Second Chances - Unraveling Part 41

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"Are you okay?" he asked, his thumb gliding over the on my forehead.

"My head hurts," I replied.

"Here, sit down," he helped me back on to the couch. "Let me get you an icepack."

I heard the freezer door open and close.

A moment later, the couch dipped down beside me and Jared pressed the icepack to my head. I winced at the cold temperature.

With one hand still holding the icepack he draped the orange blanket around my shoulders.

"I told you to go on to bed," he chuckled. "You didn't need to wait up for me."

I looked at the clock on the cable box and saw that it was after midnight. "I didn't want to wake Karlie up," I whispered.

"Why would you- Oh," he said. "They haven't gone away?"

"No," I shook my head. "The only time I don't have them, is when I'm with you," I said, softly.

"See, you're just going to have to move in," he joked. "Problem solved."

"I'm going to see if I can maybe get some sleeping pills," I looked at my fingers, suddenly finding them very interesting.

"You do whatever it is you have to do, to stop reliving this. It's the only way for you to truly move on," he removed the icepack and inspected my forehead. "It's going down."

I pressed tentative fingers to my forehead.

"It might bruise," Jared said, squinting in the darkness as he looked at it.

"I've had worse," I stood up, letting the blanket fall back to the couch.

"We both have had worse," he whispered kissing my cheek. "Let's get you upstairs and in bed."

He went to pick me up and I protested, "No, Jared. I can walk."

"Let me carry you, kitten, you're light as a feather."

I started to protest but the look he gave, shushed me.

He carried me up the steps, down the hall and b.u.mped his bedroom door with his knee so it would open. He gently laid me on top of his duvet cover. My hair fanned around me.

"You are so beautiful," he groaned, placing a light kiss to the injury on my forehead. His large hand cupped my cheek. "Now that you let me touch you, I never want to stop."

I smiled up at him. "I like touching you."

He growled and kissed my chin. "Scoot over," he commanded, pulling his sweats.h.i.+rt off and then hooking his thumbs in the back of his t-s.h.i.+rt and pulling it off. He undid his belt and let his jeans fall to the floor.

My breath stuttered at seeing Jared in only his black boxer briefs.

He pulled the covers down and then over me, before climbing in beside me.

"You won't have any nightmares, now," he crooned, spooning me against him.

A smile lit my face as my eyes closed with exhaustion. No, I definitely wouldn't have any nightmares now.



I snorted. "Stop trying to make me feel better. I know you're not feeling that," I rolled my eyes.

My cast had come off over a week ago and Jared was just now letting me join him at the gym. I think he was afraid I'd break it again. Sometimes, he worried way too much about me.

Jared chuckled and let go of the bag, coming around and wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck, then my chin, before finally, kissing my lips.

He let go and grabbed my arm. "Look, you're getting some serious muscle definition," he squeezed it.

I swatted at his side. "You are so full of c.r.a.p."

"The truth isn't 'c.r.a.p.'" He held his fingers up in air quotes.

I pushed his shoulder. "Just go lift weights so I can watch you."

He threw his head back and laughed. "Why does that make me feel like I'm a piece of man meat?"

I giggled. "Man meat?"

"You said you wanted to watch me," he chuckled. "That makes me man meat."

"You're full of yourself, today," I followed him over to the weight station.

"Here," he handed me some light weights. "You can use these." He picked up much heavier ones for himself and started to flex, his arms completely bare in his sleeveless top.

"Show off," I muttered.

He grunted as he brought the weight back up. "Kitten, this isn't showing off. Would you like me to show you what 'showing off' is?"

"Yeah," I smirked.

He put the weights down and took mine from me, stacking them both back on the rack in their rightful places.

"Come here," he took my hand, guiding me to an empty area of floor, covered in a blue mat. "Lay down."

"O-o-kay," my voice quaked.

"Don't be nervous," he said with a chuckle, lowering himself over top of me. I was so short that his feet stretched way beyond mine. His hands rested flat on the mat, holding him above me. Our faces were even, just inches apart. "This," he said, raising himself and then lowering, "is showing off."

He did another pushup but this time when he came down he pecked my lips.

"Hmmm, I could get used to this. It's like a reward system," he kissed me a little longer this time before going back up.

"How long are you going to do this?" I asked.

"At least seventy-five more times, kittycat. Remember, this, is showing off," he smirked.

"I get it, you have endurance and strength. Point proven, Jared," I stared up into his warm brown eyes. "You can stop now."

"But you look so cute lying beneath me," he winked.

I paled, a part of me wanting to get mad, but I laughed instead. "Well, aren't you being quite the naughty boy."

He chuckled, kissing the side of my mouth.

"Yeah, my naughty side decided to come out to play. I try to keep it on a short leash," he winked, grinning crookedly at me.

He continued to do his pushups, kissing me periodically.

"I'm getting tired just watching you," I said.

He chuckled. "How is that possible? I'm doing all the work."

"And it looks exhausting," I replied.

"Eh, it's not that bad," he chuckled.

"Show off," I said again, poking the cleft in his stubbled chin.

He surprised me by catching my retreating index finger between his teeth. He lightly bit it before releasing.

"Don't poke me," he purred.

I bit my lip. "If you're doing pushups with me underneath you, what are you going to do with me, when you do sit-ups?"

"Hmmm," he pondered. "I'll think of something."

He finished his pushups, stopping at one hundred and twenty-five.

"Sit up time," he said rolling over and getting in position. "Maybe you can straddle me?" he winked. "As much as I like being on top, sometimes it's nice to change up the view."

"You are soooo," I drew out the word, "full of it today."

He grinned, watching me as he did his sit ups. "I like to lighten the mood. I don't like it when things get so serious between us and we dwell on things we shouldn't."

I laughed. "It's just surprising, seeing this side of you, that's all."

"You know I'm just joking, right?" he asked. "Although, I could get used to that view while I work-out."

"I know, Jared. I'm not as breakable as you think I am, at least, not anymore," I smiled. I had really changed since Jared came into my life. I wasn't as easily startled. I laughed and I smiled more. I felt like an entirely different person.

"You've really come out of your sh.e.l.l," he agreed. "I wanted to talk to you about something," he ceased his sit ups, drawing a leg up and draping his arm over his knee.

"What?" I asked, a bit warily.

"Thanksgiving is next week, I really want you to come with me and Karlie, to Dan and Patsy's," he reached for my hand.

"J-Jared, I can't," I shook my head. "That would be imposing."

"Dan and Patsy already told me to invite you before I could even broach the subject. They'd love to get to know you better." With his free hand he forced my chin up so I had to look him in the eyes. "Please?"

"I don't know," I tried to pry my chin from his hand, so I could look away from his intense brown eyes.

"Please, Katy? We all want you there." A thought seemed to occur to him. "You don't have to go to your mom's do you?"

I snorted. "She'll probably call me the day before, telling me she's away on some exotic vacation and she promises to be home next year."

Jared looked at me sadly. "All the more reason for you to celebrate with us."

I could see I wasn't going to win this argument with him. "Sure. I'll go."

He grinned, licking his lips. "Excellent. Karlie and I will pick you up Thanksgiving morning."

"What can I bring? I won't feel right if I don't bring a dish," I asked.

Jared snorted. "Trust me, you won't need to bring anything. Patsy makes enough food to feed a small army. She can't help herself."

"Are you sure? I can make something? Or buy something?" I rambled.

He put a finger to my lips. "Don't worry about it, kitten. Just wear something nice. Patsy likes for us all to dress up."

"I can do that," I nodded.

He leaned over, kissing my cheek and then my lips. "Okay, it's time to get you in the ring."

"Jared," I whined as he helped me up. "I don't want to."

"Trust me, you'll love it," he guided me over to an area beside the ring. He'd already wrapped my hands, but now he handed me a light pair of boxing gloves. "Put those on," he commanded.

"So bossy," I smiled, slipping them on.

He grabbed some of those flat cus.h.i.+oned things that I'd seen the coaches put on their hands when they were practicing with their fighters.

Jared climbed into the ring and held the rope up for me.

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Second Chances - Unraveling Part 41 summary

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