Third Degree Part 3

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Laurel's clearest and most embarra.s.sing childhood memories were of squatting on the shoulders of highways in half the states in the union, while her father tried to repair whatever broken-down junker he happened to be driving at the time. Laurel would wait in mute rage, sweating or freezing as the case might be, while her mother implored her father to let her flag down a pa.s.sing motorist (translation: a man with more practical sense than the one she'd entrusted her future to). Tom wasn't a bad man, but he was a poor father. About the only two benefits Laurel had derived from his peripatetic lifestyle were world travel and books. Their rickety old house in Ferriday contained more books than many of the big houses by the country club in Athens Point. She had spent her preteen years reading a moth-eaten Cambridge History of the Ancient World-all fifteen volumes-and vowing to marry a man opposite from her father in almost every way.

In Warren s.h.i.+elds, she had found that man. Warren was so organized that at twenty, he'd kept meticulous records of his mileage and car maintenance. In hindsight, that should have signaled a seriously a.n.a.l-retentive personality, but to Laurel Ballard, those records were flags marking a safe harbor. Warren hadn't come from a rich family, but during his first year of medical school he was already buying bargain stocks and calculating which specialties would allow him to retire soonest. (Only later did she begin to see the dark side of these traits, such as being kept on a strict household allowance, one that barely allowed her enough money to buy decent clothes.) Warren also attended a real church with hardwood pews and stained gla.s.s, not a one-room saltbox with an aluminum steeple clapped on top with baling wire. In Warren's church, the congregation spoke softly and needed hymnals to follow the hymns. The minister always acted with great rect.i.tude, and no one ever-ever-danced or fainted in the aisles.

By marrying Warren, Laurel got exactly what she'd thought she wanted. And then she'd begun the long, slow realization that financial security could be expensive to the soul. Warren, too, discovered that life didn't unfold according to even the best-laid plans. During the second year of his surgical residency-in Boulder, Colorado, which Laurel had loved-Warren's mother had been diagnosed with a progressive nerve disease. Warren's father, a school who'd preached "toughness" his whole life, had proved unequal to the task of caring for his wife as she moved toward death. And because Warren's mother refused to move to Colorado for palliative care (she claimed she had to take care of her husband while she could), Warren decided to "take a sabbatical" from his residency to return home and care for his mother. Laurel understood his motives, but she had taught special ed for years to put Warren through medical school, and she finally had a year of architecture school under her belt. She didn't think either of them should stop their educations, even for one year. But when Warren pressed her, she gave in, and they returned to Athens Point.

When Mrs. s.h.i.+elds lived longer than her doctors expected, the "temporary" sabbatical slowly became permanent, like a mining encampment becoming a town. Warren took a position in a local family practice, and real money began flowing in. Then Mrs. s.h.i.+elds let it be known that the one thing that might bring some joy to her last days was to see a grandchild born. This time Laurel dug in her heels, her eyes on the receding horizon of their former future. But how could she deny Warren's mother's last request? After some terrible arguments, she relented, and nine months later Grant was born. Mrs. s.h.i.+elds lived ten months after that, and Grant certainly brought her joy. But less than a month after her funeral, as Laurel was prodding Warren to get everything in order for their return to Colorado, Warren's father had a crippling heart attack. Thirty seconds after they got the call, Laurel realized that they would never go back to Colorado.

She'd tried to make the best of her life in Athens Point. Since there was no four-year college in town-much less a school of architecture-she'd joined the clubs that medical wives were expected to join to further their husbands' careers: the Junior Auxiliary, the Medical Auxiliary, the Garden Club, the Lusahatcha Country Club. She went to church every Sunday, and even taught Sunday school, an immense personal sacrifice, given her background. But all this frenetic social networking did nothing to replace the dream she had given up; rather it created an emotional tension that fairly screamed to be released. For years Laurel had tried the traditionally accepted outlets: step aerobics; Tae Bo; reading groups (invariably chick lit, which made her want to slash her wrists in frustration at the heroines' actions, or lack of them); she'd even circulated through various walking groups, in the hope of finding a friend who shared her frustrations with Martha Stewart Land. But in none of those clubs and groups had she discovered a single kindred spirit.

Her ultimate solution had been to go back to work. Teaching solved several problems at once. It gave her life a single focus, one that excused her from the wearisome club duties she was accustomed to taking on. She really cared about her students and felt she was giving them help that might otherwise be denied them in a small town. Teaching also brought her money that she could spend on whatever she wanted, without the auditing glance Warren always gave her when she made a purchase of even minor extravagance. Finally, teaching had given her Danny McDavitt, the kindred spirit she had been searching for all along. Moreover (an unexpected lagniappe), this kindred spirit came with an anatomically correct, fully functioning p.e.n.i.s. And that, she thought bitterly, is what got me where I am now.

At least I hope it was his, she thought, pa.s.sing the Elfmans' flower-lined driveway. Her own house appeared on a gentle rise farther on, but the sight gave her no pleasure. It was a contemporary version of a Colonial, at six thousand square feet, twice the size of the homes that had inspired it. Laurel had wanted to design their home herself, in conjunction with a professional architect-her year of architecture school had made her proficient with the top CAD programs-but Warren had been against it. He'd marshaled a half dozen excuses for his opposition: teaching wouldn't allow enough time for her to adequately supervise the project; time spent dealing with contractors would steal hours from the children; but the real reason was simpler: Warren knew that if she designed their home, it would look nothing like the rest of the houses in Avalon. His instinct toward conformity was so strong that he could not bear what the neighbors might say about something that broke the carefully established pattern of the development. And so Laurel lived in a house much like those of her neighbors, one her mother thought perfect, but which she herself saw as one more cell in the suburban hive called Avalon. She swung into her driveway and hit the brakes.

Warren's Volvo was still parked in the garage.

She sat with her foot heavy on the brake, unsure what to do. Something told her to back out and leave; but there was no rational reason to do that. Besides, Warren might have seen her pull up. The kitchen had a direct line of sight to the driveway.

Why is he still home? she wondered. Did he come home early for lunch? No. He was running late when I left for school this morning. If he skipped hospital rounds and went straight to the office, he would have had to make rounds at lunch. He wouldn't be here. Has he been here all morning? No...that's impossible. Warren didn't take off from work unless he was seriously ill; it took the full-blown flu to hold him down. A paralyzing thought surfaced in the swirling sea of speculation: What if he found the e.p.t carton? The used test strip from the pregnancy test?

"No," Laurel said aloud. "No way." Not unless he went behind the shrubs under the bathroom window...and why in G.o.d's name would he do that? There's no garden hose or anything else back there. There's only- "Mrs. Elfman."

Could the old busybody have seen her drop the box from the bathroom window? Doubtful. Even if she had, why would she give it to Warren? Not even Bonnie Elfman was idiotic enough to congratulate her doctor on something he might not yet know himself. But she might be malicious enough to do it....

Laurel and Mrs. Elfman had once quarreled over the boundary line of their lots (a dispute resolved when a second survey proved Laurel correct). Was the woman still bitter enough to take her revenge in such an extreme way?

No, Laurel decided. Warren's still here because of the IRS audit.

The situation was probably worse than he'd admitted. Warren never burdened her with business worries, and he also knew that Laurel had never trusted Kyle Auster, his senior partner, not even during the honeymoon years of the partners.h.i.+p. Auster's smile was too broad, his patter too slick for a physician with his priorities in line, and he spent far too much money. For the first few years, Warren had defended his older partner-only ten years older, but that was sufficient to engender a little blind hero wors.h.i.+p-but in the last couple of years, some of the s.h.i.+ne had rubbed off of the statue in Warren's mind. He had seen Auster's human side too many times, and he'd revised his opinion accordingly. She recalled the wild look in Warren's eyes as he'd searched the bookshelves this morning. It took a great deal of stress to make her husband betray any emotion at all. Given his mental state this morning, she wondered whether Auster might have gotten them into serious legal trouble. That must be it, she decided, worried for Warren, but also relieved for a distraction to keep him occupied during her present crisis.

She eased her foot off the brake and idled toward the garage, wondering what she could do to soothe his nerves. She was putting the car in park when she remembered the note in her pocket, the one she'd meant to give Danny this morning. A note saying I'M PREGNANT might give Warren a stroke today, even if he thought the child was his. Laurel considered stas.h.i.+ng the note in her car, but something told her not to take any chances. Depressing the cigarette lighter with her thumb, she rolled down her window and switched the AC control to MAX. Then she fished the yellow Post-it from her pocket and touched the red-hot lighter to its corner. The glue-coated back of the note caught first, then the draft from the air conditioner stoked the flame. Soon the note was burning in the ashtray. Laurel leaned out of her window to keep the smoke out of her hair. When nothing remained but ash, she grabbed her purse and computer and walked up to the house just as she would have on any other day.

Squeezing past Warren's Volvo, she remembered that she still had both Razrs in her slacks. Habit was a strong force. It would probably be better to leave the clone in the car, but Danny was liable to text her with more information about their meeting, and she needed to stay abreast of the situation, so that she could tell Warren whatever would get her the most free time. She took out the clone Razr, switched it to SILENT, then slid it into her back pocket on the opposite side from the legit phone in front. At least Warren wouldn't see the flat bulges of two phones from any angle.

As soon as Laurel entered the pantry, she knew something was wrong. Moving into the kitchen, she sensed that things were out of place, as though they had been moved and then put back by someone who didn't know exactly where they went. She heard nothing, but there seemed to be a residue of anger in the air, as though the house itself were disturbed. She thought she smelled alcohol, a faint trace coming from deeper in the house...and maybe burnt food. Yes-there was a microwave carton in the sink, with something black leaking out of it. Warren had never been much of a cook. He didn't care about food.

She left the kitchen and stepped down into the great room with its two-story windows and oversize fireplace. Several seconds pa.s.sed before she realized that she was not alone. Warren was sitting so still that he didn't seem to be alive. But his eyes were open, and they were watching her. Warren was hunkered down on the ottoman of Laurel's Eames lounger, which he had dragged up to their thick gla.s.s coffee table. He was still wearing yesterday's clothes.

"Warren?" she said. "Are you all right?"

The eyes blinked slowly, but he said nothing.

She took a step closer, then stopped, still five yards from him.

"Come sit down," he said. "I need to talk to you."

He motioned toward the sectional sofa that half surrounded the coffee table. Laurel started forward, then checked herself. Something in his voice had set off an alarm in her head. Or maybe something lacking from it. That was it. All the life had gone out of his voice.

"Warren, what's the matter?" she asked gently. "Is it something to do with the tax audit?"

He pointed at something on the coffee table. A piece of paper. "I want to know about that."

Laurel leaned forward and looked down, and an explosion of panic detonated at the base of her brain. Now she understood everything. The frantic searching she'd witnessed this morning had nothing to do with the IRS. Warren had somehow discovered the sole handwritten letter Laurel had kept from her relations.h.i.+p with Danny. She'd recognized it instantly, because Danny had written it in green ink. The block-printed letters shrieked up at her like an accusation of adultery. When did Warren find that? she thought frantically. Since he hadn't come to bed last night, it was possible that he'd found the letter many hours ago. Found it, read it, and then begun tearing the house apart looking for more evidence. Probably the only reason he hadn't s.n.a.t.c.hed her out of bed and confronted her last night was because the letter wasn't signed (except for the word "Me," which on the day Laurel had received the letter made it sound like a note from a junior high school boy, but which she now thanked G.o.d that Danny had done).

"I'm surprised you kept that," Warren said. "You're usually such a detail person. I guess that letter means a great deal to you."

Laurel stood frozen, her eyes on the letter. Other than outright panic-squashed by survival instinct-her mind was blank. She gazed at the green letters, trying to keep the muscles of her face motionless. She felt Warren staring relentlessly at her, not blinking, and blood rushed into her cheeks. Nothing could stop that. She could blame it on Warren's confrontational posture, but that would only postpone the inevitable. From the moment Warren found that letter, the truth was bound to come out.

"Well?" he prompted, his voice exquisitely controlled. "Are you going to stand there and lie to me?"

Laurel knew what his exaggerated control signaled: rage. Danny had always warned her to be prepared for this moment. For getting caught. Anyone might have seen them on any day, without their even knowing it. Danny had told her that people who had affairs behaved as though they were invisible, as though pa.s.sion created some sort of force field through which common people couldn't see. But this was a chemical illusion, and it took only a single unexpected glance to destroy it. Danny's letter was much more than that. It was as deadly as a shot fired through the heart, and it had probably destroyed Warren to read it. Worse, that shot had triggered an avalanche from the frozen heights above their marriage. Even now, mountains of denial and repression were hurtling down upon them at two hundred miles an hour. The silence in the room was the prelude to the roar of being buried alive.

"You're not going to say anything?" Warren demanded.

Her mind grasped at the nearest concrete detail. "I'm getting a migraine. That's why I came home early."

"You poor thing."

"Whatever," she said, turning away. "I'm going to try to find the Imitrex."

"Don't try to walk away from this."

As she looked back at him, Danny's voice spoke softly in her mind: Never admit anything. No matter what he confronts you with, deny it. Deny, deny, deny. It may seem ridiculous, but he'll be desperate for any excuse to believe you. If you admit cheating on him, you'll regret it later. Think before you act. She knew Danny was right, but looking at Warren now, and knowing what was in the letter, she saw how impossible that advice was. She had no option but to tell the truth, even if it meant living alone forever. But first she needed the Imitrex. She couldn't complete the destruction of her marriage while having a migraine.

"I'm going to find the Imitrex," she repeated firmly, and walked away before Warren could respond. "Will you give me the injection?"

"Come back here!" he shouted. "Don't walk away from me! Laurel!"

She waved acknowledgment but kept walking, her eyes br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears.

"I said turn around, G.o.dd.a.m.n it!"

It was his tone that turned her, not the "G.o.dd.a.m.n." There was something in it she had never heard before, a fury that bordered on madness, and she could imagine nothing more alien to Warren s.h.i.+elds than madness.

Facing him again, she saw that he'd gone pale. His right hand gripped the edge of the coffee table like that of a drowning man clinging to the gunwale of a lifeboat. The sight triggered something deep within her, something far deeper than thought, an impulse concerned with her survival alone. And then she saw why: Warren's other hand was holding a gun. A black revolver, pressed against the outside of his thigh. Only part of the gun was visible, but there was no mistaking what it was.

"My head is about to explode," she said, her eyes locked on to his by force of will alone. "Whatever that piece of paper is, I've never seen it before in my life."

Chapter 5.

"You're lying," Warren said, still clutching the gun beside his leg. "I have to say, that's the last thing I expected from you."

Laurel refused to acknowledge the gun's existence, yet it filled her mind with terrifying power. Where had Warren gotten a pistol? He owned a rifle and a shotgun, but so far as she knew, there wasn't a single handgun in the house. Yet he was holding one now. Should she acknowledge it? Was it riskier to pretend the gun wasn't there? Would that reinforce the idea that she was lying? Warren was almost hiding it from her, though. For now, she decided, she would pretend she hadn't seen it.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said in a level voice. She pointed at the letter on the coffee table. "What is that?"

He slid the letter toward her. "Why don't you read it?"

She picked up the note and scanned the words she knew by heart, her eyes swimming.

"Aloud, please," Warren said.


"Read the letter aloud."

She looked up. "You're kidding, right?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding? It'll be so much more powerful that way."


"Read it!"

"Will you give me the injection when I'm done?"

He nodded.

She'd read Danny's last letter so many times that she could recite it from memory. She reminded herself not to glance away from the paper as she read, a mistake she might pay for with her life. She began reading in a lifeless monotone: " 'I know the first rule of this kind of relations.h.i.+p is Never Write Anything Down. But in this case I feel I have to. A-' "

"You skipped the salutation," Warren said coldly.

She sighed, then backed up and gave him what he wanted. " 'Laurel,' " she said. "Blah, blah, blah. 'A transient wisp of electrons won't do it. There's no need to go over the facts. We've both done that until we're almost insane. But before I say what I want to say, let me remind you that I love you. I feel things for you that I've never felt before-' "

She looked up and spoke sharply, "Warren, this is bulls.h.i.+t. Where did you get this?"

He looked back at her without speaking.

"Did someone give you this?"

An odd smile touched his lips. "I actually found it in your copy of Pride and Prejudice. But then you know that already, don't you?"

"I told you, I've never seen this before in my life."

He shook his head. "Deny till you die, huh? I really expected more from you than this. Where's the woman of principle who's always criticizing people? Why can't you tell me the truth? Because this guy dumped you? Are you scared to leave me without another man to run to?"

The words rolled right over her. She couldn't get past the gun. It seemed unreal in Warren's hand, a mockery of everything he stood for. He had never liked guns. He knew how to shoot, of course, like any man raised in a small Southern town. But he wasn't like a lot of the men she knew, who had fetishes about guns. Many homes in Athens Point held half a dozen firearms, and some forty or fifty. A couple of doctors actually carried guns on their person and had built pistol ranges on their property. She'd heard Warren make disparaging comments about those men, something to the effect that they used the idea of self-defense to justify the macho feeling that guns gave them. Laurel agreed, but Warren's take on things had surprised her, because unlike most people, he had actually used a gun to defend his family.

When he was fifteen years old, a prowler had broken into his parents' house, looking for anything he could steal to buy drugs. Warren had awakened, crept down the hall, and found a hopped-up teenager pointing a gun at his father's chest and demanding money. Without thinking, Warren rushed to his parents' room and grabbed his father's loaded .45 from the top shelf of the closet. Then he ran back to the front room and shot the yelling prowler in the back. He didn't yell out a warning or call 911. He saw his parents in mortal danger, and he responded with deadly force. The police saw things the same way, and within hours, Warren s.h.i.+elds was a local hero. A week later, the NRA sent a reporter to town to get the story, to run it in their "The Armed Citizen" column in American Rifleman. Warren and his parents declined this celebrity. As it turned out, the boy Warren had shot was only three years older than Warren himself. Warren had played baseball against him when he was still in high school. As far as Laurel knew, Warren had never fired another pistol since that day.

Yet now he was holding one in his hand.

Don't look at the gun, she told herself. "Somebody's s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g with your head, Warren. That's the only explanation for this."

Another faint smile, as though he could appreciate her efforts to deny the obvious, the way Grant tried to deny peeing on the toilet seat. "Then it shouldn't bother you to keep reading," he said. "Maybe together we can figure out who wrote this."



She closed her eyes for a few moments, then continued. " 'I think of you in everything I do. You're as much a part of my being as I am. This emotion feels unselfish, but it's not, because you are my salvation. And not only mine, as you know. No lesser thing could keep me from coming to you. I know you know that, and that's not why I'm writing you. I'm writing to tell you something else you already know, hopefully to give you the last push you need.

" 'You deserve more than I can give you, and that's why we're not together. But you also deserve more than Warren can give you. Much more. You have to leave him, Laurel. He can never make you happy, and you know it. He doesn't even know you. If he did, he would never have let you give up so much to come here.' "

Over the top of the letter, she saw Warren's mouth tighten into a grimace of hatred. She stopped, but he motioned for her to go on.

" 'You and Warren are complete opposites. He is cold, logical, held-in, almost sterile. You're warm, vibrant, creative, sensual, all the things you've shown me this past year. I'm not trying to denigrate him. I know he has good qualities. He's an honest man, a good provider. I don't care much for his parenting style, but I'm not sure we have much choice in that. We're all victims of our fathers that way. But your needs are so deep. Emotionally, s.e.xually, intellectually...while his seem so limited and concrete. You've told me that yourself. He doesn't really want a wife, but a beautiful servant. That role will never be enough for you, and the sooner you admit that, the better off you'll be. Warren will be, too. The only way you could stay with him is by becoming a lifelong martyr to your children. I've known women who did that. Zoloft for the daytime, sedatives at night, a vibrator in the drawer, and too many of wine at parties. They all regret it later.' "

Laurel paused for breath. Too afraid to look up, she pushed forward on autopilot.

" 'Please don't choose that life. Don't sell yourself short. The simple truth is that you married too young. Should you pay for that mistake for the rest of your life? I know, I know...Do as I say, not as I do. But we're in very different situations. Grant and Beth will be all right. No matter what you choose, I'm going to abide by our agreement. I never thought of myself as weak until I was inside you. Now I know how weak I truly am. I'll never get myself out of you, and I'll never get you out of me. I'm sorrier than you'll ever know.' " She paused, trying to blot Danny from her mind, as though not thinking of him might somehow protect him. "It's signed, 'Me.' "

"How convenient," Warren said acidly. "Don't you think? And the writer seems to have his finger on the pulse of our marriage, doesn't he? Or he thinks he does, anyway. Who do you think might know us that well?"

She kept staring at the paper, wis.h.i.+ng harder than she had as a child forced to sing in front of her father's congregation that she could magically be transported elsewhere. As she stared, the periphery of her vision shrunk and went dark, until she was staring at the letter through a round window. Her dread of pain returned with enough force to take her out of the moment-almost.

"Just tell me the truth," Warren said softly. "Please. I won't be angry."

Glancing up at his slitted eyes, she felt she had just heard a rattlesnake hiss, Just step right here on my tail, I promise I won't bite you.

"I have told you the truth. You don't want to hear it." She dropped the letter on the floor. "I got a migraine aura thirty minutes ago. If I don't get that injection, I'll be flat on my back all afternoon, unable to speak. You won't be able to continue this ridiculous interrogation."

He regarded her coolly. Withstanding his scrutiny as best she could, she tried to make a plan of action. Given the as-yet-unmentioned gun, she should probably get out of the house as fast as possible. But that wasn't as simple as it sounded. She couldn't outrun Warren, and no one could outrun a bullet. It seemed inconceivable that he would actually shoot her, but if someone had asked her whether Warren would threaten her with a gun, she would have declared that impossible, too. No...she was going to have to talk her way out of this. Talk and bluff.

"Is that a gun in your hand?" she asked in a neutral voice.

He lifted the pistol into plain sight. "This?"

"Yes, that."

"It is."

"Is it loaded?"

"Of course. An unloaded gun is useless."

Oh, boy. "Where did you get it?"

"I bought it a couple of months ago. Some punks ha.s.sled me one night when I was riding my bike on the south end of town. I carry this in my seat bag now. I've got a permit for it."

Warren was still an obsessive cyclist; he'd won dozens of regional races, and even a couple of nationals a few years ago. He rode countless miles in training, but she'd heard nothing about any gun, or any incident where he'd needed one.

"You keep that in the house, with our children?"

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Third Degree Part 3 summary

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