Glimpse Time Travel: Enemy Of Mine Part 23

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"Oh, my darling," he said, but his voice was strained.

She looked down and realized he gritted his teeth. His whole body was so tense, every single sinew and muscle fiber stood out. Something about his control over his body, how he was trying so hard to please her, made her snap.

Her o.r.g.a.s.m rushed over her as she yelled, "William," to the ceiling. Her body convulsed over and over again. The whole time he never stopped circling her nub where their bodies met. Until at last, he clutched at her hips, thrusting himself into her. Within four strokes, he found his own o.r.g.a.s.m and pulled her down as he groaned and spasmed into her body. He kissed her as he came, his lips clumsy but so endearing.

"I love you, Minerva," he whispered.

She collapsed on his sweaty chest, giggling. "I love you." Kissing him along his neck, she adored how he wrapped his arms around her, as if, even though they'd just made love, he still needed her, needed her close. "I don't want to move."

"Please don't," he said.

Tears, yet again, rushed to her eyes, but she staved them off, not wanting to ruin the moment. He was such gift for her. He had chased away her fear that men would only use her. Use her for her money, use her for her kindness, or use her for her s.e.x. It had been something her mother had screamed at her, almost as soon as her father had died. Until that moment, it had never occurred to Erva how she'd internalized that message. But with Will, she didn't feel that he would leave her or use her.

She looked up at him as he tenderly caressed her hair. Her chin against his chest, she said, "You know you're wrong."

He glanced down into her eyes sleepily. "Hmm? What about?"

"You are a knight. You did save me."

He smiled slowly, then reached down and kissed her again.

Chapter 23.

Waking up partially inside Erva, Will couldn't decipher if he was dreaming or if this was reality. He was hard and still under his love. She'd slept on him, and it made him delirious that she felt comfortable enough to do so. Mayhap his erection hadn't truly waned after he'd made love to Erva, which might have been uncomfortable for her. It was for him, but only because he wanted to dive deeper inside of her, feel her warmth and wetness contract around him.

He slid his hand down her back, but was snagged by something close to her derriere. Sensing with his fingers, he felt a small, flat square stuck to her. Lifting his head, he peered over her shoulder to see, indeed, a skin-colored rectangle attached close to her pert bottom.

"It's birth control," Erva murmured into his shoulder.

"Pardon, darling?"

She lifted her head, her warm brown eyes Smiling, she said, "It's a patch. I have to keep it on my skin, so I take in the hormones to make my body think it's pregnant. When my body thinks it's pregnant, then I can't really get pregnant. We call it birth control. I said pregnant a lot, didn't I?"

He lifted his head and spied down at the little square again. "Are you scared of getting pregnant by me?"

She didn't answer, which made him push the back of his head against his pillow and gaze down at her.

Blinking, she laid her head down on his chest again, gently playing with some of his chest hair.

"Darling?" he asked, suddenly panicked and not sure why.

After licking her lips, she said into his chest, "Honestly, I gave up that dream. I stopped hoping to have a husband and a family of my own." Tears trickled down over her little nose and splashed onto him.

He wiped the moisture from her visage, feeling his heart rip at his ribs. He knew what it felt like to give up dreams, to have no hope.

She suddenly looked up, alarm clearly in her features. "I-I wear the patch, because back in my time, I'm so stressed. I work all the time. It's a long story, but I teach my own as well as another professor's, and I'm so tired, exhausted. I still try to write enough to publish something in a journal at least once a year. And-well, I'm stressed, thus, my menstrual cycle stopped. I didn't have my period for months. My doctor got worried, so she put me on birth control to regulate my cycle. I don't wear the patch because I have casual s.e.x. I-I haven't had s.e.x in-it's been a long time."

He tried to make sense of what she'd said. He could guess what casual s.e.x was and thought the term rather a fitting one. But something in him growled at the knowledge, couldn't be helped, when he realized she had been intimate with another man before. She'd admitted she was divorced, and he knew what that meant. Still, it wasn't rational what he felt, and he knew it, but he didn't want to share her with anyone, although he'd had a handful of dalliances himself. He tried to calm himself, but it was difficult. Mayhap because he was still hard, and a little bit inside her.

"Okay," was all he managed to say, making her smile.

"I know I'm not supposed to ask this, but...what are you thinking?"

"Why aren't you supposed to ask that?"

She shrugged, a purely delicious feeling when she was lying on top of him. "I guess it's a thing from my time, where men get annoyed when asked what they're thinking."

"That's rather controlling and awful of men to do to women of your time."

At that she embraced him firmly. "G.o.d, I love you."

He noiselessly chuckled.

"But I did notice how you still haven't answered my question."

At that he laughed louder, and in one move rolled her over, so he lay on her, letting himself into her glorious body just a little more. She closed her eyes and moaned.

"Did I hurt you?"

She shook her head. "No, that feels ridiculously good." Opening her eyes, she said, "And I noticed how you still haven't answered my question."

He smiled and slowly sank a little more into her, feeling her muscles tighten around him, making his desire augment until it roared through him. But he knew she wanted an answer, even if speaking was becoming impossible. "Mainly because my answer is barbaric. I was thinking how I want to make love to you right now, how I don't want you to ever talk about making love to anyone else again. Lord, I sound like a" -he pushed further into her, feeling his erection harden even more- "I don't know what. I can't think of words right now."

She chuckled, which was heaven as her internal muscles vibrated her laugh.

"And I was thinking of all your little doves on your body." He pushed a little more into her.

"You saw them?" Her voice was breathy and sweet.

He lifted one of her arms over her head, where his lips met the inside of her wrist. There, a dove, almost the same color of her skin, just a little lighter, flew. Kissing the small bird, he realized he'd managed to dive just a little deeper into her. "You have one here, and-" he hovered over her, feeling with his fingers for the inside of her hip, the little valley between her hipbones. "You have one here." He kissed her quickly, pressing just a miniscule bit more into her. Then he lifted her left leg, feeling for the inside of her knee. "Here, close to where your injury is, you have another one. That's the first one I saw." He planted her left leg high around his hip, then reached for her right leg and down to her foot. Just skimming along the bone on the outside of her ankle, he said, "And here's another one. Have I missed any?"

By having her legs so high around him, he'd gotten himself that much deeper into her, almost to the hilt. But he was holding back, having fun with this game, with her, and hoping she was as ready as he to make love again.

"There's another on my right shoulder blade."

"Ah, I'll have to flip you around and have a look at it."

She giggled.

As he hovered over her, he asked, "Going to tell me the story behind the doves? Or does everyone from your time have them?"

She shook her head. "No, I think I'm the only one." She moaned as he moved just a tad. "It's hard for me to think of words right now."

He laughed at her use of his phrase.

She took in a sip of breath-Lord, that was bliss. "It's for all the times I wanted to fly free, free from whatever I was dealing with at the time."

Her pain, her suffering, sobered him immediately. He held very still, worried what to do.

"Don't stop."

"Darling, are you sure you wouldn't rather talk now?"

She shook her head with a wide smile. "Where did you come from? I mean, I doubt any man from any time would stop having s.e.x just to talk."

He leaned his forehead against hers. "Now I worry about what kind of men you've met in your past, but also I don't want to know, don't want to even think about it, and I'm fairly certain if I ever met a man you'd known intimately I'd kill him. I'm sorry. Just a little more barbarity from me. And" -he swallowed and lifted his head, making sure to look in her brown eyes- "I don't like this use of the word s.e.x. Not for us, at least. I love you, and I'm making love to you."

She caressed his cheek with her hand and gave him a small smile, her eyes filling with tears.

"I'm sorry, I've-"

But she interrupted. "I was fourteen when my dad died, and my mom wasn't easy to live with. Shortly after, I illegally got the first tattoo I have on my ankle. I asked for the white color, so she couldn't see it, so I could have a little freedom with my own body. I wanted to fly free more times than my body records, but" -a tear fell to the side of her visage, where Will wiped it away- "I will never want to be free from you. Actually, scratch that. I am free with you. I love you too, and I'm making love to you too."

He bowed his head beside hers, surprised his throat tightened and his own eyes filled from what she'd said. Smelling the clean floral scent of jasmine in her hair, he let her sentiment wash over him. Good Lord, he loved this woman. His woman. Mayhap it was barbaric, but it suited him to think of her as his, and his alone. His forever more.

She began to kiss along his neck, sweetly sucking his tender skin. It was more a reaction from her touch, but he bucked into her. She gasped, and he reeled back. But she caught him from pulling out.

"Don't stop, baby."

That was a new term of endearment, and later, hopefully much later, he'd ask more about it. But for now he slowly sank into her again, and she arched into him. He pulled slightly back, then found his way deep into her once more.

After that he couldn't remember words anymore.

The noise that woke Erva was so loud it tore through her deep sleep. She sat up with a start, then searched the sunny lit room. Her body remembered very well that she and Will had made love through much of the night, even waking up once to find a large bathtub and take a lukewarm dip. Her hair was still damp. Smiling she gazed down at the bed, expecting Will.

On the pillow where his head should have rested, was a folded piece of parchment with her name on it. Another boom exploded somewhere close by, and she finally realized it was a cannon shot. She flinched, then s.n.a.t.c.hed the parchment and opened it.

15 September in the Lord's year of 1776 My darling, It is my fault, for I forgot to request to retire from the Army yesterday. Something distracted me. Something wonderful.

I thought it my duty to obey my orders for today. There is no need to worry, since you know the outcome. I will approach General Howe with paying off my commission and retiring immediately. I have also asked Paul to place the announcements of our upcoming nuptials. I hope we can wed soon, and, upon your acceptance of this, Paul will find us a reverend for our wedding.

I will see you when the battle ends, which you never told me how long that will take, but I trust you know. When it ceases we will make plans for our future, either in England on my estate, or anywhere else.

I love you, my darling. You have made me the happiest of men.

Your devoted servant and fiance, William Erva clutched the note to her still bear chest, blinking and thinking. G.o.d, Will was supposed to die tomorrow. She'd never told him. How could she? Well, she wouldn't. He was going to retire, saving his life. Still, she was petrified.

She knew the history, knew what would happen today. Even with new finds and since the advent of anthropology helping the field of history, she knew that what once was considered fact could change the next day. And she too was changing history.

But would it let her?

Where were those bickering muses when she needed them anyway? Why hadn't they come for her?

Erva knew the answer. They were coming tomorrow. They would be here either before or after Will was going to die. And there was no way she would let that happen.

She ran to the bureau, opening it wide and found a s.h.i.+ft. Putting it on in record time, she laced up her own stays. Her last one, she realized. Will had torn her others. Her body smoldered at the memory. She'd loved it when he'd been so visceral with need for her. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s ached, but she had no time to savor the recollection. She had to find Will and make sure he stayed safe. Yes, she knew that at the battle of Kip's Bay the Continentals ran once the cannonade from the British Royal Navy started. But she couldn't put anything to chance. This was her life, the rest of her life, and she needed to secure it.

Frantically, Erva found a white simple dress and even managed to sew herself in, then braided her hair as she left the chamber. Good grief, she'd just thought of the room as a chamber, hadn't she? Yes, she could fit in during this time. It wouldn't be difficult, especially when considering that out of the deal she would marry Will. G.o.d, she really should have studied more about the peerage. Of course, she knew the rudimentary details, but little else. Well, she would learn it rather well shortly. As long as she kept Will alive.

She flew down the stairs where Mrs. Jacobs ran toward her. "Lady Ferguson, where do ye intend ye're going?"

"I'm finding the general and getting him home."

Mrs. Jacobs, the adorable little woman, bit her bottom lip, trying to hide a smile. "I've heard about the engagement and my hearty congratulations to the both of ye, but ye cannot go out into the midst of this war, my lady."

"Why not?"

Mrs. Jacobs blinked, staring at her for a moment too long. "'Tisn't the place for a lady to be." Her voice was calm and trying to be patient.

Erva lifted a brow.

Mrs. Jacobs snorted a laugh. "Ye can't be serious, my lady. Ye can't go out there. Can't ye hear the cannon boomin'? They're raging war, and that's no place for a lady."

Erva took a step closer to Mrs. Jacobs, not too sure what to say. She could tell her she'd been in the middle of a Taliban skirmish with rocket launchers. She could say something about her time in the Army's intelligence unit. She could have said many things.

Instead, she took a deep breath. "Where's Paul?"

"With the General, my lady."

Gritting her teeth Erva realized she'd have to find Will on her own then. She nodded and left without another word. Jogging toward the livery stables, she thought of maybe just running to the docks of New York. It couldn't be that far.

But she was fairly certain that she couldn't make that kind of run in her idiotic shoes. She wore tiny silk slippers she was pretty sure would fall apart any second. But she couldn't find where Will had thrown her other pair, the more industrious leather shoes that were anything but pretty. The liveryman scurried to her, panting.

"My lady, what may I help you with?"

"I need a good horse, please."

Another cannon exploded somewhere east of them, and both Erva and the man shrank from the noise.

"Maybe a horse that's deaf?" Erva asked.

The man with graying hair blinked at her a few times. "You wish to ride out in this?"

She nodded.

His shoulders stooped. "The lord would not want that."

Erva thought of Will who probably wouldn't want her out in a maelstrom of cannon b.a.l.l.s. But she couldn't help but think of tomorrow. He would fight valiantly, although one of his comrades would tease the Continental Army with a bugle fox song that would anger them enough to turn around during their retreat and fight back. It would be the first time the Americans actually made the British think that they were more than just rabble.

After Will's death, which Howe took rather badly, his usual restraint in battle against the Americans was lost. He would beat them again and again.

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Glimpse Time Travel: Enemy Of Mine Part 23 summary

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