The Language Of Spells Part 24

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'What's inside? A love spell? Something she copied from a fortune cookie?'

'Nothing. She hasn't used it yet,' Ruby said, putting the book back on top of the pile. 'But there are these, too.' She pointed upwards and for a moment Gwen expected to see cobwebs or stuffed animals hanging from the ceiling. Instead she saw the usual mix of colourful mobiles, crystals, dream-catchers and scarves she'd expect to find in any teenage girl's room. Not that she knew any, apart from Katie. 'And this.' Ruby opened the wardrobe doors and took something down from the top shelf.

'If you go through her stuff, you're bound to find something you don't like.'

'Can you stop being holier than thou for just one second? Look.' She thrust the object at Gwen. It was a crystal ball a the kind sold by The Crystal Cave. Made of gla.s.s and about as occult as an elastic band.

'So she's showing an interest in the spooky and Gothic; I'm sure kids her age are all about Ouija boards and all that. It's harmless. Just be glad she hasn't got a tattoo.'

Ruby let out a breath, like she was trying not to scream. 'Why can't you be on my side, just once?'

Gwen was shocked. 'I am on your side. I'm being comforting.'

'You're not. You're telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, that I'm overreacting, that I'm just a silly-' Ruby paused, struggling for the right word '...Muggle!' she finished.

Gwen swallowed a smile. 'I don't think you're a Muggle.'

Ruby teetered on the edge, her mood ready to go either way. Finally her lips twitched upwards. 'You know what I mean. You and Mum were always shut away talking about this stuff; I never had a look in.'

'We didn't talk about crystal b.a.l.l.s.' Gwen paused. 'I actually don't remember Mum talking to me about anything very much. She watched me. She asked me to find things. As soon as I stopped doing that particular party trick, she lost all interest.' Gwen was surprised at how hurt she still felt by that. Larkin had been right: They f.u.c.k you up...

'Can I trust you not to tell Katie?'

'About this? Of course.'

'I don't want you to talk to her about powers or finding lost things or tarot cards. Any of it.'

'You know, you've made this pretty clear before.'

'I have worked too hard for this life. For Katie. I will not have it messed up.'

Gwen was shocked to see tears in Ruby's eyes. She put a hand on her arm. 'I promise.'

Back downstairs, Cam and David were sitting in uneasy silence, while Katie had her headphones on and a laptop open on the sofa. David jumped up and began clearing away the cups and Gwen looked at Cam in a way that he read instantly. Get me out of here. He stood up and took Gwen's hand. 'We'd better head off. Thank you for a lovely evening.'

'You don't have to go. It's not late,' Ruby said.

'I'm sorry, I'm really tired,' Gwen said. She hugged Ruby and David fetched their coats.

Gwen waved a hand in front of Katie to get her attention and then waved goodbye. Katie nodded briefly and went back to her web surfing.

After saying goodnight and thank you, Cam kissed Ruby on the cheek and held the door open for Gwen. Gwen tried to ignore the fluttering in her chest.

The night had got even colder and Cam turned the heater up full blast and drove carefully back to Pendleford. It was nice that it wasn't a date and neither of them felt under obligation to make conversation. Gwen leaned her head on the window and looked at the stars.

'Are you okay?'

Gwen roused herself. 'Just thinking about Ruby and Katie and David and us. It's funny how life turns out.' She paused. 'And I was thinking about Archie. Helen's dog? You haven't asked me about finding him. I was wondering what you thought about it.'

'That was a good guess,' Cam said.

'It was more than that.' Gwen's voice was flat.


Cam made the sharp turning into Gwen's road. His Lexus b.u.mped over the rough ground. 'You need to resurface this.'

'When I win the Lottery,' Gwen said, more sharply than she intended. 'Sorry. Nanette doesn't like it much, either. Not doing her suspension any good.'


'My van. Nissan Vanette. Nanette. Obviously.'

'Obviously,' Cam said.

He parked outside End House. The light in the hall was on and it glowed through the stained gla.s.s above the front door, casting colours onto the overgrown path.

'Thank you for tonight,' he said.

'You're welcome,' Gwen said stiffly. 'Thank you for the lift.'

Gwen got out of the car and her heart began thudding when she heard him switch off the engine and follow her. Just being a gentleman. He's just being nice.

Gwen fumbled with her keys, trying to unlock the door. Cam's hand closed over hers and she turned to find him barely an inch away.

'Can I come in?'

'I thought we were just friends now?' Gwen said.

'Closure's overrated.' Cam smiled crookedly. And then he kissed her.

She kissed him back, feeling nothing but relief that he was holding her again. 'I don't want to do this if you're not sure.'

'I've tried keeping away from you, Gwen Harper. Doesn't seem to be working.'

In the hall, Gwen's bag hit the floor and their coats followed a moment later. Cam was walking Gwen backwards towards the stairs when he suddenly stopped short and groaned.

'Cat!' Gwen said.

Cat removed his claws from Cam's leg and began winding around his ankles.

'I'd better feed him,' Gwen said.

Cam had rolled up his trouser leg and was investigating the claw marks.

In the kitchen, Gwen tried to regain some sanity. One night was a one-night. Doing it again the following night was a what?

She was distracted by Cat. He was standing by the back door, fur on end and tail swis.h.i.+ng angrily.

'What now?' Gwen opened the door.

'What's wrong?' Cam put his hands on her shoulders and she realised she must've cried out.

'Sorry. Just got a shock.'

There was a furry mound on the back step. It wasn't moving. 'What is it?'

'It's too big to be one of Cat's gifts. I hope.'

Gwen crouched down, peering through the half-light. It was a large rabbit. Grey fur, streaked with dried blood. Spread around it on the step was what could be more blood if it weren't so crumbly. Soil.

'It's okay,' Cam said. 'It was probably very old. Had a good life, ate lots of dandelion leaves.'

'Blood and bone and earth.' Gwen's voice was hollow. She moved away from Cam. 'I've got to bury it.'

'Now?' Cam said, but Gwen had already stepped over the body and into the gloom of the garden.

She was vaguely aware of Cam saying, 'Right, then.'

Gwen was s.h.i.+vering. She should've picked up her coat. Probably should've told Cam to leave, too. Now he would think she was truly mental. She felt sick, though. Sick with the need to bury that creature, to try and neutralise whatever bad magic had been raised by its murder.

'You don't have to do that now, Gwen. Gwen...'

Cam's voice seemed to be coming from very far away. What had her mother always said? Blood and bone and earth. Blood magic was ancient and powerful and really, really scary. Oh, c.r.a.p.

With a heavy heart, Gwen went to the shed at the side of the house. She found an iron coal shovel and used that to scoop the rabbit into a bin bag. After digging a shallow grave at the end of the garden, marked with a lump of granite taken from the overgrown rockery, Gwen was sweating inside her top. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and discovered it was crispy with frost.

She was breathing heavily and became aware that Cam stood watching her. He had his woollen overcoat back on and his expression was unreadable.

'That's better,' Gwen said brightly.

'I did offer to help,' Cam said. 'I don't think you heard me.'

Gwen walked past him, trying not to think how messy she must look. 'Let's go back inside. Have a drink.'

Cam didn't answer, but he followed her.

As soon as Gwen's foot touched the tile of the kitchen floor, she could feel the wrongness. It flooded her. Bad mojo.

'What now?' Cam's voice was on the edge of exasperation, but Gwen couldn't worry about that now. She paused, one foot held up in the air. She forced herself to put it down, to feel the vibrations that were pulsing through the ground. She took a breath. 'Somebody killed that rabbit and left it for me. It's really bad-'

'No.' Cam closed the door and locked the new bolts. 'That's crazy.'

'It's bad magic,' Gwen said. She was shaking and couldn't stop. Shuddering. 'It doesn't feel right in here. I think the house is angry. Or something in the house. Something isn't right and I don't know how to make it better.'

Cam turned slowly. 'You've had a shock,' he began.

'Can we go to your house? Please? I think I need to give this place time to calm down.'

The drive to Cam's flat was quiet. Gwen didn't speak again until they got there and she was grateful that Cam didn't try to make conversation. He drove carefully and her tension eased with every mile that sprouted between her and End House.

At the flat, Gwen shucked off her hooded fleece and tossed her bobble hat onto a perspex Philippe Starck-style chair.


'No. Yes, go on then.' Gwen looked around. 'Nothing that'll stain if I drop it, though.'

'Why would you drop it?' Cam looked perplexed.

'This place.' Gwen waved a hand. 'It's an invitation for mess. It's a question waiting to be answered. A gla.s.s of red wine waiting to be splattered across the rug.'

Cam frowned at his pale beige carpet. 'I don't have a rug.'

'The sofa, then.' Gwen gestured to the white couch.

'Please don't. That's quite new.'

Gwen sat on it, slipped forward, said, 'Whoops,' and hastily straightened up.

'Yes, there's a bit of a knack to that. I think the leather is polished or something,' Cam said. He disappeared for a moment, then returned with a gla.s.s of white wine and a bottle of lager.

He pa.s.sed her the gla.s.s. 'You seem calmer, anyway. What was all that about?'

'I feel much better for getting away,' Gwen said. 'I think the house was angry, even though I buried the rabbit. I'm just going to give it time to calm down and then I'll be out of your hair.'

Cam took a swig of his beer. 'You are aware that you sound a little nutty right now?'

'I'm not crazy,' Gwen said. 'Someone wishes me harm. I don't know what I've done, but somebody really hates me. And whoever it is knows their stuff, because that rabbit was no accident. Blood magic.' Which, Gwen realised, put Patrick Allen out of the frame. Gwen could imagine him paying somebody to break into her house and sabotage her boiler, but she couldn't see him anywhere near something like this. Blood magic wasn't just the darkest magic or the most powerful, it was the ickiest, too.

'So you think someone killed a rabbit and left it for you?' Cam said.

Gwen took a swallow of her wine. 'Could you stop avoiding the subject, please? You were there when I found that dog, when I cured Brian, I've told you about finding things for my business, knowing things about objects that I couldn't possibly-'

'The dog was a fluke.'

Gwen stopped speaking, her expression carefully blank. After a moment she said, 'No, it wasn't.'

'Look, I know you had, alternative...upbringing, but you don't really believe this stuff.'

'Unfortunately, I don't have much of a choice. I know you think I'm unhinged.'

'No, I don't,' Cam said. 'I think you were brought up believing certain things and that's very powerful.'

'You knew about Mum?'

'I heard the rumours.' Cam looked uncomfortable and Gwen felt a familiar sinking in her stomach.

'You never said anything.'

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The Language Of Spells Part 24 summary

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