Managed: A VIP Novel Part 37

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He knows. The dirty b.a.s.t.a.r.d knows what he's doing to me. I feel the smile on his lips as he presses a kiss to my b.u.t.t. And, really, I should make him pay for that, but his hand slides up my thigh, and my breath stalls as the tip of his finger slowly circles my opening.

"Mmm," he says, swirling his fingers around, gently teasing. "So pretty."

He dips his finger into me, barely enough to feel, then slides back out, gathering my wetness only to sink back in, deeper this time.

A soft kiss to the sensitive swell of my c.l.i.t makes me jolt. Gently, so gently. Barely there at all, and yet it holds all of my attention. The lazy flick of his tongue, a lingering suckle, little kisses, and all the while slowly f.u.c.king me with his finger.

I close my eyes, concentrate on his touch and the way he keeps teasing, collecting the slick wet pooling at my opening, then plunging deep.

My eyes snap open, a gurgle of shock leaving my lips. He's pus.h.i.+ng his come back into me.

It's so f.u.c.king dirty, so illicit, that heat and l.u.s.t take my breath. A shuddering moan leaves me. I undulate against his touch, begging. Slower. Deeper. Harder. Faster. I don't care, as long as there is more.

A soft huff of breath against my skin, almost a laugh but lower, as if he too needs more. Slow kisses map their way up my back, as he presses me into the bed with the heat of his body. He doesn't give me all his weight, just enough to make me feel him.

He kisses my neck, his breath coming faster as he sinks another finger in. He goes so deep this time, straining against me, it almost hurts. But it's not enough.

"Gabriel," I choke out, spreading my thighs wider.

"Shhh," he whispers, kissing my cheek, sliding his hips between my thighs. His c.o.c.k lays heavy and hot on my a.s.s. His fingers work me, a slow plunge, a teasing drag.

"Now," I rasp. "Now."

"Darling," he whispers. My name, an endearment. They're one and the same now.

I lay beneath him panting and shaking, so hot I can barely breathe. But he's right there with me, his breath a rasp, tremors running through him and into me. He lifts his hips, and his c.o.c.k sinks into me, the fit tighter now because he hasn't removed his fingers.

The stretch burns, and I'm coming before the first thrust. It washes over me in a slow, rolling wave. I cry out, sobbing.

Gabriel pulls his fingers out and grasps my hands in his. "Sophie," he says as he begins to thrust, slow yet intense, as if he never wants to stop.

"Don't," I say, unable to form proper thoughts. "Don't ever stop."

He shudders and groans, his lips against my damp cheek. His answer is one word. "Mine."

And it is everything.


"Look, this isn't rocket science. Simply lift your leg and straddle it-"

"I'd rather attempt rocket science."

"You're kicking up too big a fuss over this."

"It's a death trap on two wheels. Tiny wheels."

"It's a Vespa, Darling. We're going to tour the town on it. Very Roman Holiday."

"We aren't in Rome."

"Stop nitpicking. Come along, get into the spirit. You love that movie."

"True. You'd make a great Gregory Peck, but sadly I'm no Audrey Hepburn."

"You're definitely more a Marilyn."

"I'm not seeing that as a compliment, mister."

"Believe me, it is. Now onto the scooter with you, chatty girl. I want to feel those fantastic t.i.ts pressed against my back."

"I'm beginning to think you have a preoccupation with my"

"I have a preoccupation with your everything. Stop stalling. The day is wasting, love."

"You're not going to let this drop, are you?"

"We're supposed to be relaxing-"

"Careening down mountain roads on this toy is not relaxing."

"It will be fun, and that is relaxing to me. You want me to relax, don't you?"

"Gah. Don't give me that sad puppy look."

"I wasn't aware I was giving you any look."

"Dial it back, suns.h.i.+ne. You're burning my retinas."

"I will if you get on the scooter."

"Fine. Just don't go driving off a cliff and getting us killed."

"I plan on dying when I'm very old and f.u.c.king you while hopped up on v.i.a.g.r.a."

"You really do say the sweetest things."

"Sono pazzo di te."

"Okay, what did that mean? It sounded s.e.xy as h.e.l.l."

"I'll tell you if we survive the ride to town."

"Gabriel Scott-ahheee!"

"Now, listen up, I rode on that speed demon from h.e.l.l here-"

"It's a scooter. Its speed is limited."

"It has a top seed of sixty miles per hour. I checked. That's fast."

"That's hardly what I'd call fast."

"Coming from someone who drives Ferraris, I guess you would think that."


"Bully for you. You won that argument, but you're not winning another. We're eating here."

"Darling, this place is a hole in the wall. There are literally holes in the wall."

"Maybe they're bullet holes from the war."

"Which one?"

"Ha. But you see my point."

"That it's run down?"

"That it's been here long enough to have a history. Look, it's filled with old Italians eating."

"I hadn't noticed. I was too distracted by the rat skittering by."

"That wasn't a rat. It was a cat."

"A rat as big as a cat."

"Stop being such a sn.o.b. Jesus, didn't you grow up in poverty?"

"Which means I know enough to stay away from dives."

"Argh. Look, you want great food, you go where the grandmas cook. See? There's a little nonna in that kitchen."

"Well, I suppose that's-"

"We're eating here."

"Did you just tweak my nipple?"

"Is that rhetorical?"

"Beware, chatty girl. I can retaliate."

"Promise? Ooh, I like that smolder, it's very Flynn Ryder."

"You're comparing me to cartoon characters now?"

"Animated characters. Huge difference. And it's cute that you know who he is. Come on, suns.h.i.+ne."


"See? Didn't I tell you? Delicious food."

"Yes, you're very smart. Shut up."

"Another Princess Bride quote. You, Gabriel Scott, are my perfect man."

"You say the sweetest things, chatty girl."

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Managed: A VIP Novel Part 37 summary

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