Terrors Of The High Seas Part 42

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The boat s.h.i.+fted as she traveled, her body compensating almost automatically for the motion. The view out the windows changed as Dar directed the vessel out and away from the docks. Kerry caught a breath of cool, sea air as it rushed through the portholes, and she found herself smiling broadly as she stepped out onto the stern deck.

What a gorgeous day it was. She tipped her head back. The sky was clear, deep blue, with only a couple of fluffy clouds down on the horizon. There was a nice breeze, and as they headed out across the water the spray from the boat's wake whisked through the air and dusted Kerry with its damp richness.

With a chuckle, she went to the tank cabinet and opened it, removing two of the tanks inside and lifting them with a grunt. She carried them over to the bench and set them in their holders, letting the BCs slide down onto the bench next to them. "Hey, Dar?"

"Yeah?" Dar's voice carried down from the flying bridge.

"This blue hole thing a good place for pictures?"

Dar laughed.

"I'll take that as a yes." Kerry finished readying their gear and trooped back inside to get her camera and its waterproof housing.

DAR SLOWED THE boat as she approached the lee side of the island, its overhanging cliff structures circling them with wild grandeur. The sun poured in over her shoulders, reflecting off the glittering surface of the sea in molten darts, and she could see the pale green of the shallow waters deepening to a deep clear blue as it neared the cliffs. Since the open topped cave wasn't a popular choice with the beginning divers who peopled the cattle boats, the few other dive boats nearby were smaller ones. Dar picked a spot in relatively open water and circled it. "Ker?"

"Yeah?" Kerry was on the bow, peering avidly at everything.

"What have I got under the keel?"

Kerry looked down, shading her eyes. "Sand."


"You sure?"

Kerry leaned over, coming perilously close to examining the surface in a real, personal way. "Yeah. Go ahead; let it loose."

Dar hit the switch for the anchor and heard the rumble as it released and plunged into the water. Then she cut the engines and stood up, stripped off her s.h.i.+rt and let it drop onto the back of the chair. She adjusted the strap on her swimsuit and made her way to the ladder, climbing down it to the lower deck. Now that the engine was off, she could hear the lap of the water and the rustling crash of the waves against the stone walls of the cliffs nearby. Kerry joined her a moment later, and they stood side by side near their gear.

"Weren't you going to call about Charlie?" Kerry suddenly remembered. "At the hospital?"

Dar paused in the act of fastening her regulator to her tank.

"d.a.m.n. You're right." She shook her head. "Hang on." She walked over to the cabinet near the door, and then stopped in realization. "I don't think I have the number."

Kerry had connected her tank to her BC. "Is there Information out here?" she wondered aloud. "Or, the hotel probably would know the number."

"Good thought." Dar dialed the number of their hotel, listened, and then scowled. "Busy." She tapped the cell phone against her neck as she thought. "Well, let's go under, and when we come back up, I'll try it again."

Dar put the cell phone in the drawer of the cabinet and closed it, then walked over and got into her BC, fastening the belly strap and standing up. The heavy tank s.h.i.+fted and she had to make a few adjustments, then she buckled the front buckles and turned, waiting for Kerry to stand.

Kerry preferred to buckle everything first. "Okay, ready." She stood upright, then hopped a little, getting everything settled over her center of balance as much as she could. "Let's go."

They each picked up fins and mask and walked to the back of the boat. Dar let down the dive ladder and opened the back gate, then rested her hand on the gate as she slipped on her fins. "We're gonna go in, then just go down for ten feet or so. We've got to swim over to where the water changes color."

"Okay." Kerry felt a little excited and a touch pleasantly scared. "I'll be right behind you."

Dar settled her mask over her face, pulled her hair out from under the rubber, and seated the seal firmly. Then she winked at Kerry and inserted her regulator in her mouth, took a big step off the back of the boat, and plunged into the water.

Kerry followed, clasping one hand over her camera case and one over her mouthpiece and mask as she stepped off the deck and entered the ocean. Ooh. Not expecting the relatively mild chill of*247 the water, she opened her eyes wide in surprise. She'd been used to the almost bathtub warmth they'd been in so far, and this was definitely a change. Briefly, she wondered if putting her shortie wetsuit on over her swimsuit would have been a good idea, but after a moment her body adjusted and she let herself drift down to the shallow bottom in water so clear it was almost like gla.s.s.

Dar was resting on her knees on the sandy bottom, her dark hair floating freely about her head as she waited for Kerry to descend.

Kerry hugged her arms and rubbed them, giving Dar a wry look from behind her mask.

Dar slapped her head, then held her hands up in apology and pointed to the surface with a questioning look.

Kerry shook her head and pointed toward the rocks.

After a moment's hesitation, Dar flipped over and started swimming slowly, glancing behind her as Kerry caught up. They finned along, side by side, over the sandy bottom, moving through schools of colorful fish that scattered at their approach then re- formed behind them.

Kerry looked ahead to where she could see a rocky escarpment that rose almost to the surface. The waves were breaking over it, churning up the water and sending bits of debris tinkling down to the ocean floor. As they swam closer, Kerry could feel a current of cooler water and see the faintest hint of a s.h.i.+mmer. She unstrapped her camera and took a few shots of the approaching wall.

Dar swam ahead of her to the wall and caught hold of it, reaching out to grab Kerry as she came closer. She grinned around her mouthpiece and mimed snapping a shutter near her mask, indicating that there was about to be a good photo op. Kerry lifted her camera, but Dar held her hand over her eyes.

Oh, c'mon Dar. But Kerry humored her, covering her eyes as she trustingly allowed her partner to maneuver her over the escarpment. She sensed the rocks moving under her, felt her fins brush against them, and heard the sound of the waves close over her head. Then Dar pulled her hand away, and she could see.

For a moment, Kerry simply stared. Beyond the escarpment was a vast chasm in the sea, filled with the deepest blue water that was yet clear enough for the sunlight to penetrate down for what seemed to be hundreds of feet. It was gorgeous. She could see divers far off down the rocks, exploring the sides of the underwater canyon. Swarms of fish darted past them, reflecting the sun.

Quickly, she lifted the camera and snapped off a few shots, then looked at Dar and simply pointed imperiously downward.

Dar smiled and pushed off the wall, letting the air out of her BC and sailing downward. Kerry shoved off after her, feeling a wash of cooler water ease past her as she descended. It was like 248*

floating into a fantasy world. The rocks on either side were crawling with life-schools of small fish and crustaceans hanging within the crevices. A swordfish whisked past her and she barely focused in time to catch it, only to have Dar tug her arm.

She turned to see a dark, gray figure lazily moving through the water and her eyes widened. She didn't need the up-thrust fin to identify the newcomer as a shark, and she quickly looked at Dar to gauge the danger.

Dar seemed quite relaxed. She pointed to her right. Kerry looked and saw a grouper bigger than she was nibbling at the wall; then they both jumped as two clown fish chased each other between them, brus.h.i.+ng their legs as they sped toward the rocks.

They were still drifting down. At the bottom of the abyss, Kerry could now see a cave with a ripple above it. The water also seemed to mist. She pointed at it and looked at Dar in question.

Dar tapped the water bag Kerry had strapped under her tank, and mimed a gush of something welling up.

Oh. A freshwater spring. As they drifted closer, Kerry saw a crab making its way along the rocks. She turned and set the lens for a tight focus, then got a good shot of its blue-black sh.e.l.l against the tan rock. Looking down, she saw the bottom coming up. She turned and looked across the s.p.a.ce, watching it fill with swarms of fish. As they swam in and out of the sunbeams, she could barely take one shot before another presented itself.

Lowering her camera for a brief moment, she checked her dive computer. At 120 feet, it was the deepest she'd ever been, but with the clarity of the water, it hardly seemed like more than a regular reef dive. She looked at Dar, who was watching her with a visible grin. Kerry held up three fingers, then made an O with her thumb and forefinger, then three fingers again. Wow.

Knowing that she only had about ten minutes at that depth, Kerry was determined to make the most of it. She moved off toward the underwater spring, and swam over the gap in the rock through which fresh water gushed. She put a hand into its path, feeling the pressure, and then she took a picture of it.

Turning, she saw Dar relaxing nearby, idly playing with a blowfish. The creature had blown itself up into a spiky ball, and Dar was bouncing it gently from hand to hand as she floated. Kerry quickly snapped a picture of them.

A flounder wafted past. It watched Kerry out of one eye as she turned in the water and photographed it. A sand shark squiggled below her, and she jumped a little, getting out of its way. Then she flipped over onto her back and took several shots looking straight up, through the clouds of fish to the surface.


Kerry felt lines of poetry erupt into her mind, and she just*249 floated there for a moment, exulting in the sheer wonder around her.

At last, with an almost apologetic look, Dar swam over and tapped her wrist. Kerry nodded reluctantly, and they started drifting upward. She shot the rest of her roll of film on the way up, and wished she had a second.

DAR'S HEAD BROKE the surface, and she grabbed the boat's ladder. With a grunt, she pulled herself on board and dumped her fins and mask, then turned to help Kerry up out of the water as she felt her weight on the ladder.

Kerry barely waited to get her body clear of the sea before she pulled her regulator out of her mouth and squealed like a pig.

"Eeeeeeeeeeehyhoooo!" She jumped onto the deck and hopped a few times, despite the fact that she still had her gear on. "Dar, that was by far the most awesome thing I've ever seen!"

Dar dumped her tank and dropped her mask and snorkel into the water well. "Guess I picked a good one, huh?" she asked with a grin. "Gimme your stuff."

Kerry unbuckled her vest and turned, shrugging out of it as the weight of the tank lifted. "Oh my freaking G.o.d!" She set her camera down and went to the cabinet to grab a towel to dry her face. As she opened the door, she heard a chirp. "Your cell's squeaking," she told Dar. "Bet Bud called back."

Dar turned from where she was putting up the gear. "Good. I'll get it in a minute."

"That place is great." Kerry walked over and dried Dar's face for her. "Did you see the caves that kind of went on from the bottom?"

Dar nodded. "I did. But you really don't want to go in there unless you've had cave training. It's dangerous."

"No problem." Kerry reached into the cooler and pulled out a bottle of water, uncapping it and drinking deeply. "I loved looking up and seeing the sun all that way up. Jesus!" She still felt exhilarated. "Dar, that was worth the entire d.a.m.n trip."

Dar turned and walked over, wearing a very pleased grin.

"Glad you liked it."

"Liked it?" Kerry put down the water and threw her arms around Dar instead, hugging her fiercely. "Errrooof. I loved it," she told her partner. "I got some fantastic pictures. I think I'm going to do a series of underwaters from this trip for the cabin."

"Mm." Dar exhaled in satisfaction. She liked underwater shots.

She liked the cabin. She loved Kerry. So far as she was concerned, it all seemed to be falling together perfectly.

Kerry gave her one last squeeze and then released her. "How 250*

about I make you a special surprise for dinner?"

"Surprise?" Dar inquired. "Like what?"

"Hardly be a surprise if I told you, sweetie." Kerry winked.

"Trust me. You'll like it."

"Okay," Dar agreed amiably. "But as hungry as I am right now, you could serve me pureed asparagus on wheat toast and I'd like it."

Kerry chuckled. "I'm going to go shower and change." She gave Dar a pat on the side and disappeared into the cabin.

Dar wiped off her hands and picked up the still-chirping cell phone. She opened it and dialed her voice mail, listening to the phone as she dried herself. Her brow creased at the voice. Instead of the expected Bud, it was Charlie.

"Hey, Dar? This is Charlie. Listen, they let me loose from this joint, and I'm trying to get hold of Bud to come pick me up. Gimme a call here if you've seen him. Cell's not answering, and I'm figuring he got stuck in some d.a.m.n poker game or something.


"Huh." Dar studied the phone. "Now what the h.e.l.l is going on?" She dialed the number Charlie had left and waited. "Charlie?"

"Hey, Dar?" Charlie's voice sounded relieved. "Glad to hear ya. You know where Buddy is?"

Dar took a breath. "Charlie, we thought he was with you," she said reluctantly. "He left our room this morning, and he was just going to check on the boat. Haven't heard from him since. I left him a couple of messages, but no answer."

Hearing voices, Kerry stuck her head out of the door. "What's up?"

'Bud's missing,' Dar mouthed.

"Well, d.a.m.n," Charlie said. "Where the h.e.l.l can he be?"

Good question. Dar ran her hand through her damp hair. "I don't know," she admitted. "Listen, we can..." Her eyes s.h.i.+fted to Kerry.


"Go back, pick up Charlie, and find Bud." Kerry completed the statement with a wry smile. "Lift the anchor, Cap'n Dar." She patted Dar's arm and disappeared again.

"Charlie, stay put. We'll swing back by and get you," Dar relayed. "We're out off the western side of St. Thomas, so it'll take a little while." She acknowledged the grateful response and then closed the phone. She made her way to the ladder and climbed up, her mind turning thoughtfully to the new problem. Bud was a loner, no question about it. The fact that he'd disappeared someplace didn't really surprise her, but he hadn't told Charlie where he was, and that did.

He could just be in a bar somewhere, but Dar didn't think so.

Too many things had been going south on her lately for it to be*251 something as simple as that. In fact, she was beginning to think their vacation was cursed.

All we wanted was a week of peace and quiet. Dar sighed as she adjusted the throttles. Instead, they'd found nothing but trouble and more stress than she'd bargained for. Just wasn't d.a.m.ned fair.

DAR LOOKED UP as she heard Kerry climb the ladder, her motions slower and more hesitant than usual. "Kerry!" She grabbed for the throttles, slowing the boat as she watched her lover balancing an armful as she attempted to get up onto the upper deck.

"You're gonna kill yourself!"

"Shh. I'm fine." Kerry managed to get her footing. "Relax and keep your eyes on the road, honey."

Dar increased her speed, but couldn't resist keeping one eye on Kerry as she made her way over and settled next to her. "What's that?"

"Well," Kerry set down a big covered plate, "we don't have time for me to make what I wanted, so I compromised." She uncovered the plate, revealing two neatly made peanut b.u.t.ter and jelly sandwiches and some cookies.

"Mm." True to form, Dar went right for the cookies, her eyes widening when she felt them. "They're warm!"

"Well, yeah." Kerry slid an arm around her. "I just made them.

Thank goodness for Pillsbury." She put a Thermos on the console.

"I figure we'll just have time to have lunch before we pull back into dock."

"You didn't have to do that."

Kerry leaned back, the wind blowing her pale hair off her face.

"Of course I didn't. But we've gotten so little time to relax on this so-called vacation, I thought I'd better get in some lunch before we have to run off and save the world again."

"Mmph." Dar regarded the horizon with a grumpy expression.

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Terrors Of The High Seas Part 42 summary

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