The Book Of Lost Tales: Part I Part 13

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Then said Manw to them: "Behold O Children of the Noldoli, my heart is sad towards you, for the poison of Melko has already changed you, and covetice has entered your hearts. Lo! had ye not thought your gems and fabrics6 of better worth than the festival of the folk or the ordinances of Manw your lord, this had not been, and Bruithwir go-Maidros and those other hapless ones still had lived, and your jewels been in no greater peril. Nay, my wisdom teaches me that because of the death of Bruithwir and his comrades shall the greatest evils fall on G.o.ds and Elves, and Men to be. Without the G.o.ds who brought you to the light and gave you all the materials of your craft, teaching your first ignorance, none of these fair things you love now so well ever would have been; what has been done may again be done, for the power of the Valar does not change; but of more worth than all the glory of Valinor and all the grace and beauty of Kr is peace and happiness and wisdom, and these once lost are harder to recapture. Cease then to murmur and to speak against the Valar, or to set yourselves in your hearts as equals to their majesty; rather depart now in penitence knowing full well that Melko has wrought this evil against you, and that your secret trafficking with him has brought you all this loss and sorrow. Trust him not again therefore, nor any others that whisper secret words of discontent among you, for its fruit is humiliation and dismay."

And the was abashed and afraid and went back unto Sirnmen utterly cast down; yet was Manw's heart heavier than theirs, for things had gone ill indeed, and yet he foresaw that worse would be; and so did the destinies of the G.o.ds work out, for lo! to the Noldoli Manw's words seemed cold and heartless, and they knew not his sorrow and his tenderness; and Manw thought them strangely changed and turned to covetice, who longed but for comfort, being like children very full of the loss of their fair things.

Now Melko findeth himself in the wastes of Arvalin and knoweth not how he may escape, for the gloom there is very great, and he knoweth not those regions that stretch there unto the utmost south. Therefore he sent a messenger claiming the inviolable right of a herald (albeit this was a renegade servant of Mandos whom Melko had perverted) over the pa.s.s to Valinor, and there standing before the gates of Valmar7 he demanded audience of the G.o.ds; and it was asked of him whence he came, and he said from Ainu Melko, and Tulkas would have hurled stones at him from the walls and slain him, but the.others as yet suffered him not to be mishandled, but despite their anger and loathing they admitted him to the great square of gold that was before Aul's courts. And at the same hour riders were sent to Kr and to Sirnmen summoning the Elves, for it was guessed that this matter touched them near. When all was made ready the messenger took stand beside the needle of pure gold whereon Aul had written the story of the kindling of the Tree of gold (in Lrien's courts stood one of silver with another tale), and on a sudden Manw said: "Speak!" and his voice was as a clap of wrathful thunder, and the courts rang, but the envoy unabashed uttered his message, saying: "The Lord Melko, ruler of the world from the darkest east to the outer slopes of the Mountains of Valinor unto his kinsmen the Ainur. Behold, in compensation for divers grievous affronts and for long times of unjust imprisonment despite his n.o.ble estate and blood that he has at your hands suffered, now has he taken, as is due to him, certain small treasures held by the Noldoli, your slaves. Great grief is it to him that of these he has slain some, in that they would do him hurt in the evil of their hearts; yet their blasphemous intent will he now put from memory, and all the past injuries that ye the G.o.ds have wrought him will he so far forget as once again to show his presence in that place that is called Valmar, if ye will hearken to his conditions and fulfil them. For know that the Noldoli shall be his servants and shall adorn him a house; moreover of right he does demand" but hereon even as the herald lifted up his voice yet louder swelling with his words of insolence, so great became the wrath of the Valar that Tulkas and several of his house leapt down and seizing him stopped his mouth, and the place of council was in uproar. Indeed Melko had not thought to gain aught but time and the confusion of the Valar by this emba.s.sage of insolence.

Then Manw bid him unhand the herald, but the G.o.ds arose crying with one voice: "This is no herald, but a rebel, a thief, and a murderer." "He hath defiled the sanct.i.ty of Valinor," shouted Tulkas, "and cast his insolence in our teeth." Now the mind of all the Elves was as one in this matter. Hope they had none of the recovery of the jewels save by the capture of Melko, which was now a matter beyond hope, but they would have no parley with Melko whatsoever and would treat him as an outlaw and all his folk. (And this was the meaning of Manw, saying that the death of Bruithwir would be the root of the greatest evil, for it was that slaying that most inflamed both G.o.ds and Elves.)8 To this end they spoke in the ears of Varda and Aul, and Varda befriended their cause before Manw, and Aul yet more stoutly, for his heart was sore too for the theft of so many things of exquisite craft and workmans.h.i.+p; but Tulkas Poldra needed no pleading, being hot with ire. Now these great advocates moved the council with their words, so that in the end it is Manw's doom that word he sent back to Melko rejecting him and his words and outlawing him and all his followers from Valinor for ever. These words would he now speak to the envoy, bidding him begone to his master with them, but the folk of the Vali and the Elves would have none of it, and led by Tulkas they took that renegade to the topmost peak of Taniquetil, and there declaring him no herald and taking the mountain and the stars to witness of the same they cast him to the boulders of Arvalien so that he was slain, and Mandos received him into his deepest caves.

Then Manw seeing in this rebellion and their violent deed the seed of bitterness cast down his sceptre and wept; but the others spake unto Sorontur King of Eagles upon Taniquetil and by him were the words of Manw sent to Melko: "Begone for ever, O accursed, nor dare to parley more with G.o.ds or Elves. Neither shall thy foot nor that of any who serve thee tread the soil of Valinor again while the world endures." And Sorontur sought out Melko and said as he was bidden, and of the death of his envoy he told [?too]. Then Melko would have slain Sorontur, being mad with anger at the death of his messenger; and verily this deed was not in accord with the strict justice of the G.o.ds, yet was the anger of those at Valmar sorely tempted; but Melko has ever cast it against the G.o.ds most bitterly, twisting it into a black tale of wrong; and between that evil one and Sorontur has there ever since been hate and war, and that was most bitter when Sorontur and his folk fared to the Iron Mountains and there abode, watching all that Melko did.

Now Aul goeth to Manw and speaketh enheartening words, saying how Valmar still stands and the Mountains are high and a sure bulwark against evil. "Lo! if Melko sets once more turmoils in the world, was he not bound in chains aforetime, and so may be again:-but behold, soon will I and Tulkas fill that pa.s.s that leads to Erumni and the seas, that Melko come not ever that way hither again."

But Manw and Aul plan to set guards about all those mountains until such time as Melko's deeds and places of abode without become known.

Then does Aul fall to speech with Manw concerning the Noldoli, and he pleads much for them, saying that Manw wrought with anxiety has done hardly by them, for that of Melko in sooth alone is the evil come, whereas the Eldar are not slaves nor servants but beings of a wondrous sweetness and beauty-that they were guests for ever of the G.o.ds. Therefore does Manw bid them now, an they will, go back to Kr, and, if they so desire, busy themselves in fas.h.i.+oning gems and fabrics anew, and all things of beauty and cost that they may need in their labour shall be given to them even more lavishly than before.

But when Fanor heard this saying, he said: "Yea, but who shall give us back the joyous heart without which works of loveliness and magic cannot be?-and Bruithwir is dead, and my heart also." Many nonetheless went then back to Kr, and some semblance of old joy is then restored, though for the lessened happiness of their hearts their labours do not bring forth gems of the old l.u.s.tre and glory. But Fanor dwelt in sorrow with a few folk in Sirnmen, and though he sought day and night to do so he could in no wise make other jewels like to the Silmarils of old, that Melko s.n.a.t.c.hed away; nor indeed has any craftsman ever done so since. At length does he abandon the attempt, sitting rather beside the tomb of Bruithwir, that is called the Mound of the First Sorrow,* and is well named for all the woe that came from the death of him who was laid there. There brooded Fanor bitter thoughts, till his brain grew dazed by the black vapours of his heart, and he arose and went to Kr. There did he speak to the Gnomes, dwelling on their wrongs and sorrows and their minished wealth and glory-bidding them leave this prison-house and get them into the world. "As cowards have the Valar become; but the hearts of the Eldar are not weak, and we will see what is our own, and if we may not get it by stealth we will do so by violence. There shall be war between the Children of Ilvatar and Ainu Melko. What if we perish in our quest? The dark halls of V be little worse than this bright prison...."9 And he prevailed thus upon some to go before Manw with himself and demand that the Noldoli be suffered to leave Valinor in peace and set safely by the G.o.ds upon the of the world whence they had of old been ferried.

Then Manw was grieved by their request and forbade the Gnomes to utter such words in Kr if they desired still to dwell there among the other Elves; but then changing from harshness he told them many things concerning the world and its fas.h.i.+on and the dangers that were already there, and the worse that might soon come to be by reason of Melko's return. "My heart feels, and my wisdom tells me," said he, "that no great age of time will now elapse ere those other Children of Ilvatar, the fathers of the fathers of Men, do come into the world-and behold it is of the unalterable Music of the Ainur that the world come in the end for a great while under the sway of Men; yet whether it shall be for happiness or sorrow Ilvatar has not revealed, and I would not have strife or fear or anger come ever between the different Children of Ilvatar, and fain would I for many an age yet leave the world empty of beings who might strive against the new-come Men and do hurt to them ere their clans be grown to strength, while the nations and peoples of the Earth are yet infants." To this he added many words concerning Men and their nature and the things that would befall them, and the Noldoli were amazed, for they had not heard the Valar speak of Men, save very seldom; and had not then heeded overmuch, deeming these creatures weak and blind and clumsy and beset with death, nor in any ways likely to match the glory of the Eldali. Now therefore, although Manw had unburdened his heart in this way hoping that the Noldoli, seeing that he did not labour without a purpose or a reason, would grow calmer and more trustful of his love, rather were they astonished to discover that the Ainur made the thought of Men so great a matter, and Manw's words achieved the opposite of his wish; for Fanor in his misery twisted them into an evil semblance, when standing again before the throng of Kr he spake these words: "Lo, now do we know the reason of our transportation hither as it were cargoes of fair slaves! Now at length are we told to what end we are guarded here, robbed of our heritage in the world, ruling not the wide lands, lest perchance we yield them not to a race unborn. To these foresooth-a sad folk, beset with swift mortality, a race of burrowers in the dark, clumsy of hand, untuned to songs or musics, who shall dully labour at the soil with their rude tools, to these whom still he says are of Ilvatar would Manw Slimo lordling of the Ainur give the world and all the wonders of its land, all its hidden substances-give it to these, that is our inheritance. Or what is this talk of the dangers of the world? A trick to deceive us; a mask of words! O all ye children of the Noldoli, whomso will no longer be house-thralls of the G.o.ds however softly held, arise I bid ye and get you from Valinor, for now is the hour come and the world awaits."

In sooth it is a matter for great wonder, the subtle cunning of Melko-for in those wild words who shall say that there lurked not a sting of the minutest truth, nor fail to marvel seeing the very words of Melko pouring from Fanor his foe, who knew not nor remembered whence was the fountain of these thoughts; yet perchance the [?outmost] origin of these sad things was before Melko himself, and such things must be-and the mystery of the jealousy of Elves and Men is an unsolved riddle, one of the sorrows at the world's dim roots.

Howso these deep things be, the fierce words of Fanor got him instantly a mighty following, for a veil there seemed before the hearts of the Gnomes-and mayhap even this was not without the knowledge of Ilvatar. Yet would Melko have been rejoiced to hear it, seeing his evil giving fruit beyond his hopes. Now however that evil one wanders the dark plains of Eruman, and farther south than anyone had yet penetrated he found a region of the deepest gloom, and it seemed to him a good place wherein for the time to hide his stolen treasure.

Therefore he seeks until he finds a dark cavern in the hills, and webs of darkness lie about so that the black air might be felt heavy and choking about one's face and hands. Very deep and winding were those ways having a subterranean outlet on the sea as the ancient books say, and here on a time were the Moon and Sun imprisoned afterward;10 for here dwelt the primeval spirit Mru whom even the Valar know not whence or when she came, and the folk of Earth have given her many names. Mayhap she was bred of mists and darkness on the confines of the Shadowy Seas, in that utter dark that came between the overthrow of the Lamps and the kindling of the Trees, but more like she has always been; and she it is who loveth still to dwell in that black place taking the guise of an unlovely spider, spinning a clinging gossamer of gloom that catches in its mesh stars and moons and all bright things that sail the airs. Indeed it was because of her labours that so little of that overflowing light of the Two Trees flowed ever into the world, for she sucked light greedily, and it fed her, but she brought forth only that darkness that is a denial of all light. Ungw Lianti the great spider who enmeshes did the Eldar call her, naming her also Wirilm or Gloom-weaver, whence still do the Noldoli speak of her as Ungoliont the spider or as Gwerlum the Black.

Now between Melko and Ungw Lianti was there friends.h.i.+p from the first, when she found him and his comrades straying in her caves, but Gloomweaver was ahungered of the brightness of that h.o.a.rd of jewels so soon as she saw them.

Now Melko having despoiled the Noldoli and brought sorrow and confusion into the realm of Valinor through less of that h.o.a.rd than aforetime, having now conceived a darker and deeper plan of aggrandis.e.m.e.nt; therefore seeing the l.u.s.t of Ungw's eyes he offers her all that h.o.a.rd, saving only the three Silmarils, if she will abet him in his new design. This she granteth readily, and so came all that treasury of most lovely gems fairer than any others that the world has seen into the foul keeping of Wirilm, and was wound in webs of darkness and hidden deep in the caverns of the eastern slopes of the great hills that are the southern boundary of Eruman.

Deeming that now is the time to strike while Valinor is yet in uproar nor waiting for Aul and Tulkas to block the pa.s.sage in the hills, Melko and Wirilm crept into Valinor and lay hidden in a valley of the foothills until Silpion was in bloom; but all the while was Gloomweaver spinning her most lightless webs and ill-enchanted shades. These she lets float down so that in place of the fair silver light of Silpion all about the western plain of Valinor there creeps now a dim uncertain darkness and faint lights waver in it. Then does she throw a black cloak of invisibility about Melko and herself and they steal across the plain, and the G.o.ds are in wonder and the Elves in Kr are afraid; nonetheless they do not as yet suspect the hand of Melko in this, thinking rather it is some work of Oss's, who at times with his storms caused great mists and darkness to be wafted off the Shadowy Seas, encroaching even the bright airs of Valinor; though in this he met the anger both of Ulmo and of Manw. Then Manw sent forth a sweet westerly breath wherewith he was accustomed at such times to blow all sea-humours back eastward over the waters, but such gentle breathing availed nothing against the woven night heavy and clinging that Wirilm had spread far abroad. Thus was it that unmarked Melko and the Spider of Night reached the roots of Laurelin, and Melko summoning all his G.o.dlike might thrust a sword into its beauteous stock, and the fiery radiance that spouted forth a.s.suredly had consumed him even as it did his sword, had not Gloomweaver cast herself down and lapped it thirstily, plying even her lips to the wound in the tree's bark and sucking away its life and strength.

By accursed fortune this deed was not straightway marked, for it was the time of Laurelin's accustomed deepest repose; and now behold, never more would it wake to glory, scattering beauty and joy upon the faces of the G.o.ds. Because of that great draught of light suddenly pride surged in Gwerlum's heart, and she heeded not Melko's warnings, but sate herself now nigh to the roots of Silpion and spouted forth evil fumes of night that flowed like rivers of blackness even to the gates of Valmar. Now Melko takes the weapon that remains to him, a knife, and will injure the bole of Silpion as much as time will allow; but a Gnome called Daurin (Trin) wandering from Sirnmen in great boding of ill sees him and makes for him, crying aloud. So great was the onrush of that impetuous Gnome that ere Melko is aware he has hewn at Wirilm where in the likeness of a spider she sprawls upon the ground. Now the slender blade that Daurin wielded came from the forge of Aul and was steeped in miruvor, or never had he done harm to that secret [?being], but now he cleaves one of her great legs, and his blade is stained with her black gore, a poison to all [?things] whose life is light. Then Wirilm writhing throws a thread about him and he may not get free, and Melko ruthless stabs him. Then wresting that bright slender blade from his dying grasp he thrusts it deep into Silpion's trunk, and the poison of Gwerlum black upon it dried the very sap and essence of the tree, and its light died suddenly to a dismal glow lost in impenetrable dusk.

Then did Melko and Wirilm turn in flight, nor is it too soon, for some that were behind Daurin seeing his fate fled in terror both to Kr and Valmar, stumbling madly in the darkness, but indeed already the Valar are riding forth upon the plain speeding as fast as may be yet too late to defend the Trees which they now know to be in danger.

Now do those Noldoli confirm their fears, saying how Melko is indeed the author of the mischief, and they have but one desire and that is to lay hands upon him and his accomplices ere they can escape beyond the mountains.

Tulkas is in the van of that great hunt leaping surefooted in the dimness, and Orom may not keep up with him, for even his divine steed cannot rush as headlong in the gathering night as does Poldra in the fire of his wrath. Ulmo hears the shouting in his house in Vai, and Oss [?thrusteth] his head above the Shadowy Seas and seeing no longer any light come down the valley of Kr he leaps upon the beach of Eldamar and runs in haste to join the Ainur in their hunt. Now is the only light place left in Valinor that garden where the golden fountain sprang from Kulullin, and then were Vna and Nessa and Urwen and many maids and ladies of the Valar in tears, but Palrien girds her lord as he stands impatiently, and Varda has ridden forth from Taniquetil by her lord's side bearing a blazing star before him as a torch.

Telimektar son of Tulkas is with those n.o.ble ones, and his face and weapons gleam as silver in the dark, but now all the G.o.ds and all their folk ride this way and that, and some have [?hasty] torches in their hands, so that the plain is full of pale wandering lights and the sound of voices hallooing in the dusk.

Even as Melko speeds away a vanguard of the chase sweeps by the Trees, and well nigh the Vali faint for anguish at the ruin they see there; but now Melko and certain of his comrades, aforetime children of Mandos, are separated from Ungw, who wrapped in night gets her gone southward and over the mountains to her home, nor does that chase ever draw nigh to her; but the others flee northward with great speed, for Melko's comrades have knowledge of the mountains there, and hope to get [?him] through. There came a place at length where the shadow-veils were thin and they were viewed by a scattered band of the Vali, and Tulkas was amongst them; who now with a great roar leaps at them. Indeed it might have come to battle upon the plain betwixt Tulkas and Melko had not the distance been overgreat, so that even as Tulkas gained to within spearcast of Melko a belt of mist took the fugitives again and the mocking laugh of Melko seems to come first from one side and then from the other, now from his elbow almost, now from far ahead, and Tulkas turns wildly about and Melko slips away.

Then Makar and Mess rode in all haste north with their folk, arousing Mandos and ordering the guarding of the mountain paths, but either Makar was too late or Melko's cunning defeated him-and the mind of Makar was not oversubtle, for no glimpse of that Ainu did they see, though a.s.suredly he did escape that way, and worked much evil after in the world, yet none are there whom I have heard tell ever of the manner of his perilous flight back to the ice-kingdoms of the North.'


1 See p. 117.

2 Lirillo appears in the list of secondary names of the Valar referred to on p. 93 as a name of Salmar-Noldorin.

3 'father of Fanor' is the final reading after a prolonged hesitation between 'son of Fanor' and 'brother of Fanor'.

4 For the story of the taking of rock and stone from Arvalin (Eruman) for the raising of the Mountains of Valinor see p. 70.

5 'sire of Fanor' is an emendation from 'son of Fanor' see note 3.

6 After the word 'fabrics' there stood the following sentence, which was struck through: 'which the G.o.ds could an they listed have created in an hour'-a sentence notable in itself and also for its excision.

7 The MS page beginning with the words 'before the gates of Valmar' and ending with 'unabashed uttered his message, saying' is written round the little world-map reproduced and described on pp. 81 ff.

8 In this part of the tale the ma.n.u.script consists of detached pa.s.sages, with directions from one to another; the place of this sentence is not perfectly clear, but seems most probably to belong here.

9 The dots are in the original.

10 'afterward' is an emendation from 'of old'. A question mark is written in the margin against this sentence.

Changes made to names in

The Theft of Melko and the Darkening of Valinor

Ellu Melemno < melemno="" (in="" chapter="" v,="" p.="" 120,="" in="" an="" added="" sentence,="" the="" leader="" of="" the="" solosimpi="" is="">

Sirnmen < numessir="" (at="" the="" first="" two="" occurrences;="" subsequently="" sirnmen="" was="" the="" form="" first="">

Eruman < harmalin="" (pp.="" 145,="" 152),="">< habbanan="" (p.="">

Arvalin < harvalien="">< habbanan="" (p.="" 145),="">< harvalien="">< harmalin="" (p.="" 147);="" arvalien="" thus="" first="" written="" p.="">

Bruithwir replaces an earlier name, probably Maron.

Bruithwir go-Maidros < bruithwir="" go-fanor.="" go-="" is="" a="" patronymic,="" 'son="" of'.="" see="" notes="" 3="" and="" 5="">

Mru This name could equally well be read, as also at its occasional occurrences elsewhere, as Morn (see the Appendix on Names). It replaces here another name, probably Mordi.

Ungoliont <>

Daurin (Trin) The original reading at the first occurence was Fanor, changed to (?)Daurlas...akin to Fanor, and then to a Gnome called Daurin (Trin). The subsequent occurrences of Daurin are emendations of Fanor.

Commentary on

The Theft of Melko and the Darkening of Valinor

The story of the corruption of the Noldoli by Melko was ultimately told quite differently; for there entered the matter of the strife between Finw's sons Fanor and Fingolfin (The Silmarillion p. 69), of which in the tale there is no trace, and where in any case Fanor is not the son of Finw Nlem but of one Bruithwir. The primary motive in the later story of Melkor's desire for the Silmarils (ibid. p. 67) is here represented only by a l.u.s.t for the gems of the Noldoli in general: it is indeed a remarkable feature of the original mythology that though the Silmarils were present they were of such relatively small importance. There is essential agreement with the later story in its being the Noldoli at whom Melko aimed his attack, and there is a quite close, if limited, similarity in the arguments he used: the confinement of the Elves in Valinor by the Valar, and the broad realms in the East that were rightly theirs-but notably absent from Melko's words is any reference to the coming of Men: this element is in the tale introduced later and quite differently, by Manw himself (p. 150). Moreover the particular a.s.sociation of the Noldoli with the evil Vala arises from his desire for their gems: in The Silmarillion (p. 66) the Noldor turned to him for the instruction he could give, while the other kindreds held aloof.

From this point the narratives diverge altogether; for the secret evil of Melkor was in The Silmarillion laid bare as a result of the enquiry held into the quarrel of the Noldorin princes, whereas here its revelation came about more simply from the anxiety of Finw Nlem about the unrest of his people. The later story is of course far superior, in that Melkor was sought by the Valar as a known enemy as soon as his machinations were uncovered (though he escaped), whereas in the tale, despite there being now every evidence that he was by no means reformed, he was merely told to go and think things over in Mandos. The germ of the story in The Silmarillion of Fanor's banishment to Formenos, where he was accompanied by Finw, is present, though here the entire people of the Noldoli are ordered to leave Kr for the rugged dale northwards where the stream Hri plunged underground, and the command to do so seems to have been less a punishment meted out to them by Manw than a precaution and a safeguard.

In connection with the place of the banishment of the Noldoli, here called Sirnmen ('Western Stream'), it may be mentioned that in an isolated note found in the little book referred to on p. 23 it is stated: 'The river of the second rocky dwelling of the Gnomes in Valinor was kelusindi and the spring at its source kapalinda.'

Very remarkable is the pa.s.sage (p. 142) where Manw is said to know that 'the Elves were children of the world and must one day return to her bosom'. As I have noticed earlier (p. 82) 'the world' is often equated with the Great Lands, and this usage occurs repeatedly in the present tale, but it is not clear to me whether this sense is intended here. I incline to think that the meaning of the phrase is that at 'the Great End' the Eldar, being bound to the Earth, cannot return with the Valar and spirits that were 'before the world' (p. 66) to the regions whence they came (cf. the conclusion of the original Music of the Ainur, p. 60).

Coming to the account of the theft of the jewels, the structure of the narrative is again radically different from the later story, in that there Melkor's attack on the Noldor of Formenos, the theft of the Silmarils and the slaying of Finw, was accomplished after his meeting with Ungoliant in the South and the destruction of the Two Trees; Ungoliant was with him at Formenos. Nor in the earliest version is there any mention of Melko's previous visit to Formenos (The Silmarillion pp. 712), after which he pa.s.sed through the Calacirya and went northwards up the coast, returning later in secret to Avathar (Arvalin, Eruman) to seek out Ungoliant.

On the other hand the great festival was already the occasion for Melko's theft of the Silmarils from the dwelling of the Noldoli, though the festival was wholly different in having a purely commemorative purpose (see The Silmarillion pp. 745), and it was a necessary part of that purpose that the Solosimpi should be present (in The Silmarillion 'Only the Teleri beyond the mountains still sang upon the of the sea; for they recked little of seasons or times...').

Of Melko's dark accomplices out of Mandos (some of them said to be 'aforetime children of Mandos', p. 154) there is no trace later, nor of his theft of Orom's horses; and while Melko is here said to have wished to leave Valinor by over the northern mountains, but to have thought better of it (leading to a reflection on what might have been the fate of Valinor had he not), in the later story his movement northwards was a feint. But it is interesting to observe the germ of the one in the other, the underlying idea never lost of a northward and then a southward movement, even though it takes place at a different point in the narrative and has a different motivation.

Interesting also is the emergence of the idea that a close kinsman of Fanor's-only after much hesitation between brother and son becoming fixed on the father-was slain by Melkor in the dwelling of the Noldoli, Sirnmen, precursor of Formenos; but the father had yet to be identified with the lord of the Noldoli.

In this pa.s.sage there are some slight further geographical indications. The Two Trees stood to the north of the city of Valmar (p. 143), as they are shown on the map (see pp. 812); and, again in agreement with the map, the Great Lands and the Outer Lands came very close together in the far North (p. 146). Most notably, the gap in the Mountains of Valinor shown on the map and which I marked with the letter e is now explained: 'the low place in the hills' by which Melko and his following pa.s.sed out of Valinor into Arvalin-Eruman, a gap left by Tulkas and Aul for their own entry into Valinor at the time of the raising of the mountains (p. 145).

Of the next part of this tale (pp. 1469) almost nothing survived. Manw's lecture to the Noldoli disappeared (but some of its content is briefly expressed at another place in the narrative of The Silmarillion, p. 68: 'The Noldor began to murmur against [the Valar], and many became filled with pride, forgetting how much of what they had and knew came to them in gift from the Valar'). Manw's naming of Fanor's father Bruithwir by the patronymic go-Maidros is notable: though the name Maidros was subsequently to be that of Fanor's eldest son, not of his grandfather, it was from the outset a.s.sociated with the 'Fanorians'. There is no trace later of the strange story of the renegade servant of Mandos, who brought Melko's outrageous message to the Valar, and who was hurled to his death from Taniquetil by the irrepressible Tulkas in direct disobedience to Manw nor of the sending of Sorontur to Melko as the messenger of the G.o.ds (it is not explained how Sorontur knew where to find him). It is said here that afterwards 'Sorontur and his folk fared to the Iron Mountains and there abode, watching all that Melko did'. I have noticed in commenting (pp. 11112) on The Chaining of Melko that the Iron Mountains, said to be south of Hisilm (pp. 101, 118), there correspond to the later Mountains of Shadow (Ered Wethrin). On the other hand, in the Tale of the Sun and Moon (p. 176) Melko after his escape from Valinor makes himself 'new dwellings in that region of the North where stand the Iron Mountains very high and terrible to see' and in the original Tale of Turambar* it is said that Angband lay beneath the roots of the northernmost fastnesses of the Iron Mountains, and that these mountains were so named from 'the of Iron' beneath them. The statement in the present tale that Sorontur 'watched all that Melko did' from his abode in the Iron Mountains obviously implies likewise that Angband was beneath them; and the story that Sorontur (Thorondor) had his eyries on Thangorodrim before he removed them to Gondolin survived long in the 'Silmarillion' tradition (see Unfinished Tales p. 43 and note 25). There is thus, apparently, a contradictory usage of the term 'Iron Mountains' within the Lost Tales; unless it can be supposed that these mountains were conceived as a continuous range, the southerly extension (the later Mountains of Shadow) forming the southern fence of Hisilm, while the northern peaks, being above Angband, gave the range its name. Evidence that this is so will appear later.

In the original story the Noldoli of Sirnmen were given permission (through the intercession of Aul) to return to Kr, but Fanor remained there in bitterness with a few others; and thus the situation of the later narrative-the Noldor in Tirion, but Fanor at Formenos-is achieved, with the element absent of Fanor's banishment and unlawful return to the city of the Elves. An underlying difference to be noted is that in The Silmarillion (pp. 612) the Vanyar had long since departed from Tirion and gone to dwell on Taniquetil or in Valinor: of this there is no suggestion in the old tale; and of course there is the central structural difference between the early and late narratives-when Fanor raises his standard of rebellion the Trees are still s.h.i.+ning in Valinor.

In the tale, a good while seems to elapse after the loss of the treasures of the Noldoli, during which they set to work again with lessened joy and Fanor sought in vain to remake the Silmarils: this element must of course disappear in the later, much tauter structure, where Fanor (refusing to hand over the Silmarils to the Valar for the healing of the Trees and not yet knowing that Melko has taken them) knows without attempting it that he cannot remake them any more than Yavanna can remake the Trees.

The emba.s.sage of Fanor and other Noldoli to Manw, demanding that the G.o.ds ferry them back to the Great Lands, was excised, and with it Manw's remarkable instruction to them concerning the coming of Men-and his expressed reluctance to have the Eldar return to 'the world' while Men were still in their infancy. No such idea is represented in The Silmarillion as being in Manw's mind (nor is there any suggestion that Manw's knowledge was so great); and indeed, where in the old story it was Manw's very description of Men and account of his policy with regard to them that gave rise to Fanor's rhetoric against them, and which gave strong colour to his a.s.sertion of the Valar's true motive for bringing the Eldar to Valinor, in The Silmarillion (p. 68) these ideas are a part of the lies of Melkor (I have noticed above that in Melko's persuasions of the Noldoli in the tale there is no reference to the coming of Men).

An otherwise unknown element in the Music of the Ainur is revealed in Manw's words: that the world shall come in the end for a great while under the sway of Men. In the original version there are several suggestions in reflective asides that all was fated: so here 'the jealousy of Elves and Men' is seen as perhaps a necessary part of the unfolding of the history of the world, and earlier in the tale (p. 142) it is asked: 'Who shall say but that all these deeds, even the seeming needless evil of Melko, were but a portion of the destiny of old?'

But for all the radical changes in the narrative the characteristic note of Fanor's rhetoric remained; his speech to the Noldoli of Kr rises in the same rhythms as his speech by torchlight to the Noldor of Tirion (The Silmarillion pp. 823).

In the story of Melko and Ungoliont it is seen that essential elements were present ab initio: the doubt as to her origin, her dwelling in the desolate regions in the south of the Outer Lands, her sucking in of light to bring forth webs of darkness; her alliance with Melko, his rewarding her with the gems stolen from the Noldoli (though this was differently treated later), the piercing of the Trees by Melko and Ungoliont's sucking up the light; and the great hunt mounted by the Valar, which failed of its object through darkness and mist, allowing Melko to escape out of Valinor by the northward ways.

Within this structure there are as almost always a great many points of difference between the first story and the later versions. In The Silmarillion (p. 73) Melkor went to Avathar because he knew of Ungoliant's dwelling there, whereas in the tale she found him wandering there seeking a way of escape. In the tale her origin is unknown, and though this element may be said to have remained in The Silmarillion ('The Eldar know not whence she came', ibid.), by the device of 'Some have said...' a clear explanation is in fact given: she was a being from 'before the world', perverted by Melkor, who had been her lord, though she denied him. The original idea of 'the primeval spirit Mru' (p. 151) is made explicit in an entry in the early word-list of the Gnomish language, where the name Muru is defined as 'a name of the Primeval Night personified as Gwerlum or Gungliont'.*

The old story markedly lacks the quality of the description in The Silmarillion of the descent of Melkor and Ungoliant from Mount Hyarmentir into the plain of Valinor; and there too the great festival of the Valar and Eldar was in progress at the time: here it is long since over. In The Silmarillion the a.s.sault on the Trees came at the time of the mingling of the lights (p. 75), while here Silpion was in full bloom; and the detail of the account of the destruction of the Trees is rendered quite different through the presence of the Gnome Daurin, afterwards abandoned without trace. Thus in the old story it is not actually said that Ungoliont drank the light of Silpion, but only that the tree died from her poison on Daurin's blade, with which Melko stabbed its trunk; and in The Silmarillion Ungoliant went to 'the Wells of Varda' and drank them dry also. It is puzzling that the Gnome was first named Fanor, since he was slain by Melko. It would seem that my father was at least momentarily entertaining the idea that Fanor would play no part in the story of the Noldoli in the Great Lands; but in outlines for a later tale (pp. 2389) he died in Mithrim. In this pa.s.sage is the first appearance of miruvor, defined in the early Qenya word-list as 'nectar, drink of the Valar' with this cf. The Road Goes Ever On, p. 61, where my father stated that it was the name given by the Valar to the drink poured at their festivals, and compared it to the nectar of the Olympian G.o.ds (in the translation of Namri he rendered miruvr 'nectar', ibid. p. 58).

Most important of the differences in the tale is the immediate return of Ungoliont to her lair in the south, so that all the story in The Silmarillion (pp. 801) of 'the Thieves' Quarrel', the rescue of Melkor by the Balrogs, and Ungoliant's coming into Nan Dungortheb, is absent from the narrative in the Lost Tales; the surrender of the gems of the Noldoli to Ungoliont takes place in the early version at the time of her first meeting with Melko-in The Silmarillion he did not then possess them, for the attack on Formenos had not yet taken place.



There is no break in Lindo's narrative, which continues on in the same hastily-pencilled form (and near this point to another similar notebook, clearly with no break in composition), but I have thought it convenient to introduce a new chapter, or a new 'Tale', here, again taking the t.i.tle from the cover of the book.

'Nonetheless the G.o.ds did not give up hope, but many a time would meet beneath the ruined tree of Laurelin and thence break and scour the land of Valinor once more unwearingly, desiring fiercely to avenge the hurts done to their fair realm; and now the Eldar at their summons aided in the chase that labours not only in the plain but toils both up and down the slopes of the mountains, for there is no escape from Valinor to west, where lie the cold waters of the Outer Seas.

But Fanor standing in the square about Inw's house in topmost Kr will not be silenced, and cries out that all the Noldoli shall gather about him and hearken, and many thousands of them come to hear his words bearing slender torches, so that that place is filled with a lurid light such as has never before shone on those white walls. Now when they are gathered there and Fanor sees that far the most of the company is of the kin of the Noldor1 he exhorts them to seize now this darkness and confusion and the weariness of the G.o.ds to cast off the yoke-for thus demented he called the days of bliss in Valinor-and get them hence carrying with them what they might or listed. "If all your hearts be too faint to follow, behold I Fanor go now alone into the wide and magic world to seek the gems that are my own, and perchance many great and strange adventures will there befall me more worthy of a child of Ilvatar than a servant of the G.o.ds."2 Then is there a great rush of those who will follow him at once, and though wise Nlem speaks against this rashness they will not hear him, and ever the tumult groweth wilder. Again Nlem pleads that at least they send an to Manw to take due farewell and maybe get his goodwill and counsel for their journeying, but Fanor persuades them to cast away even such moderate wisdom, saying that to do so were but to court refusal, and that Manw would forbid them and prevent them: "What is Valinor to us," say they, "now that its light is come to little-as lief and liever would we have the untrammeled world." Now then they arm themselves as best they may-for nor Elves nor G.o.ds in those days bethought themselves overmuch of weapons-and store of jewels they took and stuffs of raiment; but all their books of their lore they left behind, and indeed there was not much therein that the wise men among them could not match from memory. But Nlem seeing that his counsel prevailed not would not be separated from his folk, and went with them and aided them in all their preparations. Then did they get them down the hill of Kr lit by the flame of torches, and so faring in haste along the creek and the of that arm of the Shadowy Sea that encroached here upon the hills they found the seaward dwellings of the Solosimpi.

The next short section of the text was struck through afterwards, the words 'Insert the Battle of Kpas Alqaluntn' written across it, and replaced by a rider. The rejected section reads: The most of that folk were gone a-hunting with the G.o.ds, but some of those that remained they suaded to cast in their lot with them, as already had some of the Teleri, but of the Inwir none would hearken to their words. Now having nigh as many maids and women as of men and boys (albeit many especially of the youngest children were left in Kr and Sirnmen) they were at a loss, and in this extremity, being distraught with sorrows and wildered in mind, the Noldoli did those deeds which afterwards they most bitterly rued-for by them was the displeasure laid heavily on all their folk and the hearts even of their kindred were turned against them for a while.

Coming upon Cpas where was a haven of great quiet beloved of the Solosimpi they seized all the s.h.i.+ps of that people and embarked thereon their womenfolk and children and some few [?others] wherewith were those of the Solosimpi who had joined them, for these had a skill in navigation. In this way marching endlessly along the beach that grew wilder and more evil going as it trended to the North, while the fleet coasted beside them not far out to sea, it has been said to me that the Noldoli got them from Valinor; however I know not the matter deeply, and maybe there are tales known to none of the Gnome-kin that relate more clearly the sad happenings of that time. Moreover have I heard say The rider that replaces this pa.s.sage was written carefully and very legibly in ink on separate sheets, at how great an interval of time I cannot say.

The Kinslaughter

(Battle of Kpas Alqaluntn)

The most of that folk were gone a-hunting with the G.o.ds, but many there were gathered about the beaches before their dwellings and dismay was abroad among them, yet still were no few busy about the places of their s.h.i.+ps, and the chief of these was that one they named Kpas, or more fully Kpas Alqalunte, the Haven of the Swans.h.i.+ps.* Now Swanhaven was like a bason of quiet waters, save that towards the eastward and the seas the ring of rocks that enclosed it sank somewhat, and there did the sea pierce through, so that there was a mighty arch of living stone. So great was this that save of the mightiest s.h.i.+ps two might pa.s.s therethrough, one going out maybe and another seeking inward to the quiet blue waters of the haven, nor would the mast-tops come nigh to grazing on the rock. Not much of the light of the Trees came thither aforetime by reason of the wall, wherefore was it lit ever with a ring of lamps of gold, and lanterns there were too of many colours tokening the wharves and landings of the different houses; but through the arch the pale waters of the Shadowy Seas might distantly be glimpsed, lit faintly with the s.h.i.+ning of the Trees. Very beautiful was that harbour to gaze upon, what time the white fleets came s.h.i.+mmering home and the troubled waters broke the mirrored radiance of the lamps into rippling lights, weaving strange patterns of many twinkling lines. But now were all those vessels lying still, and a deep gloom was settled on the place at the fading of the Trees.

Of the Solosimpi none would hearken to the wild words of the Noldoli, save a few that might be counted on two hands; and so did that folk wander unhappily northward along the of Eldamar, even till they came to the cliff-tops that gazed down upon Swanhaven, and therefrom had the Solosimpi of old cut winding stairs in the rock leading down to the harbour's edge. Now northward thence the way was very rugged and evil, and the Noldoli had with them nigh as many maids and women as of men and boys (albeit many especially of the youngest children were left in Kr and in Sirnmen and many tears were shed thereat); wherefore were they now at a loss, and in this extremity, distraught with sorrows and wildered in mind, they here wrought those deeds which afterwards they have most bitterly repented-for by them was for a while the displeasure of the G.o.ds laid heavily upon all their folk and the hearts even of the Eldali were turned against them.

Behold, the counsel of Fanor is that by no means can that host hope to win swiftly along the coast save by the aid of s.h.i.+ps; "and these," said he, "an the sh.o.r.e-elves will not give them, we must take". Wherefore going down to the harbour they essayed to go upon those s.h.i.+ps that there lay, but the Solosimpi said them nay, yet for the great host of the Gnome-folk they did not as yet resist; but a new wrath awoke there between Eldar and Eldar. So did the Noldoli embark all their womenfolk and children and a great host beside upon those s.h.i.+ps, and casting them loose they oared them with a great mult.i.tude of oars towards the seas. Then did a great anger blaze in the hearts of the Sh.o.r.eland Pipers, seeing the theft of those vessels that their cunning and long labours had fas.h.i.+oned, and some there were that the G.o.ds had made of old on Tol Eressa as has been recounted, wondrous and magic boats, the first that ever were. So sprang up suddenly a voice among them: "Never shall these thieves leave the Haven in our s.h.i.+ps", and all those of the Solosimpi that were there ran swiftly atop of the cliff-wall to where the archway was wherethrough that fleet must pa.s.s, and standing there they shouted to the Gnomes to return; but these heeded them not and held ever on their course, and the Solosimpi threatened them with rocks and strung their elfin bows.

Seeing this and believing war already to be kindled came now those of the Gnomes who might not fare aboard the s.h.i.+ps but whose part it was to march along the, and they sped behind the Solosimpi, until coming suddenly upon them nigh the Haven's gate they slew them bitterly or cast them in the sea; and so first perished the Eldar neath the weapons of their kin, and that was a deed of horror. Now the number of the Solosimpi that fell was very many, and of the Gnomes not a few, for they had to fight hard to win their way back from those narrow cliff-top paths, and many of the sh.o.r.e-land folk hearing the affray were gathered in their rear.

At length however it is done, and all those s.h.i.+ps have pa.s.sed out to the wide seas, and the Noldoli fared far away, but the little lamps are broken and the Haven is dark and very still, save for the faint sound of tears. Of like kind were all the works of Melko in this world.

Now tells the tale that as the Solosimpi wept and the G.o.ds scoured all the plain of Valinor or sat despondent neath the ruined Trees a great age pa.s.sed and it was one of gloom, and during that time the Gnome-folk suffered the very greatest evils and all the unkindliness of the world beset them. For some marched endlessly along that sh.o.r.e until Eldamar was dim and forgotten far behind, and wilder grew the ways and more impa.s.sable as it trended to the North, but the fleet coasted beside them not far out to sea and the sh.o.r.e-farers might often see them dimly in the gloom, for they fared but slowly in those sluggish waves.

Yet of all the sorrows that walked those ways I know not the full tale, nor have any told it, for it would be an ill tale, and though the Gnomes relate many things concerning those days more clearly than I can, yet do they in no wise love to dwell upon the sad happenings of that time and will not often awake its memory. Nonetheless have I heard it said The inserted rider ends here and we return to the original roughly-pencilled text: that never would they have made the dreadful pa.s.sage of the Qerkaringa3 had they or yet been subject to weariness, sickness, and the many weaknesses that after became their lot dwelling far from Valinor. Still was the blessed food of the G.o.ds and their drink rich in their veins and they were half-divine-but no limp had they as yet to bring away, for that was not given to the fairies until long after, when the March of Liberation was undertaken, and the evils of the world which Melko poisoned with his presence soon fell upon them.'

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The Book Of Lost Tales: Part I Part 13 summary

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