Once A Soldier Part 14

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A philosophical man. That was a useful trait in his situation. She'd been more philosophical once, but Will was playing Hades with her detachment.

The end of the shaft was now visible and Athena saw in the dim light that Will and Senor da Cunha, the royal wine master, were using trowels to away earth around the ma.s.sive wooden door. Will had spared his scarlet coat and was in his s.h.i.+rtsleeves, the white linen smeared with dirt. She smiled ruefully. He looked magnificent anyhow.

"You found the entrance!" Justin exclaimed.

"Thanks to Senor da Cunha." Will gave a barely perceptible flinch before he veiled his reaction to seeing her. "You two really shouldn't be here."

"We couldn't resist," Justin said cheerfully. "Besides, I have great faith in your mining abilities."

Will shrugged. "Of which I have few, but this was a relatively easy job, being on a level site and through fallen earth rather than tunneling through rock. We were able to follow the line of the road straight in. Simple."

"Will it be difficult to extend the tunnel to the second cave?" Justin asked.

"The caves are connected inside," Senor da Cunha said. "G.o.d willing, we'll be able to enter the second cave without more digging."

Athena crossed her fingers. "I hope the landslide didn't cause damage inside."

"I hope so also," Senor da Cunha said. "But you and our princess did what was needful. Better to lose all our wine than to let the French have it!" He spat after saying "French."

Will finished revealing the seams around the door, cleared the keyhole with a thin metal rod, then stepped back. With a grand flourish of his left hand, he said, "Senor, the honors are yours!"

Chapter 21.

Sofia managed to control her curiosity about the excavation until Justin followed Athena into the shaft. Exasperated, she slipped in after him. A sizable amount of the stored wine was hers, or at least her family's, which surely gave her license to view the proceedings.

The clinking of the tools at the tunnel end covered her quiet footsteps. She pa.s.sed a workman who recognized her and made an awkward attempt to bow. She waved that off and touched a finger to her lips in a request for silence. He bobbed his head in understanding and continued on with his buckets of earth.

She came up behind Athena and Justin just as Will Masterson finished clearing the door and yielded to Senor da Cunha. Being small, she could easily lurk unseen. Her wine master ceremoniously produced a ma.s.sive iron key and inserted it into the lock.

As he worked to open the lock, Will ordered, "You two retreat at least a dozen feet. This isn't a mine, so probably there won't be explosive, but there's no telling what your landslide might have stirred up."

His warning sent Athena, Justin, and Sofia a dozen feet back. The wine master jiggled the key until he was able to turn it. When that was done, Will locked both hands on the wrought-iron handle and pulled hard. The door opened with a grinding squeal.

A blast of heavy, wine-scented air poured into the tunnel. The smell was so intense that Athena sneezed and Sofia almost coughed.

"The angel's share!" Justin exclaimed fondly. "The intoxicating aroma of a wine warehouse. Amazing how much evaporated alcohol can acc.u.mulate when a cave has been shut for the better part of a year."

Sofia had always loved the term "angel's share" for the alcohol that evaporated from storage casks while wine was aging, so it seemed a good time to announce her presence with applause. When Athena and Justin turned, surprised, Sofia said brightly, "I couldn't resist watching, either. After all, much of the wine belongs to House Alcantara."

The wine master, who had taught Sofia almost everything she knew about wine, clucked with indulgent disapproval. Handing her one of the lanterns, he said, "You may have the honor of being the first in, your highness."

Sofia took the lantern in one hand and used the other to clasp Athena's hand. "Come, my friend, we shall see what we wrought that dangerous day."

"Not much damage, I hope!" Athena said fervently.

Side by side, they stepped through the broad doorway into the wine cave. From the intensity of the scents, Sofia had feared seeing broken casks, but everything looked miraculously intact. Here and there, small piles of dirt showed where earth had been shaken loose from the roof by the landslide, but all the casks were far enough from the door to have avoided damage.

She lifted the lantern above her head and the light revealed racks and racks of casks disappearing into the darkness. Each cask was marked with the name of the quinta that produced it. A third or so were stamped with the royal Alcantara arms.

"All is well!" she called to the men behind her. "The cave looks just as it did before the coming of the French."

Awed, Justin entered the cave and asked, "How much wine is stored here?"

"A great deal," Senor da Cunha said. "We'd had several excellent harvests, so more wine was produced than San Gabriel could drink. Behind this chamber are several more storage chambers, and the new cave is larger than this one."

"Which is a very great amount of wine indeed," Sofia remarked. Enough to help San Gabriel financially if she could get it to market.

"About half is regular wine, and about half has been fortified by ardent spirits for a longer, more potent life." The wine master raised his key ring and selected a different heavy key. "Now to see if the newer vault survived equally well."

He walked halfway down the chamber before halting at a ma.s.sive door set between two racks of casks. This lock turned more easily. He swung the door open and stepped back as another wave of intense aromas was released. When the scents were mostly dissipated, Senor da Cunha raised a lantern and stepped inside with everyone else close behind him.

"'Tis a miracle," the old wine master whispered as the lantern revealed peacefully-resting casks. A glint of tears showed in his eyes. "A miracle of Saint Deolinda."

As they returned to the first cave, Justin asked Sofia, "Saint Deolinda?"

"A local legend. I'll tell you about her later. For now, would you like to taste some of the wine? That's the true test of how well it has survived."

"An excellent idea," Senor da Cunha said. "I'll draw samples for us."

A table near the entrance had a dozen small tasting turned upside down. A couple had been shaken off the table and broke, but the rest were intact. The wine master pulled a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wiped them all clean in case there was dust, then studied the casks. Making a decision, he carried a stack of five little to a large cask marked with the Alcantara arms.

"If you will forgive me, your highness." He drew a small amount of wine from the chosen cask and tasted it himself instead of offering it to Sofia. It would not be good to offer a visiting wine merchant a wine that had gone off.

After the first cautious sip, Senor da Cunha gave a gusty sigh of pleasure. He drew another sample. "Your highness, I believe this is suitable for royalty."

She tasted and gave a nod of approval. "Very fine and smooth. It has aged well here free of disturbances. Justin?" She offered him her own gla.s.s, liking the small, private intimacy.

He accepted with a smile, his fingertips brus.h.i.+ng hers as she handed him her gla.s.s. She cherished even these small touches, and tried not to think what it would be like to kiss him when she watched him taste the port. He had a beautiful mouth, mobile and sensuous.

First he sipped; then he finished the gla.s.s with pleasure. "Truly a fine port. We need to find a way to get some down to Porto."

Both Athena and Will were tasting the wine, concentrating on their and keeping a careful distance apart. They were not looking at each other with an intensity that was palpable.

It was maddening to watch. Sofia knew they cared for each other and there was no obvious reason why they couldn't be together. There must be un.o.bvious reasons, since Athena was not a fool. She spoke little about her past, but it was obvious that her illegitimacy and unusual upbringing had left their mark.

Athena deserved a splendid fellow like Will. Instead she'd bolted when she'd learned that he was Lord Masterson.

They needed to be thrown together, and a way to do that occurred to Sofia. "This is the last of the engineering projects you proposed, Lord Masterson, but before you return to England, I hope you'll consider one more."

Will gave a swift, almost imperceptible glance at Athena. "It would be my pleasure, Sofia. I'm in no great rush to leave San Gabriel."

"I propose that we ride down the San Gabriel River to survey its course and see if the channel can be improved enough for s.h.i.+pping," Sofia said. "You and Justin and Athena and I can camp along the river while we consider what might be feasible."

Athena looked appalled. "I'm not needed on such an expedition! I know nothing of engineering."

"But I need you as a chaperone," Sofia pointed out.

"There are other possible chaperones," Athena said tartly. "Or Major Masterson and Mr. Ballard could go on their own. They would surely be faster and more efficient without us slowing them down."

It was time to bring out the heavy guns. Sofia said softly, "Wouldn't it be a pleasure to ride out into the mountains? The last time we did such a thing was the day the French came. Ever since, we've been too busy. Too tired. Too worried. Now that the country's affairs are in better case, we deserve a bit of a holiday."

"A low blow, little sister!" Athena smiled ruefully. "But you're right. After a hard year, finally San Gabriel's future is looking brighter. I always enjoyed our long rides. I supposed it's time for another. It will be . . . interesting." Her gaze flicked to Will, then away.

"Thank you for agreeing! It will be lovely to be away from the palace and the need to act as a princess at all times." Sofia gave Athena a swift hug, then continued, "Now we will choose two small casks of Alcantara wine for the fiesta, one red and one white. None of the fortified wine, because we don't want anyone to celebrate too much!"

Laughing, she led the way outside to the fiesta. Life was good, and surely she and Justin would dance before the day was done.

While Athena had never regretted burying the cave entrances, she was greatly relieved to know that the wines, the treasure of San Gabriel, had survived intact. That was good for Gabrileno morale, and perhaps also for the badly strained exchequer.

The fiesta kept expanding as people heard the good news and came from farther away. More casks of wine were produced, dance music began to play, and soon everyone was feeling merry.

As a lady of mature years, Athena was watching the dancing from the sidelines when Will's batman, Tom Murphy, approached her with a devastating Irish grin. "Dance with me, Lady Athena?"

She laughed. "But there are so many beautiful young Gabrilenas who would love to dance with a handsome soldier!"

"But you're a proper height," he explained as he took her hand and led her into a lively Gabrileno country dance. "And Senora Oliviera won't let me partner Maria Cristina for every dance."

"There is that, and you don't want to raise the hopes of other girls, since Cristina might be The One."

Murphy's fair Irish skin turned rosy under his tan. "I think she is, Lady Athena. Being a soldier makes a man cautious, so I'll think for another day or so, but . . ." His gaze went to Cristina, who was dancing with her father. She glanced up as if she felt Tom's regard, and they smiled dotingly at each other. He exhaled in a happy sigh, saying, "Cristina makes me feel wonderful. If we decide to marry, the major has said he'll buy us a house as a wedding gift!"

The blasted major is painfully decent, Athena thought with exasperation. But he was generous to give a young couple a good start in life. Many lords would never think to do such a thing, she suspected. It would be a good match, too. Cristina was as intelligent as she was beautiful, and she had imagination, a good trait if a girl was going to marry an Irishman.

Putting thoughts of Will out of her mind, Athena relaxed into the dancing. Murphy was indeed a convenient height, almost as tall as Will, though not as broad, and he liked dancing as much as she did.

The dance involved multiple couples spinning around and sometimes changing partners, so she shouldn't have been surprised when she turned to clasp hands with her next partner and found herself face-to-face with Will.

He smiled and took her hands and led them into a spin. A jolt of reaction moved through her as their bare hands linked warmly. Her pleasure was immediately followed by the recognition that he was Lord Masterson.

Feeling her stiffen, Will said in a quiet voice under the music, "You decided we could still be friends, and friends dance together, don't they?"

Unable to resist his smile, she said ruefully, "Yes, but it's surely a mistake to enjoy it too much!"

His smile widened. "I'll be around a few more weeks. We're living under the same roof, and your minx of a princess has organized a camping trip, so won't it be better if we're relaxed with each other? I won't do anything you don't wish."

Better to be relaxed, but not easier. Yet, now that she'd recovered from the shock of knowing marriage would never be possible, she realized that she wanted to savor his friends.h.i.+p for what time they had left. She smiled up at him. "Very well, we can be dancing friends."

"And camping comrades. Excellent." His gaze intensified. "I recognize that you won't have me, but I would . . . deeply regret if we couldn't be dancing friends."

"As would I," she whispered, and then it was time to change partners again. Dancing friends. A new category, and one that she liked.

Chapter 22.

Though Athena knew this river expedition would have awkward moments with Will, she felt bubbling antic.i.p.ation as the four of them a.s.sembled in the castle courtyard. Sofia grinned mischievously at her, then allowed Justin to help her into her saddle. She and Athena both wore their practical split skirts so they could ride comfortably astride, and their saddlebags contained whatever else they'd need for a trip of two or three days.

Athena checked the condition of her carbine, then slid it into the holster on her saddle. Will was tightening the girth of his saddle, but he glanced up and said, "I've been wondering what happened to the rifle you had in Porto."

"The French officer who escorted us to safety in the church looked at the rifle, looked at my nun's habit, then took the rifle, no questions asked. Since it was a French weapon, I didn't argue." She grinned. "Besides, I was out of ammunition."

"A rifle without ammunition is no more than a club. Though sometimes a club is very useful." Will holstered his own very business-like carbine. "Would you be mortally offended if I offered to help you mount?"

"No, but it's really not necessary." She swung into her saddle. "Being unnaturally tall has its advantages."

"There is nothing unnatural about being tall!" Will also mounted his horse. "The effect can be quite magnificent."

She arched her brows. "I believe that falls in the forbidden category of flirting."

"Never!" he said piously as he set his mount into motion. "It's pure truth."

Athena laughed, in charity with the world. She had suns.h.i.+ne, warmth, the best of companions, and she was taking a holiday from her usual responsibilities. Sofia was right: They both needed this period of relaxation. And while traveling with the men they wanted but couldn't have might be stressful, it would also be a joy.

As they rode down into the valley, Will asked Sofia, "Which side of the river will we follow?"

"The south side, along the Porto road. It's close to the river for much of the way," Sofia replied. "Justin, did you study the condition of the river as you rode up here?"

"Yes, Will had told me to pay attention, but the road swung away during the steepest part of the climb up the mountains," Justin said. "I expect those are the parts of the river that make it impossible to take a boat down to the Douro."

"Yes, there's a narrow gorge with dangerous rapids and a major cataract," Sofia said. "I've only seen that waterfall from a distance, but it's a formidable obstacle."

"I haven't ridden that far lately," Athena said, waving back at several children beside the road who were waving enthusiastically. "If I recall correctly, there's a rough track that follows the river when the main road swings away. Is it close enough to get a clear view into the gorge?"

"I think so," Sofia replied. "We'll see!"

"I'm dead keen on blowing a few things up," Will said helpfully. "I had Justin bring in black powder especially, and I haven't had a chance to use it yet."

The others laughed. "You may get your explosive wish," Athena said. "I apologize for depriving you of the chance to wreck the wine caves."

"That would have been a crime against humanity!" Justin declared, laying a dramatic hand over his heart. "Good wine should be cherished, not blown up!"

"Bad enough to just shake it," Sofia said loftily. "It takes days for the sediment to settle again."

"And that is bad," Justin said gravely. "I try to avoid upsetting my wine."

"One doesn't want angry wine," Sofia agreed before breaking into infectious giggles. She needed this holiday from responsibility as much as Athena did.

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Once A Soldier Part 14 summary

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