But You Said You'd Give Me Delicious Candy!! Part5

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I'm really really really sorry&h.e.l.lip;somehow I ended up extending what should have taken a few days to a few months 

Next update might have to wait till December&h.e.l.lip;but that'll be the whole short story!!!

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But You Said You'd Give Me Delicious Candy!! Part 1 forget to support me on patreon&h.e.l.lip;it might give me some enthusiasm to translate more!!

--Sugoi! Sugoi!

The person who juggled many bottles skilfully while riding a thing that had only one wheel. The people going round and round many time, here and there on the trapeze. Piercing the apple overhead the Onee-San who had been fixed to her position. The lion going through the ring of fire, the bear balancing on top of a ball&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

Why wouldn’t one be excited. My gaze was stuck to stage that was dizzyingly changing colours.
Even though it should have been so,

「--The steps are half-hearted. See, the tempo slipped even now.」

&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;This idiot, just grumbling on and on beside me.
What’s his problem? Isn’t it thanks to him that I’m not able to enjoy quite well!

「Hey Silva, if you wanna grumble, then don’t watch it! It’s better you get out now!」
「No, you’re wrong. It’s neither grumbling nor criticism. This is pure a.n.a.lysis.」

I don’t understand what he’s talking about&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;This guy, in spite of being called 「Fake Prince」by Marie&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!

「Ahh&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;I’m sorry for Mii-chan, but I too have a similar opinion, I guess.」

「The equipment is quite old, and the flaws in the technique stand out. Even if you keep in mind that they aren’t beastmen, the acrobats are all pus.h.i.+ng it with their technique, aren’t they.」

「Y-You still have more&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;?」

Silva, who nodded, turned to look towards the stage.
There, a dancer other than Claris was doing a dance with quick steps.

「&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;The performers are all so thin. I wonder, just how much do they eat?」

It was in no way in a badmouthing tone.

Come to think of it, Claris was also pretty thin. Perhaps, did she not eat that much rice?

This time it was a profoundly calm「Blue」.
Basking in the somewhat lonely light, the person who slowly appeared on the stage was--clad in the clothes of a dancer, Claris.


I wonder if she heard my voice, but Claris, who was onstage looked toward me, and just once, smiled sweetly.

How do I say, the presence she has is completely different.

&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;At that moment, the venue immediately fell silent.

「――Oh, this is a splendid "Aria"1」

Even that Silva, who was giving only complaints, said such words.

It felt as if it was heard from beyond the vast skies--It epwas such an ephemeral and beautiful song.

When they realised it, the sound of the instrument had stopped, and Claris was bowing deeply.

――Sugoi, I thought from the bottom of my heart.

The instrumentalist on stage got ready.
Ahh, while I was rising in expectation of hearing that voice again, --Silva muttered a few words.

「&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;Really, I’m bothered by the number of sc.u.m amongst humans who don’t understand Art. For your heart to not be moved by such a wonderful song--It exceeds imbecility, it’s a “Grave Sin”」

Along with those words, stakes that were the shade of blood appeared. The moment Silva snapped his fingers, they turned towards the ceiling and shot out.


A painful cry resounded.
And a man fell down with his leg pierced by stakes.

「Tch, their numbers are too great&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;Fey, give priority to the evacuation of the audience, don’t let them lay a finger on the citizens of the empire.」

She nodded quickly, and Fey jumped out of her seat like the wind.

The venue was filled with shrieks and screams.

From outside the tent, insect-like black shadows gushed forth. They, without their legs losing way, turned straight towards the stage.

「Is that SongstressDiva their aim? &h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;Ah, hey! Miluge!」

I didn’t turn back to that voice that halted me.

Silva was weaving through the shadows one after another with his magic, but that wouldn’t be enough.

「――O, the one who has come from the furthest corner of darkness, become blood, become flesh, yield to my life, O, the blade that severs light, attack my enemy!」

From the broad sky far above, countless pitch-black swords aimed for the shadows and rained down.
The greatest Darkness Magic amongst the ones I held at the moment. It won’t kill, but it’ll atleast stop the enemy’s movements.

「Rest a.s.sured Claris. I shalt protect you.」

&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;But, truly their numbers are great.

Even though I attacked and attacked, the enemies keep coming and coming. There were even magic users amongst them. Just how many have entered the town?

「Miluege, start your retreat! I’m suppressing the enemy, so run! It’s still too heavy a responsibility for you to fight while protecting someone.」

At the same time as the voice shouting, the crimson stakes concentrated at one corner of the tent and fired. The wave of shadows split, and only there, opened a huge gaping hole.
It is certainly difficult to handle the enemy closing in from all directions. I will protect Claris with magic specialised in creating disruption. It's better to abide to what Silva says here.

「Let’s go, Claris!」
「Ah, Y-Yes!」

I ran holding Claris’ hand.
――That hand I held, was pathetically thin.

1. An aria in music was originally any expressive melody, usually, but not always, performed by a singer. The term became used almost exclusively to describe a self-contained piece for one voice, with or without orchestralaccompaniment, normally part of a larger work. The typical context for arias is opera, but vocal arias also feature in oratorios and cantatas, sharing features of the operatic arias of their periods.

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But You Said You'd Give Me Delicious Candy!! Part5 summary

You're reading But You Said You'd Give Me Delicious Candy!!. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Yuuki-san to. Already has 961 views.

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