A Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magic Spells Part 8

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It is protective, especially for children, when worn as an amulet, and can be grown in the garden to protect both garden and home. It is also believed to give long life and protection against illness.

Ruled by the Sun.

Anise (aniseed) Anise calms the nervous system and relieves coughs and lung problems. It is a very gentle herb, excellent for skin problems.

It protects against all negative influences, especially in the home, including external hostility, bad dreams. A sachet on the bedpost keeps the sleeper young.

Ruled by Jupiter.

Apple Apple is good for fevers and nausea. It has all-over powers of rejuvenation and fertility and so is especially used for healing babies and children.

It will also heal relations.h.i.+ps, restore youthful optimism and the increase of hope. It increases inner beauty and helps self-esteem, especially if a person is worried or being teased about their appearance. It enhances all forms of new growth and so will restore fertility to gardens and areas of land that have been made barren or urbanised.

Ruled by Venus.

Ash Ash was a sacred tree to the Celts (as late as the nineteenth century, in Killura in Ireland, a descendant of the original sacred ash of Creevna was used as a charm against drowning). It was used to cure rickets, hernias or wounds that would not heal and toothache (a folklore remedy for toothache was to rub your gum with a new nail until it bled, then to hammer the nail into an ash or oak tree which would take away the pain). The leaves and powdered bark are very effective for all healing and for endowing lasting good health.

It is also effective for protection at sea, while sailing or swimming. Ruled by the Sun.

Aspen The aspen was known as the s.h.i.+ver-tree, because the leaves shook even when apparently there was no breeze; by sympathetic magick (see page 35) it was believed that 'like cures like' and so the aspen was said to have the power to cure fevers, agues and illnesses involving s.h.i.+vering or extremities of cold. It is also good for eloquence.

As a protective herb, it can be used in anti-theft and burglary sachets hidden in houses or cars.

Ruled by Saturn, in his most positive aspects.

Basil Basil reduces stress and clears the mind. It can be used for menstruation problems and stomach disorders including ulcers. It also removes toxins, so is good for anti-pollution rituals. Basil also repels harmful insects and encourages peaceful sleep.

It is a herb of love and fidelity and also attracts abundance and prosperity. As a protective herb, it is good for overcoming fear of flying.

Ruled by Mars.

Bay Bay can be used for all digestive disorders, for stress and psychosomatic illness.

It offers psychic protection and will heal sorrow. It purifies all forms of pollution and negativity, endows strength and endurance and encourages fidelity.

Ruled by the Sun.

Bistort Bistort is potent in relieving wounds of all kinds, emotional as well as physical, also throat, mouth and tongue problems, especially when mixed with echinacea, myrrh and goldenseal. It aids fertility, so can be carried by women who wish to become pregnant.

It will repels those who come to a home with malice or ill intent. Bistort also increases abundance and prosperity and psychic awareness.

Ruled by Saturn.

Black cohosh This herb is particularly a.s.sociated with older women. For this reason, it is good for problems a.s.sociated with the menopause.

As a protective herb, it brings courage and love, especially in late-flowering relations.h.i.+ps, and the power to make positive change.

Ruled by the Moon.

Borage Borage is good for lung problems, for lowering temperatures, for relieving problems with the adrenal glands and for speeding recovery after any illness. It was used in Roman times, infused in wine, to relieve depression and on its own to help rheumatism and weak hearts and to purify blood.

It is a herb of courage and protection that can be used in sachets, especially out of doors, or in potentially hazardous places.

Ruled by Mars.

Burdock Burdock relieves chronic skin conditions and rheumatism and restores balance to bodily energies and organs; it supports the liver and kidneys, especially when mixed with dandelion.

Burdock deters negativity when used in protective amulets and offers protection against negativity; it enhances pa.s.sion and s.e.xuality and heals loss or betrayal in love.

Ruled by the Moon.

Caraway Caraway relieves menstrual problems and nourishes nursing mothers. It is effective for all digestive disorders, coughs and bruises, and helps to improve memory.

It is protective against all sources of negativity, especially against theft and vandalism (hide a tiny sachet with valuable items). It is also an aphrodisiac that can kindle or rekindle pa.s.sion.

Ruled by Mercury.

Catnip Catnip will help influenza, prolonged fevers, viruses and respiratory problems, especially when mixed in sachets or poppets with elder and yarrow. It is very effective for children (and cats, with whom it forges telepathic links).

It makes a potent love sachet when mixed with rose petals. Around or near a home, catnip attracts good fortune and benign forces. It also enhances inner beauty and domestic joy.

Ruled by Venus.

Chamomile The most gentle and soothing of herbs, Chamomile was beloved of Peter Rabbit in Beatrix Potter's tales. It has many uses, including soothing anxiety, relieving insomnia, and calming hyperactivity in children. It is excellent for all digestive problems, especially in the young (no nursery should be without its Chamomile, fennel and lavender sachet as a gift for a new infant), and relieves eye problems in adults and children.

Chamomile is used in charms to attract abundance and prosperity; it is good for meditation and for attracting new love, family happiness and the growth of trust after betrayal and loss, and it is protective and deters those who would do harm.

Ruled by the Sun.

Cloves Cloves are excellent for relieving tooth pains, circulation problems, back and lung problems and nausea in pregnancy.

As part of an amulet or sachet, cloves will prevent gossip, malice and envy against the wearer and help the user to learn new skills. Cloves are a natural aphrodisiac that both attracts love and awakens s.e.xual feelings. For those who have suffered loss, cloves offer comfort.

Ruled by Jupiter.

Coltsfoot This is perhaps the best herbal remedy for respiratory problems, especially persistent dry coughs, also bronchitis, asthma, and even emphysema. It also soothes the stomach and combats fluid retention.

It is traditionally used in love rituals and sachets, and to induce peace of mind. It also offers protection to all who travel, and to horses.

Ruled by Venus.

Comfrey Comfrey relieves burns, cuts, coughs and asthma and speeds healing.

It offers protection while travelling and if placed in a suitcase will guard your belongings from loss or theft. It is a natural bringer of luck and money, and so can be added to abundance sachets if a person has suffered financial or material loss.

Ruled by Saturn.

Dandelion Dandelion helps to clear obstructions and so is good for the liver, spleen, gall bladder and kidneys. It relieves fluid retention and premenstrual tension, detoxifies the system and encourages circulation.

It promotes psychic awareness, carrying thoughts between lovers. It is commonly used in country love divination to answer questions concerning a lover's fidelity and intentions.

Ruled by Jupiter.

Dill This is a herb for the well-being of infants and nursing mothers, bringing ease and quiet sleep to colicky, fretful babies and a.s.sisting lactation.

It is a herb of love and pa.s.sion and can also be used in love and protection sachets, especially for homes. It will repel intruders and malice from the home so is a sachet to keep near entrances. Add it to nursery sachets.

Ruled by Mercury.

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Echinacea (purple cornflower) Echinacea is a natural antibiotic that also triggers the immune system. It increases the production of white blood cells, and aids the effective functioning of the lymph glands and so is effective for building up resistance in a person who has been ill or is physically vulnerable. It also heals wounds, mouth sores and gum disorders.

Echinacea is a herb of spiritual growth and awareness; it is used where altruism and idealism are to the fore. It also promotes spiritual dreams.

Ruled by Jupiter.

Elder Elder is beloved of the Romany gypsies as a basis for many different remedies. It is effective as an antiseptic and can be used to treat sprains, wounds, rheumatism, influenza, respiratory complaints, hay fever and sinusitis. It prevents insomnia and brings peaceful sleep.

Elder offers protection from hostility to the user, and to the home from storm damage and other extremes of weather. It brings health, wealth and happiness, and especially marital joy to a new bride or groom.

Ruled by Venus.

A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells.

Elecampane (elfwort) Elecampane is effective for all coughs and respiratory complaints, especially in children; it helps asthma and bronchitic asthma, loss of appet.i.te and general failure to thrive.

As its name suggests, it is a.s.sociated with elves and faeries and is a natural love charm, potent in love sachets, amulets and rituals for attraction. It is protective against all forms of hostility and increases psychic awareness.

Ruled by Venus.

Fennel From Roman times, this herb has been renowned for its effects on courage, stamina and renewed strength and energy. It is good for improving a sluggish metabolic rate, for reducing all swelling, especially fluid retention, for premenstrual tension, for aiding breastfeeding and for easing an infant's colic and restlessness. It also helps sore eyes and coughs and improves mental alertness.

Fennel brings protection from unwanted visitors and all forms of external hostility.

Ruled by Mercury.

Ginger Much prized in the East, ginger is still used in China to aid potency and ensure long life. It warms the body, removing pain, especially rheumatism, and it strengthens and heals the respiratory system, as well as boosting the immune system. It is good for throat complaints, and for all sickness and nausea, especially in pregnancy and while travelling, so should be added to travel sachets.

Ginger is also often carried powdered in a tiny sachet in a pocket or purse to attract money, success and also love. It acts as a physical and emotional energiser.

Ruled by Mars.

Holy Thistle Holy thistle is effective for treating all liver, gall-bladder and spleen problems, even helping livers damaged by alcohol or hepat.i.tis. It counters appet.i.te loss and relieves menopausal symptoms.

It is, however, mainly a protective herb, used to keep away all negativity. It is an aid to any spiritual work or contact with the higher self and angels or spirit guides. It encourages altruism.

Ruled by Mars.

Hops A gentle, safe but powerful sedative, hops are also used in treating insomnia and nervous tension, and internal spasms triggered by stress. Hops will calm the entire nervous system and so can be used to treat coughs, bladder and liver problems aggravated by stress, bowel disorders with an anxiety component, for example irritable bowel syndrome, and skin problems with an emotional cause.

As a protective herb, hops will drive away dark thoughts, doubts and fears.

Ruled by the Sun.

Hyssop Derived from the Hebrew esob, hyssop is mentioned many times in the Bible for its ability to cleanse the body of illness. It relieves coughs, bronchitis, painful throats and viruses, tension and stress-related conditions, burns, and ear pains and problems, especially in children.

It is primarily a herb of purification and will help to banish sad thoughts, despair and doubts, and leave a positive approach. Hyssop removes negativity from the home and from objects that have unwelcoming or sorrowful vibrations.

Ruled by Jupiter.

Juniper Juniper is a natural antiseptic. It relieves digestive and gastrointestinal inflammations, arthritis and rheumatism, joint and muscle pain and inflammation. It also increases male potency.

Juniper naturally purifies the home from past negative influences and future misfortune - use it especially at New Year. It also acts as an amulet against accidents, theft and illness.

Ruled by the Sun.

Knotweed Knotweed is a natural antiseptic that helps to heal infected wounds; it will calm nerves and prevent anxiety developing. It relieves tendon problems and is good for general health and improvement of conditions that cause immobility.

A herb to increase emotional commitment and encourage fidelity, it can be used for ensuring promises are kept and for all rituals involving knots.

Ruled by the Moon.

Lavender Add lavender to any healing sachet, for it has calming and restorative properties and promises a gradual and gentle improvement in health. It is an anti-depressant, a natural sedative and a pain-reliever, especially for tension-related headaches and muscle or joint pains. It also helps digestion. A pillow filled with dried lavender flowers induces peaceful sleep. In a room, it will encourage gentle, positive interactions and reduce hyperactivity in children.

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Lavender is a herb of love; it attracts gentle and kind lovers, especially for women. It is good for wish magick.

Ruled by Mercury.

Marigold Marigold is a good, all-purpose ingredient for healing sachets, especially for all skin complaints and infections. It is effective in the treatment of bleeding, burns, headaches, eye and gall-bladder problems and stomach ulcers. It protects against internal and external infections.

Marigold increases positivity in the home, makes a lover more affectionate, promotes fidelity and helps in all legal problems.

Ruled by the Sun.

Mullein Mullein is effective for the relief of any respiratory condition, such as bronchitis, hoa.r.s.eness, asthma and harsh coughs. It can also be used for acidity, skin inflammation and pains of all kinds. It acts as a sedative and a cure for insomnia, guarding against nightmares.

It brings courage and prevents accidents, so is good in travel or workplace protection; it is also very protective against any negative forces.

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A Practical Guide To Witchcraft And Magic Spells Part 8 summary

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