Second Chances - Unraveling Part 15

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"Alright, stop chit-chatting," Piper said. "I need to curl your hair. And look," she grabbed something out of her bag, "I even brought a curling wand. That thing you call a curling iron is prehistoric."

I laughed. "Just make me look pretty."

Piper rolled her eyes and dragged me into the bathroom by the sleeve of my t-s.h.i.+rt.

In no time, she had my hair curled with half of it pulled back, and a few shorter pieces framing my face.

She left me to do my make-up.

It hadn't escaped my attention that she'd grabbed my s.h.i.+rt earlier and hadn't touched my bare skin. I figured Rollo had clued her in.

I dusted some purple eye shadow onto my lids and decided to just ask her.

"Did uh- Rollo, say anything to you, about me?" I asked, hesitantly.

"He just told me you don't like to be touched. He didn't tell me why, if that's what you're wondering. Use the magenta lip stain," she pointed to the different makeup items I had cluttered around the countertop. I put down the peach one I was going to use and grabbed the magenta instead.

"And you don't think I'm weird?" I probed.

She laughed. "No, everyone has their quirks, Katy. You don't like to be touched, big deal."

Relief flooded through my system and I smiled at Piper. She smiled back.

"You better get a move on, Jared's going to be here soon," she warned.

"Oh c.r.a.p!" I dropped the lip stain onto the counter. I ran to the living room and grabbed the dress, before das.h.i.+ng back into my room and changing.

I opened my bedroom door and Piper was standing there. She looked me up down several times, before saying, "You look gorgeous, Katy."

"Thanks," I said, grabbing my black blazer off the back of my desk chair. It was supposed to be colder tonight and I didn't want to end up freezing in the short dress.

I smoothed the bottom of it down; a bit uncomfortable with the short length, but it was a gorgeous dress. It was white, with a flower design, and the bottom of it flared out.

"How long do we have before Jared gets here?" Piper asked.

I looked at my watch, it was Michael Kors and a gift from my mother, despite my hatred of most things she purchased for me, I actually liked the watch. It was a gift for my high school graduation. I was still shocked she'd actually remembered my graduation. It wasn't unusual for her to forget my birthday.

"He should be here in twenty minutes," I said, I had text Jared my address while I was getting dressed.

"Good! That's plenty of time to paint your nails," she scurried out to my living room and began rummaging through her purse.

"I hate to tell you, I don't have any nail polish," I informed her.

"I figured as much," she rolled her eyes. "Which is why I brought my own." She held up a bottle of lavender nail polish. "Sit," she pointed at the couch, while she perched on the end of the coffee table.

I did as she told me and grabbed a stack of magazines to rest my hands on.

Piper was careful not to touch me while she applied the polish.

I blew on my nails in the hopes of speeding up the drying process.

"I just want to thank you, again, for coming over," I looked up at Piper.

"It's not a problem, Katy. I was just doing homework. You and Rollo are pretty much the only people I know here, so my Friday's are pretty boring. At least I have shopping to forward to, tomorrow," she grinned. "I'm in need of some new shoes."

"Shoes!" I exclaimed. "Oh c.r.a.p!"

Piper laughed. "Did you really think I'd forget shoes?" she pulled a pair of black pumps from her purse.

"Jeez, what are you going to pull out of there next?" I asked with widened eyes.

"Nothing interesting, I a.s.sure you," she handed me the shoes.

I'd barely put them on, when someone knocked on the door.

Piper grinned. "Sounds like Mr. s.e.x-on-a-stick is here."

I shushed her. "He'll hear you!"

"I don't care," she giggled. "It's true and I'm sure he knows it."

"That doesn't mean you need to tell him," I hissed, just as Jared knocked on the door again.

I almost tripped on my way to the door. It had been a while since I'd worn heels.

I swung the door open and was in no way prepared for the Jared that stood before me.

He wore a white b.u.t.ton down s.h.i.+rt, with the sleeves rolled up, and the top three b.u.t.tons undone, showing off a bit of his tanned chest. The s.h.i.+rt was then tucked into a pair of gray slacks that hung on him, like they were tailor made. The belt he wore was black, and held, no pun intended, the look together.

"d.a.m.n," Piper whispered under her breath from somewhere behind me.

Jared chuckled and I finally looked at his face. He was freshly shaved; just a hint of stubble still visible, and his hair was slightly damp but brushed back from his face.

"Are you ready?" he asked me. "I don't want to be late. If I am, Karlie will kill me."

"Uh-yeah, I'm ready," I stuttered, grabbing my purse.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Piper said, brus.h.i.+ng by Jared and me, and heading down the hallway.

"Bye," I called to her retreating back.

She threw her hand up in a wave.

I locked the door behind us.

"Looks like a nice place," Jared said, as we made our way down the hallway to the elevator.

"It is, just a bit small, but it has enough s.p.a.ce for just me. Rollo ends up staying over a lot, and then it's kind of a tight squeeze. Plus, he eats all my food," I laughed.

"Don't you know, that's what best friends do," Jared laughed as he pushed the b.u.t.ton for the lobby level of the building. "I swear, when Holden comes over he eats everything."

"I like the company though, so I try not to complain too much," I clutched the handles of my purse tighter.

"You're really lonely, aren't you?" He looked down at me.

"I- well, it's my own fault," I stammered.

He chuckled. "I guess it is, you don't like to let anyone in."

Except for Jared. He was slowly breaking down every wall I had built around myself. Soon, I'd be bare to him, and I was afraid when he found out the root of my problems, he'd run the other way.

Jared led me to his car, his hand hovering over the small of my back, but not touching. I liked the fact that he seemed to want to touch me, but knew I wasn't ready. He was respectful of my needs, and that helped me to trust him.

I hoisted myself into his ma.s.sive vehicle, and this time I didn't struggle as much. Jared chuckled from behind me; I blushed, figuring I'd probably given him a shot of my pale pink underwear.

"Where is the ballet recital?" I asked, when Jared got on the highway.

"Not far out of Greenville," he said. "It's only about a twenty minute drive, if that." He fidgeted in his seat and then said, "So, do you feel better?"

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"After you punched the c.r.a.p out of my punching bag, do you feel better?" He glanced at me.

"Oh, um, yeah," I tucked my hair behind my ear and gave him a small smile. "A lot better."

"Good," he grinned, and it was the crooked one that I was growing more accustomed to. "Would you be up to doing it again?"

"Definitely," I replied, playing with my purse strap. I was getting really nervous about meeting Jared's sister. I could tell she meant a lot to him, and I was afraid she wouldn't like me.

"Monday?" he asked.

"It's a date," I smiled, and then that smile faded when I realized my words. "No! I didn't mean like a date-date. I don't-"

"You don't date, I know, Katy. It's okay. s.h.i.+t!" Jared exclaimed, suddenly, making me jump.

"What?" I asked, afraid he was mad at me over something.

"I forgot to get flowers for Karlie! d.a.m.n it!" He cursed, smacking the heel of his hand against the steering wheel.

"It's okay, Jared," I said, calmly. "I'm sure there's bound to be a florist along the way."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you're right," he said, and I could tell he was calming down. He didn't clench the steering wheel so tightly and his jaw wasn't firm. "Could you do a search on your phone?"

"Sure," I said, already bringing the Internet up. In no time, I was directing him to a nearby florist.

He pulled in front of the flower shop and hopped out of the car.

He came out with a bundle of sunflowers. "They didn't have her favorite," he grumbled, handing me the flowers.

"Which is?" I questioned.

"She loves purple tulips," he said, looking back before he pulled out.

"Well, these are very nice," I sniffed the sunflower and promptly sneezed.

Jared chuckled. "They're better than nothing. They didn't have much of a selection. It was either those," he pointed to the sunflowers, "carnations, or roses. Carnations are cheap, ugly things, and roses are hardly appropriate for me to give to my sister." He winked. "She'll probably chew me up and spit me out, for not getting her favorite, but oh well," he shrugged.

"It's the thought that counts," I said.

"You know, most people say that, but don't mean it, I get the impression that you do."

I swallowed.

"I also get the impression," he continued, eyes steady on the road, "that you're not used to such... gestures," he waved his hand to the flowers. "You deserve everything, Katy, and I'm not sure I can give you that, but I'm d.a.m.n sure going to try," he looked over at me and our eyes met for a few seconds, his a heated chocolate.

My heart stuttered in my chest, as his eyes flickered away from me and back to the road.

In just a matter of weeks, Jared had clawed his way into me; body, heart, and soul. It was all happening so fast, but I really was falling for him.

After what happened with Preston, I never wanted a man to touch me again. I was ruined. I didn't deserve love or happiness.

But Jared made me think differently, because he was different.

He made me want to feel again. And maybe, just maybe, fall in love for the first time.

I was a few steps away from taking that leap.

The one Jared had promised he'd catch me from.


WE PULLED INTO A PACKED PARKING LOT OF WHAT APPEARED TO BE A SCHOOL. Jared cursed as he looked at the clock in the car.

"It starts in two minutes," he grumbled, getting out of the car and taking the flowers.

I opened the door and tumbled to the ground. Luckily, I caught myself before I sc.r.a.ped my knees on the asphalt.

I had to run, which wasn't easy in heels, to catch up with Jared's long stride.

"It's in the auditorium, of the high school," he said, more to himself than me. "They expected a high attendance and the ballet school she goes to is small. They only have room for attendance of fifty people.

Jared pushed open the doors to the school and we followed the signs to the auditorium.

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Second Chances - Unraveling Part 15 summary

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