Trinity Masters: Primal Passion Part 12

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Deni shook her head and continued to struggle, though it was obvious she was outnumbered.

"Cry uncle now and we'll lighten your punishment. Go easy on you."

Deni stilled. "Punishment?" There was no mistaking the breathless excitement in her tone.

Gunner tugged her closer, let her feel his hard c.o.c.k against her stomach. "Forget it. Offer's rescinded."

Price held Deni's arms behind her as Gunner untied the string holding her pajama pants up. Deni stopped fighting. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were thrust out from Price's capture, rising and falling rapidly as she tried to catch her breath from the chase. Gunner couldn't look away. Her nipples were tight and poking through the thin material of her T-s.h.i.+rt. He imagined what they would look like with nipple clamps.

Impatient for more, Gunner roughly shoved her pants and panties over her hips, past her knees. "Kick them off."

She obeyed, bare from the waist down in seconds.

Gunner was torn between asking Price to release her so they could strip off her s.h.i.+rt and having him grip her tighter. He wasn't sure why he found the image of her confinement so arousing.

Price took the decision from him. "Lift that tablecloth and push the dishes and utensils toward the middle."

Gunner grinned, understanding exactly what Price wanted. He bared a spot on the table and Price pushed Deni over the surface. She s.h.i.+vered. Arousal? A chill caused by the cool wood? It didn't matter. Gunner intended to warm her up soon enough.

Price kept his grip tight against Deni's wrists. "You were a bad girl, Denise."

She shook her head, but Gunner couldn't tell if she was denying his words or trying to ward off her needs.

Gunner pushed her legs apart and pressed two fingers deep inside her. She was on fire, drenched. Their woman loved the thrill of the chase. Good.

Because Gunner would want to do this again. And again.

He thrust his fingers in and out several times until Deni moaned, lifting her hips in silent invitation for more. Then he withdrew. "Nope. No reward for you. This is punishment, remember?"

Deni closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against the smooth surface of the table. "Please," she begged.

Price s.h.i.+fted, holding both her hands with one of his. With his free hand, he swatted her a.s.s. It was a light blow. Deni jerked, but Gunner knew it was surprise, not pain that prompted her response.

"Do that again."

Gunner grinned at her request and complied. Unlike Price, he added a bit of force to the motion.

She groaned but didn't try to escape. "Again."

Price answered her call this time. They took turns spanking her as Deni started to squirm on the table, her body overheated, looking for satisfaction.

Price thrust three fingers inside her p.u.s.s.y, and Deni cried out. Price still held her wrists tightly, the captivity obviously driving her arousal higher.

"More," she demanded.

Gunner reached toward her s.e.x and his gaze locked with Price's. The man nodded in silent understanding. Price removed two of his fingers, allowing Gunner to enter her body as well. Their knuckles rubbed together as each of them pressed a finger deep into her. Deni's cries encouraged them to push harder, faster.

Gunner was surprised when Price pulled his finger out. Then, as Gunner watched, Price pressed his wet digit against her a.n.u.s. Deni's thras.h.i.+ng stilled, but she didn't try to get away.

"Yes," she hissed.

Price entered her, his finger slowly moving in past the first knuckle, then the second. Gunner withdrew, returning to her p.u.s.s.y with three fingers. He stroked her slowly as Price continued to press into her a.s.s.

When Price was fully lodged, they all froze, the moment charged with electricity, heat, desire. Then they moved, taking both her holes at the same time.

Her o.r.g.a.s.m came hard, her inner muscles clenching tightly. Gunner felt lightheaded as he recalled how amazing her climax felt against his c.o.c.k. His jeans were too tight, cutting into his d.i.c.k until he was in true physical pain. He couldn't wait another second longer.

"Upstairs," Gunner said, his voice husky, hungry.

He expected Price to agree. Instead, Price shook his head and released his grip on Deni's hands. He helped her stand, supporting her with his undeniable strength. Gunner had always considered himself well built, but that was before he'd come face-to-face with Price Bennett. Price would give the Mr. Universe contenders a run for their money.

"Deni," Price started. "If we go upstairs now, this experiment continues."

Deni nodded slowly, but Price wasn't appeased.

"Do you understand what I'm saying? I want to take your a.s.s while Gunner f.u.c.ks your p.u.s.s.y."

Deni winced slightly. No doubt she found Price's words crude. It didn't matter. Gunner appreciated his friend's blunt honesty.

Gunner cupped her cheek. "Will you take us both?"

She bit her lower lip and, for a painfully long moment, it felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. Then she said, "Yes."

Her agreement released Price's restraint. He lifted her and carried her upstairs to his bedroom as Gunner followed, his head whirling over what they were about to do. Christ. Sometimes it was hard to recall they'd only been together in this triad a few days. So much had happened. It felt like they were constantly moving in fast-forward.

Except for the times when they came together like this. Then time slowed down as they escaped the world, the worries at work, the threat to Deni, the craziness of this relations.h.i.+p. In moments like these, everything just clicked.

Price carried Deni to the bed. He placed her on her feet and quickly stripped off her s.h.i.+rt. Then he gestured for her to crawl onto the mattress. Deni took her place in the middle. One night in this bed and they'd already claimed sides, pillows.

He and Price both undressed before joining her.

Gunner reached for her, pulled her in his arms and kissed her. He was aware of Price moving around behind them, the sound of a drawer opening and closing, but he was too wrapped up in Deni's soft lips, her sweet taste, her hot breath on his face, to care what Price was doing.

They parted when Price rolled closer, tugging Deni away from him. "Get in the middle, Gunner. On your back."

Gunner didn't mind taking directions from Price. He'd noticed several times that they'd fallen into a tacit agreement. Sometimes Price took the lead, other times Gunner did. There was no contest between them. Just the give and take required to make a relations.h.i.+p like this work.

Gunner moved into position as Price instructed Deni to straddle him. Deni lifted her leg, kneeling over Gunner on her hands and knees. His c.o.c.k was hard, lying on his stomach. He reached down to grip it, pus.h.i.+ng it up. "Come here, Deni. I want to be inside you."

She smiled, lifting her hips and sinking down so slowly Gunner saw stars. Her innocence was truly gone, and left in its place was a pa.s.sionate woman with needs that were almost as primal as his. There was no denying or refusing them.

When she was fully seated, Gunner gripped her hips firmly and held her in place.

"Lean forward." Price gently pressed on Deni's upper back until she lay atop Gunner. Her nipples rubbed against his chest until Gunner couldn't resist giving them a quick squeeze. Deni's eyes glazed with desire as he lightly pinched her nipples.

"Raise your hands above your head, Denise."

Both Deni and Gunner glanced up as Price captured her wrists once more, securing them to the middle of his headboard with straps Gunner hadn't noticed the night before.

"Your captivity isn't over yet." Price's dark threat caused Deni to s.h.i.+ver.

Gunner tightened his grip on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "You're ours."

The room fell silent as Price took his place behind Deni. Like her, he straddled Gunner's legs, allowing him to feel the heavy weight of Price's b.a.l.l.s on his s.h.i.+ns. He'd never been attracted to a man, never truly let himself imagine being in bed with another man, even though he knew it was a distinct possibility when he joined the Trinity Masters. However, Price's nudity and his actions fueled Gunner's arousal even more. He wondered if their s.e.xual exploration would stop with the things they could do with Deni or if-eventually-somewhere down the road, this menage would evolve into even more. Gunner would have sworn at the introduction ceremony h.e.l.l would freeze over before he'd consider that. Now he wasn't so sure.

Gunner watched as Price flipped the cap on a tube of lubrication. He pressed the nozzle to Deni's a.s.s. She started to lift up, but Gunner wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her in place. She wouldn't have been able to escape anyway given the ties on her wrists, but he understood the effect Price was aiming for.

They both longed to capture, to possess their precious wife, bind her to them in ways she'd never imagined existed.

Deni groaned as Price worked his fingers into her a.s.s. Gunner's c.o.c.k was still buried deep inside her and he could feel the other man's progress. Jesus. He could feel it.

For several painfully arousing minutes, Price stretched her, allowing her ample time to become accustomed to the invasion while adding more and more lube. Finally, he withdrew and replaced his fingers with his c.o.c.k.

Time stood still as Price slowly drove his erection in. Gunner suspected neither he nor Deni took a breath as Price went deeper.

When he was fully lodged, Gunner sucked in some much needed air. "Breathe, Deni."

She lifted her head from where it lay on his chest and looked at him. "Wow," she whispered.

Gunner chuckled. "You can say that again."

"Does it hurt, Denise?"

She shook her head. "A little, but not too much. I like it."

Price withdrew a fraction of an inch and then thrust back, adding some force to his action. Deni gasped.

"You still like it?"

She nodded, so Price continued to up the ante, pulling out farther on each retreat, coming back in harder, deeper.

Gunner picked up the pace, lifting Deni's hips, moving her on his c.o.c.k in time with Price's f.u.c.king. Gunner had never felt anything so incredible.

The thin wall of tissue inside her that separated his c.o.c.k from Price's d.i.c.k seemed non-existent, and Gunner felt like he was the one being f.u.c.ked by two lovers.

The silence in the room was filled by their quiet groans and the sounds of their flesh slapping against each other. Sweat trickled along Gunner's cheek. Deni's skin grew damp as well, making it harder for him to hold on to her. Soon pa.s.sion overrode everything, and their motions became erratic as each of them reached for their climax.

Deni came loudly, her clenching p.u.s.s.y shoving Gunner over as well. Price was two heartbeats behind them and they tumbled together.

When Gunner opened his eyes, he realized Price was no longer inside Deni's a.s.s. Price released the straps and then tugged Deni's boneless form to the side. Gunner caught Price's gaze and the other man smiled.

"Can't decide if she fell asleep or pa.s.sed out," Price whispered.

Gunner grinned. Deni's head still rested on his shoulder as Price spooned her from behind. It was midday, but neither of them bothered to rise.

Gunner recalled Price's admission about partic.i.p.ating in menage s.e.x. "Have you ever done that before?"

Price shook his head. "No. It felt like..." Price's words faded.

Gunner understood. "Like we were f.u.c.king each other as well as her."

Price studied Gunner's face and then nodded. "It was good."

They lay in silence for several minutes, the two of them simply looking at each other across Deni's body.

Finally, Gunner said, "It was really good."

Price grinned and they both closed their eyes. There was still so much to figure out, to uncover, to enjoy.

Gunner couldn't wait.

Chapter Seven.

Deni looked out the window, staring at Price's beautifully landscaped front yard and watched the sun rise on her fifth day at the mansion. She hadn't left the place since Price brought her and Gunner here from the hospital. Gunner said her lab was still under the control of the Boston Police Department and no amount of flas.h.i.+ng his FBI credentials or yelling on his part was going to get her back in, but there was a part of her that wasn't sure she completely believed that.

She called Curtis every day to check on him. She'd asked to visit him a couple times, but whenever she made the suggestion, Price and Gunner had seduced her until she forgot everything...including her own name.

She'd spent the first few days lost in a haze of non-stop s.e.x. Years of abstinence had been put to rest by nights-and days-of endless craving...and indulging. She'd fallen under Price and Gunner's spell, her addiction to their touches, their kisses, too powerful to resist.

Today, she'd shaken herself free of the enchantment. The hourgla.s.s had precious few bits of sand left to fall and she really needed to go back to work. She hadn't exaggerated the time sensitivity of her research. It was time she broke the chains of their s.e.xual captivity.

Her gaze fell on her car. Price's driver had gone to pick it up from the lab and bring it back here the day before yesterday. Roman had handed her the keys upon his return and she'd put them in her messenger bag.

The three of them had stayed up late last night, reaching out for each other even though their bodies had been pushed to the limit of sheer exhaustion. Now it was early and she suspected they'd sleep several more hours.

Good. It was time to take control of her life back. She'd spoken to the lab director every day and he'd a.s.sured her nothing else amiss had occurred. Obviously the lockdown was working.

Deni grabbed her purse and jacket and quietly let herself out of the house after disengaging the lock on the front gate. She pressed a b.u.t.ton and watched it swing open. Freedom was within her grasp.

Hopefully she'd get a few hours of work in before her overprotective lovers discovered her missing. If she could prove to them their concerns were unfounded, perhaps they would allow her to return to the lab again.

She wasn't stupid. She knew they'd be p.i.s.sed off at her for leaving. But she'd also experienced their brand of punishment. It certainly didn't encourage her to behave. She loved being naughty, wicked, wild. She felt like someone completely different with Price and Gunner, and she enjoyed being this new woman, wondering if she'd actually changed or if she'd just managed to find the person she was meant to be all along.

She gently closed her car door and started the engine, holding her breath lest Price and Gunner come racing out of the front door. No one appeared, so she put the car in drive and escaped.

Her commute took half the time as normal. There were far fewer cars on the road at this time of the morning. She used her fob to enter the building and headed upstairs. She narrowed her eyes when she pa.s.sed her lab, discovering no crime-scene tape blocking her way. Her temper spiked. She knew it. The few girly movies she'd seen said that she should be angry at them for lying to her, but that seemed like a waste of emotion. She'd suspected the lie and now confirmed it. In the future she'd simply have to be more investigative with their statements.

Logic told her they believed they were protecting her. It touched her that they cared so much about her that they'd lie to keep her safe.

As she considered that, she re-evaluated. Maybe she was being led by her feelings. Because right now, her heart was telling her she was in love with Price and Gunner and she'd forgive them anything.

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Trinity Masters: Primal Passion Part 12 summary

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