Doctor Who: Nightshade Part 33

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did... Well, they would cross that bridge when they came to The Doctor stepped back from the entrance. ',' he it.

said under his breath.

Vijay looked up from the ground. 'No. No more. Please.'



Trevithick regarded the creatures with tired old eyes. He The Doctor took his hand and looked down at the ground.

had given them a good run for their money.

Vijay scrambled to his feet. 'Mr Trevithick! Wait!'

The Doctor grasped his arms. 'Don't remember them, 'Use the chance I'm giving you, my boys,' called the old Edmund! Don't you see that they can have no existence man. 'And don't look back. Never look back.' With that, he without you?'

ran out into the fog.

Trevithick closed his eyes and concentrated, but the For a moment, he faced the three creatures, the rain images became stronger not weaker. In his mind, he was soaking his hair. He looked at them steadily, his eyes steely shoulder to shoulder with young Jimmy Reynolds, fending and thoughtful.

off the razor-sharp claws as they ripped through the walls.

Then he launched himself at the central creature, grabbing And there was Margaret, his dear wife, standing just off the its thick neck with both hands. The other two were upon set as the cameras rushed in for the close-up. Little Paula him immediately, their vicious claws flailing at his skin.

had been so frightened of the creatures that he'd arranged Trevithick managed to rain several good blows on to the for one to unmask itself in front of her.

creature's eye before he felt a strange numbness rising 'You see, my dear,' he had said, holding her in his arms, through him. Light began to sparkle under his skin and he 'just a fella in a costume.'

felt unconsciousness overwhelming him.

But now she was gone. Margaret too. And he was just an Believe old man with nothing but memories left to him...Believe 'Edmund?' The Doctor touched his hand.

With one last effort, he flung his arms around the Trevithick opened his eyes and smiled. 'I'm an old fool, creature's head and fell with it on to the moor, kicking his Doctor. Never been a real hero. Not the way people thought boots into its brittle eyes.

I was.'

The Doctor grabbed Vijay by the scruff of the neck and The rain hissed down. Trevithick looked at the silent, dragged him outside. Then they sprinted across the ground waiting creatures.

towards the telescope, trying to ignore Trevithick's agonised 'They're a part of me. I can't be rid of them, hard as I try.

screams as he twisted and melded into the beasts.

I'm the only one who can get you out of here.'

They didn't look back, even when they reached the 'There must be another way, Edmund,' cried the Doctor, double doors.

his voice hoa.r.s.e with despair.

The Doctor slammed and bolted both doors and, turning, 'Not this time, Doctor. No cliffhanger with a miraculous put out his hand to enter the control room. Vijay stopped escape. It's time for Nightshade to do his bit.'

him and shook him desperately. 'Why do people have to The old man's wrinkled face creased into a sad smile, his keep dying?'

eyes misting over. He held out his hand.

The Doctor looked at him grimly, then pushed open the 'Goodbye, old fellow.'

interior door.



A gas-masked soldier thrust his face at the gla.s.s and the snoutlike filter crashed through.

There was a strangled cry from a woman crouched by the altar and Jill whirled around. Just as she'd feared, there Chapter Eelven were dark shapes hovering outside the other windows, their shadows lurching against the gla.s.s.

At once, another gas-masked soldier smashed through, his breathing hoa.r.s.e and terrifying.

Lowc.o.c.k glanced up at the vaulted ceiling and his heart leaped. He threw himself on to a pew and began wrestling with a mouldering banner which projected over the aisle.

The church shuddered again as the Sentience heaved itself He succeeded in prising the lance out of its socket and together, sliding and thras.h.i.+ng about the eves with tottered back to floor level, brandis.h.i.+ng the faded colours of Trevithick's energy within it.

some forgotten Yorks.h.i.+re regiment.

The dead figures pressed to the window had redoubled The soldier stood on the wide sill of the shattered window, their efforts and Medcalfe picked up a heavy bra.s.s candle gazing impa.s.sively around him. There were people snuffer with which to defend himself.

screaming now and further ghostly figures attempting to A pane of ruby-coloured gla.s.s shattered and John force their way inside.

Cleminson's pale hand pushed its way through.

Lowc.o.c.k sprinted down the aisle, holding the lance like a Lowc.o.c.k watched Cleminson's wrist against the pole-vaulter, and clambered over a row of broken pews broken gla.s.s and wondered why it didn't bleed.

towards the window. He rammed the lance into the Instantly, the cold flesh was bright with blood.

soldier's neck and the apparition fell with an agonised cry, It was necessary to maintain the illusion. To keep them blood fountaining from the wound.


Lowc.o.c.k crouched down and ripped off the gas mask. His Need spine froze as he took in the soldier's perfectly blank face: a Need smooth, round head without a single feature.

'Who are they?' cried Jill, throwing her arms around a 'George! The door!' Jill called.

couple of terrified children.

Lowc.o.c.k spun round. The big oak doors were beginning Medcalfe tried to reply but his throat was bone dry.

to shake as something battered at them from the outside.

Cleminson's fingers began to pull at the leadwork.

Lowc.o.c.k bit his lip. 'Albert, Harry, Alan,' he cried rapidly.

Lowc.o.c.k looked about the church for weapons. There 'Get those lances down.' He gestured at the remaining were none visible.



banners projecting from the walls. 'And push the pews 'No one did ask,' he said bitterly. 'I came here to get away against the doors. Quickly!'

from this kind of...' His voice trailed off hopelessly. 'There's The villagers were mobilised now, ramming anything no rest for me. I got involved. Yet again.'

they could find against the windows and doors.

Cooper rubbed her eyes. 'What I don't understand is why 'It's no good,' whimpered Medcalfe. 'They'll be in any it - whatever it is - has suddenly become active. I mean, if minute. Oh, G.o.d!'

what you said is right, it's been here millions of years.'

Lowc.o.c.k began to move towards the doors but stopped as The Doctor shrugged. 'I don't think it was strong enough.

his shoes clanged on a floor tile. He looked down. The tile Those incidents in the past. The Civil War ghosts. Things had a bra.s.s ring set into it.

before that, even. It must've detected them and made what Lowc.o.c.k rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

it could of the situation without being fully aware. Like a hibernating animal turning over in its sleep. For some The Doctor and Vijay almost fell into the control room.

reason, it's never realised its full potential. Perhaps because Ace ran to them.

this has always been such an underpopulated place.'

'Doctor? Are you all right? What happened?' Cooper 'No food,' said Ace gravely.

looked across from the buzzing consoles anxiously.

The Doctor nodded, gazing around the room with red- 'Vijay? Where's ...?' Vijay looked at her steadily. Cooper rimmed eyes. 'Or at least, not sufficient to give it a critical felt her throat constrict.


'Oh no.'

Cooper whistled slowly. 'Until they built this place on top 'And the old bloke too?' said Robin incredulously.

of it!'

Vijay nodded. 'It's because of him that we got back.'

'Very probably, yes. All that activity, followed by huge Ace looked at the Doctor. 'What were you trying to do?'

amounts of electricity, must've acted as a lure. It started He shook his head hopelessly. 'I thought I could reason sending out feelers, gauging the potential energy in the with it. I'd already spoken to it once. I thought I might find village population. So many people with fond memories...'

out how to stop it.'

Ace shuddered. 'It's horrible.'

'And did you?' asked Ace.

'Just trying to survive,' said Vijay quietly. 'Like all the rest The Doctor didn't look up. 'I've failed. It's simply grown of us.'

more powerful.'

Ace felt Robin's hand slip into hers and was glad of it.

Cooper crossed the room and sat down next to him.

'What can we do then?'

'Don't blame yourself, Doctor. You've done your best. No The Doctor rested his head on his hand and sighed. 'I one could ask for more.'

don't know any more. I can't think. I just can't...'

His voice broke into a sob and Ace ran to him, cradling his slight frame in her arms.



'It's OK, Doctor. Come on. You'll be fine. You always are.'

empty front room. He looked around rapidly, almost as if He looked at her but once again his eyes were focused he could detect movement in the atmosphere itself.

somewhere far distant.

'Ace!' he called.

'I saw Susan,' he whispered. 'It knew. It knew everything The Doctor looked up from his brooding and noticed his I'd been feeling. Every pain. Every regret.'

companion. She was gripping the arms of her chair, her Ace stroked his hair. 'Come on, Doctor. You've got to help brow furrowed in concentration.

us. You've got to give us some ideas.'

'Ace? What're you doing?' the Doctor cried, getting to his 'I don't know what to do, Ace! Not this time...'


Ace looked down sadly at her friend. She'd never known 'You taught me so much, Doctor,' she shouted, eyes him to be indecisive. Even when he was wrong, he would at clamped shut. 'Taught me to face my fears, not run away least put his all into it. Now he sat like a broken man, his from them. Remember Gabriel Chase?'

spirit crushed by the grief and emotion of a lifetime.

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Doctor Who: Nightshade Part 33 summary

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