Gemini Men: Caught Part 19

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"We shouldn't let ourselves get distracted," she whispered feebly.

"Tell me you didn't want me yesterday." He rocked his hips against her, savoring her little gasp and the way she squirmed against him. "Tell me you haven't been wis.h.i.+ng we could have finished what we started. You were so wet. I bet you're wet now." He palmed her through her pants, the heat of her scorching him.

He kissed her like a starving man, hungry for the taste of her. His hands started to shake as he realized how close he had been to losing her, how easily that call could have come not from her but from the police, telling him she was dead. If something happened to her, he'd be devastated.

It didn't make any sense. He barely knew her, and yet every instinct in him screamed at him to grab hold of her and not let go.

The confusing mess of emotions he'd been struggling with since he first laid eyes on her converged into a single point of need, driving him to take her, possess her, make her his using any means necessary. He closed his eyes, drinking in the taste of her lips, the slick heat of her tongue sliding against his. Her hands tugged the hem of his s.h.i.+rt out of his pants, and he released her mouth long enough to pull it over his head. Their hands collided as they scrambled to pull her s.h.i.+rt off. He shoved, she tugged, until the stretchy cotton was yanked over her head and thrown to the floor, followed by her flimsy excuse for a bra.

He pressed against her, chest to chest, pausing for a moment to savor the exquisite feel of her skin against his. "G.o.d, you feel good," he groaned as her hands skimmed down his back, up his sides, and back down his arms. Her fingers twined with his, and she pulled his hands up to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Touch me," she said, and he nearly came in his pants. He kissed her again, the sound of smacking lips and soft sighs bouncing off the walls of his condo as he cupped and caressed the soft weight of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her nipples were pebbly hard against his palms. His mouth practically watered to taste them. But he couldn't get enough of her lips, her tongue, the soft panting of her breath against his mouth as he teased her.

He leaned in to her, swallowing her small sound of protest as he crushed her against the wall. Somewhere in his l.u.s.t-fogged brain he realized it was time for a change of venue. Without releasing her mouth, he held her by the waist and guided her down the hall to his bedroom. With a flick of his fingers he unfastened the b.u.t.ton at her waist and shoved her pants down her legs as she kicked off her shoes. His own pants and boxers joined her clothes in a pile on the floor.

He fell back across his king-size bed and pulled her down on top of him. He kissed her again and felt the hard edge of her against his nose. He slipped them off and placed them on the bedside table. The silky skin of her back was hot and slightly damp under his hands. The firm curves of her a.s.s filled his hands perfectly. She still wore her panties, her wetness seeping through. He ground his c.o.c.k against the mound of her s.e.x, groaning as the wet satin teased achingly sensitive flesh.

She moaned and rocked, sliding and grinding against him until they were both on the verge. He caught her hips, stilling her motions before he lost control. He pulled her up his body until she knelt over his face. He sensed her discomfort in the tightening of her thigh muscles, in the way her abs contracted above the waistband of her wispy panties.

She s.h.i.+fted as though to slide back down. His fingers closed around her thighs in an iron-hard grip. The heat of her, the scent of her, so wet and turned on, was driving him insane. He wasn't about to let her stop him. "Hold on to the headboard," he instructed, licking his lips as he antic.i.p.ated the first sweet taste.

"I don't think this is going to work," she said, even as she braced her hands on the top of his heavy wooden headboard. "I don't-"

The rest of whatever she was going to say was lost in a gasp as he tugged the crotch of her panties aside and delved his tongue into the drenched folds of her p.u.s.s.y. Salty-sweet honeyed heaven. "You taste so f.u.c.king good," he groaned, thrusting inside, taking her with his tongue the way he wanted to take her with his c.o.c.k. Holding her steady with his hands at her hips, he pulled her forward, sucking her c.l.i.t into his mouth, licking at her with firm strokes of his tongue.

He could hear the moans pus.h.i.+ng past her lips, the occasional "Oh, G.o.d," "Oh, please," and his favorite, "Oh, Ethan." Her arousal flowed hot and wet onto his tongue as tension built in her muscles. He knew she was close.

As much as he wanted to taste her o.r.g.a.s.m, he wanted to feel it more. He wanted to feel her clenching around his c.o.c.k when she came this first time. He'd spend the rest of the night making her come in a thousand different ways, but right now he wanted her to feel him planted deep inside her when he pushed her over the edge.

He took one last greedy taste and gripped her hips to move her down his body.

"What are you doing?" she said, her voice high and frantic. Every sinew was taut, trembling as she hovered on the edge of release. He caught the back of her head with one hand and fumbled in his bedside table with the other. Her kiss was wild, all open mouth and thrusting tongue as she spread her knees wide and settled over his hips. She s.h.i.+fted so his c.o.c.k was cradled against the slick, plump lips of her p.u.s.s.y.

He groaned into her mouth, his fumbling fingers finally closing around the elusive foil packet.

"You feel so good," she murmured, her tongue flicking over his lips as she slid her hot, wet core up and down his shaft.

Reaching between them, he managed to slide the condom on one-handed. He gripped his c.o.c.k, circling her c.l.i.t with the thick head until he couldn't stand the wait. Urging her forward with one hand, he worked himself inside. His breath hissed out of his chest as her slick heat closed around him. "G.o.d, you're so tight," he murmured, groaning out a curse as she sank her hips to take him deeper.

She gave a funny little laugh. "And you're so big." She rocked forward until only the head of his c.o.c.k was inside of her, teasing them both as she took him with short, shallow thrusts. Bracing her hands on his chest, she sat up and sank all the way down, until he could feel the sweet press of her a.s.s against his b.a.l.l.s.

Her back arched, her beautiful t.i.ts with their petal-pink nipples pointing up at the sky, pale skin flushed in pleasure. Her lips parted on a broken sob as she came, her body convulsing around him, squeezing him so tight it was all he could do to hold back his own release. She was so gorgeous, eyes closed, her mouth swollen from his kisses, her inky-dark hair framing her face. He thrust up against her, grinding his c.o.c.k deep inside, wanting her pleasure to go on and on.

His b.a.l.l.s tightened, his c.o.c.k throbbed, but he held back his o.r.g.a.s.m so he could watch hers. Watching her let go, seeing her pleasure and knowing he was responsible made something tight and hot bloom in his chest. Something that was more than mere s.e.x. Protectiveness, possessiveness. Jealousy. Rage. Need.

She brought out every male, territorial, testosterone-fueled instinct he possessed.

Ethan didn't know how to process any of it, so he channeled the intensity the only way he knew how-through s.e.x. He gripped her hips and held her hard against him, rocking against her as she rode her o.r.g.a.s.m out. She collapsed against him, her chest heaving against his as she fought to catch her breath.

He tangled his fist in her hair and pulled her mouth to his, letting her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't even close to finished with her. His hands slid up and down the silky skin of her back and hips as he fought to control himself. She s.h.i.+fted and he froze, struggling not to come when even the slightest movement threatened to send him over the edge. He kissed her again, focusing on how good she tasted, how smooth her hair felt against his fingers until he had regained control.

He flipped her over, keeping his mouth on hers as his hips resumed their rhythm. He sank into her, relentlessly slow and deep. He hooked her knees in his elbows and spread her legs wide, but it wasn't enough. It was as if he couldn't get close enough, couldn't get deep enough inside her.

He gave her one last deep kiss and eased out of her. Her eyes fluttered open, blurry with s.e.xual heat, and she gave a soft sound of protest as his c.o.c.k slid free. Gently he turned her over onto her stomach, urging her onto her knees. Bracing herself on her elbows, she eagerly arched her back and tilted her hips up in invitation. He gripped his c.o.c.k in one hand and positioned himself against her slick entrance. She was watching him over her shoulder as he slid inside, her hair falling in her face in an inky tangle. He could make out the dark flush of her skin and the sharp gleam of her gold-green eyes through the dark strands. He held her gaze as he sank into her, pus.h.i.+ng until he was once again buried to the hilt.

He began to thrust, his gaze drawn to where they were joined. A primitive sound ripped from his chest as he watched the thick column of his c.o.c.k sink inside her. The sight of himself, slick with her juices, made him so hard he thought he was going to burst out of his skin. She moaned into the pillows, rocking her hips back against him to take him deeper.

He could feel her tightening, rippling around him, and he knew she was going to come again. This time there was no holding back-he was going with her. He f.u.c.ked her without restraint, pumping his hips in hard, deep, strokes, pus.h.i.+ng as deep inside her as he could possibly go.

She took it all and begged for more, matching him stroke for stroke, her hips meeting his with greedy thrusts until finally she froze, her p.u.s.s.y gripping and kneading his c.o.c.k, her body shaking as she came on a long, throaty moan.

He didn't even try to hold back this time. His fingers sank into the giving flesh of her hips as his o.r.g.a.s.m ripped through him with such intensity that he nearly blacked out. His release radiated out from the base of his spine, working its way through every nerve as his c.o.c.k twitched and jerked inside her. When it was over, he collapsed on top of her, barely managing to turn them both to their sides to avoid crus.h.i.+ng her.

He looped his arm around her waist, hugging her to him as he buried his face in her neck. He held her like that for several minutes savoring the feel of her. She snuggled against him, so relaxed he wondered if she'd fallen asleep. The air was thick and heavy with the scent of s.e.x. Perfect. That was the only word he could think of to describe this moment. Holding her in his arms, still buried deep inside her, he never wanted to move from this place, from this moment.

But he could feel himself softening and knew he had to pull out and get cleaned up before the condom slipped off. Nothing like the realities of birth control to ruin a tender moment. He reluctantly withdrew, his brain already working on how he was going to get back inside her.

He kissed her on the shoulder and went to the bathroom to clean up. When he came back to the bedroom Toni had pulled the sheet over herself and was reclining against the pillows. She'd put her back on and was watched him warily in the late-evening light that spilled through his half-open blinds. His chest tightened at the way she looked at him, like she was steeling herself, waiting for a blow.

He slid under the sheet with her and pulled her against him. Ethan had never been a big fan of sleepovers, especially at his place. On the rare occasion when he brought a woman home, he usually tried to politely herd her out the door as quickly as possible after the deed was done.

But tonight, Toni couldn't go anywhere, and for the first time in his life he didn't mind. He wanted to stay right here, in his bed with her, kissing and touching her until he was ready to have s.e.x again.

Cradling her jaw in his hand, he brushed his lips across her mouth until finally she parted her lips. He kissed her, deep and slow and wet, and to his amazement, his c.o.c.k rose insistently against her hip.

Her eyes flew open and she broke the kiss. "You've got to be kidding me."

He grinned, sliding his hand down to cover her breast. "I can't believe it either. I just had the best s.e.x I've ever had in my life, and I already want to go again." The words slipped out before he could stop them, but he realized as he said them they were true. Toni Crawford, with her know-it-all att.i.tude in life and her unbridled enthusiasm in the bedroom, was, bar none, the best lay he'd ever had. And something more, but he wasn't ready to put that into words just yet.

Toni stiffened in his embrace, bracing her hands against his chest as though to push him away.

He held her tighter. "What?"

"Don't," she said impatiently, trying to wriggle from his hold.

"Don't what?" he said, sliding his leg over hers to keep her still.

"Don't feed me a line of bulls.h.i.+t just because you think it's something I need to hear."

"Why do you automatically think everything I say is a line of bulls.h.i.+t?" His voice rose in irritation. "Why is it so hard for you to believe I could be telling the truth?"

"Because look at you. And look at me." She gestured down at her body. "I'd be an idiot if I let myself believe the things that spew out of your mouth."

f.u.c.kin' great. Here he was having a case of the warm fuzzies, and she thought he was full of s.h.i.+t. He cut her off and rolled her onto her back, pinning her there with his legs between hers. When she tried to push him off, he caught her wrists and pinned them to the pillow. "You want the truth? Here it is. I just came so hard I thought the top of my head was going to blow off. And the second I was finished coming, all I could think about was how soon I could f.u.c.k you again. Five minutes later I've got a hard-on that could pound nails." He rubbed his c.o.c.k against her stomach for emphasis. "This hasn't happened to me since I was in high school," he muttered, as much to himself as to her.

He could tell she still didn't quite believe him, but he didn't have words yet to explain what she did to him. Instead, he kissed her, trying to translate the emotions roiling in his chest into his touch. "All I know is that I see you and I want you," he murmured against her mouth. He slid his hips lower until the tip of his c.o.c.k slipped and slid against her slick folds. "I feel like I could f.u.c.k you for the next hundred years and never get enough." He didn't know where the words were coming from, only that he needed to stop them before he said too much.

He slid her off her nose and placed them on the bedside table, lingering there for a moment to retrieve another condom. Quickly sheathing himself, he slid into her without hesitating. Tasting her surprised gasp as he thrust deep, he took her mouth in an open-mouthed kiss, his tongue thrusting in the same rhythm as his c.o.c.k. He held himself inside her, barely moving as he kissed and caressed her. He came in long heavy spurts as she pulsed around him, and for the first time in his life he thought he knew what it meant to make love.

Toni awoke a couple of hours later to the unfamiliar sensation of smooth cotton sheets against her naked skin. More unnerving was the heavy weight of a hairy, muscular leg thrown over hers. She turned slowly and saw Ethan asleep on the pillow next to her. He was gorgeous even in sleep, his full lips parted, dark stubble dusting his jaw, his long lashes lending a soft touch to his sharp cheekbones.

The events of the afternoon and evening muddled around in her head, creating so much noise that it was impossible for her to roll over and go back to sleep. As if having someone try to kill her weren't enough, Ethan suddenly had to change his game and throw her for a complete loop.

Far from his previous hotcold routine of winding her up and then shutting her out, tonight he was all hot. Irresistible, with his hungry mouth on hers and big hands that seemed to know exactly how and where to touch her to make her go off like a roman candle.

She hadn't known s.e.x like that existed. Theoretically, maybe, but seriously, headboard-slamming, screaming up-to-the-rafters s.e.x didn't exist anywhere except in fiction.

At least that's what Toni had thought, even after Sunday night. She'd been able to write that off as the result of having gone so long without.

But now she had to face the truth. s.e.x with Ethan was nothing short of earth-shattering.

She wasn't sure she liked it. While the s.e.x itself was amazing, the aftermath left her shaky and unsure, like her whole world was slowly peeling off its axis.

And then there was the other stuff. The way he'd sped to her rescue, made sure she was safe, and whisked her off to his lair. They made love-no, she reminded herself sternly, guys like Ethan didn't make love. They f.u.c.ked.

Then he'd f.u.c.ked her with such heart-stopping intensity-twice-that Toni's nerve endings were still dancing hours later.

And then he'd told she was the best s.e.x he'd ever had. She didn't believe him for a second, but the fact that she wanted to believe him was a sure sign she was on her way to big trouble. All kinds of fantasies were spinning through her head, of what it would be like to have Ethan at her side, at her back, her own macho, protective superhero.

Yeah, Toni knew better than to go dancing down that road again.

Her brain wasn't where it was supposed to be. Someone had tried to kill her earlier, for Christ's sake. Probably someone hired by Jerry, which meant he knew something about Kara that he wasn't telling them, something that was still frustratingly out of reach.

Instead of lying in bed next to Ethan, fantasizing about hot s.e.x turning into happily ever after, she should be doing everything she could to find Kara.

And if she wasn't doing that, she should be figuring out how the h.e.l.l to get her life together enough so she could move back to Seattle before the end of the summer.

Ethan stirred as she slipped out of the king-size bed. His hand reached out, curling into the empty s.p.a.ce next to him as though searching for her. Toni's stomach tightened, and she told herself not to read too much into his unconscious movement. A T-s.h.i.+rt lay discarded on an armchair across from the bed and she slipped it on as she padded down the hall to his kitchen.

His condo was beautiful, though she preferred her old flat in Seattle with its charm and history to the sleek, modern lines of Ethan's place. But Toni couldn't find fault with its polished hardwood floors and high ceilings. Large windows faced the foothills. In the daytime, light streamed in, making the unit seem larger than it was. The living room was furnished simply, with heavy, comfortable leather furniture and of course a ma.s.sive TV. Colorful throw rugs saved it from complete sterility, and she wondered if Ethan had picked them out himself. Judging from his clothes, the man had good taste, but throw rugs seemed like something a woman would choose.

She pushed the idea of Ethan's buying home accessories with a girlfriend out of her head. If she let her mind go there, she'd start wondering how many women had graced his bed before her, and how many would come after. The thought made her a little sick. She forbade herself to dwell on it as she unpacked her laptop and switched it on. She looked at her watch. It was just after one in the morning. They'd heard from Derek earlier. They'd tailed Jerry home from work, and so far he hadn't moved. Toni didn't really expect him to be up working in his home office at this late hour, but h.e.l.l, it was worth checking.

Nothing. He hadn't accessed his computer or gone online since he got home. She clicked open Kara's FacePlace pages, first checking her regular profile, then checking her Kstar90 page. There were no new postings from her on either page. The last message taunted her: I'm chilling out at the beach.

Toni had wanted to believe that was true, wished the instinct that told her Jerry Kramer was lying had been wrong. It blew her mind that he'd tried to have her killed. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who would know and be able to contact a hit man on short notice. Maybe it wasn't Jerry but whoever he was working with. He was getting those millions from somewhere.

Any way you looked at it, Jerry was neck-deep in s.h.i.+t. Now, if only she could put all the pieces together to figure out what the h.e.l.l was going on. Right now she wasn't getting anywhere.

She rubbed her eyes and stretched, wincing as her body protested. Not only were seldom-used muscles tight and strained, now that the adrenaline and endorphins had worn off, Toni realized she was sore from where she'd slammed herself into the pavement to avoid that speeding car.

Maybe a hot shower would soothe her aches and calm her down enough to get back to sleep.

Ethan's bathroom was as gorgeous as the rest of the place, with a huge, gla.s.s-enclosed shower with sandstone tiles that went all the way up to the ceiling. Nozzles were mounted at several different angles, in case the showerer was too lazy to actually wash himself or herself by hand. As she adjusted the temperature, she saw that it also had a steam bath feature. Maybe it was worth almost getting killed if it meant she could stay at Ethan's and indulge in his luxurious bathroom amenities for a few days.

Not to mention the other perks of staying with him She slipped off his T-s.h.i.+rt and stepped into the shower. The hot spray hit her body everywhere, blasting tension from her muscles even as it served as a sharp reminder of exactly how she'd spent the last few hours. Her skin was sensitive, stinging in places where he'd rubbed his whiskered chin a little too aggressively or kissed her a little too fiercely.

She squeezed some shampoo into her palm, the scent filling the shower, bringing back memories of the same fragrance emanating from his sweat-dampened hair as he kissed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and stomach. The tender flesh between her legs began to pulse. G.o.d, she was in trouble. Even a whiff of Ethan's shampoo was enough to turn her on. Shaking her head, she dipped it under the spray to rinse and reached for the soap.

Though it was her same old body, her skin felt different under her own hands. As her palms ran over her arms, legs, and belly, she found herself lingering, wondering how she'd felt to Ethan. Had he noticed the smooth skin on her inner thigh? Did he notice the patch of stubble on her knee where she'd missed a spot shaving?

Her cheeks heated as she thought of all the places his hands and mouth had been, all the things she'd let him do. She'd never been with a lover like Ethan, so skilled, so pa.s.sionate. And he brought out a side of her that she barely recognized. Brazen. Uninhibited.

And, as she remembered her moans echoing up to the ceiling, loud.

The sound of a door opening and closing jerked her from her reverie. She couldn't see him through the steam-fogged gla.s.s, but from the way her blood sang and every nerve went on high alert, Toni knew Ethan was there.

The shower door opened and steam billowed around him. He wore nothing but a smile as his gaze raked her naked, wet form. Judging from the gleam in his eyes and the truly impressive erection he sported, he very much liked what he saw.

Her mouth went dry as he stepped into the shower, the water running in rivulets down his muscled abs and thighs.

Without a word, he took the soap from her grasp and worked it into a thick, creamy lather. Her mouth practically watered in antic.i.p.ation as he bent his head to kiss her and ran his soap-slicked hands down her back. Callused palms slid over her hips, paused to cup her b.u.t.tocks as his tongue tasted hers.

"I woke up and missed you," he said, breaking the kiss. "Everything okay?" His hands slid to her front, closing over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. His thumbs teased her nipples until her knees went watery.

This was wrong, fooling around in the shower when things were so messed up. But he overwhelmed her with his touch, his kiss. His very presence seemed to suck all of the oxygen from the steamy, enclosed s.p.a.ce. "I couldn't sleep," she murmured and placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss against the smoothness of his shoulder. "Too much on my mind."

He squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s appreciatively. "Guess I have to work harder to tire you out."

Was it so wrong to allow herself a few more moments of pleasure, of distraction, when she knew reality would slam her in the face soon enough?

Not when you were in a hot shower with a hot man sliding wet and naked against you, she decided.

Feeling daring, she skated her hand down his abs and wrapped her fingers around his rock-hard c.o.c.k. He was so thick, her fingers barely met, and her s.e.x throbbed at the remembered feel of him sinking hard and deep. He throbbed under her fingers, silky-wet skin stretched tight over his hardness.

She slid her hand up and down and rubbed the plump head against the soap-slicked skin of her belly. He groaned and moved eagerly, pulsing against her palm. Another spurt of wetness trickled between her thighs, the knowledge that she was giving him pleasure was a powerful aphrodisiac.

He kissed her hungrily, plundering her mouth with his tongue as she squeezed and stroked his c.o.c.k. She switched their positions until his back was against the tiles. She could feel the spray of the shower on her back as she slid to her knees, kissing and sucking at his chest and abs as she went.

By the time she was at eye level with his c.o.c.k, he was strung tight as a bow, holding his breath. A thick, pearly drop of pre-come glistened at the tip. He let out a harsh groan when she used her thumb to spread it around, and she felt his fist knot in her wet hair. But he didn't push her head forward, didn't try to push his way into her mouth.

She glanced up, saw him watching her, his bright turquoise eyes gleaming as he waited for her to make a move. His restraint was visible in the way he held himself, every muscle tight, veins in his forearms and biceps bulging. He was on the verge of losing control. She could feel it in the trembling of his hands, hear it in the rough, tight sound of his breath, feel it in the angry throbbing of his c.o.c.k against her fingers.

Keeping her eyes locked on his, she flicked out her tongue, holding his gaze as she swirled it around the head, dipped it into the sensitive slit, ran it up and down his considerable length. His lips parted, his eyelids dropped nearly closed, but she knew he was still watching her, enthralled.

She closed her lips over him and sucked him into her mouth as his groans echoed off the tiles. The taste of him flooded her mouth, hot, salty, and male. She drew him deeper, her jaw stretching to accommodate him as he pressed against the back of her throat.

His legs shook, his hands clenched her hair. "G.o.d, that's so f.u.c.king good," he whispered. "I love the way you touch me."

Ethan urged her on with his whispered praise and throaty groans. His pleasure sparked her own, until it became a sharp ache between her thighs.

As though sensing her need, Ethan cupped her face in his hands. Gently he pushed her head back and slid his c.o.c.k from her mouth. Hooking his hands under her arms, he pulled her almost roughly to her feet and turned her so her back was once again against the wall.

Pinning her there with his hips, he held her face still for his rough kiss. He broke away abruptly, pressing his forehead against hers as he took several slow, deep, breaths. "You're driving me f.u.c.king insane, you know that?"

She wasn't sure if she was supposed to answer that. She hoped not, because at that moment he slid his hand between her legs, his fingers circling and exploring.

"I love that you get so wet." Another flood of moisture surged against his hand as he slid his fingers along her slit. "You liked going down on me, didn't you? It turned you on?"

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Gemini Men: Caught Part 19 summary

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