A Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magic Spells Part 10

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It mixes well with ylang-ylang, rosemary and lavender.

Cypress: Cypress is an oil of consolation after sorrow or loss, bringing acceptance, healing and the power to move forward. It promotes understanding and compa.s.sion towards distress of self and others.

It mixes well with lemon, juniper and geranium.

Eucalyptus: This is an oil of purification of mind, body and soul, driving out negativity and anger, as well as repelling deliberate psychological and psychic attack. Eucalyptus will provide the impetus for action and decisions, especially when people and projects have reached an The oil also offers clear focus and increased concentration.

It mixes well with Cedarwood, clary sage and peppermint. Fennel: Fennel is the oil of strength, courage and perseverance. It mixes well with Chamomile and eucalyptus.

Frankincense: Frankincense is regarded as the most n.o.ble of oils, used in ceremonies and formal celebrations throughout the ages and considered in many cultures to be a gift from the deities, bringing healing and power.

It offers confidence to aim high, attracting abundance of all kinds, money and success, but also granting access to higher dimensions and contact with angels and spirit guides.

It mixes well with cypress, sandalwood and myrrh.

Geranium: Geranium is a harmonising oil, restoring peace and wellbeing to the home or workplace, encouraging positive, non-confrontational interactions, reconciling quarrels and melting away emotional coldness and indifference in encounters. It relieves tension, depression doubts and despair, replacing them with gentle optimism.

It mixes well with lavender, rose, ylang-ylang, Cedarwood and Chamomile and indeed most other oils.

Ginger: Ginger is an enhancer of love, pa.s.sion and money and encourages adventure and innovation.

It mixes well with bergamot, Cedarwood and jasmine.

Jasmine: Jasmine is an uplifting oil, boosting both physical and mental potency and increasing love and pa.s.sion. It deflects potential hostility, transforming it into friendliness and a willingness to compromise.

It mixes with most other oils, especially rose and ylang-ylang.

Juniper: Juniper is a purifying and cleansing oil, protecting against hostility and removing what is redundant.

It mixes well with rosemary, frankincense and cypress.

Lavender: Lavender is a harmoniser and brings love, kindness and reconciliation to any person or place.

It mixes well with almost every oil, but especially geranium, Chamomile, marjoram and ylang-ylang.

Lemon: Lemon is the breath of life, bringing energy, clarity, logic and integrity. It is a light-bringer, cutting through secrecy, doubt and dishonesty, and cleansing atmospheres and att.i.tudes.

A citrus oil, it mixes well with Chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender and myrrh.

Lemongra.s.s: Lemongra.s.s will clear away negative emotions among family, friends and colleagues, and past resentment and feuds from the past that no longer serve any purpose. It removes also painful memories and helps to leave behind destructive relations.h.i.+ps; lemongra.s.s also enhances psychic awareness.

It mixes well with frankincense and geranium.

Lime: Lime brings health and well-being to self and to family and home. It generates enthusiasm and triggers self-healing and regeneration in body and mind. It is protective against psychological and psychic attack and has natural restorative powers.

A citrus oil, it mixes well with eucalyptus and lavender.

Mandarin: Mandarin oil restores confidence self-love and self-esteem, offering protection against the barbs of unfair criticism, spite and gossip. It enhances inner beauty and radiance.

A citrus oil, it mixes well with Cedarwood, geranium, and ylang-ylang.

Marjoram: Marjoram is an oil that relieves loneliness and a sense of isolation and alienation, awaking empathy with others. It is an oil of enduring love and fidelity.

It mixes well with lavender and rosemary.

Mimosa: Mimosa is an oil of the night, for secrets and secret love, bringing love and friends.h.i.+p, especially for older people.

It calms anxiety and over-sensitivity to criticism and brings harmony and happiness, melting away opposition and hostility.

It mixes well with bergamot and Chamomile.

Myrrh: This is a sacred ceremonial oil, like frankincense, and is burned in healing and purification rituals.

It mixes well with mandarin, pine and patchouli.

Neroli: This is orange-blossom oil, symbol of marriage, committed relations.h.i.+ps and fidelity, fertility, sensuality and self-esteem. It prevents moods swings, crises of confidence and panic attacks.

It mixes well with geranium and jasmine.

Orange: Orange is the oil of abundance, joy and fertility, attracting happiness, giving confidence and individuality, and calming anxiety and restlessness in children and adults.

A citrus oil, it mixes well with lavender and ylang-ylang.

Patchouli: Patchouli is the oil of prosperity and is used in money rituals, to bring employment and increase business opportunities. It is also frequently used in ceremonies to heal the planet, as it is a natural restorer of balance.

It mixes well with geranium, myrrh and pine.

Peppermint: Peppermint offers protection against illness, accident, hostility and theft or damage to the home and also attracts money.

It mixes well with eucalyptus.

Pine: Pine is a purifier of all forms of negativity, hostile atmospheres and dishonesty, protecting particularly against emotional blackmail. It is an oil of courage and perseverance under difficulty, of integrity and clear focus.

It mixes well with juniper, lemon and marjoram.

Rose: This is an oil of fidelity, happiness, partners.h.i.+ps and gentle healing, love and especially self-love.

It mixes well with almost every other oil.

Rosemary: Rosemary is an oil for enhanced memory, concentration, justice, career and success.

It mixes well with Cedarwood, frankincense and geranium.

Rosewood: Rosewood calms mind, body and soul, creating a setting conducive to peace at home or work, especially if there are difficult negotiations, or potentially hostile visitors or phone calls; it will also clear away existing conflict. Rosewood soothes hyperactive or restless children, and in adults brings acceptance of life as it is and the frailties of others. It is good for energising all forms of natural magick.

Rosewood mixes well with jasmine, neroli and geranium.

Sandalwood: Sandalwood is an oil of pa.s.sion and sensuality; it also heightens meditative abilities and increases spiritual awareness, offering a path to make contact with the higher self and angelic or spirit guides.

It mixes well with many other oils, especially Chamomile, lemon, patchouli and rosemary.

Tea tree: Tea tree is an oil of healing, especially absent healing; it will remove blockages in energy, and banish negativity, replacing it with optimism and channelling restlessness into positive aspects of life.

It mixes with sandalwood, but is usually best used alone.

Ylang-ylang: The oil of poets, ylang-ylang is a.s.sociated with inspiration and love, especially self-esteem. It counteracts a sense of frustration when things cannot be changed or achieved, and increases confidence and pleasure in possibilities that can be realised within the limitations of the present circ.u.mstance.

It mixes well with clary sage, geranium, lemon and Chamomile.

An Oil Ritual To Increase Prosperity As I have said before, magick is part of life and there is nothing wrong with carrying out rituals for your personal needs and a little more. However, you must make an effort, when you are financially more secure, to share your good fortune with those who are genuinely in need. As long as you bear in mind the cosmic 'balance sheet', this will ensure that there are sufficient energies to go round.You can, of course, pay in kindnesses and help, as well as in monetary terms.

It is unlikely that you will receive an unexpected cheque in the post the morning after this spell (though I am getting rather good at bewitching one of my financial directors at a firm I work for). Instead, you may suddenly find that you are given the opportunity to earn money through extra unexpected work. Or you will hear of someone who wishes to sell a reliable car or a serviceable computer in a hurry - just at the time when you need one. It would be churlish to demand a computer with a built-in DVD player from the cosmos, but under the psychic exchange system, all manner of good things that are no longer needed by one person can be directed to someone whose old model has just crashed. It goes without saying that you should also remember to redistribute items that are surplus to your requirements to keep the process moving.

Rituals for personal prosperity tend to be practised alone, as group prosperity rituals tend to work better with a more global focus (see page 275 for a mid-winter solstice light and abundance spell).

First, you need to define the purpose of the ritual. In this case that will probably not be difficult if you have been lying awake at night, panicking that you can't pay for a school trip for your child or new tyres for the car.

Oils and Incenses in Magick Once you have established what you require for your needs, find the right oils, using the list above, together with the list of herbs starting on page 110 and the incenses that you may also find in oil form (see page 139).

The ritual is to be carried out over three consecutive nights. Work on the two days before the full moon and the night of the full moon if you can, as this is the best time for energies of increase (see page 233 for magical times and use a diary or check in the weather section of the newspaper). It is also a traditional planting time for herbs and vegetables that grow above the ground.

However, if you need money urgently you cannot sit around waiting for the moon to be right, so burn silver lunar candles on each of the three evenings and picture the lovely ripening Moon we see at this period in the sky, if the weather is clear.

You can carry out the ritual at any time of day, but you should try to choose a time that is quiet. If you can only work during daylight hours, allow the natural light to add to the candle energies or draw the blinds.

You will need: * An oil burner, the kind with a small nightlight underneath.

* Three prosperity oils. Good examples are patchouli, peppermint, ginger and sage. If you are pregnant, use frankincense, orange and lavender. (Note that lavender is an all-purpose herb that can be subst.i.tuted for any other.) * Symbols of prosperity, such as jewellery (golden-coloured for the Sun, and silver for the Moon), and some copper-coloured coins for Venus, planet of growth, to add to your money jar.

(Keep a collection of foreign currency left over from holidays for such prosperity spells. You can often also buy from garage sales or museum shops old or reproduction coins in the traditional metals - such as the US silver dollar - and these tend to have more of the pure metal. Failing this, even metal discs will do.) * Three candles, beeswax, gold or rich blue.

* A small pottery jar with a lid to 'incubate' your money. (It is a good idea to collect a selection of jars, small wooden boxes, gla.s.s bottles and pots as many spells require a container.) * A small, flat tray or open dish in a silver or gold colour. (Again these are often found amongst unwanted memorabilia. Alternatively, cover an ordinary one with gold or silver foil.) * A crystal pendulum or any crystal pendant that will swing freely.

When you are ready to start the spell on the first night, have a bath, with a few drop of frankincense or sandalwood added, to open your psychic channels. Now prepare yourself for the spell.

* Sit in the South of your circle, facing North, the direction of magick and mystery.

* Let your body fill with light from your feet right through to your head.

* Breathe in the gold and silver colours of the items you have a.s.sembled and exhale darkness.

If you are in a hurry, just set up your spell and sit for a few moments drawing up power light and energy through your feet. Extend your hands over your head in an arch, stretching your fingers up so that the powers of the cosmos also enter, as you breathe slowly and deeply.

* Place your oil burner in the centre of your altar or on any flat surface, together with your three chosen oils (or you can work with a single fragrance if you prefer).

* To the South of it, set your money pot with the lid open and your coins.

* Place your symbols of abundance on the tray to the North of the dish.

* Arrange your gold, blue or beeswax candles in a triangle (this sacred shape represents the Triple G.o.ddess, the Holy Trinity and the Egyptian Isis, Osiris and Horus). The candle at the apex of the triangle should be in the North, with the other two forming the base to the South, so that the triangle creates a protective enclosure. If you have room, set your candles in holders on the floor or in candlesticks on small tables or chairs at each of the points and have the altar in the centre. This is my preferred method and means that you are within the triangle and can move all round.

* On the first night, walk three times in circles around the outside of the altar (or the floor candles if you are using them), moving outwards, and pointing the index finger of your power hand behind you almost horizontally. Visualise a stream of light emanating from your finger. As you circle, chant: Circle one I cast for the light of the Earthand her store of rich minerals,gold, silver, copper smelted in forges of volcanic fire.

Circle two I cast for the moonlit seas,for silver dolphins, seals andcascading rainbow fish.

Circle three I cast for the sunlit skies,the clouds pure goldand the gilt-tipped eagle soaring high.

* Light the candle in the North.

* Choose one of your three oils and, holding it in your receptive hand (the one you do not write with), circle over it nine times deosil the crystal pendulum or pendant.

* Say three times, faster and faster: Star, Moon, Sun and candle bright,charge this oil with radiant light,power of ginger [or name of oil] prosper me,enter golden energy.

* After the third chant, let your pendulum swing freely on its chain so it spirals round, catching the candlelight and, perhaps, the moonlight.

* Add the oil to the burner with a little water and light the nightlight under it.

* Take three of the coins from the dish - if possible these should be one gold, one silver and one copper. Place them in the money pot and hold this briefly in the fragrance emanating from the burner, saying: Venus, Morn and Evening Star,Sun and Moon that s.h.i.+ne afar.I ask in love and not in greed,grant me only what I need.

* Place the lid on the pot and leave it in front of the burner, sitting quietly and visualising money coming to you. At this point you may become aware of money-making possibilities you had not considered.

* When you are ready, blow out the nightlight, then the candle, sending the light into the cosmos that it may return as money-making energies.

* Walk round the circle three times widders.h.i.+ns, beginning with the outer circle of light, drawing the circles back like a thread into your fingers, saying softly: May the circle be uncastbut remain unbroken.

* Leave everything in place except for the pot, which you should put in a warm place to 'incubate', traditionally on a kitchen shelf.

On the second night, return the money pot to the south of the burner and remove the lid.

* Cast the triple circle as before, then light the candle in the North and also the one at the bottom left-hand corner of the triangle.

* Take the second oil and charge it as before. This time you have dual candlelight to reflect in your pendulum.

* Add your second oil and then the first one to the burner with a few drops of water. Light the burner.

* Take six coins from the dish and add to the pot; if possible there should be two golden-coloured, two silver and two copper. Repeat the chant from the previous night.

* Place the lid on the pot, then sit and visualise the money coming towards you and develop your plans to increase your prosperity.

* Blow out the candles and nightlight in reverse order of lighting, sending the energies into the cosmos.

* Uncast the circles as before and return the pot to its warm place.

* On the third night, repeat the ritual, but this time light all three candles and charge the third oil, adding a few drops of each to the burner for the c.u.mulative energies. Add nine coins to the pot, again three of each kind of metal if you have them.

* Uncast the circle, but do not blow out the candles. Leave them and the oil to burn through, and only then put the lid back on the pot and return it to the warm place.

* Add a coin to the pot every day if you can. To empower the spell even further, you could also place a pot of basil, a herb of wealth, to the East of the burner during the ritual and after the three days, place the charged herbs on a window ledge to attract money.

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A Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magic Spells Part 10 summary

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