The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 47

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"I put Georgia on suicide watch. Had to hire an extra policewoman from Jamestown, but at least I don't have to worry about walking into her cell and finding her dead," Knox said, looking at Lily. "You were right. I saw the marks on her wrist."

"I wouldn't have ever said anything, but I didn't want her to hurt herself because she'd made a mistake."

"It's more than a mistake. She f.u.c.ked up bad. She's going to do some hard time for arson unless she can come up with a name. Cash is trying to trace the account, but he said whoever set the account up knows what they're doing. He said it's one of the best he's ever seen," Knox informed them.

"f.u.c.k," Shade exclaimed.

"Not only that, but Georgia says she doesn't know the man who gave her the money. Said she was at the grocery store and he drove a dark car up to her when she was putting groceries in her car. Handed her twenty thousand to do it then promised her the fifty thousand after it was done."

"Did you check the store surveillance?" Viper asked.

"Sure did. The store erases the tapes after a month. I looked through them just in case we got lucky, but no such luck."

"d.a.m.n," Shade said. "I was hoping she had more information than that."

"I'll see if she can remember anything more in the morning; maybe spending her first night in jail will jog her memory," Knox responded, adjusting Diamond on his lap.

"We need to catch a break somewhere before whoever they are makes another move against Lily." Shade's words frightened her. It was disconcerting to have someone so determined to hurt you and not know why.

"I like your boots," Lily said to Diamond.

"Thanks, I bought them at the shoe store in town. It sucks that store is on the way to the courthouse. I have to pa.s.s it every day. These were in the window. The manager knows what I like and I swear he puts stuff in the window he knows I can't resist."

"I like shoes, too. I have some new ones that I haven't worn yet. I don't get much of an opportunity to wear them and they're too large for Beth to wear."

"Really? What size are they?" Diamond asked casually, yet Lily was well aware of the gleam of avarice in her eyes.

"Eight," Lily answered with a smile.

"d.a.m.n, I wear a nine."

"Sorry about that," Lily apologized with a smile. She'd never had a girlfriend to share clothes with before.

"What size is the sweater?"


"I'm a medium, but it looks big on you; it could work." Diamond reached out to touch the soft pink sweater. "I love pink, but it usually clashes with my hair.

"Let's dance," Shade interrupted them, his hand lifting her legs off his.

Lily looked around the room, seeing Train already had his hand between Bliss's thighs as she sat on a stool at the bar. Several of the women, who were allowed in the house, were dancing suggestively with the members on the floor. Nickel was standing behind one, pulling her breast out of her top. Lily looked away.

"I think the floor is crowded enough." Lily stood up.

"It isn't downstairs," Shade said, taking her hand. "Knox?"


Shade turned to Viper and Razer. "Later."

"Happy New Year, brother," Viper said, lifting his beer up.

"You, too."

Lily followed Shade downstairs. She was happy he understood she hadn't wanted to stay up there. This way she could stay and have fun without being uncomfortable watching the others.

Shade turned on a couple of the lamps then turned on the music. He pulled up the workout mats, placing them against the wall before holding out his arms for her. She stepped into his arms without hesitation.

Knox and Diamond came downstairs, closing the door behind them and then they began dancing next to them.

Lily had been around Knox the least of the members, so he was slightly frightening to her because of his size, though his gentle expression when he was with Diamond eased her fears. They spent a while on the dance floor before Shade went upstairs, getting beers for him and Knox, bringing sodas for her and Diamond.

After sitting and talking for a while, Knox and Diamond went to the dance floor to dance again.

"Are you having fun?" Shade asked, sitting down on the couch next to her.

"Yes. I like Diamond." Lily lowered her voice. "Shade, she really doesn't believe that zombies are going to take over the world, does she?"

Shade laughed. "I have no idea. I think she just watches too many zombie movies."

"See. That's why I don't watch scary movies." She gave him an I-told-you-so look.

"Why? Are you susceptible to movies?"

"Scary ones. They give me nightmares."

"" Shade leaned over her.

"No." Lily hit his shoulder, laughing. Her laughter stopped when she saw the look of desire in his eyes.

His mouth touched hers, parting her lips with a firm thrust of his tongue, demanding her response. She widened her lips, letting him have the control he wanted.

His hand then went to her shoulder, brus.h.i.+ng the sweater off it. His mouth followed the path of the sweater while his other hand slid it off the other shoulder. Only her b.r.e.a.s.t.s now held up her sweater.

Shade's chest crushed her against the corner of the couch. His hand went to her thigh, sliding underneath her skirt, finding the edge of her panties. Lily felt a burning heat spread throughout her.

The music changed to a different song, bringing Lily back to awareness of where she was. She pushed Shade off her, sitting upright. Looking toward the dance floor, she saw that Knox and Diamond weren't paying attention to them. Knox was standing behind Diamond, grinding his hips into her a.s.s, his arm around her waist to pull her back against him. Diamond was dancing with her eyes closed, listening to the music, and Knox was only looking at Diamond.

Shade stood up, pulling Lily to her feet before lifting her into his arms. He carried her back to the bedroom where he set her on her feet next to the bed then turned on the bedside lamp.

Lily was amazed he could see so well in the dark. She had noticed before he could walk in the pitch dark like he could see where everything was.

He took off his clothes then reached out, taking off her sweater and bra, his lips kissing each nipple when he pulled it off.

"Sit down."

Lily sat down on the edge of the bed. Shade bent down, pulling off her shoes and then kissing each foot he raised to his lips. Lily was charmed by his gentleness, thinking she was the luckiest woman in the world. He stood up, tossing her shoes out of the way. Then bending over, his mouth found hers again, giving her the pa.s.sion she had been waiting for from him. His teeth nipped her bottom lip, giving her a small sting of pain, which he laved away with the tip of his tongue before he pressed her back against the mattress.

"Where did this furniture come from?" Lily tore her mouth away from his.

"I ordered another set. It came yesterday."

"Oh." Lily thought a second. "Why?"

"For when I want to play over here," he explained, taking a nipple into his mouth.

"Ohhh," Lily moaned as he bit down on the tip of her breast.

Just as her thigh came up, rubbing against his hip, Lily heard a sound and turned toward the doorway as Knox came in carrying a wiggling Diamond on his shoulder.

"Bed or couch?" Knox asked, pausing long enough to shut the door with his foot.

"Bed." Diamond and Lily both squealed, however Shade covered her mouth with his. Lily felt the lurch of the bed as Diamond was dropped onto the opposite end.

"Shade, I-" Lily started to protest.

"Lily, it's my turn," he said with a smile. "And I'm cas.h.i.+ng in another of my IOUs."

Lily wasn't given time to think as Shade's mouth played with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. As the mattress underneath her head shuddered with Diamond and Knox's movement, Lily could only guess he was undressing her from her gasps.

Shade straightened, standing up. "You got your cuffs?"

"Always," Knox grunted.

Lily thought she heard a whack against flesh at the same time she saw Shade reach into his nightstand, pulling out a pair of cuffs. Lily lay disbelieving as he slipped one cuff onto her wrist then stretched, snapping the other end to Diamond's wrist above her head. Shade then lifted her other wrist and she felt the snick of another handcuff close. Diamond and she were handcuffed together.

They started wiggling, and when Diamond tried to lower her wrists, it stretched Lily taut on the mattress. When Lily tried to lower hers, it stretched Diamond's body taut.

"f.u.c.k." Lily heard Knox's groan of approval at what he was looking at.

Lily was sure she was red all the way to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s; she was so embarra.s.sed. Then she remembered that, when Knox and Diamond had been dancing, Knox's eyes had only been on Diamond.

Lily looked up at Shade. He was staring down at her, his eyes filled with desire for her. Only her. Lily relaxed back against the mattress, coming to the decision she was going to let her husband play. Shade saw the resolve in her eyes and grinned.

She heard the rustling of clothes and automatically turned her head. The mirror on the walls reflected the four of them. She and Diamond lying on opposite sides of the huge bed handcuffed together, Shade naked, and Knox getting undressed. Her mouth dropped open, and she squinted her eyes to make sure she was seeing what she thought she was seeing.

She had never stared at Shade's c.o.c.k the way she gaped at Knox's. Shade was big himself, yet Knox's c.o.c.k was big and pierced. She looked at Diamond sympathetically then noticed the woman staring back at her, obviously embarra.s.sed, though her eyes were twinkling in silent amus.e.m.e.nt at Lily for noticing Knox's c.o.c.k.

Shade opened the nightstand again, pulling out several silk scarves and tossing a few to Knox. She felt Shade wind a scarf around the inside of the cuff so it wouldn't scratch her before he did the same to the other wrist.

Turning to the wall, he turned on the music.

"You have a thing for music, don't you?" Lily teased.

"It inspires me," Shade replied, smiling before stepping back between her legs and reaching for the waistband of her skirt. Lily then felt him lift her hips while he pulled her skirt and panties off.

Despite her wanting to please Shade, she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable being naked in front of Knox. She didn't even feel comfortable wearing a swimsuit in front of men. Only the remembrance of the way Knox had looked at Diamond rea.s.sured her. He looked at Diamond the way Shade looked at her.

Before she had time to ruminate further, Shade reached for another silk scarf, placing it over her eyes and tying it behind her head. Lily felt the movement at the top of her head and knew that Knox was doing the same to Diamond.

"I could jack off just looking at you like this." Shade's voice was hoa.r.s.e with desire, and Lily relaxed again.

She felt Shade's mouth on the curve of her stomach, his tongue tasting her flesh. Then Diamond moved, bringing Lily's arms up, stretching her taut on the mattress. Lily gasped as his lips traced the bare skin of her p.u.s.s.y, his tongue dipping inside the slit, licking the top of her c.l.i.t before sliding underneath, searching for the nerve endings that were screaming for attention.

Shade's hand cupped the back of her knee, bringing her leg up until her heel touched the mattress. Then he pressed her leg down sideways, the movement widening her. His tongue then slid through the opening of her c.u.n.t.

Her hands went down to his head, but she couldn't reach him. Diamond groaned, and Lily hastily put her hands back by her shoulders.

"Sorry," Lily mumbled.

"That's okay. You can do it again if you want to," Diamond moaned.

Lily couldn't help it, she giggled. A second later, the bed started shaking and Lily heard Diamond laughing, too.

"I think the next time I'll bring a couple of gags to the party," Shade threatened.

"I'll take care of it," Knox promised. Both of the women's laughter died immediately.

Lily felt the brush of his c.o.c.k against her p.u.s.s.y a second before he thrust inside of her, driving himself into her with a single thrust. She reached up to his shoulders, sliding her hands to his chest and lingering on his nipples. With the scarf over her eyes, she felt the smoothness of his skin contrasted by the ridges, the skin of his nipples.

Her hands were jerked away and she was stretched as Diamond tried to reach Knox, her moans escalating, telling her she was enjoying whatever Knox was doing. Her screams confirmed that a second later. Shade began toying with her c.l.i.t as he pounded his c.o.c.k inside her slick p.u.s.s.y which was trying to adjust to the force of his thrusts.

Her thighs were lifted and pressed to her sides as Shade gave her more of his weight.

"Want to switch?"

Lily was about to climax when she heard Knox's voice.

"f.u.c.k yeah," Shade answered.

"What!?" Diamond yelled.

"No!" squealed Lily, a coldness. .h.i.tting her in the chest.

The men ignored them.

Lily felt Shade's c.o.c.k slide out and felt the start of her climax die a sudden death. Shade put his hands on her waist then she was being rolled onto her stomach at the same time Diamond was. Lily had been turned so that her face was on top of the mattress, their hands now palm down on the mattress.

"Very funny," Diamond's irritated voice sounded over Knox's laughter.

Shade's hand went back to her hips, raising her bottom back in the air before sliding his c.o.c.k back inside her in a thrust that had her screeching almost in Diamond's ear. The mattress shook as the men pounded the women. Lily's hands grasped the sheets.

"I've never seen something so hot," Knox groaned, and for several seconds, Lily thought that if Diamond and she hadn't been cuffed together, they would have bounced off the bed with the strength of the men going at them.

As Shade's hand went between her thighs, rubbing her c.l.i.t, Lily could hear the slap of flesh against flesh filling the room. The erotic sounds heightened her arousal.

A second later, Shade's thumb pinched her c.l.i.t, the pain lifting her a.s.s higher against him.

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The Last Riders: Shade's Fall Part 47 summary

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