The Secret Fate Of Mary Watson Part 20

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'I haven't exchanged more than a single word with him,' I say. 'I just don't want him hovering over me like a crippled vulture.'

Percy sucks on his pipe. Then pulls it out to inspect the tobacco. He taps his front teeth lightly with the bowl.

'You've become quite peremptory since your promotion. Or is it marriage that's given you this extra pluck? You can't go running behind my back to Roberts out here.'

Now there's an unpleasant hardness in his gaze.

'I've never gone running to him - unless you were nowhere to be found.' I challenge him to argue the point.

His bottom lip twitches. 'You'll have to deal with Ah Leung, whether you like it or not. He's in charge of the garden. If you want him to bring you vegetables, you'll have to engage with him in at least a semi-pleasant manner.'

'I'll fetch my own vegetables,' I say.

'Really? And watch while he cuts off a head of cabbage with his big glittering cane knife? The farm's a long way from the house. No one would hear you scream.'

'Your attempts to scare me are so obvious as to be ridiculous.'

Carrie has wandered to the doorway and stands blinking slowly in the light. Her hair looks like small mice have made a nest in it. She yawns.

'Percy Fuller, my sister, Carrie.'

'Charmed, I'm sure.' He's looking her up and down.

She takes a step out the door to stand behind me. 'Mr Fuller. I'm not at my best.'

'You look fine to me.' So fine, it seems, he doesn't bother breaking his gaze to address me. 'About that oriental issue, Mary. A woman has nothing to worry about if she just does her job properly. But I'll keep an eye on the matter.'

'You'll have to detach it from my sister first.'

His head makes a measured turn towards me. 'Pretty things should be looked at, not hidden away.'

He turns and walks towards the beach, then calls over his shoulder. 'You and your sister should explore a bit. Wander over to the farm, maybe up to Cook's Look. That's where the good captain surveyed his pa.s.sage through the reef.' He points to the hill almost directly behind the house. 'It's only half a mile or so. You can see from here to tomorrow on a good day.'

'We'll take it on advis.e.m.e.nt.'

When he's shrunk to just a kink in the s.h.i.+mmer, Carrie stretches her arms up. She turns a couple of times and lifts her face to the sky. 'What was that about an oriental issue?'

'Oh, just a general discussion about Chinese women on the mainland doing piecework for half the wages that European ladies can manage.'

'Percy's a nice man. Handsome, too.'

'Handsome is as handsome does.' I sound sour to my own ears, like a crotchety old spinster with lemon juice squirted in the milk of my voice.

'It's so lonely here.' She's looking out over the patches of shrubby bush, the grey granite stones.

Lonely? Well, isolated, at least.

'Look, an eagle!' Carrie says.

A huge bird is above us, surrounded by zigzag tips of light. The shadowy wingspan must be four feet across and barely tilting as an updraught holds the muscular ballast of its body steady. A small snake wriggles in its beak. Cruel hooks curl beneath.

As it floats slowly over the house, heading for Cook's Look, I consult the list of superst.i.tions in my head, but draw almost a blank. Something from The Iliad? Didn't Zeus send the bad luck of an eagle with a serpent in its beak to the Trojans?

Whatever the message, good or bad, it's further away now. A ragged hole heading straight for the sun.


Everyone keeps a box of secrets.

From the secret diary of Mary Watson I find the camphorwood box in the corner behind some fishhooks as I'm cleaning up. The rusty chain attached to the lid rustles its links, then pulls taut as I open it. A set of worn rosary beads on top. An old pipe chewed down by the white ants of Bob's teeth. The naphthalene of mothb.a.l.l.s. A yellow, water-stained letter, kept instead of sent, dated a year ago.

Dearest sister ... My eyes scan down and grab a paragraph: Marry? Never. I would sooner blow my brains out than do so and struggle more than before. Of course, things would have been different if Mother was a normal woman ...

I hear a crash thump: something irreplaceable, ruined. My jaw aches from grinding my teeth. But I know better than to go out and speak my mind. I'm learning fast about Bob's temperament. He's agreeable when soothed, maliciously stubborn when crossed. If I want any of our things to be salvaged, I'll have to hold my tongue.

I put the letter down, close the lid and slip the box back where I found it.

Outside, it's worse than I thought. Everything is upended. My trousseau on its lid. Carrie's port sprung open, on its side, dresses lying in the dirt. I put things to rights as best I can, then go back into the shadowy house. I don't want to unpack until the place is clean.

By eleven o'clock, I've swept the hardened earth floor. Coughed on clouds of fine sand and dust. Shooed geckos and millipedes from the thatched ceiling with the broom. When I look up, Percy's filling the doorway again. My hand goes to the scarf I've tied over my hair and under my chin.

'New broom through the old house, eh?'

'Hardly new,' I say, looking at its moulting, worn-down head. 'I wish I'd thought to bring one over.'

'We'll buy another next time we're in Cooktown. In the meantime, Porter and I will knock you up a couple of walls for privacy. And make a bedframe.' His eyes flit to the corner where I've leaned the mattress Carrie, Bob and I slept on last night. 'But I'll get started on the pigsty and fowlhouse first. Reinforce the wire. Goannas like nothing better than eggs for an appetiser, followed by chickens.'

'Where's this elusive Ah Sam who's supposed to be helping me with the housework?'

He grins. 'If you're of a mind to get your head bitten off by your dear husband, go and ask him.'

'No, thanks.' I grimace. 'Don't you and Bob have to go fis.h.i.+ng?'

I look to the pieces of sky his head and shoulders haven't eclipsed. The clear blue's only gathered up a few white spun-sugar puffs.

'We'll get you settled in first. The weather's been unpredictable, anyway. It looks fine now, but could blow up later.' He turns away to sneeze from the cloud of dust I've stirred up, then leans on the doorframe.

'I thought the dry season was when you got most of your fis.h.i.+ng done.'

'It is. But bad weather sometimes surprises us this time of year. May and June ... fine weather can turn foul in a heartbeat. A sailor needs to be on his toes.'

'When exactly does cyclone season start?'

He has a match propped in the side of his mouth, manoeuvring it with his teeth so that it levers up and down. 'It's obvious you're not a born-and-bred Queensland girl, or you'd know. About the beginning of November, give or take. It's all over, or should be, by the end of April.'

'That's a long time to be landlocked.'

'Worried we'll all get sick of each other, Mrs Watson?'

'Not exactly.'

'I guess you're wondering how your old man is going to support you until the wet season?'

'Not particularly. I can support myself, remember?'

But he's determined to be provocative about my marriage of convenience. 'You should be worried.' He pulls his pipe out of the pocket of his dark trousers. From the other pocket, a plug of tobacco. He spits the match on the ground then parks the pipe in his mouth to get it out of the way. His next words are spoken around the stem. 'We collect about half a ton a month of slugs when the weather's good. Let's see. Slugs were worth about a hundred pounds a ton last month, give or take. Of course, as Watson and I are partners, we each get half. Half of what's left, that is, after the blacks, Kanakas and Chows have been paid. And then there's supplies, repairs, the odd bribe ...'

He's not finished. But I've finished listening. I turn my back on him and drag an empty crate over to the corner, trying to imagine how to divide the large room up into smaller ones. I've decided what's essential. A bedroom with a door for Bob and me. For Carrie, the curtained alcove with enough room for the cot and a washstand.

'Sea-slug fishermen are the lowest of the low, you should know that. Bottom feeders, just like the slugs they catch. Of course, Watson is a charmer.'

I hear Bob's swearing brogue outside the door, accompanied by a thump. Another tinkle of breakage.

Percy raises an eyebrow and lifts a hand in sarcastic farewell.

Bob lumbers in, my treadle machine in his arms. I look up warily. His face, already a patchwork of bad needlework, is sewn up even further with annoyance.

'Next time I've a mind to drown a Kanaka, I'll tether this to his ankle.' He dumps it roughly on the floor, then pulls a dirty handkerchief from his back pocket and wipes his palms on it.

'I'm sure you'll think it's useful after I've mended your clothes,' I say. 'That's unless you've just broken it in your bad temper, in which case it will just be an expensive doorstop.'

He puts a hand to the small of his back and shoots me a filthy glare.

'Have you come across that box of soap yet?' I ask sweetly.

'The soap, the bath. The whole kit 'n' caboodle of the bathhouse waiting for nothing but a.s.sembly.'

'So this is marital bliss. No wonder I've remained a single man.' Now it's Porter Green's thin figure blocking a column-length piece of the sun.

Bob gives him a sideways glance, ignoring me. 'Seems a husband's nothing but a packhorse. Just as well you've stayed away ...'

'Mary.' Porter dips his hat, then looks around. 'Where's your sister?'

'She's gone for a walk.'

'Oh? Which way?'

'Along the beach.' I point south, to my left. 'Why, what's the problem?' I turn sharply to Bob. 'You said it would be all right.'

Bob shakes his head. 'It is all right!'

Again the hand goes to a spot halfway up his back, as though he's supporting a paling that's about to come loose. He wanders out the door, mumbling curses.

'Don't worry about him,' Porter says. 'He's always riled when his back's bad. And he's not used to having a woman around.' A slight breeze clacks morse code on the shutters.

Not a white one who's not a prost.i.tute, at least. I bend over to try to heft the treadle machine onto the crate I've just dusted.

'Here, let me do that.'

He's stronger than he looks, his thin arms like high-tensile wire. But my heart plummets as he lifts and I hear the tinkle of something dislodged inside.

'Forget it,' I say. 'It looks like I'll be sewing by hand.'

My eyes sting with frustration as I pick up some soiled cloths and head out to the washhouse. Porter's in the way and I tell him so, with a tight smile. His own face is full of sympathy. I can smell wine gums on his breath as I pa.s.s.

'I'll have a look at it,' he says hesitantly. 'Though we might need a new part or two when we next go to the mainland.'

'Please don't worry yourself. If anyone fixes it, it should be Bob.' I look down to the cloths, filthy with the dirt of many months' neglect. 'It's about time he learned to clean up his own messes.'

In the dark, mildewy lean-to, I dump the cloths in the stone trough that for a sink. I eye the copper in the corner over its cold hearth. It eyes me back, I swear, its big belly gloating. All of those fish-stinking clothes I'll soon have to boil up. Hopefully, sooner or later, the nowhere-to-be-seen Ah Sam will arrive to help.

Porter's followed me, and now is loitering outside the washhouse door.

'I was married once,' he says and scuffs his boot. 'She died of childbed fever.'

'I'm sorry to hear it. And the baby?'

'Shortly after.'

'And you've never thought of marrying again?'

'Oh, I've thought of it. But it hasn't thought of me.' He seems to realise, then, that he's holding me captive while I've still so much to do. 'Apologies. It's just a long time since I've had a woman to talk to.'

'I hear you might build me some walls today?'

I hear banging in the distance, which I a.s.sume is Percy starting work on permanent pens for the animals.

'Yes, of course.' He fingers his belt with the ragged holes. 'Mary?'

'Yes, Porter.'

His eyes have a caution in them. 'Tell your sister not to wander too far from the house on her own.'

I could have told him the scream wasn't sustained enough to signal real danger. I've heard Carrie's whole repertoire. There's the whine that can escalate to a full-blown gale when she doesn't get her way. The gla.s.s-breaking soprano of genuine fright. Then this particular high-C squeal with a yelp at the end, for surprise.

But Porter is already running towards the beach.

I follow, slowly, after untying my dirty ap.r.o.n, hanging it from a peg on the washhouse wall and picking up my sunhat. The peach slant of winter air s.h.i.+nes through its wicker.

Down at the beach, there's a large gathering: Percy, Porter, Bob, a Chinaman I haven't met who must be Ah Sam, and two Aboriginal boys. Carrie has her nose buried in Bob's chest. He's patting her awkwardly on the back.

'What's all this nonsense?' I ask.

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The Secret Fate Of Mary Watson Part 20 summary

You're reading The Secret Fate Of Mary Watson. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Judy Johnson. Already has 452 views.

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