The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 4

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"Come on, Lily; you can do better than this."

Lily tried to move, striking out with her foot several times.

"That's enough," he said when she stopped to catch her breath. "At least you're in good shape physically, but you need to do some weight training."

Lily nodded her head. "I agree. Thanks, Shade."

"When we're in here, you call me Sir."

"Okay." Personally, Lily thought he was taking his role of instructor a little too seriously, but she wasn't going to make a big deal out of it. The few tips he had shown her today were enough to make her see that she would be easily victimized as she had been in the past if she didn't continue. Maybe, if Shade taught her well enough, she would be better prepared.

Picking up her bag, she turned to leave, surprised when Shade walked her back out to her car.

"Bye, Shade."

"Later." Shade closed the car door and watched as she pulled out of the parking lot. Lily s.h.i.+vered as the air conditioner kicked on, cooling her overheated flesh. She was not sure what the look she had caught on Shade's face in her rearview mirror meant, yet a sense of foreboding overcame her.

On her way home, Lily decided to stop at the local discount store for a different workout outfit. She was going to the checkout when she saw her friend, Miranda, who was pus.h.i.+ng a cart with her young daughter in the basket.

"Hi, Lily."

"Hi, Miranda."

They chatted pleasantly for several minutes before Miranda brought up her sister. "Kaley quit her job at the pharmacy in town. I'm really worried about her."

Lily didn't tell Miranda she had seen Kaley at The Last Riders' clubhouse. She didn't like gossips and made it a point not to do it herself.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. I've got to go, Miranda. It was nice seeing you again."

Lily checked out, feeling guilty for not telling her friend, yet Kaley was a few years older than both Miranda and Lily, and she was sure that the woman wouldn't be happy if she knew her sister was spreading her private business around town.

Lily drove home and took a quick shower before getting dressed and fixing dinner for herself, Beth and Razer.

When they arrived home, they ate dinner before going into the living room to watch a movie. It was times like this, as they sat and watched television, sharing popcorn, that Lily would miss.

Later, as she got ready for bed, she turned off her bedroom light, leaving her bathroom light on. Snuggling under her covers, she stared at the light coming from the bathroom until she fell asleep.

The next day was uneventful with Hardin gone. His company had made the time go by faster. None of the other workers made any attempt to talk to her, despite her friendly overtures. Georgia especially would send the workers to do odd jobs if she saw anyone lingering, talking to her. By lunchtime, Lily was beginning to get upset.

She ate her lunch quietly, unaware of the speculative looks she was receiving from Shade.

"Anything wrong?"

Lily shook her head, picking at her hamburger and fries. "No."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Lily said glumly.

Shades lips twisted. "You're very emotional, aren't you?"

Lily stiffened in her seat. "I'm sorry if I can't be emotionless like you. I get a little upset when people run like the plague when I approach them."

"Who's running?"

"The other workers. If I try to talk to them, they ignore me and move away."

"I'm sure you're exaggerating," Shade said, eating his own food with a hearty appet.i.te.

"I'm not exaggerating. I asked Gaige if he knew where the pocket flares were, and you would have thought I had asked for condoms. I asked Trent to help me find a packet of seeds, and he walked off while I was still talking to him. And, in case you didn't know, Georgia is a reincarnated Attila the Hun."

Shade burst out laughing and Lily's hurt feelings disappeared a little. When Shade laughed, his appearance softened and he was a very handsome man. Lily had never really noticed before and she wasn't happy about noticing now. She carefully opened the imaginary door in her mind and thrust the thought inside; then her hand went to her wrist, snapping the red rubber band.

"Why did you do that?" Shade snapped.

Lily handed him her partially untouched plate, preparing to get to her feet.

"Sit down." His hard voice had her bottom immediately returning to her seat, her eyes going to her hands which were on her lap.

"Eyes to me, Lily."

Lily's eyes reluctantly returned to his.

"Answer my question. Why did you snap the rubber band?"

"I don't know. It's just a habit. Sometimes I do it without knowing why," Lily said softly.

"I see. I only give instructions once, Lily. The next time you snap that rubber band around me, you better be able to explain why. Do you understand me?" Shade's hard, blue gaze stared directly into hers.

Lily nodded her head. Her hands clenched to prevent herself from snapping the band again.

"I need to get back to work," Lily said, this time succeeding in getting to her feet and going out the office door.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she went back to work, going through the orders so fast that Georgia looked at her strangely, though thankfully, she stayed off Lily's case for the rest of the day.

At quitting time, Lily cleaned her workstation and went to her car to get her workout bag. She reentered the factory to see Shade leaning against the doorway to his office with Georgia talking to him. The usually grouchy expression was gone from her face, replaced with one of flirtation.

Lily didn't interrupt; she personally thought the two of them would be a match made in Heaven.

Shade talked for a few minutes longer before ending the conversation, walking toward Lily. Georgia's face behind Shade's back changed into one that made Lily agree that they were made for each other, and then she felt guilty for wis.h.i.+ng Georgia on anyone. The woman wasn't in the least way nice, and while Shade wasn't the friendliest person, he had always watched out for her.

"What has you looking so guilty?" Shade asked.

Lily, as always, tried to be honest. "I was thinking that you and Georgia would make a nice couple."

Shade's face closed off. "Really?"

"That's when I felt guilty. In case you didn't know, she's really not a nice person."

Shade gave Lily a look she couldn't interpret. "I think I can handle Georgia," he said, walking to the door of the factory and holding it open for her.

"That's good to know. Then I think you should go for it. She obviously has a thing for you," Lily said helpfully.

Shade stopped in his tracks. "Lily, have I given you the impression I want to be your BFF?"



Lily followed behind Shade's quick strides, trying to hide her hurt feelings. When he opened the door to the bas.e.m.e.nt, waiting for her to enter, Lily avoided his eyes as she went inside.

"I'll go get changed," Lily said, heading straight to the restroom. It didn't take her long to get changed, but Shade still beat her, already working out on the weights.

He paused when she entered the room, his eyes going to her new workout outfit. Shade didn't say anything, but Lily could tell he didn't like her choice of clothes.

The black leggings were several sizes too large, and the top was spandex but was also too large with long sleeves.

Shade placed his weights down. "Come here."

Lily moved toward him.

Shade spent the next hour with her weight training, making sure the hand that had been broken started with minimal weight.

"Two more, Lily." She was lying on the bench, lifting weights, when Shade's hand went to the inside of her thigh.

"Keep your legs straight." Shade's hand guided her leg to where he wanted it.

Lily stiffened, almost dropping the weight.

"Keep your arms steady." His hand glided up the length of her arm, steadying it.

Lily forced herself to straighten her trembling arms then almost dropped the weights when his hand lay flat on her stomach. The thin material of her s.h.i.+rt was no barrier against the warmth of his hand.

"Breathe, Lily."

Lily took a deep breath then released it. She was beginning to feel surrounded by Shade.

"That's enough for today." Shade straightened, standing above her.

Lily felt him take the weights from her as she hastily got to her feet. She was thankful that the awkward experience was over.

"Two days a week we'll work on weight training. The other three we'll work on your defense moves."

"That sounds good," Lily said, not looking at him as she picked up her workout bag. "I appreciate your help, Sir." She made herself refer to him the way he expected before she went to the door, not waiting for him, but she was very aware of him watching her as she made her way to her car.

Lily drove home, debating calling an end to their workout sessions. Her hand constantly snapped the rubber band against her wrist all the way home.

At dinnertime that evening, she was loading the dishwasher when Beth gasped. "Lily."

She looked at her sister, seeing her horrified look, then looked down at her wrist. It was an angry red and was becoming inflamed.

"What have you done to yourself?" Beth exclaimed, becoming upset with tears in her eyes.

"Nothing," Lily demurred, continuing to load the dishwasher. "I hadn't even noticed that I was doing it."

"Something must have upset you. What was it?" Beth asked.

"Nothing. Honestly, I don't understand it, either," Lily said truthfully.

Beth took a deep breath. "Okay, but next time be more careful."

"I will." Lily didn't miss the concerned look that pa.s.sed between Razer and Beth.

She had to get herself back under control, she thought, glancing down at her wrist. Whatever was triggering her anxiety had to be faced. She couldn't keep avoiding it. Sooner or later, she was going to have to face her fears. Hopefully, she wouldn't lose her mind when she did.

Upstairs, she changed into her pajamas, turning off her light but leaving the bathroom light on.

The wind blew against the window and Lily s.h.i.+vered. The wind was picking up, yet she didn't worry about it. There had been no storm warnings posted.

Snuggling under her covers, she curled onto her side, letting her mind go back to the dinner that evening. Beth had looked so happy with Razer. The love Beth and Razer shared was special. Lily knew she would never find happiness like her sister; however, she would be satisfied if she could find someone to share her life with and have children. She wanted several children, though she feared the likelihood of finding the perfect father didn't exist.

Lily was certain that everything that she loved was eventually destroyed with the exception of Beth. She was the one constant in her life. If she was ever taken away, Lily didn't know what she would do. She was the one person that kept her rooted and sane.

Lily knew that even when she was in college, all she had to do was call and Beth would be there.

G.o.d help her if the day ever came that she wasn't.

Chapter 4.

She was able to calm her nerves by Friday, relieved that the weekend was almost here. The day was spent working steadily. She didn't even let eating lunch with Shade faze her. Lily had managed to start loosening up around him slightly since she was spending so much extra time with him every day.

Jewell and Bliss were laughing and cracking up, making jokes as they worked next to each other. Lily noticed that Georgia didn't say anything to the two women; in fact, she seemed to be trying to get friendly with them. While both women were always friendly to her, neither made any real attempt to become better acquainted.

After lunch, Lily went into the back room and was trying to straighten the seeds when several packs spilled out. Leaning over, she was attempting to put them back when the door opened and Gaige came in.

"Need some help?"

"I think I've got it under control," Lily replied. She always felt uncomfortable when he was around. He inevitably managed to make her feel dirty when he looked at her.

Before she could rise up, his hand slid under the hem of her dress, sliding against her bottom. Lily dropped the seeds she was holding to the floor, jerking away from his touch.

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The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 4 summary

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