Gemini Men: Caught Part 3

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"Who's there? What do you want?" The words struggled past her dry lips, intensified the throbbing in her skull.

The disembodied laugh made her stomach pitch with dread. "Cooperation," he said finally. "And as long as I get it, you and I will get along just fine."


E THAN WATCHED TONI'S little Honda pull out of the driveway, half tempted to follow her. And not just because Jerry had told him he expected Ethan to keep tabs on Toni Crawford and any information she uncovered. His interest in Toni had already crossed the line from professional curiosity to personal interest, and his brain was cooking up scenarios where Toni slipped off those nerd-chic while Ethan skimmed her tight jeans off her tight a.s.s.

But finding a missing teen-even one who had probably just overslept after spending the night with her boyfriend-pulled rank over chasing tail. He flipped open his phone and dialed Derek as he pulled out of Kramer's driveway.

"What's the sitch?" Derek asked, not bothering with a greeting.

"Kramer's daughter snuck out last night and hasn't come back yet."

"That's why you needed the logs? I figured they had a break-in."

"Nope. More like a breakout staged by a p.i.s.sed-off seventeen-year-old."

"And they needed you? Why not do a calldown on her friends?"

"No kidding. But the parents say she's a good kid, never does this kind of thing."

"Every parent thinks their kids are good kids," Derek interjected. "For f.u.c.k's sake, Dad thought we were good kids. s.h.i.+t, he thought Danny was a good kid."

"Speaking of, is he at the office today?"

"On a That lazy sack?"

"Right." At this hour, Danny was no doubt clocking twenty or so miles, a typical training run for the psycho ultra-marathons he liked to do.

"I need you to pull some info and text it to me." He rattled off the names of several of Kara's friends and told Derek to see if he could find a last name for Sean the boyfriend. And before he thought better of it, "And find out everything you can about Toni Crawford."

"I bet I already know. Blond hair, spray-on tan? Head the size of an orange and double D's out to here?"

"C'mon, their heads are always at least the size of grapefruits. Seriously though, this isn't someone I'm sleeping with." Yet.

"Good, 'cause you know I don't like to use our resources to stalk your f.u.c.k buddies."

"I don't either, but sometimes it's necessary. Remember Amber? She was wanted in Idaho for setting her boyfriend's on fire." His brush with genital a.s.sault still made his boys shrivel up and duck for cover.

"If you didn't bang everything that moved, you wouldn't have close encounters of the psycho kind."

"Thanks for the advice, but unlike you I want to get laid this decade." He wasn't that indiscriminate. Then he remembered going home with Gillian the night before, for no good reason other than that he wanted a warm body next to him for a few hours. Maybe his brother had a point.

Speaking of warm bodies...Toni's image popped into his brain. Warm, s.h.i.+t. He sensed in Toni a kind of dark intensity that would set him on fire.

But he had his work cut out for him there, if the look she gave him when he said the lipstick on his ear wasn't his girlfriend's was anything to go by. He didn't know why he'd bothered to explain, but he wanted her to know he was single. But instead of looking interested, Toni's plump red mouth had puckered in disapproval as if she'd been sucking on underripe lemons.

"Toni's another investigator." He filled Derek in on Toni's involvement with Marcy. "I want to know who I'm dealing with."

He hung up on Derek and spent the next few hours canva.s.sing the neighborhood. Finding out who she's talking to online will get me a lot further than talking to neighbors who probably don't even know her name. It galled him to admit Toni was right.

Neighborhood life in the twenty-first century.

Maybe Laurie Friedland would provide him with something useful. h.e.l.l, maybe he'd find Kara sacked out on her friend's couch. He pulled into the driveway, not surprised to see a green Honda Accord already parked there.

Kara's friend Laurie lived about half a mile from the Kramer estate in a large ranch-style home that looked like it had been given a recent face-lift. He rang the bell and a harried woman answered. Over her shoulder, he could see Toni standing in the foyer, her brows knit into a frustrated frown behind her heavy

"Oh great, you're here," Toni muttered.

He flashed her a grin, purely to p.i.s.s her off, and turned to the woman he a.s.sumed was Laurie's mother. A brunette in what he guessed to be her late forties, but it was impossible to tell for sure. With her straight, shoulder-length brown hair and an outfit that concealed the beginnings of middle-age spread, she would have been attractive if she'd left her face alone. He knew that women-especially women in this area-worried about aging, but he didn't get why they thought hacking up their faces until they looked like the Joker was an improvement. "Mrs. Friedland?"

She nodded, her gaze momentarily freezing on his face. Ethan widened his friendly smile for good measure. "Ethan Taggart," he said, holding out a hand, which she blindly grasped with her manicured fingers. "I work for Kara Kramer's father, and I was hoping I could ask your daughter a few questions."

"Is she a friend of yours?" She shot an annoyed glance at Toni. At least Ethan thought she was annoyed. Hard to tell, since her face didn't move much. "What was your name again?" she snapped. Toni repeated her name. "Yes, Tory also wants to talk to Laurie about Kara, but we're about to get mani-pedis at LaBelle, and we really don't-"

"Mrs. Friedland, did Toni explain why we need to talk to your daughter?" Ethan asked, using his larger frame to subtly back her into the house.

"You can call me Joyce," she said, her wide smile made a little creepy by the fact that nothing moved above her cheeks.

"I didn't get a chance yet," Toni snapped.

Joyce's smile disappeared as she turned her attention on Toni. "No, you just barged in here, demanding to talk to Laurie."

"Joyce," Ethan said, placing his hand gently on her bare forearm and looking deep into her brown eyes, "I can a.s.sure you we're here for a very good reason, if you'll just let us explain."

She blinked slowly, as though coming out of a trance. "Okay, Ethan, was it? Why don't you follow me to the kitchen and we can discuss it over a cup of coffee."

Toni made a noise that sounded like a gag and followed them down the hallway. Though the house was not nearly as large or as ostentatious as the Kramers', the Friedlands weren't exactly hurting for money. The house was professionally decorated, with expensively upholstered furniture in the living room and dining room and all that knick-knacky c.r.a.p that women liked to put on every available surface.

"Can you tell me what this is about?" Joyce asked. "We really are in a hurry. Mai gets booked up weeks in advance, and I don't trust anyone else to touch my feet."

"As I tried to explain," Toni said, her voice so tight she sounded like she had lockjaw, "We're hoping Laurie might have some information about Kara Kramer."

Joyce barely spared a glance at Toni as she strode down the hallway. "What kind of information?"

"Kara Kramer didn't come home last night," Ethan said as they entered the kitchen. Laurie sat at a farmhouse-style kitchen table, her thumbs moving rapidly over the keypad of her phone. "Have you heard from her at all?"

After a few more seconds of flying digits, Laurie finally looked up. A pretty girl, lanky, with pin-straight dark hair and light brown eyes that stood out from her summer-tan skin.

"I haven't really talked to Kara in a while," she said, a little wary.

Ethan nodded, accepted Mrs. Friedland's offer of a cup of coffee, and sat down at the kitchen table across from Laurie. He watched as Joyce offered Toni a cup, too, almost as an afterthought. Unlike Ethan, Toni remained standing, leaning against the counter as she sipped her coffee. A stray bead of liquid caught on her lush bottom lip, and he watched, mesmerized, as her tongue came out to flick it away. His c.o.c.k jerked to attention, and he could almost feel that hot, pink tongue flicking along his skin. He had the unwelcome urge to forget this interview and grab her by the back of the neck and see how she tasted, hot, sweet, and bitter from the coffee.

He closed his eyes, gave himself a mental shake. He never had trouble keeping a lid on his s.e.xual urges, and now was not the time to get distracted by a pair of mile-long legs and a mouth that would have done a p.o.r.n star proud.

"How long since you've talked to her?" Toni asked. "It's extremely important that you tell us anything you know."

"Are you the police?" Laurie asked, sounding taken aback by Toni's aggressive tone.

Ethan sighed. s.e.xy or not, Toni had all the subtlety and patience of a bull in a china shop. He shot a look at Toni. Let me handle the talking. She seemed to get his message because a muscle throbbed in her jaw, but she kept her mouth shut.

"No, we're not the police," he said. "We're private investigators, hired by her parents to help find Kara."

"Was she kidnapped?" Joyce asked, sounding appalled.

"Right now all we know is that Kara left the house sometime around two this morning and she hasn't come back yet. We were hoping you had seen or heard from her," Ethan said, choosing his words carefully. "We hope she's just at a friend's house and will come home on her own. But in the meantime, we can't rule out the possibility that she's in some trouble."

"Why would her parents hire you?" asked Joyce. "Why not let the police handle it?"

"They are. We're simply picking up some slack." He turned his attention back to Laurie. "So, have you seen or spoken to Kara recently?"

"Laurie's been in France for a month," Joyce interjected. "She got into a very prestigious language immersion program."

"Did you keep in touch with Kara while you were gone?"

"Ah, no," Laurie replied with such deliberation that there was no doubt as to the state of their relations.h.i.+p.

"Wait." Toni pushed off the counter with her hip and walked to the table. "Kara's mom said you two have been close for a long time.

Laurie gave her heavy, straight hair a toss. "Yeah, that was true until this year."

Joyce leaned in and put a hand on Ethan's arm. "Laurie and Kara had a bit of a falling-out. But she won't tell me what it's about." She sighed and shook her head.

"I told you, Mom, we just grew apart or something," Laurie said, her tone full of the sharp exasperation teens had spent centuries perfecting. "Let it go already."

"I don't understand how you can be friends one week and not the next, especially after all this time." She turned to Ethan. "They used to do everything together-dance, summer camp, everything. They even made the Promise pact together. Then-poof."

Laurie remained silent. "Fine," Joyce said, throwing her manicured hands up. "Don't tell me. I'm just your mother." She pushed away from the table and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Laurie alone for the moment with Ethan and Toni.

Laurie craned her neck, listening as her mother's footsteps faded down the hall. "Toward the end of the school year, Kara got into some things that weren't exactly my scene."

"Your mom said you made this Promise pledge with her," Ethan said. "Was the fact that she had a boyfriend the problem?"

"We can still date guys," she said, leveling a look at him that would have slain him had he been under the age of twenty-one. "We just don't have intercourse."

Ethan s.h.i.+fted in his seat. Discussing s.e.x with a teenager in front of a woman you wanted was not a situation he was comfortable with.

"Kara's mom mentioned an online community."

"The V-Club," Laurie said, nodding. "We created a network on FacePlace so we could meet other girls who had taken the pledge and were saving themselves for marriage."

"Girls like you and Kara."

"Yeah. At least I thought so, anyway. But then Kara's parents split up and it really messed her up. She got really angry at her dad. He was always all over her to stay straight, get good grades, all that stuff. And here he was, having an affair and trying to hide money from the family. She said it didn't matter what you really did, as long as you only let people see what they wanted to see."

"Her parents didn't notice any difference."

Another eye roll. "Her dad isn't home very often, and her mom, even when she's there, she's not 'there,' know what I mean?"

"Okay, so tell us more about this weird behavior," Toni said.

"I don't know, she wasn't herself. We'd make plans and she'd flake, come up with lame excuses. Like my mom said, we used to do everything together, and all of a sudden she's never around. A couple of times I caught her in a lie about where she'd been. Finally I confronted her about it, and she told me she'd started hanging out with some new people and didn't want to hurt my feelings. But she invited me to a party right before I left for France. And after that I didn't really even want to hang out anymore."

"Some bad stuff go down?" Ethan prompted. It was hard to imagine what could happen at high school party that would produce the look of disgust on Laurie's face. Then again, she was a twenty-first-century avowed virgin till marriage, so her sensibilities were more easily offended than his.

"Like I said, not my scene. It wasn't a high school crowd. A lot of drunk frat boys and girls jumping into the pool naked. Kara was on something and kept telling me not to be such an uptight b.i.t.c.h, so I left. I didn't want to say anything to my mom because I knew she would freak out."

Ethan absorbed the new information, lined it up with what he already knew about Kara. "What about Sean? Was he at that party?"

"Sean?" Laurie let out a short laugh. "She dumped Sean on his a.s.s after she got back from spring break."

Toni's eyes met Ethan's across the table. "Manuela said Kara had been sneaking out to meet him," she said.

She moved closer to the table until she was standing just to Ethan's left. This close, he could smell the subtle scent of her perfume, fresh and floral. And underneath, a soft, s.e.xy smell that was pure Toni. He snuck a look at her out of the corner of his eye.

And immediately wished he hadn't. With the early-July heat wave blazing outside, the Friedlands had the A/C cranked to eleven. Toni's nipples rose in tight points against her T-s.h.i.+rt, daring him to yank down the scooped neckline and pop one into his mouth. Unbidden, his c.o.c.k thickened against the fly of his pants, and he almost swore aloud. What the f.u.c.k was wrong with him, pitching a tent like some junior high kid? He never let s.e.xual attraction get the better of him.

But something about Toni Crawford and the s.e.xy-librarian fantasies she inspired threatened his normally ironclad control.

Laurie shook her head. "If she's sneaking out, it's not to meet Sean. I think the guy she's seeing is older. I never met him, though."

"So the party was the last time you talked to her?"

"In person. She still posts on the V-Club network, but I don't know why she bothers."

Toni motioned to the laptop that sat closed next to Laurie on the kitchen table. "Would you mind pulling the site up for us?"

Laurie sighed and looked at her watch. "My mom and I are already late."

Toni's stare was cold, hard, unwavering. "Your friend is missing. Your nails can wait."

"She's probably pa.s.sed out somewhere," Laurie said, but she opened her laptop and clicked on the page. Laurie gestured at the screen. "I told you she's fine-she posted a message this morning."

Toni moved around the table until she was standing behind Laurie, who had navigated her browser to a page emblazoned with a banner that read "V-Club. Virgins of the World, Unite!"

Kara had mentioned the social network to Toni, and Toni had even tried to visit. But to visit, you had to be invited, and Kara hadn't offered an invitation. Toni could easily have posed as a teenager seeking support for her s.e.xual choices, but she didn't feel right about lurking without Kara's knowledge.

Now she wondered if she was just as stupid as the parents she mocked who thought it was important to give their kids "s.p.a.ce."

Posted near the top of the most recent messages was a picture of Kara, in all of her blond, fresh-faced glory.

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Gemini Men: Caught Part 3 summary

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