Second Chances - Unraveling Part 33

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"I can see the wheels turning in your head," Jared said, with a chuckle.

"How?" I asked, picking apart the paper napkin.

"Your nose always scrunches and you squint your eyes when you're thinking really hard about something," he leaned back in the booth, the vinyl squeaking.

"Oh," I said. Jared noticed way more than most guys did.

"It's cute," he added.

Our food came then and I welcomed the distraction. We chatted through our meal, the easy kind that you don't have to force. I was finally feeling normal. Now that Jared knew the truth, a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I'd never felt so light and carefree, not even before my rape.

I now knew what living really means. It means you're happy with yourself, your life, and those around you. It means you cherish every moment. You smile, you laugh, and you live in the moment. You just... are.

Jared and I left the diner and had barely walked three steps when it started to pour.

We made a dash for Jared's car, but it was too late. We were already soaked.

I said, "Screw it," and twirled around in the rain, letting it fall and glide down my body.

I heard Jared laugh but I didn't care.

I held my arms out at my sides and let the water pelt me. The rain quickly formed puddles, which I was more than willing to splash in.

This was me, living in the moment.

I twirled.

I jumped.

I splashed.

I danced.

I lived.

I loved.

"What are you doing, kitten?" Jared asked.

I stopped spinning, and feeling a little dizzy, stumbled.

Jared reached out to steady me. I fell against him with a thump, pus.h.i.+ng him back against the car.

"Whoa there, kittycat," he chuckled.

I placed my palms flat against his chest, staring up into his impossibly beautiful brown eyes. His gray tee was plastered to his body and his heart thundered under my palm. I s.h.i.+vered, but not from the rain.

"Katy?" he whispered, tilting his head down to peer into my eyes. I watched a water droplet fall from the tip of his nose, to his lips, before falling off the end of his chin and splas.h.i.+ng onto me.

I was touching Jared and he was touching me. I had no urge to run or pull away. Instead, I wanted to stay there, cradled in his protective embrace.

Feeling bold, I stood on my tiptoes, my hands moving from his chest to the back of his neck. I tugged lightly on his hair and he growled, low and s.e.xy.

Desire pooled in my belly.

With Jared, I was a goner.

I wanted to kiss him.

Oh G.o.d, did I ever.

So, I did.

When my lips touched his, an inferno consumed us both.

He gripped my hips tightly in his hands, pulling me so that our bodies were completely flush.

He bent me back, deepening the kiss, and I moaned. My fingers tightened around his neck as I held on for dear life. I felt like I was on the scariest, most exhilarating, roller coaster of my life.

I never wanted to get off.

I started to feel weak in the knees. Sensing this, Jared lifted me up, never breaking the kiss, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

With another growl, he turned, so that I was now the one pinned to the car.

He braced his hands against the car windows, as I clung to him.

The rain pelted our faces, intermingling with our kiss, but it only made it sweeter.

Jared's hands slipped from the window with a squeak and he placed them gently on my rib cage, just under my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The close proximity of his hands to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s caused panic to set in, but I brushed it away. I knew Jared would never try to do anything I wasn't ready for. Besides, I kissed him first and then climbed him like he was a d.a.m.n tree.

He pulled his lips away from mine, his chest rising and falling more rapidly than I'd ever seen it. He'd never breathed this heavy when fighting.

He brushed my wet hair back and bent his forehead to touch mine.

"That was the hottest first kiss, ever," he said, huskily.

I laughed, my hands going to his cheeks where his stubble brushed against the sensitive skin of my palms.

"I don't know what came over me," I said and as I did, our lips brushed together again.

Jared pecked my lips and said, "I don't know either, but whatever it was, was hot."

"I practically mauled you," I laughed, still clinging to him, my back against his car.

He brushed his thumb over my cheek and then moved his hand back to cup my neck. "I loved it." His eyes flickered down to my lips. "You can maul me anytime, kitten."

His eyes met mine again and I was consumed by the love I saw there. It was so pure.

"I want to kiss you again," I breathed, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Then do it. Baby, I'm yours to do with as you please," he grinned crookedly.

I kissed him, affectively hiding that grin.

I licked his bottom lip before giving it a light bite. He gasped in surprise and nearly dropped me.

"Woman, you're going to be the end of me," he murmured. "But oh- what a happy end it will be," he nuzzled my neck. "I love you, so much. You know that, right?" he asked, pressing his lips against the sensitive skin of my neck.

"I know," I gasped, just before his lips found mine again.

Jared's kisses were seductive. He knew what he was doing and I was happy to let him control this one.

His hands slid down my ribs, to my hips. His fingers grazed my bare skin where my s.h.i.+rt had ridden up. I gasped.

"Sorry," he said, moving his hands back up and gripping my s.h.i.+rt.

"It's okay," I said, kissing him back.

Why had I been so afraid of kissing Jared? His lips were addicting.

I felt his tongue against my lips and opened my mouth in an automatic response. I moaned.

Wanting more.

Needing more.


He pulled back and looked away. A muscle in his jaw jumped.

"I have to stop," he breathed.

"Why?" my voice was all husky and didn't sound at all normal. Jared had stolen my breath.

"Because if I don't," he looked back at me, "I'll end up doing something I regret. I don't want to push you too far, too fast, Katy. But G.o.d, your lips," he looked up at the sky that was still showering rain down us. "Your lips are addicting," he tugged on my bottom lip.

Hadn't I just thought the same thing about him?

"s.h.i.+t!" he exclaimed suddenly, letting my legs fall to the ground. He kept his hands on my hips but I swayed unsteadily anyway.

"What?" I asked, hoping I hadn't done something wrong.

"Your cast," he pointed to it. "You're going to have to get a new one."

I looked at the soaking wet cast; amazed I hadn't knocked Jared out cold when I wrapped my arms around his neck.

With a laugh, I looked back up at Jared. "It was so worth it."

He chuckled a smile breaking out across his face. "It definitely was." He looked up at the sky, the sun starting to peek through. A rainbow appeared in the distance. "Now, when it rains, I'll always think of that kiss."

I grinned. I definitely would too and I hoped we made a lot more memories just like this one.



We were both soaking wet and the fabric seats of his car quickly grew damp.

"I think I have a couple of s.h.i.+rts in here somewhere," Jared said, leaning into the back seat and rummaging around. "Aha!" he exclaimed, pulling a black duffel bag out and resting it on the middle console. He unzipped it and pulled out two s.h.i.+rts. "Change into this," he tossed one at me.

I grabbed up the huge green s.h.i.+rt with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on it and laughed.

"Don't mock the s.h.i.+rt," Jared said, pulling his tee over his head, giving me a glimpse of his model worthy body and replacing it with a red one.

I went to slip the s.h.i.+rt on and Jared scolded me. "Nuh-huh. Katy, it defeats the purpose of a dry s.h.i.+rt if you don't take off the wet one."

I blanched.

He wanted me to take my s.h.i.+rt off, in front of him? In his car where anybody walking by could see?

I glanced out the window and decided it was raining so hard that n.o.body would be able to see in, but that didn't solve the problem of Jared.

"Close your eyes," I pointed at him. "I mean it, no peaking."

Jared closed his eyes and then covered them with his hands, "Happy?"

I didn't answer him. I was already busy changing.

His s.h.i.+rt came to my knees because I was so short and I decided to risk removing my jeans. My legs already felt like popsicles.

"Katy, it doesn't take that long to change a s.h.i.+rt... Oh G.o.d! Where are your pants?"

I blushed. "They were wet and your s.h.i.+rt is plenty long."

He stared at my legs for a long moment and I heated under his gaze. Finally, after an eternity, his eyes flickered up to mine and he swallowed hard.

"Kitten, how do you expect me to drive with your s.e.xy as h.e.l.l legs bare to me?" His eyes flickered with a fire I rarely saw.

I choked. Jared had never been so... forward with me before. It was a bit shocking.

"I'm sorry," Jared said, straightening and gripping the steering wheel, tightly in his hands. "I shouldn't have said that. Ignore me," he shook his head and I swear he was blus.h.i.+ng.

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Second Chances - Unraveling Part 33 summary

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