Second Chances - Unraveling Part 51

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"Uh-huh," I said, mimicking the hold of his rope.

"We'll do this for three minutes," he said.

Oh, G.o.d. I wouldn't last thirty seconds.

"Go," he said, and I watched in amazement as he made it look effortless.

I followed his actions and the stupid rope got stuck in my hair.

"Try again," he said, still jumping, not even winded.

The same thing happened.

"You need to bring it up higher," he coached.

I did.

It went over my head this time but stopped at my feet.

"You need to put more momentum behind it," this time he sounded a little bit out of breath and I smiled to myself.

I tried again and managed one jump.

"Forget this," I said, throwing the rope down on the ground.

Jared chuckled but continued to jump, adding in some fancy tricks, while watching the clock on the wall.

When he finished, he looked over at me, a small smile lifting the corners of his lips.

"Of all the things, I thought you might not be able to do, jump rope wasn't one of them. I thought all girls knew how to jump rope," he grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from his face.

"You thought wrong, bud," I picked up my water bottle.

"Well," he put his hands on his hips, "I think I've tortured you enough for the day."

"Amen," I cried, completely exhausted. I was going home, taking a shower, and sleeping until my birthday.


"WE'RE HERE," Jared said, pulling in front of the beat up building that housed the bowling alley. It looked like it had seen better days, but I thought it was perfect. It was exactly like I had imagined one would be.

A child-like giggle of excitement escaped me, and I jumped a little in the seat.

Jared laughed at my reaction. "It doesn't take much to make you happy."

"No, it doesn't," I said, clamoring my way out of the vehicle.

We rented our shoes and Jared led me to the private lanes they had reserved for the party.

Magenta balloons were tied to the seats and I could see a small bar area where there was a cake and presents.

The others were already here, putting on their rental shoes and entering their names into the computer.

"Piper!" I cried, spotting her pink and black hair.

I ran to her and hugged her. She was shocked, slowly wrapping her arms around me. I'd never touched her before.

"I can't believe you're here," I cried.

"I couldn't miss your birthday. When Rollo called, I came straight home."

"Thank you," I pulled away. "How'd it go with your parents? I was worried, since they didn't take the news about fas.h.i.+on school, well."

She sighed. "It was extremely awkward and pretty quiet. At least, there wasn't any yelling," she shrugged.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"I knew they wouldn't approve. I just wish they'd understand that I have to do this. I have to follow my heart," she adjusted the hat on her head.

"They'll get there, one day," I patted her shoulder sympathetically.

"I just wonder how long it'll take," she looked at the ground. Brightening, she said, "Enough about my c.r.a.ppy life. Happy birthday! Say goodbye to your teens, they weren't all that great anyway."

I laughed. "No, they weren't. At least, not until I met Jared."

"Awww," Piper said. "That's so sweet."

"It's true," I looked around at everyone gathered.

I'd never had a party like this before. Something simple with people that actually cared for me, it was a foreign concept, but one I loved.

"Get your shoes on, kittycat," Jared called.

I sat down in one of swivel chairs and yanked my shoes off. I put on a pair of socks and then, put on the bowling shoes. I giggled to myself. They weren't very attractive.

"Are you ready?" Jared asked. "You're up first."

I blanched. "I hoped that you guys would go before me. I've never done this before. I don't know what to do."

Jared grinned. "No worries, I'll help you."

I grimaced, biting my lip. "Ooookay," I said. I honestly doubted that anyone could help me. What twenty year old didn't know how to bowl?

I picked the lightest bowling ball I could find and stood hesitantly in front of the lane.

"You're holding it right," Jared said, his breath gusting against my cheek. "Now just bring your arm back like this," his hand was suddenly on my arm, "and swing forward, letting go."

The ball thumped to the ground, rolling slowly for a few feet before falling into the gutter.

"I don't think I did it right," I frowned.

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it." He brushed the hair off my neck and kissed a spot just below my ear. I s.h.i.+vered from the sensation.

"Jared!" Holden called. "The poor girl can't think straight, let alone bowl, when you're doing that."

"Shut it," Jared glared at his best friend.

The ball came back and I tried again.

I knocked down one pin.




"This is way harder than I thought it would be," I grumbled.

"You'll get the hang of it," Jared said, leading me back to one of the small tables to wait for his turn.

Karlie was next and I made sure to watch all her movements. She managed to knock down all of the pins except for two. We clapped and she turned, taking a small bow, before proceeding, to knock the last two pins down.

Dan, Jared, and Holden, all got a strike... whatever that was. I a.s.sumed it was good since they knocked all the pins down at one go. Piper and Patsy didn't do too badly.

Rollo, however, sucked, just like me. He hadn't ever been bowling before, either. Our parents thought something like this, was beneath them.

"This is ridiculous!" Rollo cried when his ball went into the gutter a second time.

It was my turn again and Jared stood to help me but I waved him off. "I've got this," I said.

"You sure?" he asked.

I nodded, picking up the ball, and he sat back down.

I studied the pins and took a deep breath. I could do this.

I let the ball sling forward and closed my eyes as it rolled down the lane.

Cheers erupted behind me and I opened my eyes to see that only three pins remained standing.

I let out a squeal of delight.

Jared picked me up and swung me around. "Good job, kitten," he kissed me.

The ball came back and I prepped myself to knock down the remaining pins.

I let the ball go and waited, eyes open this time.

Two went down but one remained standing, stubbornly.

I frowned, but I had done so much better than the first time, that I couldn't be sad for long.

Plus, with all these people surrounding me, cheering me on, there was no way I could be miserable.

This was one of the best days of my life, definitely one I would remember for a long time.

We played two games and then stopped to eat at the bar area.

The bowling alley served concession type food. Jared said we could go to a restaurant but I thought this was perfect.

I ordered a hot dog and fries, slathering both with ketchup.

I bit into the hotdog and moaned. Nothing had ever tasted so good before.

Jared chuckled at my reaction.

"It's so good," I said, wiping ketchup from the corner of my mouth.

"It's a hotdog," he said in a tone that implied I was crazy.

"I don't care, it's yummy," I took another bite.

"Katy Spencer, you are one strange girl," he shook his head. "But I wouldn't have you any other way," he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

Everyone else was chatting, leaving Jared and I alone. I thought it was sweet that they were trying to give us s.p.a.ce.

Jared looked around, making sure they were occupied and pulled a small, wrapped box from his pocket.

He handed it to me, a blush staining his cheeks. It was so unusual to see a man like Jared blush, which made me insanely curious to know what was inside the box.

"Happy birthday," he whispered, sliding the box across the counter to me.

I ripped the hot pink paper off and was presented with a box similar to the one my bracelet had been in. Unconsciously, I fingered the soft cord material on my wrist. I never took it off.

I swallowed and lifted the lid off, lifting a slender gold chain out, with a small gold key on the end; a gold heart was beside the key.

"Here's where I get really cheesy," Jared smiled, his cheeks growing redder. "I wanted to get you something special. Something with meaning." He fingered the charms on the end of the long chain and said, "This symbolizes that you hold the key to my heart. Only you... always."

"I- I-" I stuttered. My voice thickened as tears threatened to consume me. "That's so sweet, Jared. I can't thank you enough." I handed the necklace to him and turned around, pulling my hair up to bare my neck. "Put it on me?"

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Second Chances - Unraveling Part 51 summary

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