Doctor Who: Nightshade Part 12

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The room was packed. Alcohol-flushed faces bobbed 'The patient?' said the Doctor quickly.

amongst a mist of cigarette smoke. Trevithick and Lowc.o.c.k 'It's Mrs Yeadon,' called Trevithick from behind. 'The were pressed into a corner, speaking in urgent whispers.

landlord's wife. Seems to be in a state of shock.'

'She needs a doctor,' Trevithick urged. 'We have to get the Inside the bedroom, the Doctor was introduced to Jill and phones working.'

Lawrence and reacquainted with Robin, who apologised The Doctor pushed his way through the crowd to the bar again for running him down that morning.

and ordered a gla.s.s of ginger beer. Ace was nowhere to be The Doctor removed both his coats and rolled up his s.h.i.+rt seen. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. Trust that girl to sleeves.

get herself lost. No, not a girl any more, he reminded Betty Yeadon was semiconscious, her eyelids twitching as himself. A woman now, even if a little pig-headed and if desperate to spring open. Robin sat by the bed, holding immature.

his stepmother's hand.

'Miss Mason has sedated her,' said Lowc.o.c.k. 'She'll be all 'What happened?' asked the Doctor.

right till we can get proper help.'

'She's been having nightmares.' Lawrence's voice was The Doctor glanced across the room and caught the eye of thick with fatigue and emotion. 'This afternoon I heard her Mrs Crithin, now looking quite glamorous in a tight-fitting screaming and found her in the bathroom. She didn't say mini-dress. She gave him a kindly smile and called 'Evening, anything for ages, but...' He hesitated, looking from his wife Doctor.'

to his son and down to the floor.

Trevithick and Lowc.o.c.k turned simultaneously and 'But?'

looked the little stranger up and down.

'She's been dreaming about her brother, Alfred. He was 'A doctor, are you? Smas.h.i.+ng. Would you mind...?'

killed during the War. She... feels guilty about his death.'

'Ah well. I'm rather busy...'

Robin looked up. 'Why, though? She's never explained it.

'It's just that we're having trouble with our phones and Uncle Alf knew what he was doing. It wasn't Mum's fault our own doctor can't be found.' Lowc.o.c.k looked he got killed.'

appealingly at the Doctor. The Doctor opened his mouth to Lawrence thrust his hands into his pockets and sank his protest and then sighed. He could give a little of his time to head on to his chest. 'She thought it was her fault, Robin.

helping these people. It wasn't really getting involved at all...

Your Uncle Alf was a conscientious objector. He refused to 'Very well.'

fight. At least, at first...'

'Wonderful. This way please.'

'So?' Robin's question hung in the air.



'Betty was just a teenager then. I don't suppose she really can't get anyone on the phone. Would you come with me, understood the issues. Anyway, her friends began to taunt Doctor?'

her about her brother and she started to get at him. The The Doctor looked about evasively. 'Unfortunately, I have whole white feather bit. Eventually he caved in. Joined up.

a prior engagement. Perhaps your friend here...?'

Three months later, he was dead.'

Lowc.o.c.k nodded. 'I'll come with you, Lol. I'm sure they 'How did it happen?' Jill's face was a mask of sympathetic can manage at the station for a few hours.'


Lawrence thanked him and then showed out Jill, whose 'His s.h.i.+p was torpedoed in the Pacific. Half the crew mind was already full of her old charges and their survived the sinking but the sharks got most of them, Alf Christmas destinations. 'Thanks for your help, Doctor...?'


'Don't mention it.' The Doctor smiled.


'Any word on Jack Prudhoe?' asked Lawrence.

Lawrence sat on the edge of the bed and took Betty's Lowc.o.c.k shook his head. 'No. Nor Dr Shearsmith.'

feverish hand in his. 'She reckons he'd be alive today if she Lawrence sighed. 'Robin, can you stay with your mum hadn't interfered.'

while we're away?'

The Doctor had taken Betty's pulse and temperature.

Nodding, Robin resumed his place by the bedside.

'What did you give her?' he asked Jill.

Lawrence and Lowc.o.c.k left the room, discussing the 'Just some of her own sleeping pills.'

relative merits of the infirmary and the general hospital.

The Doctor nodded, producing a tiny green bottle from 'Fancy a pint?' said Trevithick as he and the Doctor his trouser pocket. There was a soft plop as he unstoppered descended the stairs.

the bottle and waved it under Betty's nose. For a moment, 'Perhaps another time.'

everyone was aware of a sweet, heavy odour, and then 'Not seen you around here before, have I?'

Betty seemed to sink into a deep sleep, her agitated limbs 'No. My friend and I are just travelling in these parts.'

settling on to the blankets.

'She'll sleep properly now,' said the Doctor, straightening Back in the bedroom, Robin's ears p.r.i.c.ked up as the up. 'The nightmares have become much worse, then?'

Doctor's words floated up the stairs. His friend? That girl 'Progressively,' said Lawrence. 'But today... today was he'd been with earlier. The one with the long hair and the something different. I couldn't make it out at first. But she lovely eyes. Robin smiled slightly to himself and looked says she's seen Alf. His ghost.'

down at Betty's peaceful form.

'Ghost?' The Doctor's eyes flicked up.

Lawrence nodded and shrugged his shoulders. 'I want her Trevithick had persuaded the Doctor to stay and returned to have professional help. I'm going over to York tonight. I from the bar with a ginger beer and a frothy Guinness.



'I say, Doctor, I wonder if I might ask your advice. I need The Doctor looked up as the door opened and a small, an objective opinion on all this.' Trevithick raised his gla.s.s.

red-haired man came in. Still no Ace. 'And you think this 'Cheers.'

has something to do with Mrs Yeadon?'

'Cheers. All what?' The Doctor sipped his ginger beer and 'I don't know, Doctor. But now the phones are all out of sat down.

order and two people have gone missing. Lawrence told me 'There are some funny things going on in this village, that Jack Prudhoe came in here yesterday afternoon. He saw Doctor. I can't quite put my finger on it but I have this something out of the window and just ran outside. No one's feeling... Good Lord, how rude of me. I haven't even seen him since.'

introduced myself. I'm Trevithick.'

The Doctor looked away. 'I'm sure there's a perfectly 'The engineer?' said the Doctor brightly. 'Oh, my dear rational explanation,' he said unconvincingly.

fellow, I've always wanted to meet you... No. Wait. Wrong Trevithick looked disappointed that his new confidant century, isn't it? Different chap.'

wasn't more enthusiastic.

'Edmund Trevithick,' said the old man, rather crestfallen.

'Excuse me a moment,' said the Doctor, standing and 'The actor. I used to be Professor Nightshade. D'you crossing to where Mrs Crithin was sitting, her mouth open remember?'

in mid-anecdote.

The Doctor gave another of his evasive smiles. 'I get about 'h.e.l.lo, love,' she said as the Doctor raised his hat.

a bit.'

Unseen by both, Robin crept to the bottom of the stairs.

'Well, never mind. The thing is, last night, at the old folk's 'I was wondering whether you'd seen anything of my home where I'm billeted, someone broke in. Someone or young friend?' said the Doctor.


Mrs Crithin pulled a face. 'Not since this morning, love.

'What are you getting at?'

She stayed a good while after you left and we had a chat.

Trevithick gazed down at his pint. 'I saw a figure. In the She did seem interested in the telescope, though, if that's lamplight outside. Just for a moment. But it was familiar.

any help?'

And then, when I found my window smashed, there was a 'Ah,' said the Doctor. 'No doubt she's got ahead of herself terrible smell. And the voice...'

again. Thank you very much.'


Mrs Crithin smiled and turned back to her audience, 'It said my name. But not Trevithick. It called me by the already geared up for another saucy Christmas tale.

name of my old character. It called me Nightshade.'

The Doctor threaded his way through the crowded room 'What did you do?'

to Trevithick. The old man drained his pint and looked at The old man harrumphed a little. 'I'm ashamed to say I the Doctor expectantly.

pa.s.sed out.'

'Any luck?'



'It seems my friend may have gone up to the radio 'That's all?' Hawthorne's narrow eyes dwindled into telescope. I'd better go and see.'

furious slits. 'This is a government installation, young lady.

Trevithick nodded and shook hands with the Doctor We can't just let all and sundry traipse through!'

effusively. 'Thanks again for your help with Mrs Yeadon.

'Look...' said Ace.

Hope to see you again soon.'

'What I can't understand is what's happened to our 'Yes indeed.' The Doctor was already turning for the door.

supposedly brilliant security system...'

From his crouched position on the stairs, Robin watched 'Look!' cried Ace angrily. 'That's what I've been trying to first the Doctor and then, after a protracted struggle into his tell you! I found a body outside.'

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Doctor Who: Nightshade Part 12 summary

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