Heated Rush Part 20

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Finally, the waiting ended. Because about six weeks after that awful afternoon in his hotel, she opened an envelope to find no letter. Just a plane ticket. And a note.

"Please come see this view for yourself."

Annie didn't even glance at the destination. She was going.

THERE WERE SEVERAL oceans in the world, and Annie had seen none of them. oceans in the world, and Annie had seen none of them.

Sean would someday like to show her the Pacific-to take her to San Francisco so his mother could meet the woman he'd realized he couldn't live without. Then drive down the Pacific Coast Highway, stopping at little wineries and inns. They'd ride with the top down, as they'd done that weekend in June, with the sparkle of waves always visible around the next turn.

He also wanted her to see the other side of that ocean. He'd never been to the South Pacific and could imagine almost nothing better than lying with Annie on the hot, sandy beach of an exotic island, trying to decide whether the water could possibly be as blue as her eyes.

For now, however, not knowing if she had a, Sean had decided on the Atlantic.

His choice wasn't merely because of its expediency-since it was closest to Chicago. But also because this was the ocean that touched his homeland, too. Now that he hoped to share his life with Annie, he meant to share all all of it. Including that troubled part of his past that had yet to be resolved. of it. Including that troubled part of his past that had yet to be resolved.

He sensed that with her by his side, he could make peace with that past.

"If she comes," he reminded himself as he stared out at the water. It glistened now, vivid streams of orange and red-reflections from the sun dropping into the horizon behind him-dancing on the surf. she comes," he reminded himself as he stared out at the water. It glistened now, vivid streams of orange and red-reflections from the sun dropping into the horizon behind him-dancing on the surf.

She'll come.

Sean had never spent much time in Cape Cod, but he'd chosen this place because it reminded him, at least a little, of home. The sh.o.r.eline wasn't as jagged or rocky, the water and the climate both much warmer. But something about the gray-greenness of the sea and the almost bruised quality of the darkening sky overhead, made him think of Ireland.

Someday he'd go back there. Now that he had someone he wanted to show it to.

Realizing how quickly that sky was darkening, he glanced at his watch. He'd been standing here at the top of a beach crossover for a long time. Annie's flight had been scheduled to land in Boston a few hours ago, and the car he'd had waiting for her at the airport should have had her here by now. If If she'd been on the plane. she'd been on the plane.

He hadn't even turned his cell phone on, not wanting to get a call from the driver saying she hadn't come. He'd preferred to wait, to stick it out, relying on his certainty that she'd show up, that she wanted this as much as he did.

That she'd understood his letters.

Lost in the rhythmic surge of the surf and the whiteness of the nearly deserted beach, Sean began thinking of the words he would use to describe the precise moment when the light disappeared. In case she didn't see it for herself. In case she wasn't ready and he was forced to keep waiting...keep writing.

In case he'd been wrong.

G.o.d, how he hoped he hadn't been wrong.

Fully intent on what he'd do to get her back, he was caught completely by surprise when a voice intruded from behind him.

"It's more beautiful than I ever imagined."

Sean closed his eyes as Annie's soft words washed over him, more welcome and delightful and lovely than the salty breeze skimming across the sh.o.r.eline.

"Yes, it is," he replied, so relieved he couldn't even turn around.

He remained still and silent. There was so much to say and he'd thought many times of how he'd say it. He needed to tell her where he'd gone, what he'd learned-about himself, about his past, his future. Words to let her know how much he appreciated her faith in him, how glad he was that she had come. Explanations to give about why he'd done what he'd done.

And yet, now, with her warm body moving in close, her soft arms wrapping around his waist from behind, her cheek resting against his back, he wondered if any of them needed to be said at all.

Sean moved his hands to cover hers and they stayed that way, standing motionless on the crossover, for a long time. Until the sun had set, the moon had risen, and the only sound was the never-ending churning of the waves lapping the sh.o.r.e.

And in the shared silence, everything was communicated even though all the words drifted away unsaid.

All but three.

Slowly turning around, Sean looked down at her beautiful face, touching a strand of her moon-kissed hair. And he smiled. Bending toward her, he hesitated for the briefest moment before bringing his lips to hers.

Long enough to whisper those three words. "I love you."


Five Months Later "ANNIE, SEAN, HURRY up, you're going to be late to your own engagement party!" up, you're going to be late to your own engagement party!"

Annie, who'd just stepped into her fiance's arms and lifted hers around his neck so she could draw him down for a kiss, sighed at the sound of her mother's raised voice. She supposed she should be grateful that they'd managed a whole half-hour alone in her old bedroom on the third floor before propriety demanded that somebody somebody from her family interrupt. from her family interrupt.

"I don't suppose there's any escaping?" she asked.

Sean smiled, kissed her on the tip of her nose and murmured, "No, darlin', no escape. You're mine, now."

Liking the way he'd purposely misunderstood her, Annie closed her eyes, savoring his touch.

His mouth moved across to her cheek, then down her jaw. Each brush of his lips on her skin elicited a tiny hitch of a sigh in her throat.

She'd known from the start that Sean was capable of great pa.s.sion. But, oh, the man's tenderness simply removed the breath from her lungs and filled her with so much lightness she'd swear she could float away.

They'd made love hundreds of times since the night they'd met, and he could still arouse her with a look. But moments like this truly touched her soul.

"Now, are you ready to be toasted and celebrated by every resident of Green Spring, Illinois?" he whispered before finally pressing his lips to hers for a sweet kiss that removed all worry.

When it ended, though, and he released her, reality quickly returned. "Can't we just skip tonight and proceed right to tomorrow? Christmas Eve is always a lot of fun around here."

He groaned. "Tell me there's no football. I know Jed is looking for some payback for that black eye last summer."

"In the snow? Don't be silly." Teasing him, she lifted a brow. "But, of course, there is is the polar bear dip." the polar bear dip."

"I'm afraid to ask."

Though the annual event wouldn't be held until February, she let him worry a little longer. The man was the king of teasing. In the months that they'd been living together in a gorgeous brownstone he'd purchased in Chicago-with a home office he used for his thriving foreign-market consulting business-Sean had proved himself a master at getting exactly the reaction he wanted out of her. In bed, and out.

Especially in.

"The men all get...p.i.s.sed...on too much beer," she said, having picked up a bit of his lingo in their time together, "and they strip off their clothes and leap into an icy lake."

He visibly shuddered. "I'll pa.s.s."


He grabbed her and drew her close, cupping her hips, holding her against the full length of his body. "No, ceadsearc, ceadsearc," he murmured, "just thinking of you and your family."

"Sure," she said softly, not really caring about tormenting him anymore, not when his lips were brus.h.i.+ng the edge of her ear and his freshly shaven jaw touching her cheek.

"I wouldn't want your father and brothers seein' me like that."

Shaking off the dazed lethargy that had been was.h.i.+ng over her, she tugged away and looked up at him. Grinning, she asked, "Seeing you naked? Why, are you afraid of shrinkage? shrinkage?"

Not that he had any any reason to be. Uh-uh. No way. reason to be. Uh-uh. No way.

She should have known better, should have been warned by the devilish look in his incredible eyes that he'd been setting her up. Because Sean slowly shook his head, visibly trying to look mournful and entirely serious, even though she saw laughter lurking at the corners of his mouth.

"Oh, no. Afraid they'd see how much much I had and be so worried for your physical comfort, they'd try to prevent you from marrying me." I had and be so worried for your physical comfort, they'd try to prevent you from marrying me."

It took a second for his meaning to sink in, and when it did, Annie threw her head back and laughed. Even as she called him an a.s.s, Sean drew her into his arms again and kissed the laughter from her mouth.

"Come on, you two!" Her mother called out again.

Her spirits much lighter, Annie let Sean lead her out of her old bedroom. How he managed to do it-to arouse her and overwhelm her with tenderness, then tease her into such a good mood, she had no idea. She only hoped he never stopped.


In the months since that day by the ocean, when he'd finally let her love him, Sean had done everything in his power to show her he loved her in return. While from very different worlds, they'd managed to create a new one that worked for both of them.

Annie had promoted her a.s.sistant manager to handle the day-to-day business at Baby Daze. And Sean had given up his places in London and Manhattan, making Chicago his official "home."

Well, he'd told her that wherever she was would be his official home. Which was just fine with her.

The Paris place he'd kept. Annie had completely fallen in love with the city, and they planned to kick off their round-the-world honeymoon from there.

"Is the entire town going to be here?"

"Of course," she told him as they descended the stairs to the first floor.

The party was set to begin at seven, but even now, at six-thirty, the neighbors had started to arrive. They all greeted Annie with exuberant kisses and hugs, Sean with handshakes and more hugs. Aunts and uncles came loaded with both engagement presents and Christmas ones, neighbors with food and bottles to keep everyone's spirits going strong.

And despite her wish to get on to the holidays-her first with the man she loved-and not make such a big deal out of the engagement, Annie found herself having a wonderful time.

Because she'd also managed to appreciate this this world, too. world, too.

The place she'd been so desperate to escape was, she now acknowledged, part of her. Knowing she never wanted to live out her life in it did not mean she couldn't appreciate the moments she spent here. What could be better than being surrounded by people she loved, who'd do anything to see her happy...even let her go?

Maybe that's why she'd known what to do when she'd reached the moment of truth with Sean. Let him go. Let him go. Because her family had shown her that's what you had to do if you truly loved someone. Because her family had shown her that's what you had to do if you truly loved someone.

It's also what Sean had tried to do for her. He'd wanted to let her go, to make make her go, so she could escape what he'd believed was his sordid past. her go, so she could escape what he'd believed was his sordid past.

As if she could love him any less for being someone else long ago, when he was the man who filled her heart with joy now. now.

"I love you," she whispered from the corner of her mouth while they posed for another picture. She tried to keep her smile steady-they were waiting for her Great Aunt Trudy's flash to charge back up. A common occurrence tonight.

He made no such effort, turning her to face him, not giving a d.a.m.n about the camera. "I love you, too." That was when the flash went off.

She'd have to ask for a copy of the picture, wondering if the love she saw s.h.i.+ning from every inch of the man's face-and reflecting from hers-could possibly be captured on film.

Throughout the party, Sean remained close by, as if not wanting to leave her side. Even when he was drawn into conversation by one of her brothers or uncles, she always felt his presence. In the middle of the melee, she'd feel the brush of his hand across the back of her neck, or see that smile from several feet away. And they'd silently exchange words, promises, secrets. Almost like the vows they'd be saying out loud just after Valentine's Day.

It was when they were exchanging one of those warm, hungry gazes that could probably be read by everyone around them that Annie noticed Sean's eyes widening in utter surprise. His mouth pulled into a delighted grin. He walked away from her brother Jed, midsentence, and strode across the room toward the foyer, where her mother had just let in another guest.

When Annie saw the black hair and sweet, laughing face, she knew who the late arrival was.

"Moira," she murmured as she watched her fiance grab his sister and lift her into a bear hug.

She was so happy for Sean that his sister had made the trip, she wanted to cry. Honestly, she hadn't expected her to, especially this close to Christmas, but there was no way she'd ever have left Moira's name off the guest list. She'd gotten to meet the young woman during a trip to London Annie and Sean had taken last fall, and completely understood why he adored her.

Moira's wasn't the only name on the invitation list that Sean didn't know about. Annie, however, hadn't begun to believe in miracles just because she was now madly in love. So she didn't expect anything to come of that that invite. She and Sean had talked many times about his issues with his father, and she completely understood-and supported-his need to handle that relations.h.i.+p his own way, whenever he was ready. invite. She and Sean had talked many times about his issues with his father, and she completely understood-and supported-his need to handle that relations.h.i.+p his own way, whenever he was ready.

But one little invitation-and a few jotted lines of welcome-hadn't seemed too out of line. It had been a tiny hand of peace extended across the ocean, one she had never imagined would be accepted.

Only, she suddenly realized when she saw Sean's face go pale as an older couple followed Moira in, it apparently had had been. been.

"Oh, my G.o.d," she whispered, watching from several feet away as Sean stared in shock at the extremely well-dressed couple.

The man's profile was immediately recognizable. Though his hair was more gray than black, his profile hawkish, he had the same bold chin, strong nose, deeply set eyes as his son. This had to be Sean Murphy, Sr.

Forgive me. Part of her was horrified at what she'd done-putting Sean in the position of seeing his father, without warning, for the first time in more than seven years. Another part of her was overjoyed that the older man had unbent enough to come, to take the olive branch she'd extended and return it with his own first step at mending the rift. Part of her was horrified at what she'd done-putting Sean in the position of seeing his father, without warning, for the first time in more than seven years. Another part of her was overjoyed that the older man had unbent enough to come, to take the olive branch she'd extended and return it with his own first step at mending the rift.

At least, she hoped hoped that was why he was here. From what Sean told her about the man, his father could be here to drag him away from the n.o.body-American-farm-girl he'd been stupid enough to propose to. that was why he was here. From what Sean told her about the man, his father could be here to drag him away from the n.o.body-American-farm-girl he'd been stupid enough to propose to.

Ugh. Maybe Sean wasn't the only one in for an incredibly uncomfortable evening.

The two men stood face-to-face for a moment. Moira and the older woman, apparently the stepmother, stepped back to let them talk. Shaken out of her own worry, Annie remembered her manners and hurried toward them. Reaching for Moira, she greeted her with an enthusiastic hug.

"Can you believe he's here?" the girl whispered as she continued the embrace.

"No, honestly, I can't."

Then Annie let her go, turned toward Moira's mother and shook her hand. The woman was very attractive, looking a little like her daughter, but she didn't have the younger woman's warmth. Still, she was polite, and a genuine smile seemed to light up her expression as she watched the Murphy men still talking quietly a few feet away.

As if she felt the tension, Annie's mother joined them, putting a gentle hand on her daughter's shoulder. She didn't know all the details, but she knew enough about Sean's history to realize this was an important moment. All four women watched while everyone else at the party continued their celebration, oblivious to the tension.

Finally, after what seemed like years, but had probably only been a few minutes, a tiny smile softened Sean's perfect mouth. He hadn't even tugged his lips all the way up when the older man in front of him reached out, put his arms around his shoulders, and drew him close.

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Heated Rush Part 20 summary

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