Second Chances - Unraveling Part 17

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Jared chuckled. "Are you sure that's where you want to go?" he teased.

"Yeeeees! I haven't been able to eat a cheeseburger in months, thanks to ballet! Tonight, I will indulge myself," Karlie did a little twirl as she spoke.

"Whatever you want, squirt," Jared said. "Are you riding back with me or mom and dad?"

"Actually," she bit her lip, "I was hoping to ride with Holden."

"Me?" Holden pointed to himself.

"Yes, you," Karlie narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, um, sure, if that's okay with you guys?" he looked at Jared, Patsy, and Dan for approval.

"That's fine," Dan said. "Let's just get a move on, I'm starved."

We all went our separate ways in the parking lot.

"I really like your sister," I told Jared as we followed the line of cars out of the parking lot.

He chuckled. "When you're not running away from her?"

I paled. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."

"I know, Katy," he said, softly, "and that's okay."

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have run away like that. I'm sure she thinks I'm weird."

"Katy, you're not weird and Karlie would never think that. She understands," he said.

"Good," I said, "I really don't want to burn that bridge before it's even been built."

Jared chuckled. "Despite your awkwardness, I don't doubt that anyone could not like you."

My jaw dropped.

"What?" he asked with a chuckle as he glanced at me.

"You called me awkward," I crossed my arms over my chest.

His chuckle turned into a full on laugh. "Because it's true, kitten," he said. "But you're the most adorable kind of awkward and I love it."


Jared loved that I was awkward.

If he loved that I was awkward, what else did he love about me.

"Stop freaking out, Katy," he said.

"How'd you-"

"I just know things," he winked, a grin tugging his lips up at the corners.

"Oh my gos.h.!.+" Karlie moaned. "Nothing has ever tasted this good before," she bit into her burger again.

Jared chuckled. "I'm glad, squirt."

"All I've had for months is salad and water," she slurped her Dr. Pepper. "This is like heaven."

"Why don't you quit ballet?" Holden grumbled, picking apart his own burger.

"Why don't you quit MMA?" Karlie narrowed her eyes.

"Because, it's my pa.s.sion," Holden replied, putting his burger back together.

"Well, did you ever think that maybe ballet is my pa.s.sion? Sometimes," she took a deep breath, "you have to suffer for the things you love."

"Whatever," Holden stared down at his plate of food. "I'm not very hungry."

"Dude," Jared snapped at his friend, draping his arm across the back of the booth. His hand dangled dangerously close to my shoulder and I held my breath. "What is your problem tonight? And you're always hungry."

"Not tonight," he said. "And I don't have a problem."

"Clearly, you do. If you're going to ruin Karlie's night, just leave," Jared growled, pointing to the door.

"Fine, I will," Holden threw down his napkin and stood. He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a wad of bills before slapping them down on the table and walking away.

I looked across the table at Karlie and saw her lower lip trembling. "I'm not very hungry anymore," she said, pus.h.i.+ng her plate away.

"Karlie," Jared said, sympathetically. "Holden is an a.s.shole."

"Jared!" Patsy gasped. "Language, we're in a restaurant."

"He's your friend," Karlie said, "Maybe you should make better ones."

Jared ran his fingers through his hair. "I honestly don't know what's up with him."

"He's just a jerk, always has been," Karlie grumbled, gnawing on a fry.

"Just don't let him ruin your night," I spoke up. "This is about you, not him."

"You're right," Karlie smiled, picking up her burger again. She took a bite and set it down. Pointing at Jared, she said, "Just make sure you give him a black eye when you train with him Monday."

Jared chuckled. "Sure thing, squirt."

"Good," she smiled. "So Katy, are you coming to Jared's fight, tomorrow?"

Jared grumbled beside me. "Karlie," he said, warningly.

"Fight?" I questioned.

"He has a match tomorrow," Karlie informed me.

"Oh," I said.

"Karlie, Katy's not into that scene," Jared said.

"No, no," I interrupted, "I'd like to go."

"Really?" Jared looked at me, shocked.

"Yeah," I shrugged, "it's your job. I'd like to see what it's all about."

"Okay," Jared smiled. "I'd like for you to be there."

"Then I will be," I beamed.


I HAD TEXT PIPER, LAST NIGHT, before I went to bed to tell her we'd have to reschedule our plans for Sunday. Luckily, she was okay with it, stating that she was behind with her homework.

Now, I drove down the street, about two blocks from Fight For It, because there was nowhere closer to park.

I walked at a brisk pace, hoping no one tried to stop me along the way. If they did, my self-defense might kick in and they'd find themselves flat on their back.

I opened the doors and the place was packed.

Somehow, Karlie spotted me and made her way through the crowd towards me.

"Jared's getting ready," she said, "do you want to see him?"

"Uh-" I paused, not sure what to say. Would saying, "h.e.l.l yes", make me look desperate?

"Just follow me," she said, "I don't want you getting lost in the crowd anyway. They get really rowdy when they start placing bets. Although, why anyone would ever bet against Jared is beyond me."

It was a tight squeeze to make it through the crowd and I flinched anytime I b.u.mped into someone.

Karlie led me down the hallway, past Jared's workout room, and a bunch of other rooms.

We turned left at the end of the hallway and ended up in a huge, open s.p.a.ce with a boxing ring in the middle. Bleachers were set up on three sides of the boxing ring.

I saw a guy prepping in the corner, alternating between punching and kicking in the air.

On the other side of the room, Jared was taking deep breaths and stretching his arms. He was s.h.i.+rtless, the white stuff he always used wrapped around his hands and ankles.

He grinned when he saw us and waved us over. I tried not to look at his naked chest, but it was impossible. His body was a work of art, the way his muscles dipped and curved. I was beginning to realize that everything about him was beautiful. Not just the way he looked, but the person he was underneath. He truly had a good, caring, heart.

Dan was rattling off statistics on the guy Jared would be fighting and telling Jared where the best places were to hit the other guy. Jared just nodded and I had to laugh internally. I mean, they were talking about beating up this guy, like a normal person would be rattling off their favorite ice cream. It was a little disturbing.

"I thought you might not show up," Jared confessed.

"I wouldn't do that to you," I said, and it was true, even if I was a bit freaked out.

"I'm glad Karls found you," he said. "It can get a bit crazy when the people start coming in. We've had a couple fights break out over seats."

My eyes widened.

"Don't worry," Jared winked, grinning crookedly, "I won't let anyone hurt my girl. Or girls," he said and poked Karlie's shoulder.

She laughed and said, "Where's your douchebag of a friend?"

"Somewhere around here," Jared said. "I can't be expected to keep track of him."

"Probably, off somewhere, getting his d.i.c.k sucked," Karlie muttered under her breath.

I gasped and Jared snapped, "What did you say?"

"You heard me," Karlie said defiantly, "and you know it's true."

"That doesn't mean I need to hear my baby sister talk about my best friend getting a b.l.o.w.j.o.b," Jared shook his head. "Especially before a match."

"He's a man wh.o.r.e," Karlie grumbled.

"Please, stop talking about this," Jared said. "Besides, you shouldn't even know about that stuff."

Karlie rolled her eyes, her hands on her hips. "Jared, this is the twenty-first century and I am sixteen. I know all about the birds and the bees."

Jared's eyes widened. "You're not-"

"No, Jared, don't be silly," Karlie, snorted.

"I swear to G.o.d, if some p.r.i.c.k has put his hands on you, I'll hunt him down and cut his b.a.l.l.s off," Jared pointed warningly at his sister.

"Oh, I know you will," Karlie, said. "Maybe you should start with Holden."

Jared's eyes threatened to pop out of his head. "He didn't!"

He started to storm out of the room when Karlie called, "Jared! I was kidding!"

Jared whipped back around. "Don't lie to me, Karlie. Did Holden..." he took a deep breath. "Did Holden touch you?"

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Second Chances - Unraveling Part 17 summary

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