The Royals Part 31

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Doc.u.ments regarding U.S. and U.K. relations received through the Freedom of Information Act; the Presidential Library of Franklin D. Roosevelt; U.S. Department of State doc.u.ments regarding British royal family during the years 1940 1945. Diplomatic cables indicated difficulties both countries experienced in dealing with the Windsors. One telegram dated July 20, 1940, from the U.S. in Lisbon to the Secretary of State: Duke and d.u.c.h.ess of Windsor are indiscreet and outspoken against British government. Consider their presence in the United States might be disturbing and confusing. They say that they intend remaining in the United States whether Churchill likes it or not and desire apparently to make propaganda for peace. If Department cancels their visas they could take clipper to Bermuda thence to Bahamas. Visas were given by Consulate General. Duke and d.u.c.h.ess of Windsor are indiscreet and outspoken against British government. Consider their presence in the United States might be disturbing and confusing. They say that they intend remaining in the United States whether Churchill likes it or not and desire apparently to make propaganda for peace. If Department cancels their visas they could take clipper to Bermuda thence to Bahamas. Visas were given by Consulate General.

Interviews with Robert Lacey (April 18, 1995); Michael Thornton (November 13, 1993); Nicholas Haslam (March 30, 1994); Bevis Hillier (April 16, 1994); Fleur Cowles (November 8, 1993); Sue Townsend (April 19, 1994); Michael Bloch (April 14, 1994).

Books: Chronicle of the Royal Family Chronicle of the Royal Family by Ray Boston; by Ray Boston; The Royal House of Windsor The Royal House of Windsor by Elizabeth Longford; by Elizabeth Longford; King George V King George V by Kenneth Rose. by Kenneth Rose.

Articles: "Unhappy and Inglorious" by Richard Tomlinson, Independent on Sunday, Independent on Sunday, June 12, 1994; Profile, Annabel Goldsmith, June 12, 1994; Profile, Annabel Goldsmith, Daily Mail, Daily Mail, August 4, 1994. August 4, 1994.

Re: Relations.h.i.+p of royal family with Duke and d.u.c.h.ess of Windsor: "I remember when Philip Ziegler got Palace permission to write the official biography of King Edward VIII," recalled an editor at William Collins Sons & Co. "The Queen had to approve the ma.n.u.script because she gave Ziegler access to papers in the archives at Windsor Castle. He submitted his ma.n.u.script to the Palace and the Queen made her comments in the margins. The ma.n.u.script was not returned to him. Instead, one of her equerries called and said, On page such-and-such, Her Majesty feels that the information might be better phrased, and on page such-and-such, the information can be deleted....

"At one point, the equerry laughed and said, 'Her Majesty wrote in the margin here: "They did behave dreadfully, didn't they?' "

The Queen shared a summary of the ma.n.u.script with her mother, who summoned the author to Clarence House after reading about her feud with the d.u.c.h.ess of Windsor. "The Queen Mother was then ninety years old," recalled the editor. "Ziegler arrived and she said, ever so sweetly, 'Whatever gave you the idea that I hated Mrs. Simpson? Why, I only met her once.' As I say, she was ninety years old then and Ziegler was not prepared to argue with the Queen Mother revising history."


Doc.u.ments: Public Records Kew in London; the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library for the President's personal papers and the files of the White House social office dealing with the U.S. visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth; Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (correspondence November 1, 1995); British Library regarding the Marquess of Milford Haven's p.o.r.nography collection; unpublished diaries of the late Vice Admiral Harold Tom Baillie-Grohman.

Articles: Series by Philip Ziegler (February 19, 1996); Life, Life, August 3, 1953; August 3, 1953; Time, Time, October 28, 1957. October 28, 1957.

Interviews: Penelope Mortimer (May 9, 1995); Fiammetta Rocco (November 22, 24, 1993).

Books: The Queen The Queen by Ann Morrow; by Ann Morrow; FDR-A Biography FDR-A Biography by Ted Morgan; by Ted Morgan; Great Britons Great Britons by Harold Oxbury (Oxford University Press, 1985); by Harold Oxbury (Oxford University Press, 1985); Little Gloria Happy at Last Little Gloria Happy at Last by Barbara Goldsmith. by Barbara Goldsmith.


For the period 1945 1947, including the royal wedding of Elizabeth and Philip, several sources were consulted.

Interviews: Larry Adler (May 24, November 22, 1993; January 10, 1995); Gant Gather on Philip's courts.h.i.+p of Cobina Wright Jr.; Sarah Morrison (April 8, 1994); Hugh Bygott-Webb (May 4, 1995); Noreen Taylor (May 4, 5, 1995); James Bellini (November 24, 1993).

Re: Mountbatten's listing of himself in Who's Who Who's Who as follows: as follows: Admiral of the Fleet Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Baron Romsey, KG [Knight of the Garter], PC [Privy Councillor], GCB [Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath], KCB [Knight Commander of the Bath], CB [Companion of the Order of the Bath], OM [Order of Merit], GCSI [Grand Commander of the Star of India], GCIE [Grand Commander of the Indian Empire], GCVO [Grand Cross of the Victorian Order], KCVO [Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order], MVO [Member of the Royal Victorian Order], DSO [Distinguished Service Order], FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society], Hon. DCL [Hon. Doctor of Civil Law], Hon. LLD [Hon. Doctor of Laws], Hon. DSc [Hon. Doctor of Science], AMIEE [a.s.sociate Member of the Inst.i.tution of Electrical Engineers], AMRINA [a.s.sociate Member of the Royal Inst.i.tution of Naval Architects]. Admiral of the Fleet Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Baron Romsey, KG [Knight of the Garter], PC [Privy Councillor], GCB [Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath], KCB [Knight Commander of the Bath], CB [Companion of the Order of the Bath], OM [Order of Merit], GCSI [Grand Commander of the Star of India], GCIE [Grand Commander of the Indian Empire], GCVO [Grand Cross of the Victorian Order], KCVO [Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order], MVO [Member of the Royal Victorian Order], DSO [Distinguished Service Order], FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society], Hon. DCL [Hon. Doctor of Civil Law], Hon. LLD [Hon. Doctor of Laws], Hon. DSc [Hon. Doctor of Science], AMIEE [a.s.sociate Member of the Inst.i.tution of Electrical Engineers], AMRINA [a.s.sociate Member of the Royal Inst.i.tution of Naval Architects].

Perplexed by the swarm of initials in the foregoing, I wrote to the Countess Mountbatten for clarification. In a letter dated March 30, 1995, her a.s.sistant wrote: She was sorry to hear that you had had such difficulty in discovering what those four post nominal letters to Lord Mountbatten's name stood for. Actually they are all listed under "Abbreviations" in the front of both She was sorry to hear that you had had such difficulty in discovering what those four post nominal letters to Lord Mountbatten's name stood for. Actually they are all listed under "Abbreviations" in the front of both Who's Who Who's Who and and Debrett's Peerage Debrett's Peerage! Lady Mountbatten has also asked me to say that you mention Hon. DSC. Lady Mountbatten has also asked me to say that you mention Hon. DSC.* This should actually read "Hon. DSc" and stands for Doctor of Science and This should actually read "Hon. DSc" and stands for Doctor of Science and not not Distinguished Service Cross, which does not have Honorary Members.h.i.+p. She has also asked me to explain that Distinguished Service Cross, which does not have Honorary Members.h.i.+p. She has also asked me to explain that Who's Who Who's Who lists the various grades of the Order of the Bath and the Victorian Order and the dates they were conferred, as matter of reference. Only the senior grade would be used normally after his name. lists the various grades of the Order of the Bath and the Victorian Order and the dates they were conferred, as matter of reference. Only the senior grade would be used normally after his name.

Re: Wartime rationing: Dr. Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, researched the Public Record Office in London to doc.u.ment that the royal family received considerably more clothing coupons than its subjects during World War II. She reported her findings in History Today History Today in 1993; Philip Ziegler, the authorized biographer of King George VI, dismissed the report as "a load of rubbish." in 1993; Philip Ziegler, the authorized biographer of King George VI, dismissed the report as "a load of rubbish."


Correspondence with the Queen's press secretary, Charles Anson, and his a.s.sistant Penny Russell-Smith (January 27, 1995); interviews with Roland Flamini (December 15, 1994; April 19, 1995); Nigel Dempster (May 23, 1993); Anthony Holden (March 25, April 15, 1994); profile of King George VI by W. F. Deedes, Daily Telegraph, Daily Telegraph, December 14, 1994; Norman Barson correspondence (December 1, 1995; January 31, 1996) regarding his position within the royal household; Foreign Service dispatches pertaining to the royal tour of Canada in 1951. December 14, 1994; Norman Barson correspondence (December 1, 1995; January 31, 1996) regarding his position within the royal household; Foreign Service dispatches pertaining to the royal tour of Canada in 1951.

The Harry S Truman Library produced the handwritten letter that the President wrote to King George VI following Elizabeth and Philip's November 1951 visit to the White House. Truman sent the letter to the British Amba.s.sador in Was.h.i.+ngton. "I am asking you to forward a personal and confidential letter to the King," he said.

The letter: November 5, 1951Your Majesty:-We've just had a visit from a lovely young lady and her personable husband-their Royal Highnesses, Princess Elizabeth and The Duke of Edinburgh. They went to the hearts of all the citizens of the United States. We tried to make their visit a happy one. They went to the hearts of all the citizens of the United States. We tried to make their visit a happy one.As one father to another, we can be very proud of our daughters. You have the better of me-because you have two!I hope you have an early and complete recovery. Please express my appreciation to Her Majesty the Queen for her Kindness to my Margaret. Sincerely, Sincerely,Harry S. Truman The Duke of Edinburgh wrote a letter full of exclamation points to thank Mrs. Truman on November 3, 1951: Dear Mrs. Truman,We arrived in Montreal at the same moment as a snowstorm! We are now in a log-cabin in the Laurentian Mountains under almost 2 feet of snow! The thought of 2 days of quiet is very welcome-I hope I am not making you jealous! I cannot thank you enough for the very kind and thoughtful way in which you entertained us at Blair House. I cannot thank you enough for the very kind and thoughtful way in which you entertained us at Blair House.In an otherwise rather blurred memory of our rush round Was.h.i.+ngton the hospitality and friendliness of your house and family stand out very clearly. I do hope that Margaret's T-V show goes off alright without her getting into difficulties with Mr. Durante! All the same I am sure you will be relieved when she starts her proper concert tour. I hope it is a great success. I do hope that Margaret's T-V show goes off alright without her getting into difficulties with Mr. Durante! All the same I am sure you will be relieved when she starts her proper concert tour. I hope it is a great success. It is a great pity that our stay was so short but you have whetted our appet.i.tes and we shall certainly be back to see you again either in the White House or in Mizzoura! It is a great pity that our stay was so short but you have whetted our appet.i.tes and we shall certainly be back to see you again either in the White House or in Mizzoura! Yours very sincerely, Yours very sincerely,Philip


Correspondence with the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Oslo; interviews with Philip Knightley (November 9, 19, 1993) and Maurice Weaver (March 3, 1994).

Books: The Royal Family The Royal Family by Pierre Berton (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1953); by Pierre Berton (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1953); The Secret File of the Duke of Windsor The Secret File of the Duke of Windsor by Michael Bloch, 1988. by Michael Bloch, 1988.

Articles: "Prince Philip: England's Most Misunderstood Man" by Ken W. Purdy, Look, Look, April 7, 1964; April 7, 1964; Newsweek, Newsweek, March 22, 1954; the March 22, 1954; the Evening Star, Evening Star, October 11, 1957; "A Person Apart, Bounded by Precedent" by Robert T. Elson, October 11, 1957; "A Person Apart, Bounded by Precedent" by Robert T. Elson, Life, Life, March 6, 1964. March 6, 1964.

Re: Queen Elizabeth II's regard for Queen Victoria: "She will try to suppress anything she considers negative about Victoria," said former Private Eye Private Eye editor Richard Ingrams (November 24, 1993). "My grandfather, Sir James Reid, was Queen Victoria's doctor, and had been involved in her burial. In carrying out her orders, he followed her list of things to go inside her coffin. Royalty has a tradition of consulting a peasant, and Victoria had a working-cla.s.s Scot, John Brown, who was rumored to be her lover. She left instructions to have certain things buried with her, and one was a photo of John Brown's mother. That was what Queen Elizabeth tried to suppress. She's particularly protective of Queen Victoria. editor Richard Ingrams (November 24, 1993). "My grandfather, Sir James Reid, was Queen Victoria's doctor, and had been involved in her burial. In carrying out her orders, he followed her list of things to go inside her coffin. Royalty has a tradition of consulting a peasant, and Victoria had a working-cla.s.s Scot, John Brown, who was rumored to be her lover. She left instructions to have certain things buried with her, and one was a photo of John Brown's mother. That was what Queen Elizabeth tried to suppress. She's particularly protective of Queen Victoria.

"We found out how much the Queen had objected to this information being published when my wife, Michaela, met Princess Margaret at a social function. The Princess said, 'You had no right to put that in your book. That was my sister's property.'

"The Princess was upset because the Queen had been upset, and Margaret cared enough to bring it up way after the fact. My mother wrote to Princess Margaret, asking what business it was of hers.... And that was the end of the matter."

Many historians have noted Queen Elizabeth II's fixation with Queen Victoria. Stanley Weintraub, Evan Pugh Professor of Arts and Humanities, Pennsylvania State University, said in a lecture that Elizabeth is so protective of her predecessor's image she would not have dedicated "Broadgate Venus" in London in 1993 if she had known that the plump sculpture poked fun at Victoria. The rotund Queen, who ballooned as an adult with a fifty-four-inch waist, was known to her African subjects as "the Great She Elephant Across the Big Water."

"It was a private joke by the artist on Queen Victoria as a full-blown adult," said Professor Weintraub.

Not so, said Fernando Botero, Latin America's most famous living artist. In a letter to the author, Botero wrote: "That piece actually represents the most famous and used theme in sculpture: the reclining female figure.... But I'm sure, because of the extreme deformation, that the piece is open to different interpretations, including Queen Victoria as a full-blown adult."


During Philip's 1956 tour of the Commonwealth, he missed his ninth wedding anniversary, his son's eighth birthday, and Charles's first day of school outside the Palace. Sources consulted for background: New York Mirror, New York Mirror, October 18, 1957; October 18, 1957; Time, Time, October 12, 1957; October 12, 1957; New York Times Magazine, New York Times Magazine, February 3, 1957. The reunion: February 3, 1957. The reunion: Sunday Express, Sunday Express, February 17, 1957, plus the report of Sydney Smith, who traveled with Michael Parker from Gibraltar to London. February 17, 1957, plus the report of Sydney Smith, who traveled with Michael Parker from Gibraltar to London.

The subject of other women in Philip's life became international news in 1957 when the Baltimore Sun Baltimore Sun carried an article suggesting the Queen's husband was conducting an extramarital affair. Three decades later the personal life of the Duke of Edinburgh continued to cause speculation, but British publishers resisted printing stories that might appear disrespectful to the monarch. Touchy about suggestions of Prince Philip with other women, they scissored references from books and articles, citing Britain's libel laws. In the U.S. publication of carried an article suggesting the Queen's husband was conducting an extramarital affair. Three decades later the personal life of the Duke of Edinburgh continued to cause speculation, but British publishers resisted printing stories that might appear disrespectful to the monarch. Touchy about suggestions of Prince Philip with other women, they scissored references from books and articles, citing Britain's libel laws. In the U.S. publication of Elizabeth and Philip Elizabeth and Philip by Charles Higham and Roy Moseley (Doubleday, New York, 1991), the authors wrote about "four mystery women in Philip's life. One of these was a popular singer and dancer, another an actress who lived over a tobacco shop, still another a Greek cabaret singer, and the fourth a 'Mrs. S,' whom he had allegedly visited at a flat in Chelsea." In the U.K. publication of the book, the innuendo was excised by lawyers. by Charles Higham and Roy Moseley (Doubleday, New York, 1991), the authors wrote about "four mystery women in Philip's life. One of these was a popular singer and dancer, another an actress who lived over a tobacco shop, still another a Greek cabaret singer, and the fourth a 'Mrs. S,' whom he had allegedly visited at a flat in Chelsea." In the U.K. publication of the book, the innuendo was excised by lawyers.

In addition to the personal recollections of diplomats and reporters who covered the crisis of Suez, I consulted Oxford Ill.u.s.trated History; History of the Modern World; Oxford Ill.u.s.trated Encyclopaedia of World History. Oxford Ill.u.s.trated History; History of the Modern World; Oxford Ill.u.s.trated Encyclopaedia of World History.

Interviews: Warren Rogers, a.s.sociated Press (March 1995); Larry Adler (November 29, 1993); Christopher Sylvester (November 29, 1993; July 27, 1995).

Re: Prince Charles as a student: His interview to ABC-TV (December 6, 1984), plus personal recollections of cla.s.smates and teachers. The young Prince was remembered for his "interesting" views. One history professor was amazed to hear the Prince defend George III, the monarch who was mentally deranged. But to Charles, his ancestor was admirable because "he loved the arts and was a great human being." Charles said, "I happen to admire, appreciate, and sympathize with a lot of things he did and enjoyed. I see him as a person whom I'd love to have met in a corridor. I'd love to have talked with him. He was a marvelous eccentric." The professor noted that George III talked to trees in Hyde Park and Charles talked to plants at Highgrove.


Doc.u.ments: Private sc.r.a.pbook and diary entries of royal family friend. Memorandum from Debrett's Peerage Limited Debrett's Peerage Limited on creation of t.i.tle for elder daughter of Earl Mountbatten of Burma. on creation of t.i.tle for elder daughter of Earl Mountbatten of Burma.

Articles: Newsweek, Newsweek, May 9, 1960; May 9, 1960; Time, Time, March 30, 1962; March 30, 1962; Paris-Match; France Dimanche; Daily Mail, Paris-Match; France Dimanche; Daily Mail, May 5, November 1, 1960; May 5, November 1, 1960; Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, May 4, 1960; May 4, 1960; London Times, London Times, February 27, May 7, 1960; the February 27, May 7, 1960; the Times, Times, January 13, 1960. January 13, 1960.

Interviews: Sarah Morrison (April 8, 1994); Carolyn Townshend (April 9, 1994); cla.s.smate of Antony Armstrong-Jones (April 9, 1994); Sir Osbert Stubbs (July 20, 1995).

Re: Royal portraits: The royals spend a great deal of their time posing for painters. "A royal commission can mean a great deal to an artist," explained Norman Douglas Hutchinson, who has painted the Queen, the Queen Mother, and the Duke of Edinburgh. "It's not a privilege," he explained on November 29, 1993, "but it can be a very good opportunity... because you can increase your commissions. It's silly, really, but some people will pay anything to be painted by an artist who has painted royalty."

The gifted painter, who describes himself as the b.a.s.t.a.r.d son of the Earl of Douglas, posed the Queen in the black dress and veil she wore to meet the Pope. "I wanted to paint her representing her Catholic subjects, and I got a lot of criticism for it."

The artist asked Prince Philip to wear his blue velvet Garter robe for his portrait. "He finally agreed, but he fought me every step of the way. He resisted many things. And he'd want to talk everything through. 'Why are you painting me in profile? This portrait is for the regiment. I should be in my regimentals,' he said. He's a tough man, difficult, and thoroughly unpleasant.... I told this to the Queen Mother when I painted her, and she, too, agreed. She said, 'Philip can be quite tedious at times.' "

For the artist, the sittings with the Queen Mother were his most enjoyable. "She's a delight," said Hutchinson, "very kind, considerate, charming. Actually, she mesmerized me. She really did. And I'm a tough old b.u.g.g.e.r. It's not easy to mesmerize me. But I was struck, awestruck, by her. I send her flowers every year on her birthday... and her lady-in-waiting sends me a letter back thanking me for the Queen Mother....

"She came to our first sitting in a tiara and with jewels galore. She expected me to paint her as the frilly and frothy lady she is. But I told her I wanted her in a plain, simple dress so I could dwell on her sweet face. She went and changed. When she came back, she said, 'This is the dress I do housework in.' "


Doc.u.ments and records from presidential library of Lyndon B. Johnson regarding Churchill funeral; John F. Kennedy Library for doc.u.ments regarding Kennedys' 1961 visit to London; Mrs. Kennedy's 1962 visit; Runnymede, May 1965; diaries of U.S. Amba.s.sador David Bruce regarding Queen's dinner in honor of President and Mrs. Kennedy.

Books: Royal Pursuit Royal Pursuit by Douglas Keay; by Douglas Keay; Pointing the Way Pointing the Way by Harold Macmillan, Harper & Row, New York, 1972; by Harold Macmillan, Harper & Row, New York, 1972; The Royal Encyclopedia, The Royal Encyclopedia, edited by Ronald Allison and Sarah Riddell, Macmillan Press, London, 1991. edited by Ronald Allison and Sarah Riddell, Macmillan Press, London, 1991.

Articles: "We've Got to Take a Sharp Look at the Present," Buenos Aires Herald, Buenos Aires Herald, March 24, 1962; "Britain's Last Royal Family" by Malcolm Muggeridge, March 24, 1962; "Britain's Last Royal Family" by Malcolm Muggeridge, This Week, This Week, October 20, 1963; "Royal Press Office: Public Service or Public Relations?" by Kathy K. Demarest, October 20, 1963; "Royal Press Office: Public Service or Public Relations?" by Kathy K. Demarest, Journalism Studies Review, Journalism Studies Review, July 1980; "Fitting Image" by Roy Strong, July 1980; "Fitting Image" by Roy Strong, Sunday Times, Sunday Times, May 30, 1993; "Kennedy and Macmillan Meeting Fruitful" by Drew Middleton, May 30, 1993; "Kennedy and Macmillan Meeting Fruitful" by Drew Middleton, New York Times, New York Times, June 6, 1961; "Meddle Trait Helps Charity," June 6, 1961; "Meddle Trait Helps Charity," Daily Telegraph, Daily Telegraph, March 8, 1968. March 8, 1968.

Interviews: Henry Rogers (August 19, 1994); Evangeline Bruce (November 2, 1995); Jody Jacobs (June 4, 1995) on attending Merle Oberon party with Prince Philip.

Re: Queen's att.i.tude toward student unrest: "She visited Warwick University in June 1970 during a student demonstration," recalled Lilla Pennant (April 25, 1995). The Queen arrived for a luncheon while students were sitting-in in the chancellor's office. The Queen had been warned about violence, but she was unconcerned.... She pushed plainclothes police aside, vetoed the seating that had been arranged for her, and placed herself next to four students she could talk to. Her bodyguards cowered in the background, but she was totally unafraid. She was bright and alert and interested. Vietnam was discussed, but the big issue among most of us was the "Free Mandela" movement.


Articles: "Mother of All Our Misfortunes" by Simon Hoggart, the Guardian, Guardian, April 20, 1996; "The Misfortunes of a Princess" by Anne Steacy with Jeremy Hart, April 20, 1996; "The Misfortunes of a Princess" by Anne Steacy with Jeremy Hart, McLeans, McLeans, November 9, 1987; November 9, 1987; Private Eye, Private Eye, August 10, 1973, July 2, 1971, December 5, 1969; "The Royal Black Sheep" (two-part series) by Andrew Duncan, August 10, 1973, July 2, 1971, December 5, 1969; "The Royal Black Sheep" (two-part series) by Andrew Duncan, Look, Look, May 19, 1970; May 19, 1970; Vogue, Vogue, May 1993; two-part May 1993; two-part New Yorker New Yorker profile on the Queen by Anthony Bailey, April 1977. Notes in the profile on the Queen by Anthony Bailey, April 1977. Notes in the Spectator; Spectator; the the Times, Times, December 18, 1967; "Defying Tradition" by Howell Raines, December 18, 1967; "Defying Tradition" by Howell Raines, The New York Times Magazine, The New York Times Magazine, February 21, 1988. February 21, 1988.

Interviews: Lester Hyman (July 25, 1995); Carolyn Townshend (April 9, 1994); Stephen Birmingham (July 14, 1994); confidential source (April 8, 1994); Bevis Hillier (April 20, 1994); William C. Brewer (January 1, 1995); Felicity Green (April 10, 1994); Audrey and Tony Charles (April 10, 1994); James Whitaker (May 5, 1995); Anthony Holden (May 5, 1995); Roger Law (March 10, 1996).

Re: Engagement of Princess Anne to Mark Phillips: The art director of a London advertising agency recalled having to sc.r.a.p a year-long project on army officer recruitment because of Palace sensitivity. The ad campaign was scheduled to run the day after the Queen announced her daughter's engagement to Captain Phillips. One of the photographs featured showed several officers standing next to a fleet of tanks. It wasn't the photo that caused concern; it was the headline that went with it: "One Day, My Boy, All This Could Be Yours."


Articles: "Shame & Fortune" by Angela Levin, Daily Mail, Daily Mail, June 12, 1993; Profile on the Queen by Graham Turner, June 12, 1993; Profile on the Queen by Graham Turner, Daily Telegraph, Daily Telegraph, March 19, 1996; March 19, 1996; Time, Time, December 1, 1980; the December 1, 1980; the Times, Times, November 26, 1980; "Princess Diana" by Georgina Howell, November 26, 1980; "Princess Diana" by Georgina Howell, Vogue, Vogue, May 1993; "Britain Pays Respects to Lord Mountbatten" by Bonnie Angelo; Time-Life News Service, September 5, 1979. May 1993; "Britain Pays Respects to Lord Mountbatten" by Bonnie Angelo; Time-Life News Service, September 5, 1979.

Interviews: John Barratt (November 21, 22, 23, 1993); Carinthia West (April 14, 1994); Adam Shand Kydd (April 19, April 21, 1994); Spencer family relative (March 9, 1996); Lady Colin Campbell (May 10, May 11, 1995).

Re: Diana's relations.h.i.+p with the press: During her courts.h.i.+p, Lady Diana Spencer sought to help James Whitaker ingratiate himself with the Prince of Wales. She suggested the reporter write Charles a sympathy note on the death of his horse Allibar. On February 24, 1981, Charles was moved enough to respond: Dear Mr. Whitaker, Dear Mr. Whitaker,I was most touched to receive your very kind and most understanding letter. It was altogether a miserable business as I had become very fond of that old horse and the prospects were so exciting for the future. However, fate intervenes in strange ways. However, fate intervenes in strange ways.Thank you so much for writing as you did.Your sincerely,Charles Re: Diana's reported virginity and physical ability to deliver an heir: Nigel Dempster reported in the Daily Mail Daily Mail (February 1981) that Diana had undergone a physical examination by the Palace to determine whether or not she could bear children. "She has been p.r.o.nounced physically sound to produce children." The Palace said the story was "preposterous." So did Diana. Five years later, when Dempster was working on a book with Peter Evans for G. P. Putnam's Sons, he backed off the story. In a fax to his coauthor, Dempster said: (February 1981) that Diana had undergone a physical examination by the Palace to determine whether or not she could bear children. "She has been p.r.o.nounced physically sound to produce children." The Palace said the story was "preposterous." So did Diana. Five years later, when Dempster was working on a book with Peter Evans for G. P. Putnam's Sons, he backed off the story. In a fax to his coauthor, Dempster said: "Given the fact that both Diana and Sarah Spencer vehemently deny the story about the fertility test, and that you directly name Pinker [the royal gynecologist], who is in a position to make a denial, would you please alter the pa.s.sage so that you take in the story as being around at the time but then quote either Diana or Sarah as being scandalised and or horrified at such a suggestion. I feel that you could suggest that this was a rumor put about by old, disgruntled flames of Prince Charles in an attempt to discredit Diana, or some such ruse.

"What we must guard against is antagonising any member of the Spencer family who might then be seduced by a rival newspaper to rubbis.h.i.+ng the book."

Re: Mystery woman who boarded the royal train days before the July 1981 wedding of Charles and Diana: "We were sitting in the Knightsbridge barracks when that story broke," recalled Robin Knight-Bruce (May 11, 1995). "Andrew Parker Bowles walked in and we all knew that Charles had been with Camilla and not Diana on the royal train. We started pounding the table. He went so angry. Puce in the face. He picked up a plate of lunch and stormed out of the room. Everyone laughed...."


Articles: "Princess" by Robert Lacey, Good Housekeeping, Good Housekeeping, September 1982; "Our Princess," September 1982; "Our Princess," Daily Express, Daily Express, October 28, 1981; October 28, 1981; Time, Time, August 3, 1981; "A New Princess of Wales Walks in Royal Footsteps" by Antonia Fraser, August 3, 1981; "A New Princess of Wales Walks in Royal Footsteps" by Antonia Fraser, Life, Life, April 1981; April 1981; Newsweek, Newsweek, May 18, 1981; the May 18, 1981; the Irish Independent, Irish Independent, May 9, 1981; "How Diana Will Wreck the Windsors" by A. N. Wilson, May 9, 1981; "How Diana Will Wreck the Windsors" by A. N. Wilson, Evening Standard, Evening Standard, March 2, 1993. March 2, 1993.

Interviews: John Pearson (February 13, April 30, 1995); John Teenan (April 25, 1994); Philip Benjamin (April 26, 1994); David Hume Kennerly (March 25, 1996); Victoria Mather (March 26, July 12, 1994); Taki Theodoracopulos (November 2, 1993); Richard Dalton (January 17, 1997).

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