esq.

Dr. Jacob Wechsler Dr. Gary Weir Col. Albert Wetzel, USAF (Ret.) Dr. Albert Wheelon Dr. Marina von Neumann Whitman Squadron Leader Basil Williamson, RAF (Ret.) Maj. Gen. John Zierdt, USA (Ret.)


BOOK I[image] BECOMING AN AMERICAN BECOMING AN AMERICAN Until I decided to write a book on the Cold War and the Soviet-American arms race, I had never heard of Gen. Bernard Adolph Schriever. The subject is an immense one. I needed to distill this immensity into a human narrative that a reader could identify with and comprehend. One afternoon in the fall of 1993, while I was seeking the elements of such a narrative in the library of the Air Force a.s.sociation just across the Potomac River from Was.h.i.+ngton in Arlington, Virginia, someone suggested that I look up Schriever. The first item in the library's file on him was an eight-by-ten photograph of a tall, handsome man in the uniform of an Air Force general with four stars, sitting on the edge of a table surrounded by models of rockets. The man and his creations looked interesting. Further research bore out the intimation. He turned out to be living in retirement only about six blocks from my own home in northwest Was.h.i.+ngton. I telephoned him and explained my hope to use his story as a framework around which to organize a larger tale. He agreed. We began the first of fifty-two interviews that lasted until, in the final few years of his life, he became too feeble for searching examination of the past. My visits then became conversations between friends, yet often still fruitful of history. His diary, which he allowed me to copy, likewise proved of inestimable value.

I do not use footnotes. What follows are summaries of the sources drawn on for the writing of each chapter. The summaries do not list all sources, only the main ones.

In this section and elsewhere in the book, conversations are rendered in quotation marks where there is a written record or the memory of the person or persons interviewed seemed precise enough to justify placing the words in quotes.

Chapters 13: Early interviews with General Schriever; sc.r.a.pbooks he kept of his baseball and golf exploits with newspaper clippings and photographs; additional family photographs; doc.u.ments such as a history of his maternal grandmother's family, the Klattenhoffs, which contained details of General Schriever's own family; Morningside Ministries of San Antonio, which runs the Chandler House and adjacent facilities as a retirement community, for biographical details of Edward Chandler and a history of the house. I am also in debt to General Schriever's younger brother, Col. Gerhard "Gerry" Schriever, USAF (Ret.). During a trip to San Antonio in 2001, he and his wife, Zada, took my wife, Susan, and me on a tour of the youthful haunts of the Schriever boys. They showed us the little house on the edge of the twelfth green of the Brackenridge Park Golf Course in which the boys had grown up. The house is now cut off from the course by an atrocity of a highway driven through by the city in the 1960s, but Elizabeth Schriever's sandwich stand, abandoned and crumbling, can still be seen beneath the overarching limbs of the antique live oak trees.

Chapters 48: Schriever interviews and sc.r.a.pbooks of his year at Flying School and his first year of service at March Field in California. At my request, General Schriever obtained a copy of his entire service record from the Air Force. Here and later in the writing of this book, the file was invaluable in reconciling dates of his a.s.signments with his memories of them, seeing how his superiors viewed him through his efficiency reports, and other details of his career. I am indebted in these chapters for historical background, the characteristics of aircraft of the period, and biographical information on such figures as Henry "Hap" Arnold to a number of Air Force historians whose works are cited in the Bibliography. For example, Maj. Gen. Benjamin Foulois's incredible a.s.sertion that the Army Air Corps of 1934 was proficient in night and bad weather flying is to be found on p. 132 of John s.h.i.+ner's Foulois and the U.S. Army Air Corps: 19311935. Foulois and the U.S. Army Air Corps: 19311935. Biographical information on the Air Force Web site, Air Force Link, was also helpful. Arnold's autobiography, Biographical information on the Air Force Web site, Air Force Link, was also helpful. Arnold's autobiography, Global Mission Global Mission, and biographies of Carl Spaatz and Ira Eaker are also listed in the Bibliography. See DeWitt Copp's 1980 A Few Great Captains A Few Great Captains for colorful biographical data on all three men, particularly Arnold. for colorful biographical data on all three men, particularly Arnold.

Chapters 910: John Toland's history of the Second World War from the j.a.panese perspective, The Rising Sun The Rising Sun, and William Manchester's magnificent biography of Douglas MacArthur, American Caesar American Caesar, were invaluable in providing the wider context of the war in the Southwest Pacific. George Kenney's autobiography, General Kenney Reports General Kenney Reports, provided grist for the air war against the j.a.panese and his relations.h.i.+p with MacArthur. The account of the harum-scarum dive-bombing in a B-17 is based on interviews with both General Schriever and Brig. Gen. John Dougherty. A copy of the written report on the incident submitted by Schriever and Dougherty at the time and preserved among Schriever's papers was also crucial in correcting lapses in their memories and in contributing more fascinating details. Chapter 10 was, as is obvious from the narrative, drawn mainly from General Schriever's memory, corrected and amplified by his service record.

BOOK II[image] INHERITING A DIFFERENT WORLD INHERITING A DIFFERENT WORLD For a number of years after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, until Vladimir Putin closed them again, the archives of the former Communist superpower were opened to Western scholars and open-minded Russian historians. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Was.h.i.+ngton launched the Cold War International History Project, funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. For the first time, the world was able to learn what transpired in the secret councils of the Kremlin and the real motivations of Stalin and his successors. The research into these archives has contributed to all ten chapters of Book II. I am, for example, grateful to Kathryn Weathersby for her monograph on the origins of the Korean War and to Vladislav Zubok and Constantine Pleshakov for their comprehensive 1996 study, Inside the Kremlin's Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev. Inside the Kremlin's Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev.

Earlier work, however, has also been valuable. I drew on Daniel Yergin's 1977 book, Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War and the National Security State Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War and the National Security State, as well as on Samuel Williamson, Jr., and Steven Rearden's 1993 The Origins of U.S. Nuclear Strategy: 19451953 The Origins of U.S. Nuclear Strategy: 19451953 for help with Harry Truman and James Byrnes's atomic diplomacy in Chapter 11. for help with Harry Truman and James Byrnes's atomic diplomacy in Chapter 11.

Chapter 12: I drew on Joseph Albright and Marcia Kunstel's Bombsh.e.l.l: The Secret Story of America's Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy Bombsh.e.l.l: The Secret Story of America's Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy for Theodore Hall's spying at Los Alamos. I also consulted Richard Rhodes's magisterial for Theodore Hall's spying at Los Alamos. I also consulted Richard Rhodes's magisterial The Making of the Atomic Bomb The Making of the Atomic Bomb and his subsequent and his subsequent Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, along with David Holloway's Stalin and the Bomb Stalin and the Bomb, as well as sundry newspaper clippings.

Chapters 1316: See Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb; Stalin and the Bomb; Zubok and Pleshakov, Zubok and Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin's Cold War; Inside the Kremlin's Cold War; Rhodes, Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb The Making of the Atomic Bomb and and Dark Sun; Dark Sun; Yergin, Yergin, Shattered Peace; Shattered Peace; Dean Acheson's Dean Acheson's Present at the Creation; Present at the Creation; and James Chace's and James Chace's Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Created the American World. Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Created the American World. Also Dimitri Volkogonov's authoritative and immensely valuable 1988 biography, Also Dimitri Volkogonov's authoritative and immensely valuable 1988 biography, Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy. Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy. As a colonel general in the Red Army responsible for the army's political education and its publis.h.i.+ng activities, Volkogonov had access to the most closely guarded archives, sources denied to other historians before the Soviet Union's fall. He also interviewed widely knowledgeable survivors of Stalin's reign. The extent of German cruelty and destruction in Russia and the preeminent role of the Soviet Union in the defeat of n.a.z.i Germany, at a horrendous cost in human life, was long suppressed in the West by the atmosphere of the Cold War and the myths created in the self-serving memoirs of German generals like Heinz Guderian and Erich von Manstein. Alexander Werth's 1964 history, As a colonel general in the Red Army responsible for the army's political education and its publis.h.i.+ng activities, Volkogonov had access to the most closely guarded archives, sources denied to other historians before the Soviet Union's fall. He also interviewed widely knowledgeable survivors of Stalin's reign. The extent of German cruelty and destruction in Russia and the preeminent role of the Soviet Union in the defeat of n.a.z.i Germany, at a horrendous cost in human life, was long suppressed in the West by the atmosphere of the Cold War and the myths created in the self-serving memoirs of German generals like Heinz Guderian and Erich von Manstein. Alexander Werth's 1964 history, Russia at War: 19411945 Russia at War: 19411945, was an attempt to set the past straight, but it was premature. The task was then successfully launched in 1975 by the English historian John Erickson, with the first volume of his ma.s.sively doc.u.mented history of the Soviet-German war, The Road to Stalingrad The Road to Stalingrad, followed in 1983 by his second volume, The Road to Berlin. The Road to Berlin. The English historian Richard Overy contributed a brief but still useful history, The English historian Richard Overy contributed a brief but still useful history, Russia's War: Blood upon the Snow Russia's War: Blood upon the Snow, in 1997. John Keegan, that most prolific of British military historians, doc.u.ments the effects of the fighting on the Eastern Front on the German divisions awaiting the Allied landing in Normandy in his 1982 work, Six Armies in Normandy: From D-Day to the Liberation of Paris. Six Armies in Normandy: From D-Day to the Liberation of Paris. I have leaned on all four historians in Chapter 15. For Chapter 16 see Acheson's memoir, Chace's biography of him, Yergin, and Zubok and Pleshakov. I have leaned on all four historians in Chapter 15. For Chapter 16 see Acheson's memoir, Chace's biography of him, Yergin, and Zubok and Pleshakov.

Chapter 17: The U.S. Air Force has amply doc.u.mented the Berlin Airlift in its 1997 two-volume history, Winged s.h.i.+eld, Winged Sword: A History of the USAF Winged s.h.i.+eld, Winged Sword: A History of the USAF, edited by Bernard Nalty. See also a 1998 paperback by Roger Miller, To Save a City: The Berlin Airlift, 19481949 To Save a City: The Berlin Airlift, 19481949, and Lt. Gen. William Tunner's 1964 memoir, Over the Hump. Over the Hump.

Chapter 18: See Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb; Stalin and the Bomb; Rhodes, Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb The Making of the Atomic Bomb and and Dark Sun; Dark Sun; and Zubok and Pleshakov, and Zubok and Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin's Cold War. Inside the Kremlin's Cold War.

Chapter 19: For the sad anecdote of Ho Chi Minh's prediction that the United States would not wage a war in his country, see Mieczyslaw Maneli's 1971 memoir, War of the Vanquished. War of the Vanquished.

Chapter 20: Albright and Kunstel's Bombsh.e.l.l; Bombsh.e.l.l; Kathryn Weathersby's unpublished 1993 monograph, "Soviet Aims in Korea and the Origins of the Korean War, 19451950: New Evidence from Russian Archives"; and Zubok and Pleshakov, Kathryn Weathersby's unpublished 1993 monograph, "Soviet Aims in Korea and the Origins of the Korean War, 19451950: New Evidence from Russian Archives"; and Zubok and Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin's Cold War. Inside the Kremlin's Cold War.

BOOK III[image] THE PERILS OF AN APPRENTICEs.h.i.+P THE PERILS OF AN APPRENTICEs.h.i.+P Chapters 2122: Interviews with General Schriever; his service record, including his efficiency reports; Michael Gorn's 1988 study of the Toward New Horizons Toward New Horizons project and the creation of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, project and the creation of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Harnessing the Genie: Science and Technolgy Forecasting for the Air Force, 19441986; Harnessing the Genie: Science and Technolgy Forecasting for the Air Force, 19441986; his further 1994 work on the project and its repercussions, his further 1994 work on the project and its repercussions, Prophecy Fulfilled: "Toward New Horizons" and Its Legacy Prophecy Fulfilled: "Toward New Horizons" and Its Legacy, and his 1992 biography of Theodore von Karman, The Universal Man: Theodore von Karman's Life in Aeronautics; The Universal Man: Theodore von Karman's Life in Aeronautics; Thomas Sturm's 1967 Thomas Sturm's 1967 The USAF Scientific Advisory Board: Its First Twenty Years, 19441964; The USAF Scientific Advisory Board: Its First Twenty Years, 19441964; Maj. Dik Daso's 1997 Maj. Dik Daso's 1997 Architects of American Air Suprem acy: General Hap Arnold and Dr. Theodore von Karman; Architects of American Air Suprem acy: General Hap Arnold and Dr. Theodore von Karman; sections of the sections of the Toward New Horizons Toward New Horizons project provided to me from Air Force archives; the von Karman papers held at the California Inst.i.tute of Technology; interview with Dr. Ivan Getting, brilliant radar designer at the MIT Radiation Laboratory, on his experience on the Scientific Advisory Board as well as his 1989 memoir, project provided to me from Air Force archives; the von Karman papers held at the California Inst.i.tute of Technology; interview with Dr. Ivan Getting, brilliant radar designer at the MIT Radiation Laboratory, on his experience on the Scientific Advisory Board as well as his 1989 memoir, All in a Lifetime All in a Lifetime: Science in the Defense of Democracy. Science in the Defense of Democracy. On the creation of the Air Research and Development Command: interviews with General Schriever, Col. Vincent Ford, Lt. Col. James Dempsey; Lt. Col. Peter Schenk; Air Force pamphlet, 1955, On the creation of the Air Research and Development Command: interviews with General Schriever, Col. Vincent Ford, Lt. Col. James Dempsey; Lt. Col. Peter Schenk; Air Force pamphlet, 1955, The First Five Years of the Air Research and Development Command; The First Five Years of the Air Research and Development Command; and Michael Gorn's 1985 monograph, and Michael Gorn's 1985 monograph, Vulcan's Forge: The Making of the Air Force Command for Weapons Acquisition (19501985) Vulcan's Forge: The Making of the Air Force Command for Weapons Acquisition (19501985), Vol. 1 (narrative).

Chapter 23: I drew on two biographies of Curtis LeMay: Mission with LeMay: My Story Mission with LeMay: My Story, a collaborative effort published in 1965 between LeMay and the writer MacKinlay Kantor, a friend of the general, and Thomas Coffey's 1986 Iron Eagle: The Turbulent Life of General Curtis LeMay. Iron Eagle: The Turbulent Life of General Curtis LeMay. The two-volume history of the Air Force The two-volume history of the Air Force Winged s.h.i.+eld, Winged Sword Winged s.h.i.+eld, Winged Sword and Copp's and Copp's A Few Great Captains A Few Great Captains contain further biographical information on LeMay. The fortieth anniversary official history of SAC, contain further biographical information on LeMay. The fortieth anniversary official history of SAC, The Development of Strategic Air Command, 19461986 The Development of Strategic Air Command, 19461986, tracks well LeMay's buildup of his formidable force.

Chapter 24: Interviews with General Schriever and Ivan Getting; Curtis LeMay-Nathan Twining correspondence in the LeMay and Twining Papers in the Ma.n.u.script Division of the Library of Congress; Rhodes's Dark Sun. Dark Sun. On LeMay's desire for a twenty-megaton hydrogen bomb, see Scientific Advisory Board to the Chief of Staff, USAF, Professor John von Neumann's Report on Nuclear Weapons, October 21, 1953, in the archives of the USAF Historical Research Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama; for the bomber gap, see the USAF two-volume history, On LeMay's desire for a twenty-megaton hydrogen bomb, see Scientific Advisory Board to the Chief of Staff, USAF, Professor John von Neumann's Report on Nuclear Weapons, October 21, 1953, in the archives of the USAF Historical Research Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama; for the bomber gap, see the USAF two-volume history, Winged s.h.i.+eld, Winged Sword; Winged s.h.i.+eld, Winged Sword; Fred Kaplan's Fred Kaplan's The Wizards of Armageddon; The Wizards of Armageddon; and T. A. Heppenheimer's 1997 and T. A. Heppenheimer's 1997 Countdown: A History of s.p.a.ce Flight. Countdown: A History of s.p.a.ce Flight.

Chapter 25: Research at the Rocket Museum in the Fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul in St. Petersburg during a trip to Russia in 2002; James Harford's 1997 biography of Sergei Korolev, the leading Soviet rocket designer, Korolev; Korolev; Heppenheimer's Heppenheimer's Countdown; Countdown; official SAC history, official SAC history, The Development of Strategic Air Command. The Development of Strategic Air Command.

Chapter 26: Interviews with General Schriever; Nathan Twining correspondence in the Ma.n.u.script Division of the Library of Congress; Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940 Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940, edited by Stephen Schwartz, 1998, pp. 12326 and footnotes.

Chapter 27: Interviews with General Schriever; research at Rocket Museum in St. Petersburg; Frederick Ordway and Ronald Wakeford's 1960 International Missile and s.p.a.cecraft Guide; International Missile and s.p.a.cecraft Guide; Col. Benjamin "Paul" Blasingame remembered vividly Maxwell facing down LeMay. Col. Benjamin "Paul" Blasingame remembered vividly Maxwell facing down LeMay.

Chapter 28: The description of the experimental heavy bomber that was never built is drawn from the memories of General Schriever and Colonel Blasingame. Both also recalled the offshoot benefits from the project, such as the turbofan engine and its effect on both military and commercial aviation. The specifications of the B-70 are taken from the USAF's Winged s.h.i.+eld, Winged Sword; Winged s.h.i.+eld, Winged Sword; Marcelle Size Knaack's authoritative 1988 Marcelle Size Knaack's authoritative 1988 Post-World War II Bombers; Post-World War II Bombers; and the official SAC history, and the official SAC history, The Development of Strategic Air Command. The Development of Strategic Air Command.

BOOK IV[image] STARTING A RACE STARTING A RACE Chapters 2931: Schriever interviews; also interviews with Marina von Neumann Whitman and Francoise Ulam and their reminiscences at Hofstra University conference on von Neumann, May 29-June 3, 1988; interviews with Foster Evans and Jacob Wechsler; also Evans's lecture, "Early Super Work," published in the Los Alamos Historical Society's 1996 Behind Tall Fences; Behind Tall Fences; interview with Nicholas Vonneuman and his unpublished biography of his brother, "The Legacy of John von Neumann"; John von Neumann Papers in the Ma.n.u.script Division of the Library of Congress; Rhodes's interview with Nicholas Vonneuman and his unpublished biography of his brother, "The Legacy of John von Neumann"; John von Neumann Papers in the Ma.n.u.script Division of the Library of Congress; Rhodes's The Making of the Atomic Bomb The Making of the Atomic Bomb and and Dark Sun; Dark Sun; Herman Goldstine's 1972 Herman Goldstine's 1972 The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann; The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann; Stanislaw Ulam's 1976 Stanislaw Ulam's 1976 Adventures of a Mathematician; Adventures of a Mathematician; William Poundstone's 1992 William Poundstone's 1992 Prisoner's Dilemma; Prisoner's Dilemma; Norman Macrae's 1992 Norman Macrae's 1992 John von Neumann; John von Neumann; and Kati Marton's 2006 and Kati Marton's 2006 The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World. The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World.

Chapter 32: Interviews with General Schriever, Col. Vincent Ford, and Trevor Gardner, Jr.; Colonel Ford's unpublished memoir on the building of the ICBM; Air Force s.p.a.ce and Missile Pioneers biography of Gardner.

Chapter 33: Interviews with Simon Ramo and General Schriever; Ramo's 1988 autobiography, The Business of Science: Winning and Losing in the High-Tech Age; The Business of Science: Winning and Losing in the High-Tech Age; Col. Vincent Ford's unpublished memoir. Col. Vincent Ford's unpublished memoir.

Chapter 34: Interview with Simon Ramo; Col. Vincent Ford's memoir; Ramo's The Business of s.p.a.ce; The Business of s.p.a.ce; John Chapman's 1960 John Chapman's 1960 Atlas: The Story of a Missile Atlas: The Story of a Missile, for Karel Bossart's early experimental work; General Schriever's papers for copies of the decla.s.sified original correspondence, members.h.i.+p, and recommendations of the Tea Pot Committee; see also Jacob Neufeld's 1990 Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960 Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960 for Tea Pot Committee proceedings. Sidney Graybeal, the CIA's original specialist on Soviet guided missilery, helped explain how difficult it was to obtain reliable information in the early years. The hair-raising account of the attempt to conduct photoreconnaissance of the Soviet launching grounds at Kapustin Yar with an RAF Canberra in 1953 is recounted by R. Cargill Hall, an Air Force historian and an authority on spy overflights of the Soviet Union and satellite photographic reconnaissance, in the Spring 1997 issue of for Tea Pot Committee proceedings. Sidney Graybeal, the CIA's original specialist on Soviet guided missilery, helped explain how difficult it was to obtain reliable information in the early years. The hair-raising account of the attempt to conduct photoreconnaissance of the Soviet launching grounds at Kapustin Yar with an RAF Canberra in 1953 is recounted by R. Cargill Hall, an Air Force historian and an authority on spy overflights of the Soviet Union and satellite photographic reconnaissance, in the Spring 1997 issue of MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History. MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History.

Chapter 35: Trevor Gardner's March 11, 1954, memorandum to Secretary Harold Talbott and Gen. Nathan Twining; Col. Vincent Ford's memoir; Schriever and Ford interviews; Neufeld, Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; interview with Col. Ray Soper, USAF (Ret.). interview with Col. Ray Soper, USAF (Ret.).

Chapter 36: Schriever interviews; Col. Vincent Ford's memoir.

BOOK V[image] WINNING A PRESIDENT WINNING A PRESIDENT Chapter 37: Schriever and Simon Ramo interviews; Schriever diary; Col. Vincent Ford's memoir; Jacob Neufeld's Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960 19451960, for Secretary Quarles's suggestion that the Ramo-Wooldridge team be integrated with Schriever's WDD organization.

Chapter 38: Edward Hall interviews; interview with Edith Shawcross Hall; Hall's unpublished autobiography; his entire military record, a copy of which was kindly obtained for me, with Hall's permission, by his daughter, Sheila Hall. Interview with Col. Sidney Greene on the $2 million diverted from Convair for a prototype ICBM rocket engine.

Chapter 39: Schriever interviews and Schriever diary-memo on July 17, 1954, meeting with Tommy Power.

Chapter 40: Schriever interviews and diary; background on Joseph McNarney from Air Force histories and Web site. Thomas Lanphier, Jr.'s, role in shooting down the bomber carrying Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto is taken from Toland's The Rising Sun. The Rising Sun. General Power's efficiency reports on Schriever from Schriever's service record. General Power's efficiency reports on Schriever from Schriever's service record.

Chapter 41: Schriever interviews and diary; Ramo's autobiography, The Business of Science; The Business of Science; the circ.u.mstances of Harold Talbott's resignation are recounted in George M. Watson, Jr.'s, 1992 the circ.u.mstances of Harold Talbott's resignation are recounted in George M. Watson, Jr.'s, 1992 The Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, 19471965. The Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, 19471965.

Chapter 42: Schriever interviews and diary.

Chapter 43: Interview with Dodie Schriever Moeller.

Chapter 44: Schriever interviews and diary; Col. Vincent Ford interviews and his memoir; an unpublished 1996 Ph.D. thesis by U.S. Army historian John Clayton Lonnquest, "The Face of Atlas: General Bernard Schriever and the Development of the Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, 19531960," sheds considerable light on this episode. Dr. Lonnquest, chief, Office of History, Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, most kindly shared his thesis with me.

Chapter 45: Dwight Eisenhower's 1963 Mandate for Change: 19531956; Mandate for Change: 19531956; Charles Bohlen's 1973 Charles Bohlen's 1973 Witness to History: 19291969; Witness to History: 19291969; William Taubman's 2003 William Taubman's 2003 Khrushchev: The Man and His Era; Khrushchev: The Man and His Era; Zubok and Pleshakov, Zubok and Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin's Cold War; Inside the Kremlin's Cold War; and Erickson, and Erickson, The Road to Stalingrad The Road to Stalingrad and and The Road to Berlin The Road to Berlin, on Stalin's att.i.tude toward Marshal Georgi Zhukov.

Chapter 46: Schriever interviews and diary; Col. Vincent Ford interviews and memoir.

Chapter 47: Schriever interviews and diary; the structure of the Gillette Procedures is explained well in Jacob Neufeld's Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960. Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960.

Chapter 48: Interview with Burton Brown. Sidney Graybeal and Dr. Albert Wheelon, an original member of the Ramo-Wooldridge team who later became the CIA's first deputy director for science and technology, were very helpful in laying out the subsequently intense and largely successful program to track Soviet missile progress.

BOOK VI[image] BUILDING THE UNSTOPPABLE BUILDING THE UNSTOPPABLE Chapter 49: Schriever interviews; Neufeld, Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Nathan Twining Papers for excerpt from Gen. Maxwell Taylor's testimony before the Stuart Symington subcommittee. Nathan Twining Papers for excerpt from Gen. Maxwell Taylor's testimony before the Stuart Symington subcommittee.

Chapter 50: Interviews with Dr. Ruben Mettler and Adolf Thiel. Julian Hartt's 1961 The Mighty Thor: Missile in Readiness The Mighty Thor: Missile in Readiness was also of a.s.sistance in the writing of this and subsequent sections on Thor. An unpublished July 31, 1972, monograph by W. M. Arms for McDonnell Douglas, "Thor: The Workhorse of s.p.a.ce-A Narrative History," was similarly helpful. was also of a.s.sistance in the writing of this and subsequent sections on Thor. An unpublished July 31, 1972, monograph by W. M. Arms for McDonnell Douglas, "Thor: The Workhorse of s.p.a.ce-A Narrative History," was similarly helpful.

Chapter 51: The portrait of Maj. Gen. John Bruce Medaris is drawn from the observations of a number of people who worked with him, including his deputy, Maj. Gen. John Zierdt, USA (Ret.); Brig. Gen. William Fiorentino, USA (Ret.), project manager for the Army's Pers.h.i.+ng II cruise missile; and Michael Baker, command historian at the U.S. Army Missile Command at Alabama's Redstone a.r.s.enal. Current Biography 1958 Current Biography 1958 provided further biographical details. The profile of Wernher von Braun is drawn from a variety of sources, including his 1951 interview with Daniel Lang in provided further biographical details. The profile of Wernher von Braun is drawn from a variety of sources, including his 1951 interview with Daniel Lang in The New Yorker The New Yorker magazine; Army Ordnance Satellite Program, unpublished November 1, 1958, historical monograph on the Army Ballistic Missile Agency by Paul Satterfield and David Akens; Ernst Stuhlinger and Frederick Ordway III's 1994 magazine; Army Ordnance Satellite Program, unpublished November 1, 1958, historical monograph on the Army Ballistic Missile Agency by Paul Satterfield and David Akens; Ernst Stuhlinger and Frederick Ordway III's 1994 Wernher von Braun: Crusader for s.p.a.ce Wernher von Braun: Crusader for s.p.a.ce, and Michael Neufeld's definitive 2007 biography, Von Braun: Dreamer of s.p.a.ce, Engineer of War. Von Braun: Dreamer of s.p.a.ce, Engineer of War.

Chapter 52: Interview with Mark Cleary, command historian, 45th s.p.a.ce Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, and monograph he wrote on the history of Cape Canaveral; interview with Col. Charles "Moose" Mathison, USAF (Ret.), on the construction work for the test-launching of the missiles.

Chapter 53: Interviews with Dr. Ruben Mettler, Adolf Thiel, Simon Ramo, and Schriever.

Chapter 54: Interviews with Dr. Ruben Mettler and Adolf Thiel, Col. Richard Jacobson, USAF (Ret.), Schriever, Simon Ramo, Maj. Gen. John G. Zierdt; Michael Baker; September 25, 1957, memorandum with attachments from Maj. Gen. J. B. Medaris to W M. Holaday, Special a.s.sistant for Guided Missiles to the Secretary of Defense, Subject: Recommendations on the Selection of a Land-Based IRBM System; unpublished November 1, 1958, monograph by Satterfield and Atkins; unpublished December 1959 monograph, "Jupiter Story," from Major General Medaris to Secretary of the Army Wilber Brucker.

Chapter 55: Interviews with Col. Richard Jacobson and General Schriever.

Chapter 56: Interviews with Col. Richard Jacobson and Schriever; September 25, 1957, memorandum from Medaris to Holaday; October 8, 1957, memorandum from Holaday to Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson, October 8, 1957.

Chapter 57: Schriever interviews; Holloway's Stalin and the Bomb; Stalin and the Bomb; Walter McDougall's 1985 Walter McDougall's 1985 The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the s.p.a.ce The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the s.p.a.ce Age; Age; Harford's 1997 biography of Sergei Korolev, Harford's 1997 biography of Sergei Korolev, Korolev; Korolev; Heppenheimer's 1997 Heppenheimer's 1997 Countdown; Countdown; research at Rocket Museum in St. Petersburg; Jacob Neufeld's research at Rocket Museum in St. Petersburg; Jacob Neufeld's Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960 Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960, for Donald Quarles's "Poor Man's" economies; Inquiry into Satellite and Missile Programs Inquiry into Satellite and Missile Programs, Hearings Before the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, First and Second Sessions, 19571958, for the testimony of Edward Teller and others before Lyndon Johnson's subcommittee.

Chapter 58: For details of the test range in the Caribbean and the South Atlantic I owe much to my interview with Mark Cleary and his 1991 monograph The 6555th Missile and s.p.a.ce Launches Through 1970; The 6555th Missile and s.p.a.ce Launches Through 1970; Schriever interviews; interviews with Ruben Mettler, Adolf Thiel, Cols. Richard Jacobson and Charles Mathison, and Brig. Gen. Robert Duffy, USAF (Ret.). Schriever interviews; interviews with Ruben Mettler, Adolf Thiel, Cols. Richard Jacobson and Charles Mathison, and Brig. Gen. Robert Duffy, USAF (Ret.).

Chapter 59: Interview with Lt. Col. Jamie Wallace, USAF (Ret.). Colonel Wallace also provided me with a number of photographs of the DEI inspection. Also interviews with General Schriever and Col. Richard Jacobson.

Chapter 60: Humphrey Wynn's 1994 RAF Nuclear Deterrent Forces; RAF Nuclear Deterrent Forces; Harford's Harford's Korolev; Korolev; interviews with Lt. Col. Jamie Wallace, Col. Richard Jacobson, General Schriever, and Squadron Leader H. Basil Williamson, RAF (Ret.). Air Marshal Sir Reginald Harland, RAF (Ret.), who spent several years in the United States as a liaison officer on missile development, working with Schriever's organization, arranged my interview in England with Squadron Leader Williamson and was most informative on the British-American agreement on Thor and its deployment. interviews with Lt. Col. Jamie Wallace, Col. Richard Jacobson, General Schriever, and Squadron Leader H. Basil Williamson, RAF (Ret.). Air Marshal Sir Reginald Harland, RAF (Ret.), who spent several years in the United States as a liaison officer on missile development, working with Schriever's organization, arranged my interview in England with Squadron Leader Williamson and was most informative on the British-American agreement on Thor and its deployment.

Chapter 61: Interviews with General Schriever; Col. Roy Ferguson, Jr., USAF (Ret.); Lt. Gen. Richard Henry, USAF (Ret.).

Chapter 62: Interviews with Squadron Leader Williamson, Air Marshal Harland, Col. Richard Jacobson, and Lt. Col. Jamie Wallace; Wynn's RAF Nuclear Deterrent Forces; RAF Nuclear Deterrent Forces; interview with Lt. Gen. Benjamin Bellis, USAF (Ret.); Neufeld, interview with Lt. Gen. Benjamin Bellis, USAF (Ret.); Neufeld, Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Medaris's "Jupiter Story" monograph. Medaris's "Jupiter Story" monograph.

Chapter 63: Neufeld, Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; s.p.a.ce and Missile Systems Organization: A Chronology, 19541979 Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; s.p.a.ce and Missile Systems Organization: A Chronology, 19541979, monograph, Office of History (SAMSO was a successor to Schriever's WDD); interview with Lt. Col. Charles Getz III, USAF (Ret.), for Black

Chapter 64: Schriever interviews; s.p.a.ce and Missile Systems Organization; s.p.a.ce and Missile Systems Organization; Neufeld, Neufeld, Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; John Chapman's 1960 John Chapman's 1960 Atlas: The Story of a Missile; Atlas: The Story of a Missile; interviews with Dr. Ruben Mettler and Adolf Thiel on the faulty engine turbopump; interviews with Mettler and Brig. Gen. Maurice Cristadoro, USAF (Ret.), one of the Atlas project officers, on throwing an Atlas into orbit with a 1958 Christmas greeting from Eisenhower; interview with Col. Prentice Peabody, USAF (Ret.), for the X-17 rocket and the successful development of an ablative warhead. interviews with Dr. Ruben Mettler and Adolf Thiel on the faulty engine turbopump; interviews with Mettler and Brig. Gen. Maurice Cristadoro, USAF (Ret.), one of the Atlas project officers, on throwing an Atlas into orbit with a 1958 Christmas greeting from Eisenhower; interview with Col. Prentice Peabody, USAF (Ret.), for the X-17 rocket and the successful development of an ablative warhead.

Chapter 65: Schriever interviews; interviews with Sidney Graybeal and Albert Wheelon; William Taubman's Khrushchev: The Man and His Era; Khrushchev: The Man and His Era; Harford's Harford's Korolev; Korolev; Heppenheimer's Heppenheimer's Countdown. Countdown.

Chapter 66: Schriever interviews; Neufeld, Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; interview with Gen. Benjamin Bellis. interview with Gen. Benjamin Bellis.

Chapter 67: Schriever and Edward Hall interviews; Edward Hall's unpublished autobiography; interview with Lt. Gen. Charles Terhune, USAF (Ret.), Schriever's deputy at WDD; Robert Piper's 1962 unpublished monograph, "The Development of the SM-80 Minuteman," a secret history of the Minuteman program, written for the Historical Office of the Deputy Commander for Aeros.p.a.ce Systems of the Air Force Systems Command and subsequently decla.s.sified, with attachments, was a source of important details and helped to correct lapses in the memories of Schriever and Hall; General Terhune confirmed Curtis LeMay's positive reaction to Hall's briefing at the Pentagon and his support for Hall during the subsequent briefing for Secretary Neil McElroy.

Chapter 68: Interviews with Schriever, Edward Hall, Lt. Gen. Charles Terhune, Sidney Greene, Col. Richard Jacobson; Air Force biographical sketch of Gen. Samuel Phillips; Roy Neal's 1962 Ace in the Hole: The Story of the Minuteman Missile Ace in the Hole: The Story of the Minuteman Missile, which also provided more biographical information on General Phillips. Colonel Hall had preserved the telegram from Maj. John Hinds among his papers and gave me a copy.

BOOK VII[image] A SPY IN ORBIT AND A GAME OF NUCLEAR DICE A SPY IN ORBIT AND A GAME OF NUCLEAR DICE Chapters 6971: Schriever interviews; interviews with Col. Frederic "Fritz" Oder, USAF (Ret.), Lt. Gen. Forrest McCartney, USAF (Ret.), Colonel Charles Mathison, and Richard Leghorn; s.p.a.ce and Missile Systems Organization; The Corona Story s.p.a.ce and Missile Systems Organization; The Corona Story, the official history of the Discoverer-Corona project, completed in 1987 by Colonel Oder, James E. Fitzpatrick, and Col. Paul Worthman, USAF (Ret.), and decla.s.sified by the National Reconnaissance Office in 2007. R. Cargill Hall, who served as historian at the NRO for a time, kindly obtained a copy for me. Also Forging the s.h.i.+eld: Eisenhower and National Security for the 21st Century Forging the s.h.i.+eld: Eisenhower and National Security for the 21st Century, 2005, chapter by Cargill Hall ent.i.tled "Clandestine Victory: Eisenhower and Overhead Reconnaissance in the Cold War."

Chapters 7277: Neufeld, Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 19451960; Heppenheimer's Heppenheimer's Countdown; Countdown; Zubok and Pleshakov, Zubok and Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin's Cold War; Inside the Kremlin's Cold War; Taubman's Taubman's Khrushchev; Khrushchev; Robert Kennedy's 1968 Robert Kennedy's 1968 Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis; Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis; Fred Kaplan's 1983 Fred Kaplan's 1983 The Wizards of Armageddon; The Wizards of Armageddon; Anatoly Dobrynin's 1995 Anatoly Dobrynin's 1995 In Confidence; In Confidence; Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali's 1997 Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali's 1997 One h.e.l.l of a Gamble: Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy, 19581964; The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis One h.e.l.l of a Gamble: Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy, 19581964; The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Ernest May and Philip Zelikow's 1997 editing of the tapes of the White House meetings during the crisis; Max Frankel's 2004 High Noon in the Cold War: Kennedy, Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis; High Noon in the Cold War: Kennedy, Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis; Fursenko and Naftali's 2006 Fursenko and Naftali's 2006 Khrushchev's Cold War; Khrushchev's Cold War; Michael Dobbs's 2008 Michael Dobbs's 2008 One Minute One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War; to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War; the official SAC history, the official SAC history, The Development of Strategic Air Command; The Development of Strategic Air Command; Wynn's Wynn's RAF Nuclear Deterrent Forces. RAF Nuclear Deterrent Forces.

Chapter 78: Leonid Brezhnev's cynical remark to his brother is recounted in the 1995 memoir by his niece, Luba Brezhneva's The World I Left Behind: Pieces of a Past. The World I Left Behind: Pieces of a Past.

EPILOGUE[image] THE SCHRIEVER LUCK THE SCHRIEVER LUCK Chapter 79: The John von Neumann Papers, Ma.n.u.script Division of the Library of Congress; Col. Vincent Ford's memoir; Macrae's John von Neumann; John von Neumann; Pound-stone's Pound-stone's Prisoner's Dilemma. Prisoner's Dilemma.

Chapter 80: Schriever interviews; Col. Vincent Ford's memoir; interview with Trevor Gardner, Jr.

Chapter 81: November 1, 1968, historical monograph on Army Ballistic Missile Agency; Edward Hall interview.

Chapter 82: Schriever interviews; personal attendance at annual Oldtimers Reunions as an invitee; interviews with Joni James Schriever.

Chapter 83: Interviews with Joni James Schriever; personal attendance at funeral.


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