The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 38

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Train was working on one of the bikes, watching the argument with an amused expression.

Lily got off the bike and Shade took her helmet from her hand. Lily greeted Beth's friend as she drew closer.

"Hey, girl." Killyama didn't remove her glare from Rider.

"What's going on?" Shade asked.

Lily listened curiously; she had been too polite to ask, but obviously, Shade didn't have the same hesitation.

"I was supposed to give her a ride today," Rider nodded his head sharply at Killyama, "but my bike won't start. She thinks I'm f.u.c.king with her."

"Babe, if you were f.u.c.king with me, I'd hope I would know it." Killyama grinned evilly at the furious Rider.

Lily had to look away to keep from laughing at Rider. The laid-back man didn't stand a chance against the biker woman.

"I meant that I wasn't trying to get out of giving you a ride." His choice of words didn't make the situation any better; he kept digging himself into a bigger hole.

"I know what you meant. Do I look stupid?"

Silence met her question.

Killyama was dressed in leather pants and a black t-s.h.i.+rt that had a skull with a dagger in the eye. It read "Come and get me." Her make-up was dark and smoky, and her biker boots had metal spokes sticking out. She didn't look stupid, yet she did appear scary as heck. Especially for a man who loved women who were very feminine. At least he makes an attempt to be a gentleman, Lily thought when he ignored her question.

"We'll have to make it another day. I have to order a part," Rider hedged.

"You've already put me off three times. I'm tired of this s.h.i.+t. Forget it." She turned around, opening her car door as she gave Shade a smirk. "The Last Riders don't know how to keep their word. Good to know for future reference."

Shade stiffened. He was the one who had promised Killyama a ride for saving her life. Lily didn't even want to know what Shade had held over Rider's head to make him come through.

"I'll give you a ride myself," Shade said, giving in to the woman's demands.

"No offense, but I don't ride with a man who's got a woman at his back." Lily took that to mean she wasn't going to ride with Shade because of her. In that moment, Lily knew she liked the woman.

She heard Shade's teeth grinding at her answer.

"I'll give you a ride," Train said, setting down the tool he was holding.

This time Killyama remained quiet, tilting her head to the side as she studied the man like he was a side of beef. Oh, heck, Lily thought, noticing Train's eyes narrowing on Killyama.

Since moving in with The Last Riders, she had learned one thing about Train: the man was a wild card, and you never knew how he would react. He was the calmest of the men, yet he actually had the worst temper. You could never be certain if he was going to respond with a smile or a fist until it was too late.

"Deal." Killyama shut the car door.

As Train led the way to his bike, getting on, Lily watched as Killyama got on behind him, snuggling close as she wound her arms around his waist.

"Do you think they'll kill each other?" Lily couldn't resist asking as they turned onto the road.

"I think there's a fifty-fifty chance." Shade's mocking remark had Lily unable to hold back her grin.

"You know you're going to owe him big time." Lily felt like she needed to give Rider a heads-up.

"It'll be worth any price," Rider said fervently.

"That wasn't nice. She's a really sweet woman."

Both men looked at her dubiously, but neither of them disagreed with her out loud.

Lily strode away, leaving both men to follow silently behind her. She walked through the front door and went straight upstairs to get changed into her workout clothes. She needed to wash a few clothes and she wanted to exercise so she could accomplish both goals at the same time.

Her favorite workout outfits needed was.h.i.+ng, so she had to resort to the more revealing one she hated to wear. She changed and was organizing the clothes when Shade came into the bedroom.

"Rider is going to work with me at my house for a few hours."

"All right, I'm going to take care of the laundry."

"I'll pack them down for you."

"I can handle a basket of clothes," Lily told him.

Shade picked up the basket anyway, waiting for her by the door. Lily heaved a frustrated sigh then gave in, going out the door and down the steps. She felt self-conscious in her outfit, even though she knew she was being ridiculous. She didn't even know why it bothered her; most of the members had gone home for the holidays, and those who had remained were getting caught up on their shopping and sleep.


"No problem. If you need anything, just call."

"Okay." Lily rolled her eyes as he left. He was taking her protection too seriously. She wasn't used to being constantly surrounded by someone; even Beth gave her s.p.a.ce.

She started a load of clothes then began her stretching and floor exercises, enjoying working out. It served to relieve a lot of her tension and she liked how it made her feel.

She did another load of clothes after putting the others in the dryer, turning on the sound system before beginning her weight routine. She took her time as she worked with the new weights that had just been delivered that day. When she was finished, she checked on her clothes, putting the last of them in the dryer and then folding the other ones. She was still full of energy as she then went to the exercise equipment and stared at the treadmill then at the pole. She hated treadmills; they were boring.

Since she was alone in the house, she stepped toward the pole. She began her routine, one movement after another, following each other seamlessly. She worked herself to the top, and with her arms giving her leverage, slid her legs out from the pole. Her arms were shaky after just lifting weights, yet she managed to keep a firm grip before circling the pole with her thighs. Sliding down, she stopped her momentum a few feet from the floor, and using her thighs, she held onto the pole, going backwards until her hands touched the floor. Releasing her grip on the pole, she flipped her body, doing a brief handstand before continuing to flip until she stood straight, facing the steps. The buzzer for the dryer went off and she moved to finish folding the clothes.

Shade was there, sitting on the couch and staring at her with a look that made goose b.u.mps rise on her arms. He had come in and hadn't even let her know he was there.

"How long have you been there?" she asked suspiciously.

"Long enough to see you climb then come down the pole."

"Oh." Lily went to the dryer, pulling out the clothes and putting them in the basket. She would fold them in the room.

"Come here, Lily."

"Uh, no," Lily said firmly.


"Because I can tell by the way you're looking at me that... you're in a mood," she finished helplessly.

"You're right. I'm in the mood to f.u.c.k. Come. Here."

Lily's trembling hands set the basket down on the dryer. She slowly walked toward him. "Shade..."

"What do you call me when we're down here?" he reminded her.

Lily stopped in front of him. She wasn't going to play his games.

His hand came out, cupping the back of her knee, touching the flesh below her workout shorts.

"Answer me." Shade's firm expression wasn't harsh; however, he left no doubt that he expected her to obey him.

"Sir." Lily felt the word leave her lips.

He raised her knee, pulling it toward him until she had to raise her other knee on the other side of his hip or she would fall on top of him. This position wasn't much better. She was kneeling over him while he looked up at her. His hands slid up the sides of her thighs, sliding around toward her b.u.t.t until his hands cupped her bottom, pulling her toward him.

"Kiss me."

Lily bent down, touching her mouth to his. Shade parted her lips, sucking her tongue into his mouth. Lily explored his mouth, tasting the hint of mint on his breath.

His hand slid forward from behind, rubbing her crotch through the thin material of her shorts. The place he was rubbing teased her flesh with a brief touch before sliding back, not giving her a full caress, only a promise. Lily moaned, unable to help herself. He slid his hand back and forth until her b.u.t.t was pus.h.i.+ng back against his hand and her arms circled his neck.

Shade leaned forward, rising to his feet with her thighs clenching his hips as he carried her back to his bedroom. He opened the door, and then closed it with his foot. Bending down, he laid her on the side of the bed before rising and standing between her spread thighs.

He turned to the bedside table, turning on the small lamp. The light switching on was like one going on in her brain, asking herself what she was doing.

In a split second, she had turned and scrambled off the other side of the bed, breathing heavily. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s lifted and fell with her erratic breathing. Pus.h.i.+ng her hair back from her face, she noticed where his attention was directed.

"Cut it out, Shade." Lily blew out a deep breath, unconsciously rubbing her tummy. "I can't do that." She motioned to the bed.

"Why not?" he asked, staring at her in amus.e.m.e.nt. His eyes dropped to her hand's tell-tale movements.

Lily quickly dropped her hand to her side. "Because I'm not ready yet. I haven't made my mind up if I want to and..." she paused, "I've always planned to wait until I was married." Lily lowered her eyes to the floor. "It means a lot to me," she finished lamely, aware her face showed her embarra.s.sment.

"I see." Shade walked toward the door, opening it for her.

Relieved, she walked toward the doorway. "Thanks, Sir." She gave him a relieved smile.

"No problem."

Lily gave him a curious look as she went through the doorway, surprised and a little hurt. She hadn't expected him to take it so well. Was he planning on finding s.e.x elsewhere if she didn't? It wasn't like he would have to search far.

Morosely, she followed him up the stairs to their bedroom where she showered and changed while he used the shower in the hallway. She had to grit her teeth when they went downstairs for dinner and he actually whistled.

Evie had fixed a huge roast with all the fixings. Lily ate as she watched Shade talk to the others at the table. It took her by surprise to see that someone was missing.

"Train isn't back yet?" Lily asked with a frown.

"Who are you worried about? Killyama or Train?" Rider questioned with a grin.

The whole table cracked up. Lily wanted to throw something; they just didn't understand the abrasive woman. She wanted to think that underneath Killyama's gruff att.i.tude lay a sweet woman, but there wasn't. That was s.e.x Piston. Killyama was as fierce on the inside as she was on the outside. Lily actually liked that about her; she was loyal and she wouldn't take anyone's bull. Her best feature was the one that had saved her life-she would protect anyone she cared about.

The door opened and closed with a slam. They all sat watching as Train fixed himself a plate, piling on food and then sat down at the table.

"Well?" Rider asked.

"Well what?" Train asked with a glare.

"How did it go?"

"How the f.u.c.k do you think it went? The woman is a f.u.c.king lunatic. She thought I would let her drive my bike."

"What happened when you told her no?" Lily asked, dreading his answer.

"She tried to climb in front of me. I almost wrecked my bike." He tore the top off his beer, taking a long drink. "When I brought her back here to her car, she actually thought I was going to f.u.c.k her." He shook his head in disbelief.

"What happened when you told her no?" Lily asked apprehensively.

This time Train remained quiet.

The shocked silence had Train lifting the beer to his mouth, finis.h.i.+ng it in a long swallow. Lily tried to smother her laugher, yet she was unsuccessful.

"Did you manage to tame the b.i.t.c.h?" Rider asked with a smirk.

At that, all h.e.l.l broke loose. Train's fist flew out, hitting Rider in the jaw and knocking him backwards, toppling the chair and him over. Lily screamed, standing up from the table, about to go to Rider's aide, but Shade took her arm, pulling her away.

Train threw himself on Rider when he attempted to stand up. The two fought on the floor, throwing their fists viciously at each other, striking whatever body part they could reach while Viper and Nickel tried to pull them apart.

"Stop!" Winter yelled. "You two are scaring Lily." Everyone except Winter froze, looking at Lily in trepidation, waiting for her to have one of her panic attacks.

Beth relaxed first, familiar with Winter's machinations. Lily's twinkling violet eyes had the other members turning to Winter suspiciously. She shrugged, sitting back down at the table, and then continued to eat. Lily joined her with the others gradually retaking their seats, as well. Finally, Train held his hand out to Rider, helping him to his feet. Both returned to their seats to finish their own dinners.

Gradually, the atmosphere relaxed and no one else dared to ask about either of Train's rides.

Lily and Beth cleaned the table, leaving Winter and Ember to do the dishes. Shade, Train and Rider began a game of cards while several others began a game of pool in the corner of the room. Since everyone was behaving well, Lily lingered downstairs, talking with Stori. When Raci and Jewell came down, though, Lily knew it was time to disappear.

As she pa.s.sed the card table, Shade reached up, pulling her down to sit on his lap while he continued to play cards. Lily's back was to the room so that she was unable to see what was going on behind her. She relaxed against Shade, looking down at his cards. Someone put some music on and she heard them moving the furniture so they could dance. Lily was determined to go upstairs when they finished the hand they were playing. When Shade won, she clapped for him. Then they began another game.

"Do you want to play?" Shade asked.

"I don't know how," Lily said regretfully.

"I'll teach you."

The next hour Shade taught her how to play. Rider got up from the table, going into the kitchen and then coming back with beers for the men, placing a soda in front of Lily.

"Unless you want a beer?"

"No, thanks." Lily opened the soda, taking a drink. A moan sounded behind her back and she started to get up.

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The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 38 summary

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