Off Screen: Waiting In The Wings Part 2

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"You have to swim?" Emma asked. Vicki looked at Emma and nodded. "Sweetheart, you're not even awake yet."

"S'am, Mommy."

Addison snickered. "I can see that."

"We gets a bishy," Vicki chirped, beginning to wake up.

Addison tipped her head curiously. "A fishy?" she asked Vicki.

"I fwim wit da bishy!"

Emma laughed. "I am sure one day that will be true," she said. "The fishy won't be here for a while, Sprout," she said. Addison finally caught on and mouthed the words "she knows" to Emma. Emma shrugged. "Not exactly," Emma mouthed back. "One day, you will get to teach this other little fishy how to swim," Emma promised Vicki.

Now wide awake, Vicki squirmed in Addison's arms. Addison put her down and watched her toddle as fast as she could back toward her room. "Fishy, huh?" she asked Emma. Emma shrugged. "You might want to consider monkeys," Addison laughed. "I have no idea how she made it out of that bed."

"Either way, they are yours," Emma quipped.

"Mommy!" Vicki stumbled back into the room.

Emma covered her face and shook her head. "Yours."

Addison shrugged. "I think I've seen you in something similar," she whispered to Emma.

Emma smacked Addison lightly and made her way to their daughter. Vicki was standing with her bathing suit in a twist around her shoulders and a swimmer's diaper loosely clinging to her hips. "Monkeys and fis.h.i.+es," Emma chuckled. "And, she thinks I need acting for interest," she muttered. "Come on, fishy. I'll help you while Momma gets changed."

"What about me?" Addison called over.

Emma scooted Vicki back toward her room and turned to face Addison. She raised her brow and held up a finger. Addison was completely caught off guard by the diaper that hit her in the face. "There you go, babe. Remember the pee is silent in pool."

Addison rolled her eyes. She chuckled as she headed to the bedroom to change. She stopped just shy of the room and looked back at where Emma had disappeared a moment ago with their daughter. Sometimes, in the chaos of everyday life, Addison forgot for a second how much she loved Emma. Today had served as a tangible reminder. She knew that Emma would never fully grasp what Addison had been telling her. Emma was the breath of inspiration in Addison's work. More than that, she was the breath of possibility in Addison's life. Addison had always felt as if she were floundering. Emma had changed that in an instant. Addison took a deep breath and headed off to change. "I hope you're right, Em," she mused as she finished her task. "I hope you're right."

Chapter Two.

Addison walked into the bedroom, toweling off her hair from a shower. Emma was curled up in the bed with her eyes closed. Addison smiled as she watched silently. She had noted the exhaustion in Emma's eyes after dinner. Addison understood Emma's fatigue. A couple of hours of chasing after Vicki had left Addison tired. Emma had been at it all day. She took a deep breath and slid into the bed behind Emma.

Emma shuddered. "Addy! You're freezing!" Addison chuckled. "And, you're naked."

"And, you are awake," Addison replied.

Emma turned in Addison's embrace. "I am now," she raised an eyebrow. Addison leaned in and kissed Emma's lips tentatively. "Addy?"

"I'm sorry, Em," Addison said.

Emma smiled. "I thought we were past this?"

Addison nodded and kissed Emma's forehead. "We are."

"Okay? What's wrong?'

Addison shook her head. "I love you, Emma."

Emma was beginning to wonder what was going through Addison's mind. "You okay?"

Addison's reply came in the form of a tender kiss that quickly heightened into a pa.s.sionate exploration. Emma held on to Addison tightly as she was quickly swept away. It amazed her. No matter how many times she and Addison made love, Emma always found herself washed away by the tenderness of Addison's touch. Addison's gentle attentiveness had never faltered-not once. Emma willingly fell into the woman she loved, sensing that Addison needed to communicate something.

Emma found it ironic. Addison was perhaps the most prolific writer Emma had ever known. It wasn't so much because Addison sought to use eloquent phases or clever metaphors in her work. Addison's writing, whether it came in the form of a note or a screenplay, reflected deep honesty and vulnerability. With Emma, she often struggled to articulate what she needed-what she was feeling. In those moments, Addison tended to turn inward. When she was finally ready to confide in Emma, she often spoke through lingering touches and reverent kisses. Emma had grown to understand Addison's needs. She let her fingertips comb through Addison's wet hair as Addison's lips descended over her throat sensually.

"Addy..." Emma sighed and closed her eyes amid an intoxicating mixture of contentment and arousal.

Addison glanced up and bit her lip at the sight of Emma. Emma could steal the breath from her body in an instant. She lifted her hand and brushed across Emma's lips with her fingertips. "So soft," she whispered.

Emma opened her eyes and met Addison's. Addison's eyes had darkened measurably. She could feel the pounding of Addison's heart against her. She took hold of Addison's hand and gently sucked on Addison's fingertips. Addison's eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted in response. Emma moved to take the lead in their familiar dance. She understood that what Addison needed most at this moment was rea.s.surance. Not rea.s.surance that Emma loved her. Addison knew that. Not rea.s.surance that Emma desired Addison. The physical attraction and connection that they shared had never wavered. What Addison needed was a reminder that she was the foundation of everything that mattered most to Emma. Emma possessed a natural confidence, a command of herself that most people did not. That did not mean that Emma was immune to insecurity or fear. Addison sometimes forgot that.

Emma didn't need words to understand Addison's inner conflict. It was written in the subtle ways Addison moved. She had meant everything that she had told Addison about her fears. Perhaps fear had not been the right word to describe what Emma felt. But, Emma would miss Addison when Addison returned to working in earnest. She would never seek to hold Addison back. In fact, she would encourage-even press Addison to move forward. A part of her wanted to ask Addison to let it all go. Emma loved their life together as it was. She loved spending time with Addison, but she also could feel Addison's restlessness. Now, it was time for Emma to convey to the woman looking at her that she understood, that she would hold Addison through whatever was to come and that she would always need Addison to do the same.

Slowly, Emma guided Addison upward until Addison's face rested just above hers. Tears instantly rolled over Addison's cheeks. Emma smiled and wiped them away with her thumbs. She tenderly guided Addison's lips to her own and coaxed Addison's lips to part. She heard Addison sigh into the kiss as it gradually deepened. Emma reached for Addison, allowing her hands to roam over Addison's back lovingly. Emma moved to lift her s.h.i.+rt over her head, and Addison sat back ever so slightly to take in the view.

Emma smirked. "What are you thinking?" she asked Addison.

Addison answered without hesitation. "No one could imagine how beautiful you are, Em."

Emma reached out and ran her hand down Addison's throat to the top of her breast. "Have you looked in the mirror recently?" she asked.

Addison shook her head. "You're in love."

Emma's face transformed immediately. Their brief moment of playfulness eclipsed by the emotional tide that had been rising between them all evening. She lifted her hand to Addison's cheek and watched as Addison leaned into her touch. "I love you more than anything in this world, Addy."

Addison moved her lips to Emma's, stopping just before they would meet. "Do you remember the first time we made love?"

Emma gently allowed her forehead to collapse against Addison's. "I do."

"You know what I remember?" Addison asked.

"Tell me," Emma whispered.

"I remember the way you looked at me when we walked into my apartment before we had even kissed. I knew when you looked at me that day when I found you sitting against my door, waiting for me-I knew that if you walked through that door with me, I would never let you go," Addison said. She'd never shared that truth with Emma before, although Addison recalled that day frequently even after the years they had been together.


"I had the same feeling the day you walked into that bedroom at your folks' house with that box of diapers wrapped up. When I realized what you were telling me... Em, I felt that same emotion. That night? I never wanted to let you go."

"Addy, I'm right here."

"I know. Today, I... I'm sorry that..."

"Stop," Emma demanded gently. "Stop," she repeated the request and kissed Addison lovingly. When Addison pulled back from their kiss, Emma kept her eyes closed as she spoke. "I remember flying home that day from Kansas. You weren't home. I waited for you. That entire time all I could think about was how much I wanted to love you. How much I needed you to love me. I had never felt that before-not with anyone. When you made love to me that afternoon... Addison... Everything in my life s.h.i.+fted that day. I'm not sure I knew it then..."


"That's not true. I knew it. I felt it. I feel it right now with you against me. It's never changed," Emma admitted. She opened her eyes and looked into Addison's. "It s.h.i.+fted the moment I spilled that coffee on you and saw you smiling at me for the first time," Emma confessed. "Sometimes, Addy, when you look at me, I remember that moment. I realize that on some level I knew even then."

"Knew what, Em?"

"That I loved you," Emma said. She met Addison's lips in a searching, yet possessive kiss that instantly sent small shock waves through Addison's body.

Addison felt Emma's hands travel over her back, playing lightly, teasing Addison's flesh. Emma's lips moved without warning from the warmth of Addison's mouth to the softness of Addison's neck. Addison let herself fall away. She had slipped into bed intending to make love to Emma. As it always seemed to be, Emma understood that what Addison truly desired was to feel Emma loving her.

"Em," Addy began to protest. "I wanted to show you..."

Emma pulled herself up and hovered above Addison. She smiled, carefully removed the shorts she was wearing and straddled Addison's waist without any words. Addison's heart began to pound wildly when Emma began to move against her. Addison reached out and let the palms of her hands play over Emma's b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Emma bit her lip and continued to move sensually against Addison.

"You are showing me right now," Emma told Addison breathlessly.

Addison's hands cupped Emma's b.r.e.a.s.t.s in response. Her eyes had become riveted to the sight of Emma moving above her. Addison wasn't sure what was making her heart race faster, the physical sensation of Emma's body moving against her or the sight of Emma swaying sensually above her. She loved to watch Emma doing mundane things, baking cookies, playing with Vicki, sleeping, even reading a book. But, no matter how many years they were together, watching Emma when pa.s.sion lit her eyes always set Addison ablaze. Emma was a master at the art of seduction, at least, she was when it came to Addison Blake.

"No, Em," Addison's hands were beginning to tremble in time with the rest of her body. She tried to sit up and take control, but Emma quickly pushed her back down. "Em, please... I want to love you."

Emma's pa.s.sionate gaze transformed into a smile. She leaned in and kissed Addison on the nose. "You are," she repeated as she regained her previous position. She looked down and into Addison's eyes. "The way you look at me, Addy. Right now, the way you are looking at me. The way your body moves with mine without you even realizing it. You are loving me. I can see it in your eyes."

Addison's head fell back on the pillow. Her hands dropped to Emma's hips, urging Emma closer. She was struggling against the urge to close her eyes and revel in the sensations coursing through her body. And, Addison knew that Emma had no plans to release her anytime soon. She could feel the arousal and the antic.i.p.ation building between them, but Emma had made no move to bring their lovemaking to a conclusion. She felt Emma's fingertips tickle her cheek.

"Addy," Emma called. Addison sighed. She felt Emma draw closer, the weight of Emma's b.r.e.a.s.t.s falling onto Addison's chest. "Addy..."

Addison held onto Emma's hips and gradually opened her eyes to meet Emma's. Emma leaned in and claimed Addison's lips in a demanding kiss. Addison's hold on Emma tightened instantly as Emma's lips drifted sensually to Addison's neck and lingered in a whisper just behind her ear.

"Hold on," Emma whispered.

Holding on is exactly what Addison did. Emma's lips began a painfully slow descent over Addison's throat, barely caressing Addison's skin. She continued gently over Addison's collarbone until she reached the top of Addison's left breast. Emma glanced up and watched as Addison bit her lip in antic.i.p.ation. Emma waited for a beat until Addison's grip on her tightened further and promptly covered a perfect pink nipple with her mouth.


Emma was struggling to stay in control. Addison's body was rising and falling in time with her breathing, which was quickly growing rapid. Each time Addison moved it sent delicious ripples through Emma's core, never strong enough to pull her under, a persistent signal of a tide that was building. She lost herself in the feel of Addison beneath her. Addison's fingertips dug into Emma's back, urging her to continue. Emma noted the faint quivering in Addison's legs. She continued sensually teasing Addison's nipples, back and forth with growing intensity.

"So soft, Addy," Emma sighed as she moved her attention from one nipple to the other.

Addison thought she might die. She could hear the blood in her veins rus.h.i.+ng through her ears. Her skin tingled, her body hummed, her legs trembled as a powerful surge gathered in her core. She craved release. Addison seldom begged Emma, if she could have formed a coherent thought it would have been a simple plea for Emma to take her over the edge in a never-ending free-fall. She pictured Emma in the throes of a pa.s.sionate release. Addison could taste Emma on her lips, and she wanted more. Addison needed more, and she knew that Emma would never surrender to her until Addison had fallen first.

Emma heard the soft whimpers as they escaped Addison's lips. She understood their meaning, and she reluctantly moved her lips back to Addison's. Emma traced Addison's lips softly with her tongue until Addison's lips parted. The kiss that ensued transformed the soft ripples that traveled through Emma into a cras.h.i.+ng wave. A kiss, just a kiss from Addison was all it took for the gathering storm to break. Emma's hips rotated against Addison bringing them together one final time. Her cries were swallowed by the hungry kiss Addison immediately deepened.

Addison's hands pulled Emma as close as possible. Emma's pull reminded Addison of a tornado. Energy swirled with intensity propelling Addison upward against her will. She became lost in the surge, helplessly drifting into Emma, spinning widely, unsure of when she would fall again. Emma's b.r.e.a.s.t.s brushed against her softly, and Addison's spiral downward began instantly. Her body shook violently as she crashed back to earth.

"Addy!" Emma pulled back from their kiss and screamed Addison's name as her descent followed in time with Addison's.

Addison's hands drew soothing circles on Emma's back, gently guiding her back to earth. "Em," she whispered. "So perfect."

Emma collapsed onto Addison, invigorated and exhausted all at once. "I love you so much," she whispered. "So much, Addy," she said as she began to sob.

Addison kissed Emma's head and continued to stroke her back lovingly. "I love you, Emma." She ran her fingers through Emma's hair and let Emma cry. "It's okay. I know."

Emma's physical release had given her emotions silent permission to follow. Addison held her close and whispered endearments as Emma continued to cry in her arms. Sadness was not the culprit. Pure emotion-love, desire, fear, hopefulness, gratefulness, longing, the reality of the new life resting between them-reality collided with the connection they shared. It sometimes could overwhelm them both. When Emma had been pregnant with Vicki, Addison had often experienced a similar need. Love was the spark of life. Addison understood that.

The love that existed between them was not something either Addison or Emma could ever hope to explain. It simply was. Addison often thought that it had always existed. They had always been waiting for each other. Once they had collided, their destiny had been sealed. What existed between them needed to be shared. Addison's love for Emma spilled over into everything; it couldn't be contained. Their love had served as Addison's greatest inspiration in her work. Her love for Emma had given her the voice she'd struggled to find for years. But, it was Emma's love for her that brought them the greatest reward-a family.

Addison kissed Emma's head and let her lips linger. "Thank you, Em."


"Everything. This. Us. Our family."

Emma took a deep breath and jostled herself in the bed to look at Addison. Addison lifted her hand and wiped a few tears from Emma's cheek. Even in the faint light, Addison could see the redness of Emma's eyes, yet they continued to sparkle. She placed a tender kiss on Emma's lips.

"You know," Addison said. "I can't remember when you weren't here. I mean, I can remember it, but it seems like a lifetime ago. Someone else's lifetime."

Emma smiled. "I know, Addy."

"Are you okay?" Addison asked.

Emma nodded. "Scared."

Addison sighed. "Of what?"

Emma tugged at her lip. "I just hope they always know how much I love them, I guess."

Addison smiled. Emma was an incredible mother. Tonight had reminded Addison that if there was any role in life that Emma Bronson had been meant to play, it was the role of Mom. She sometimes wished that Emma could see the way Vicki's eyes would twinkle with adoration when Emma was holding her, just as Emma's had sparkled in a unique way from the moment she had announced to Addison that they were expecting.

"Em," Addison began. "They are lucky to have you as their mom. I mean it. I'm lucky."

"I hope so."

"I know so," Addison replied. "You remind me of my mom sometimes," Addison mused.

Emma was curious. Addison wors.h.i.+ped her mother. The loss of her mother had been devastating for Addison. Addison often told stories about Victoria Blake to her namesake. Emma loved to listen as Addison would weave her colorful tales to their daughter. She knew that a part of Addison longed to share stories of their daughter with her mother. This was unexpected. Addison had never compared Emma to Victoria Blake before, not that Emma could recall. It surprised her.

"How so?" Emma wondered.

"In a lot of ways, I guess. I mean, with the munchkin. You're firm but gentle. And, even when you are frustrated with her-I don't know how to explain it. You have this glow about you. My mom had that. Even when she was furious with me, I always felt safest in her presence. Well, until I met you," Addison explained.

Emma felt another tear wash over her cheek. "That is the highest compliment you could ever pay me," she said.

Addison smiled. "It's just true."

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Off Screen: Waiting In The Wings Part 2 summary

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