The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 15

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"Maybe their brakes malfunctioned?"

"No. I saw the brake lights come on when they slowed down to make the corner."

"I'm sure it was just someone out joy-riding then. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's over now and no one's hurt."

"Your hands and knees look pretty busted up," Pastor Dean refuted her claim.

"I'll go home and put some antiseptic on them," Lily promised, reaching out to touch his jacket with her fingertips, not wanting to get blood on him.

"Thank you. If you hadn't reacted so fast, it could have been much worse."

"That's what I'm worried about," Pastor Dean said, his eyes still searching the empty street.

"Don't be. Accidents happen, and they always manage to find me," Lily said ruefully.

"Keep an eye out, Lily," Pastor Dean warned.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Lily said casually. "I'll see you in church tomorrow."

"Good evening, Lily."

Lily walked to her house, ignoring the burning pain from her knees and palms. As she unlocked the door, she looked back up the street to see Pastor Dean still watching. She waved her hand just before she went in, locking the door behind her.

She went upstairs to her room, carefully was.h.i.+ng the dirt and grime from her palms and knees. She then put antiseptic on her knees before wrapping gauze around them. Her hands she left uncovered, not wanting to draw attention to them. She dressed in sweats and a loose sweats.h.i.+rt, feeling chilled. Brus.h.i.+ng her hair, she braided it, wanting the weight off her for a while. She was getting another migraine.

Deciding to fix a light dinner, she went downstairs where she dug her cell phone out of her purse. Beth had texted her that Mrs. Langley was ill and that she and Razer were driving her to the hospital. She didn't know what time she would be home.

Lily shrugged it off. She hadn't really wanted to spend another awkward night with Beth and Razer anyway. She went into the kitchen, making herself some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.

She was pouring the soup into a bowl when she felt as if someone was staring at her. It was the same feeling she'd had a couple of times before, and it unnerved her.

Going to the back door, she checked to make sure it was locked before lowering and closing the blinds.

Thinking she was overreacting, she started walking away from the door when she saw the handle silently turn. If she hadn't been standing there, she would never have noticed.

Lily let out a small scream, running out of the kitchen to get her cell phone, about to call Knox when the doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" she asked, going to the door. Would a burglar answer? she thought uselessly.


Anger had her hastily opening the door. "Next time, come to the front door first. You scared me half to death."

"What are you talking about?" Shade asked, coming through the doorway.

"Weren't you just at the back door?" Lily asked, her fear beginning to return at the look that came over his face. It hadn't been him at the back door.

"Stay here." Shade went to the back door, opening it and going out.

Lily stayed where she was, frightened for Shade. Should she turn the lights on outside for him or not? She stood there indecisively for several minutes, debating whether to call Knox, yet before she could decide, Shade came back with an even grimmer expression.

"Someone was out there; they must have taken off when they heard my bike pull in the driveway."

Lily sat down on the couch before her shaking knees gave out. "Should I call Knox?"

"I will." Shade took out his cell phone and called, talking to him for several minutes before hanging up. "He's on his way."

"Who would try to break in the house?" Lily asked.

"I don't know, but I plan to find out."

It didn't take long for Knox to arrive. Minutes later, Cash knocked on the door as well, coming inside to listen silently as Lily told how she was fixing herself something to eat and had felt someone watching, deciding to lock the door.

"Are you sure you saw the handle move?"

"Yes. At least, I think so. Maybe I was just tense. I don't know." Could it have been just the night playing tricks with her eyes? Lily brushed her hair away from her eyes.

"What happened to your hand?" Shade asked sharply.

"I fell this afternoon when I was coming home from the church."


"I was crossing the street and a car was speeding. Pastor Dean pushed me out of the way, and I fell and skinned my hands and knees." Lily shrugged.

The men looked silently at each other before Cash left, going out the back door.

"Where's he going?" Lily asked.

"To check things out," Knox told her. "I'm going to make a report then look around myself before going back to the station. I'll call Razer and let Beth and him know what's going on."

"Okay," Lily said.

"Shade?" Knox turned to the grim-faced man. "I don't think it's a good idea to leave her alone."

"I'll stay until they get home," Shade agreed.

"Sounds good. Later." Knox went out the door.

"Do you think they'll be able to find anything?"

"Probably not, but Cash is good. If there's anything to be found, he'll find it."

Lily nodded before going into the kitchen where she put the soup into the fridge. She then forced herself to eat the cold grilled cheese when she saw Shade about to make a remark.

She sat the dirty dishes in the sink, too tired to deal with them now. She would do them in the morning.

"Go to bed. You look exhausted."

Lily turned to the steps.

"Don't you get tired of ordering me around?" Lily snapped.


Lily started to make another comment when he raised his brow and crossed his arms against his chest, waiting.

"I can't believe I ever thought you were a gentleman."

Shade burst out laughing. "I'm no gentleman."

"No s.h.i.+t." Lily clapped her hand over her mouth. "You've driven me to cussing."

"Lily, cussing isn't going to be the worst thing I teach you."

She fled up the steps, hearing his mocking laughter following behind.

Chapter 13.

Lily came downstairs the next day to Beth and Razer's concern. a.s.suring them that nothing had happened other than a minor scare, she picked up her purse, ready for church.

She saw Beth looking at her dress without saying anything. Lily smoothed the dark navy dress down, wondering what was wrong.

"I thought we would drive the car to church this morning. I can take you back to the college after lunch at the diner."

"I'll get my backpack." Lily went back upstairs to get the bag while Razer and Beth waited outside in the car.

Church was packed that Sunday. Lily nodded her head toward Rachel and other paris.h.i.+oners in the congregation as they went to take their seats.

Afterward, she talked to Pastor Dean briefly, moving on before he could mention the incident from the day before. She didn't feel there was a need to rehash it.

Lily dreaded going to the diner after the service. If there had been a way out of it, she would have gladly taken it. Seeing the women she had come to know with their clothes off and Cash and Train, whose privates had been exposed, had been deeply embarra.s.sing to her. It would be a long time before she would be comfortable around them again.

She squared her shoulders, walking across the street after making sure she looked both ways several times.

The others were already there when Lily sat down beside Diamond with Beth on her other side. She was facing the door of the busy restaurant, seeing that several families were having lunch. Pastor Dean came in, snagging a chair with Rachel's family.

Lily ordered her food, listening to the conversation as she tried not to meet any of The Last Riders' eyes, which was hard to do with Bliss and Evie seated across from her.

"How's school?" Diamond asked sympathetically.

"Good. How's Knox liking his new job?"

"I don't think he can tell yet. He loves breaking up the fights, but he's not so fond of getting dragged out of bed at three a.m."

As Lily listened to Diamond, her eyes were momentarily caught by Shade's until she managed to tear her gaze away, landing on a small family a couple of tables away.

The little girl had dark brown hair and was sitting with her mother and father as the waitress set their plates in front of them. It was the epitome of the perfect family gathering on a Sunday afternoon.

"We miss having you at the factory. No one likes to fill the big orders," Evie complained.

Lily hadn't minded filling those orders; she had considered them challenging while others considered them a pain.

"I miss it, too," Lily confessed, truthfully. The job had kept her busy.

Her eyes drifted back to the table with the small family. The little girl was lifting her drink to her mouth when the person sitting behind her jarred her, forcing her to spill some of the juice from her gla.s.s onto her dress. The look of terror that came across her face had Lily freezing and her heartbeat soaring when the mother's lips tightened. Picking up a napkin, she wiped the girl's dress with rough movements. The entire time the mother kept up her brisk movements, the little girl's eyes watered and she kept apologizing to her mother.

"Lily?" Evie's voice had her eyes leaving the table momentarily.

"Diamond. Please call Knox." Lily's hoa.r.s.e voice had everyone sitting at the table going silent as they looked at her. Lily's hand went to the rubber band on her wrist, snapping it furiously as a dull headache began to pound at her temples.

Diamond took out her phone, calling Knox and asking him to come to the diner while Beth's voice asking her what was wrong was drowned out by the loud pumping of her heart.

The little girl's lips trembled when her mother's hand disappeared under the table. Her obvious pain had Lily moving to the end of her seat, about to rise when the girl's father spoke sharply to the mother, and he reached out to soothe the little girl. That simple movement brought a flash of pain that had Lily gripping her head, screaming in agony. She bent over in excruciating pain, her head in her hands. The pain felt like it was crus.h.i.+ng her skull.

"Lily!" Beth's voice yelled her name, but there was no going back; Lily had placed a barrier between them. She couldn't reach for Beth this time like she had always done before.

Lily blindly rose from the table, trying to escape the pain, when a hand around her waist tried to hold her, but Lily fought free. She needed somewhere to hide and there was no place available. She screamed at the agony that was storming through her mind.

Lily fell to the floor, writhing in torment. She vaguely heard several people calling her name; however, her mind had blocked out everything except the door in her mind that was trying to open. She was too weak to keep it closed; the secrets it held wanted out. She saw herself standing in front of the door, trying to bar it from opening.

"Help me! Help me!" Lily screamed in terror.

She felt her head lifted and placed in someone's lap. She tried to roll away from the agony, yet she couldn't get away from it. It was everywhere around her-within her-suffocating.

"Help me!" Lily's screams were tortured, but she didn't know how to stop them. She was too scared of the door opening. She couldn't let it open.

"What do you need me to do?" the voice, neither male nor female, asked in her mind.

"Help me shut the door!" Lily screamed.

"What's behind the door?"

"Everything. Help me. She can't get out." Lily sobbed as the door opened a small amount.

"I'm helping you, Lily." Lily saw another pair of hands helping her to press the door closed again.

When it was completely closed, she told whoever had helped her, "I have to lock it."

Lily locked the imaginary door while the hands held it closed. After she locked it, she slid down the door, curling into a ball as she rocked back and forth.

"It's okay, Lily. The door is locked again," the voice a.s.sured her.

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The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 15 summary

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