A Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magic Spells Part 22

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This can be done in a variety of ways, for example by leaping in the air if you are dancing, giving a final shout if you are chanting, blowing out a candle or casting your symbol into fast-flowing water. You can also bury it or burn it in a candle flame or on a bonfire. If you are banis.h.i.+ng something from your life, you can write it in chalk and rub it out or cut it up and dispose of the pieces.

You can use absolutely anything as a symbol for magick: a flower, a leaf, a feather, words or images written or drawn on paper, candles to represent people or objects, Tarot cards, photographs, related miniature versions of the desired acquisition - a key for a new home, a toy car for transport, a postcard for a holiday destination.

At the end of your spell you may like to finish the ritual by saying something like The wish is mine', or The power is won', or The spell is done', or even 'So let it be, G.o.d and G.o.ddess willing'. Many pract.i.tioners add 'If it is right for me'. Wiccans often say at the end of the ritual, 'So mote it be'.

A Three-Day Candle Spell For Reconciliation * On the first night, light two pink candles (pink is the colour of Venus in her gentle aspect), one for yourself and the other for the person from whom you are estranged.

* Set the candles apart at opposite ends of the table and into the one you designate for the absent person, speak the words you would like to say if he or she were present, whether regrets or forgiveness or both.

* Then, into your own candle, recall aloud the good qualities of the other person.

* Blow out your own candle, sending a message of love to wherever the other person is.

* Blow out his or her candle, absorbing positive feelings from all the good times you shared.

* On the second night, set the candles so that each has moved a quarter of the way across the table towards the other.

* Again light the candles in turn, this time speaking into the other person's candle thanks for the kindnesses shown to you in the past; into your own candle, express what you miss most about the relations.h.i.+p and would like to rekindle.

* As you blow out your candle, send positive wishes for the other person's happiness and absorb the light from his or her candle as healing of unfair or harsh words spoken in anger.

* On the final evening, place the candles so that they are almost touching and as you light your candle, express your hopes for happy times together once more.

* Into the second candle, make promises to try to be more tolerant and understanding in future, even if you think the disagreement or estrangement was not your fault.

* This time, leave the candles to burn down and sit in the candlelight, looking at old photographs, reading poetry or listening to music you both enjoyed.

* When the candles have burned down, plan a simple non-confrontational gesture of friends.h.i.+p - sending a postcard of a place you both visited, an e-mail recounting mutually pleasurable news about a joint friend or family member, or a small bunch of favourite flowers. Even if the gesture of reconciliation is refused, you have freed yourself of bitterness, though you may need to repeat the ritual several times if the hurt is deep.

A Spell For Increasing Self-Confidence Sometimes people around us - perhaps a critical relative, a spiteful ex-lover or a thoughtless colleague - can damage our self-esteem. We look at media ideals of loveliness and feel we are far from the image of perfection created by a society that wors.h.i.+ps youth. But if we can only believe in ourselves and love ourselves, hey presto, we radiate our own unique beauty and others are drawn to us, because of this powerful but indefinable personal magnetism. This spell is designed to boost that self-belief.

* Around your bathroom, light purple candles, placed safely so that they cast pools of light on the water when you fill the bath.

* Let the water run and then turn off the taps and add five drops of rose essential oil and five of ylang-ylang, dropping them into the pools of light.

* Place a rose quartz or amethyst crystal in the water to strengthen self-love and approval.

* Lie in the water and swirl the light pools in turn, making an affirmation for each one, for example: I exist, I am unique, lam of worth, I have many gifts [name them], I value myself, Hove myself, I am complete in myself, I treasure what I have and what I am, as I am right now.

* Continue to swirl the light, visualising it flowing within you, making you a body of light and loveliness.

* Finally, make a wish for yourself in each light pool.

* When you are ready, wrap yourself in a soft towel or robe and take out the plug, saying: Doubts and sorrow, flow from me, what I wish, I can be.

* Look at yourself in the mirror framed by light and you will see how your inner radiance creates true beauty that cannot fade.

* Carry the candles into your bedroom or living room and spend the rest of the evening reading a special book, listening to music or just dreaming of golden tomorrows as you gaze into the light.

A Spell To Repel Spite, Gossip Or Psychic Attack Traditionally, witch bottles filled with rusty nails, sour red wine (or even urine) and sprigs of rosemary were buried under the doorstep of a house as an age-old method of keeping away spite.

* Take a dark bottle with a cork and into it pour sour milk, old red wine and some dried rosemary, saying: Viciousness and venom, malevolence and malice, feelings turned sour, envy and spiked tongues, begone.

* Close the bottle with a cork and shake it over a sink, saying: Curdle and coil, serpents of spite, hiss and miss me, spit where you will do no harm.

* Uncork the bottle and run it under the cold tap until the mixture has flowed away and the bottle and sink are clean.

* Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the bottle and pour some into the sink drain and rinse the bottle again. Saying: Anger cease, go in peace.

Note that you have neither attacked anyone nor even returned the spite. You will probably find that the other person may be more positive on the next encounter. If you are suffering from an emotional vampire who drains you emotionally, add powdered garlic to the mix. It really works.

A Binding Spell For Protecting Children Against Bullying * Create a featureless image of clay to represent your child (or anyone you wish to protect - this could be your partner who is being bullied at work by an over-critical boss).

* Cover the image with tiny, clear quartz crystals - these are empowering as well as protective.

* Set a ring of pink candles around the image.

* Gently breathe in the light and blow it out around the image, creating a protective pink sphere as you exhale.

* When you have done this, extinguish the candles one by one, sending the light into the clay, saying: Stand symbol for my child [or partner]. Protect him/her with love and light from all who would do harm.

* Wrap the image in soft cotton wool or pink cloth and with a pink ribbon tie the cloth with three knots, saying: I bind thee in security, from all who would bring harm to thee, coc.o.o.ned in peace and harmony.

* Keep the image very safely in a drawer with soft, fluffy clothes. If the problem still persists when the clay crumbles, make another image and carry out the spell again, if necessary using golden candles for stronger protection.

A Rainy Day Spell To Banish Sorrow Or A Bad Habit * On a large piece of dark paper, with either white chalk or washable paint, write or draw what it is you wish to lose.

* Draw a square round the word or image to mark the limitations of its power, followed by a diagonal cross through the words or image.

* Put the paper on paving stones as it begins to rain and standing in the rain watch the words or image blur and disappear.

* When the paper has disintegrated, say: It is gone, it is done. Nought left of pain, I thank the rain. * Scoop up the soaked paper and dispose of it in an outside bin.

A Spell To Attract The Right Person Into Your Life I have used this spell for people who wish to call a current lover who is being over-reticent, but people have told me after I demonstrated it on television that it works just as well for an unknown lover; so I have modified it.

* Take a map either of your local area or country or a world map if you want a lover from afar.

* Scatter five roses across the map, saying: Near or far, o'er land and sea, a lover true I call to me.

* Light a pure white candle and taking a sixth rose (six being the number of Venus and love), pluck from it in turn five petals and burn each in the candle flame, saying: Burn a pathway to my door, five rose petals now are four, Four to three in candle fire, bringing closer my desire. From three to two I burn the rose, love no hesitation shows, From two to one till there is none, the spell is done, come, lover, come.

* Place the map and the roses, the candle and a vase with the rose from which you plucked the petals, in a safe place near an uncurtained window until the candle has burned down.

* Then put all the roses in the vase in your bedroom and when they die repeat the spell if necessary.

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A Knot Ritual For Making A Wish Come True * Name your wish.

* Take nine scarves or nine pieces of cord, each about the length of a bootlace.

* Place them on a table and slowly tie a loose knot in each so you secure the nine together in a circle, saying with increasing intensity: By the knot of one,the spell's begun, By the knot of two,this dream come true.

By the knot of three,the power's in me, By the knot of four,I make it more.

By the knot of five,the spell's alive, By the knot of six,my fate's not fixed.

By the knot of seven,my cause is leaven, By the knot of eight,my aim is straight.

By the knot of nine,the wish is mine.

* Toss your scarves or knotted cords into the air and spiral round, waving them and chanting, My power renewed, the dream is true, The wish is free, so shall it be.

* Gradually, slow down and reduce your chant to a whisper until you are quite still.

* Sit and make a nine-day plan for making your wish materialise and each morning untie one of your knots as you repeat the chant.

A Fertility Spell * When the crescent moon is in the sky, take a hen's egg and paint or colour it with permanent marker pens and decorate it with Mother G.o.ddess symbols, such as spirals, b.u.t.terflies, bees and birds.

* Place it on the window ledge of your bedroom and leave it there until the night of the full moon.

* On this night, p.r.i.c.k the egg gently with a silver pin or paper knife.

* The next day, early in the morning, sprinkle it with a few drops of almond or pure olive oil for added fertility.

* Place the egg in one half of a coconut sh.e.l.l (the coconut is the most potent fertility fruit) or a tiny straw basket, and set your little boat sailing on a river or the outgoing tide. If you cannot sail it, bury your egg and coconut sh.e.l.l beneath a willow or alder tree and water the soil with Moon water (water that has been collected when the full moon s.h.i.+nes on it).

* Make love whenever you wish during the month, but if possible on the night of the full moon.

This spell will not overcome gynaecological problems, but can relieve anxiety and stress, which seem to block fertility.

A Spell To Attract Money * During the waxing moon phase, prepare a circle of six green prosperity candles on a tray made of bra.s.s or any s.h.i.+ny metal. Use small, broad-based candles so that the wax can flow on to the tray.

* Heap nine coins in the circle.

* Light the candles, starting in the North, saying: Light of increase, shower on me money and security. Bring, I ask, prosperity.

* Leaving the coins in the centre, push the candles so that they are almost touching and the wax flows on to the coins. Allow the candles to burn down.

* When the wax has hardened, cut a disc containing the coins and sprinkle dried basil on the wax for added prosperity.

* Leave your coin amulet where it can catch any light, day and night, from the waxing to the full moon and when the Moon begins to wane, keep it wrapped in silk in a drawer. If necessary, repeat the spell when the crescent moon is in the sky, turning it over three time on the crescent.

A Spell To Pa.s.s An Examination Or A Test Or Succeed In An Interview * Take three small dishes of dried sage, rosemary and thyme, the herbs of memory and concentration.

* Choose a book, a manual or notes you have made, to symbolise what you need to know or remember.

* Scatter in turn a circle of each herb round the book, beginning with sage as the innermost circle, then rosemary and finally thyme, saying: Sage, rosemary, thyme, let this knowledge now be mine, In the circles three, memory increased be.

* Gather the three circles of herbs into a small purse or sachet. Keep it with you while you study and place it under your pillow at night so you may learn while you sleep. You can also take it to an examination.

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A Spell To Get A Job * Find or write an advertis.e.m.e.nt for a job you have seen in the newspaper or employment agency or for one you would like. If you are creating a hypothetical position, be specific about salary, location, etc. The more focused you are, the more powerful the energies you generate from within, but keep a weather eye on reality, so that you are not asking the impossible of the cosmos.

* Light a really big, deep blue candle (blue is the colour of Jupiter and excellent for job-hunting) and place it in a holder on a broad metal tray.

* Read the advertis.e.m.e.nt several times so you memorise it and then form it into a taper and slowly burn it in the candle flame, allowing the ash to fall on the tray.

* When the paper is burned, gather the ash in a small box or bag. (If it goes out, don't worry - just "re-light it, showing your persistence and determination to get the job.) * Bury it beneath a power tree, such as the oak or ash, if possible on land near to your chosen place of employment. If you cannot find a tree, bury the ash in a pot of mint (mint is a powerful energiser).

A Spell For When You Wish To Travel * Find four dandelion clocks with full, white seedheads, and carry them in a small neck or waist pouch to the top of a hill.

* Using a compa.s.s, find the direction of your chosen destination and, facing it, say: North, South, East, West, take me where I love the best - [name the place].

* Spin round nine times deosil, saying: far from home, may I roam, Far to fly, o'er sea or sky.

* Now open your purse and blow the dandelions clocks, one for each direction, beginning with your chosen one, saying: Fly far, fly free, 'cross land and sea, With you I go, Let it be so.

* Finally, run or walk fast down the hill, reciting the name of your chosen destination as a mantra.

* When you get home, make a step, however small, towards planning your trip.

A Spell For Moving House Whether you are stuck at the buying or selling stage, this spell can get the energies moving to conclude the deal. If you are trying to sell your house, use a door key from your present property, but if you are trying to buy a house, use a brand new key.

* Find an estate agent's picture of your present house or the one you wish to buy. On top of it, place four frankincense or fern incense sticks, to represent the sides of an invisible square. Inside this square, place the key.

* Light the four incense sticks, saying for each: May the winds of change blow away stagnation.

* Take the incense set in the centre top of the square and pa.s.s it three times deosil round the key and picture, saying: Thus I remove one wall and, with its power transformed, move forward.

* Plunge the incense stick into a bowl of cold water. The end will harden so that you can write on paper with it like a pencil. Without thinking, let words form from your magic pencil, advising the next step you should take to bring closer the house move.

* Repeat this for the other three sticks until you have written four steps with the four incense sticks. You will find that the solutions you wrote offer new avenues that you had not considered.

* Place the key and picture near an open window or door where the air can circulate round them.

* Each evening, place your key and picture on the table and light a single frankincense stick to keep the energies moving, wafting it round in three circles deosil, saying: May the winds of change blow away stagnation. If you hit another, repeat the ritual.

A Sea Ritual For The Return Of What Is Lost This is based on a very old custom; wives of sailors would keep a bottle of sea water and then tip it back into the waves just before their husbands were due home. If you cannot go to the sh.o.r.e, use any pond, lake, river or stream. The spell can be used for finding lost or stolen objects, pets, or even straying partners, though with the latter you may decide not to bother.

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A Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magic Spells Part 22 summary

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