Second Chances - Unraveling Part 30

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Jared skimmed his fingers over mine in a barely-there touch. I s.h.i.+vered at the small contact, the hairs on my back sticking straight up.

He uncapped the pen, and stuck the end in his mouth, thinking. The pink of his tongue swirled around the tip before he finally pressed the marker to my cast.

He totally did that on purpose and I was definitely affected by it.

That fact, scared the bejesus out of me, but excited me at the same time. It meant that something, long dormant inside me, was waking up.

Jared finished, and I pulled my arm back. I didn't dare peek at what he'd written; for fear that I might spontaneously combust on the spot.

Our dinner came and mine was actually pretty good.

Thankfully, Rollo didn't make any more embarra.s.sing remarks.

We dropped Rollo back off at the dorm, he gave me a look that told me he'd expect to know every juicy detail of my week with Jared.

It was getting kind of late when we got back to Jared's house. Karlie went upstairs to take a shower and then said she was going to bed.

Jared collapsed onto the couch and I took the chair.

"There's plenty of room for you on the couch," Jared motioned to the empty s.p.a.ce at his feet.

I took the spot he had indicated and immediately my heart jumped in my chest at the close proximity.

"You look like you're deep in thought," he said, after several minutes of silence.

I guess I was. I had been since he'd told me about his past.

How could someone go through something like that, and be so completely normal? I had let my rape eat away at me, and although my rape certainly wasn't something to be taken lightly, I felt like Jared had, had it even worse.

I shrugged when he continued to wait for me to say something.

"Tell me what you're thinking, Katy. I can see the wheels turning in your head," he crossed his arms over his chest.

I sighed and tucked my hair behind my ears. "I just don't understand how you're so... normal."

Jared chuckled. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No," I picked at a piece of lint on my jeans. "But usually people that go through something like what you did... they usually have a lot of baggage."

Jared chuckled. "I've s.h.i.+pped my baggage away, Katy. There's no use in holding onto it. I know I have every right to be an angry, bitter person, but I don't want to be that way. I want to go on with my life. I want to smile, and laugh, and love," he looked at me significantly. "I can't do that if I hold onto my past. Sometimes, you have to sever the strings of your past, Katy. You have to set yourself free."


WAKING UP IN JARED'S BED WAS NOT SOMETHING I'D GROW USED TO... even if I was already sad at the thought of going back to my condo.

"Hey, beautiful," Jared grinned, before yawning. He stretched his arms above his head, flexing his impressive muscles. He rolled over towards me and rested his hand on top of the blanket, but over my hip. Even through the blanket, it felt like I was being seared by his touch. "You didn't have a nightmare," he remarked.

I jumped a little.

He was right.

I had suffered from the same nightmare every night since my rape, except for last night.

Even on nights Rollo stayed over, I still had them.

But Jared chased them away.

"You're right," I whispered.

He smiled and I itched to reach out and rub the heavy stubble on his cheeks and chin. "I'm glad you didn't have one, Katy. I hated seeing you so scared."

"You kept it away," I said before I could stop myself.

"If there's anything I can do for you, Katy, keeping that nightmare away has to be the best. I hate that you've been reliving that every night. Our dreams are meant to be an escape." He reached out and picked up one of my curls, playing with it.

"I've grown used to it," I whispered.

He let go of my hair and cupped my cheek in his large calloused hand. I stiffened at first, but then relaxed.

"It shouldn't be something you have to deal with, Katy. You're so good. I hate that something like that had to happen to you," his thumb rubbed circles over my cheek.

I reached up and put my hand over his. "Jared, you shouldn't have had to deal with what your dad did to you. Every day, something bad happens to someone, somewhere and they don't deserve it. You just have to decide if you're going to let the bad break you... or make you. I hate that I let it break me for so long."

"Katy, if you let it break you, you would've done something drastic," his hand guided down my cheek to my chin.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself to admit my failure. "But I did."

"What did you do?" His dark brows furrowed together.

I licked my lips and sat up. The sheet dropped down to my waist. My arms were bare, the scar easily visible. I held out my arm and Jared studied it. Confused, he sat up and turned on the light. He took my arm in my hand and twisted it in the light.

"You cut yourself," he stated.

"I did... about a week after-" I swallowed, "-after it happened. I couldn't deal. My mom didn't believe me and I couldn't go to the cops. They wouldn't have believed me, since I destroyed any evidence in my anger." I chuckled to myself. "Even if I hadn't they probably still wouldn't have. I come from a very small town, Jared, a town where everyone knows everybody and their business. Preston was... is," I amended, "the local hero. Everybody thinks he's good as gold and wors.h.i.+ps the ground he walks on. No one can see that he's fake. Nothing about him is real; it's all a show. Underneath it all, he's sick and disgusting."

A tear slid down my cheek and Jared immediately wiped it away.

I looked down at the scar on my arm and ran a finger over it. "It used to look different, my scar. My mom made me go to a plastic surgeon to make it less 'ugly'. She didn't want people to notice it, and know what I had tried to do. But they knew anyway."

Jared gently grabbed my arm. Before I knew what was happening, his soft lips were pressed against my scar. A moan of pleasure escaped my lips.

"Nothing about you, could ever be ugly," he said, his lips brus.h.i.+ng against the sensitive skin of my arm. I s.h.i.+vered, despite the fact that my temperature had spiked a couple of degrees. He pressed another kiss to my scar before pulling away. "I'm going to get a shower," he said, getting out of bed. His pajama bottoms were low on his hips. He stretched and I watched the muscles in his back ripple. That, combined with his mention of a shower, had me getting all hot and bothered.

Jared. Naked. Wet.

My cheeks flamed and I wanted to crawl in a hole. Even before things went sour with Preston, I'd never had thoughts like this about him.

Jared opened his dresser door and grabbed some clothes. He flashed me a knowing smile and headed down the hall to the shower.

I made his bed and got dressed for the day. I'd have to take my shower later, there was no way I could go in there now, after my dirty thoughts.

I could hear Karlie getting ready in her room, so I decided to make breakfast, albeit awkwardly thanks to my cast.

I suddenly stopped on the bottom step.

I'd never read what Jared had written.

I spotted Karlie's message first.

Feel Better!

Love, Karlie Below that, I saw what Jared had written and my heart faltered.

Kitten, You're my world.

My one.

My only.

Your scars are my scars.Your pain is my pain. But together we can heal eachother because love can heal anything.

-Jared Most people probably wouldn't have been affected by those words, like I was. But I wasn't most people. I clung to those words like a lifeline.

I finally made it to the kitchen and started breakfast. It took me a little while to locate everything, but not too long since the kitchen was so small.

I made each of us an egg sandwich and had just finished putting everything on the table when Jared and Karlie came downstairs.

"Something smells delicious," Jared grinned. "You didn't need to make breakfast, Katy."

"I wanted to," I said, sitting down next to Karlie.

"This looks delicious," Karlie said with a smile.

"I was uh- wondering what your plans for the day were?" I asked Jared.

"I planned to stay here with you," Jared said. "Dan's going to be p.i.s.sed at me for not training but I don't care. I have to take care of my girl," he crossed his arms on top of the table and leaned towards me.

Karlie giggled and I sat there like an idiot.

Finally, I mumbled, "I don't need a babysitter."

"I know you don't," he said, and I nearly drowned in those chocolate eyes. "But I want to take care of you. Is there anything you want to do today?" he asked before taking a huge bite of his sandwich.

"I need to get a new car. I was hoping to go by the Cadillac dealers.h.i.+p," I sat back, suddenly not very hungry.

"This is really good," Jared pointed to the sandwich, "and yeah, I can do that. Are you getting the same car?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I'd be happy with a used car, or one not quite as fancy, but if I ever go back home, or run into my mom, she'd notice if I had a different car." I played with the condensation on the outside my water gla.s.s of water in order to avoid the intense brown eyes boring into me.

"Ah, I see," Jared, said.

"It sucks having your life ruled by someone else," I whispered.

"Then why do you let her? She's not here, Katy. Why do you let her have her claws in you?" Jared tilted his head as he questioned me.

"Fear," I answered simply.

Fear had steered the course of my life since I was a child. I had always been afraid of my mom. She'd never laid a hand on me... except for the time she'd slapped me when I told her about Preston raping me, but she was a yeller. If something didn't fit into her perfect plan, she got loud and blamed her mistakes on someone else, usually me. It sucked being the fall guy, but I'd grown used to it.

I wanted her to love me, so I always did what she told me to. I tried so hard to be perfect, always doing things that made me unhappy, in order to be what she wanted.

My fear of her, of what she'd think of me, had completely changed me as a person. I wasn't the outgoing, bubbly cheerleader she knew; I was shy, quiet, Katy Spencer. Maybe parts of my old self were a part of me now, but most of them were a lie. Even though I sometimes longed to be that girl again, I knew deep down, that I was better off as I am now.

Despite knowing that I'm better off, something inside me still wanted her approval, her love.

I sniffled and Jared said, "Katy?"

I knew I wouldn't be able to hold the tears back and I took off like a bullet.

I bound up the stairs and into Jared's room.

I sunk to my knees on the floor and buried my face in my hands while I sobbed.

Strong arms wrapped around me and the scent of citrus invaded my lungs.

"Please don't hold me," I choked. "I don't deserve to be held."

"You do, Katy," he whispered gruffly in my ear. "You deserve everything."

The fight left me and I fell back into his arms, against his hard chest.

"What's going on in that mind of yours?" he asked. "Why are you upset? What did I say? Tell me so I can fix it, kitten." When he spoke, his lips brushed against my tear stained cheeks.

"The truth is, Jared, that I was broken a long time before Preston raped me," a sob shuddered through my body.

I felt his lips brush against the side of my cheek. "Katy," he whispered, at a loss for words.

"I've always been her puppet, Jared. How am I supposed to know who I really am? I wasn't really the girl I was before Preston raped me and I'm not this girl I am now," I hiccupped.

Jared sat down on the floor and pulled me more fully against him. I tried not to wiggle away.

"Katy," he said, brus.h.i.+ng my hair back. "You are whoever you want to be."

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Second Chances - Unraveling Part 30 summary

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