The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 45

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"I don't think that you have quite grasped the fact that you are mine, Lily. Mine."

She heard the swish of the whip and gave a startled scream, waiting for the burning pain. She lay there, paralyzed with fear, not knowing what to do. When the tip of the whip touched the hair on the back of her shoulder, it actually felt like he had brushed it away with his hand. She felt only the faintest touch against her skin.

Thinking he had missed, she heard the sound of the whip again, this time feeling it against her other shoulder, the barest touch as if he had touched her with a gentle finger. She lay tense as another series of flicks had her feeling as if he was caressing her with fluttering touches. Her fear lessened and she relaxed against the mattress, a tear of relief she couldn't hold back slipping from the corner of her eye.

The whip started striking her faster, moving from her shoulders to different areas of her back. This time Lily felt the strikes going from caresses to tingling, waking her nerve endings until she felt a light buzz across her skin, almost like when she felt static electricity. She felt the tiny flicks as he moved to her lower back then her b.u.t.tocks, down her legs to her ankles. Her whole body was tingling.

Shade moved between her thighs, his fingers sliding into the moisture she had felt beginning when the whip had been striking her b.u.t.tocks. Two fingers plunged into her pa.s.sage.

"Are you doing okay, Lily?"

"Yes," She mumbled.

Shade's fingers slid out of her, giving only a faint brush against her c.l.i.t. He went to the nightstand and Lily heard the music as he switched it on. He walked back to the foot of the bed where she couldn't see him again.

"I didn't give Raci my jacket. She was joking around and picked it up and put it on. I told her to take it off several times. I controlled my temper and didn't jerk it off her the way I wanted because I knew she had smoked some pot and thought she was being cute. I told her that she earned a month's punishment. She wasn't allowed to smoke anymore pot since she obviously doesn't know how to handle it. Then I told her that if she touched my f.u.c.king jacket again, she would lose her members.h.i.+p to The Last Riders. She got my message. You, on the other hand, are still learning. That's okay, though, because I'm patient and I plan on teaching you to behave just the way I want."

As he talked, the whip began striking at her b.u.t.tocks, the tingling now escalating to a slight stinging sensation that had first startled her, but now had small moans escaping her lips. The speed they were hitting her was so fast, she would feel the small sting then another would start before the other could fade away.

He stopped again and she felt his fingers slipping inside of her again, plunging deep before sliding away. His thumb caressing her c.l.i.t with firm swipes before stopping suddenly.


This time, when the whip struck, it felt thicker, making a loud thud sound, but it didn't hurt. It felt like when she had been given a deep tissue ma.s.sage.

The whip moved back and forth across her shoulders. Lily moaned louder, her hips wiggling on the mattress. The whip stopped.

"Quit moving or I'll stop," Shade ordered.

Lily froze on the mattress, not wanting it to end. The whip resumed. She did not understand how the loud thud against her flesh wasn't hurting.

Lily's body became boneless under the ma.s.saging rhythm of the whip as it began to feel harder against her bottom, moving back and forth across her b.u.t.tocks as if he was now lightly spanking her. Lily felt the moisture between her thighs increase, becoming embarra.s.sed that in her spread eagle position she was unable to hide her response to his strikes. The pressure in her began to build.

She tried to wiggle in her restraints again, and the whip immediately stopped. The now familiar feel of Shade stroking her p.u.s.s.y almost made her come.

"Do not come," Shade ordered, pressing down on her c.l.i.t.

A broken whimper slipped past her lips. "Please, Shade."

"Do Not Move." Shade's hand left her and then he returned to tormenting her with his whip. The heavy thuds across her b.u.t.tocks returned and his spanking continued. She heard him moving this time when the whip hit. It felt like the time he had put her over his lap and spanked her hard. The whip moved across her b.u.t.t to just under the curve of her b.u.t.t cheek.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked Rider for his jacket," Lily cried, wanting to come. The pleasure/pain of his strokes was driving her toward an o.r.g.a.s.m and she didn't know how much longer she could hold out. Her body was being taken over by a frenzied need.

When she didn't think she could stay still any longer, she heard the thud of the whip as it hit the floor. Then Shade's hands were on the cuffs at her feet, unbuckling them from the hooks.

"If you want my d.i.c.k, get on your knees."

Lily forced her shaking body to move as he un-cuffed her wrists. With the use of her hands returned, she was able to get onto her knees, her dark hair sliding forward, hiding her face from his sharp gaze.

She watched as he removed his jeans.

"Do you really believe I will cheat on you?" Shade's face was stoic as he stared at her, but the look in his eyes was easily readable.

"No." Lily released a deep breath, beginning to cry.

A tender look crossed his face, his hand reaching out to stroke her face. "Angel, I'm not Marshall. He made you think he was going to be a father to you and betrayed your trust. That's why when you felt Beth had betrayed you, you took it so bad. Beth didn't betray you, and I sure as f.u.c.k won't."

Shade moved to the bed, getting into position behind her. His c.o.c.k brushed the opening of her p.u.s.s.y, just letting the tip of his c.o.c.k enter her. His hand pulled her hair back, keeping it in a tight grip.

"You're going to give me everything I need from a woman." His c.o.c.k slid through her tight channel then came to a stop.

Lily cried out. "Please, Shade. I can't take anymore."

"You are the woman I love. You're my wife. I never put my ring on another woman. I never gave them my love. I never gave them me. Not once. Only to you, my wife, have I given myself to. Don't you ever doubt that again."

"I won't," Lily cried out as he buried his length to her belly, his c.o.c.k hitting her high, causing a brief flare of pain before his strokes changed direction, rubbing against the inside of her. It brought a fission of sensation unlike any she had felt before.

His hand gripped her hip, bringing her b.u.t.t higher while he stroked downward. His other hand tugged at her hair, forcing her head back.

"I'm sorry, Sir," Lily moaned over and over again as his d.i.c.k plunged inside of her with enough force that she heard each smack as his body hit hers.

The erotic sound with the music made her feel as if he surrounded her, that there was no escape from the control he had over the pleasure that was breaking her apart into tiny pieces. The o.r.g.a.s.m struck with a climatic force.

Lily lost all control of her body as she fell, shaking, to the mattress with Shade following her down, pinning her under his weight as he continued to f.u.c.k her steadily. Lily's nails tore at the sheets as he showed no mercy, forcing another o.r.g.a.s.m out of her rippling p.u.s.s.y. His hands reached for her hand interweaving them together.

"My wife." The relief and aching love in his voice and all it conveyed was shared with her in that moment of intimacy. Every minute and second he had waited had been torture for this man of hers.

Lily felt him shudder against her as his c.o.c.k jerked his release deep within her. Lily lowered her head against the sheet, exhausted both mentally and physically.

Shade rolled to his side, pulling her to lay on his chest.

"Are you still mad at me?"

Shade twined a tendril of her hair through his fingers. "I don't get mad at you, Lily. I'm a-"

Lily laughed. "A patient man. I know."

"I didn't want my jacket on her either, but I was trying to be a nice guy." His words reminding her how often she had called him mean.

Lily lowered her head, ashamed. "I'm really sorry."

Shade grinned. "You can show me that temper anytime." His hand moved down to rub her bottom. "In private. I like to keep my business my own," he clarified. "Are you sore?"

"No." Lily shook her head, yawning.

Shade rose up with her, getting to his feet then carrying her to the bathroom. He sat her on her feet while he made a bath for her. She saw him pour something into the water.

"Rose and Lavender oils," he told her.

Lily sank into the warm water when it was ready, leaning back against the tub as Shade went to the sink. She watched as he shaved, looking at his tattoo covered body. She didn't know how she had gotten lucky enough to get Shade, just grateful she had.

"What are you thinking?" Shade asked his now familiar question. He liked control, that was for sure. He constantly wanted to know what she was thinking. She thought it was his own insecurity showing itself.

She caught his gaze in the mirror. "I was thinking, now would be a good time to tell you that I offered to throw s.e.x Piston's baby shower tomorrow night."

Shade stood in the kitchen with Razer, Viper and Stud, wondering how in the h.e.l.l he had been put in this position. His eyes went to the other men and saw the same expression on their faces.

"I take it you're having a boy," Shade said.

Stud grinned proudly, the only man in the group not ashamed to admit he was p.u.s.s.y whipped. "Thank f.u.c.k. If it had been a girl, I had my escape plan in place."

Shade watched Lily hand s.e.x Piston a blue stroller made of diapers that she had stayed up half the night to make. When he had asked why not just give her the f.u.c.king pack of diapers, she had looked like he had cracked his whip across her a.s.s. After that, he had kept his mouth shut.

Shade heard Crazy b.i.t.c.h question Lily about his tats. He reached in the cabinet by Viper's head for his liquor bottle then grabbed enough for the other men.

He was pouring himself a gla.s.s when he heard a sudden burst of laughter.

"Shade helped you make my gift?" s.e.x Piston's disbelieving voice rose over the giggles.

"Yes, Shade brags all the time about how patient he is, but I never would have believed he would have helped like he did. He counted out the diapers, then made the wheels, and when I couldn't thread the ribbon through the top, he did it for me." His wife's d.a.m.ning words had the men looking at him with amus.e.m.e.nt on their faces.

He added another two fingers of whiskey to his gla.s.s.

"Patient? She actually thinks you're patient?" Viper almost choked on his drink.

"Shut the f.u.c.k up," Shade threatened, pouring himself another drink. It was a sad day when his brethren had the courage to laugh at him. The men at least were smart enough to smother their laughter.

"He's nothing like Train then." Shade winced for Train as Killyama dissected their f.u.c.k session. His fellow brother did not come out well.

When the women moved on to asking Lily questions, his hand was shaking as he poured the men their refills. It was a good thing he had wanted to wait a couple of weeks before he used his favorite toy on his wife again or she would have been complaining over the pretty sunrise pattern he promised himself she would receive for putting him through this torture.

Lily came into the kitchen, pulling out the large pitcher of tea she had made, stopping briefly to brush a kiss on his cheek. His eyes followed the jiggle of her a.s.s as she went back into the living room.

His president put his arm around his shoulder. "Don't worry, Shade. It could be worse. You could be Train."

Chapter 37.

Friday Lily walked down the pathway from her house, down to the parking lot. She still felt a thrill when she said my house, my husband. It had only been four days since their marriage, so she was sure it was going to feel that way for a while. She hoped it always did. She never wanted to take what she was feeling for granted.

Shade had to be at work two hours before she had to open the church store at nine. Curiously, she saw Shade, Razer, Rider and Train talking in the parking lot. It was unusual so early in the morning that all three were outside.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. We came out here so we could talk without being overheard. Georgia has several friends in there." Shade replied.

"What about Georgia?" Lily stiffened. Today was the first day back since the Christmas holidays. Both Shade and Razer had looked forward to firing the woman this morning, and she hadn't argued this time. Georgia had gone too far. She felt bad for her kids, but ultimately Georgia had to face responsibility for her actions.

"She quit. When she didn't come in this morning, I called her. She told me she wasn't coming in to give us the satisfaction of firing her. Then she told me what to do with the job, so I hung up on her." Shade's face showed how much he'd wanted to give the woman her filth back. She was proud he had handled it in a professional manner, despite it probably sticking in his gut.

"It doesn't make any sense to me," Lily said, blowing on her coffee.

"What doesn't? That she's a f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h or that she quit?" Rider asked grimly.

"Both. Not a month ago, she was giving me heck because she thought I took her brother's job; now suddenly, she's calling one of her bosses' wives bad names in front of a large group who will spread it all over town so she wouldn't be able to deny it. It's almost like she wanted to get fired," Lily answered, blowing on her coffee again.

She reached up, giving her husband a quick kiss on his lips. "Later." She grinned, walking away, not paying attention to the stunned looks on the men's faces as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Lily unlocked the church store, going inside and then closing the door behind her.

"Morning, Mrs. Hunter," Pastor Dean said, coming in from the church entrance. "How are you this sunny morning?"

"Good. And you?"

"Can't complain, other than I've gained ten pounds over the holidays. I think if one more paris.h.i.+oner gives me one more ca.s.serole or cookie, I'm going to vomit."

"That bad?"

"The problem was that it was too good," Pastor Dean laughed. "I'm bursting at the seams."

Lily pulled two bags of clothes out from under the counter and another that had been shoved into a darkened corner. When she tugged the bag loose, it jarred a metal box. Lily dropped to her knees, reaching back, and with her fingertips managed to snag the box by the handle, sliding it free. She pulled it out from under the counter and then stood up, lifting the heavy box with difficulty onto the counter.

"What's that?" Pastor Dean asked, looking at the box curiously.

"Your guess is as good as mine. It looks like it's been shoved under there for a while." Lily pulled the two metal rings open then tried to open it. It was locked.

"It's locked," she said, stating the obvious.

"I have some tools in my office. I'll take care of it."

"Okay." Lily slid it across the counter toward him.

A customer came in and she moved toward the woman entering the store.

"I'll see you later, Lily."

She waved as Pastor Dean left, asking the woman what she needed.

Lily wondered what was in the box. She would have to remind herself to ask before she went home.

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The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 45 summary

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